Sunday, February 22, 2009

Discussion 23 - 2/23/09

Thanks for logging in!

A couple of weeks ago, Google launched GoogleEarth which allows you to look at the ocean space on the earth just like you can search street addresses on land. In some cases you can even see below the surface of the water. It's pretty incredible, really. Even for those of you who aren't nerds.

This past week, someone thought they found the lost city of Atlantis on there. Below are links to the article and also to a blog about the "find."

Tell me what you think about Google Earth. Will you use it? Is it just a cool toy? Tell me if you think the lost city of Atlantis will ever really be found.

Talk to me . . .

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Discussion 22 - 2/16/09

Hola! Thanks for logging in!

Mr. L and I went this past weekend to see the King Tut exhibit in Dallas. It was crazy cool. There are all these artifacts from the 1400's that weren't discovered until 1922. The gold in the exhibit was insane. Did you know that King Tut was buried with over 150 pieces of gold jewelry on his body? Talk about bling! Anyway, these last room of the exhibit shows how they've taken CT scans of this old mummy to try and understand why he died at the young age of 19. There were huge pictures of the CT scans, and one of the projected onto this low table so you could see exactly where each piece of jewelry was found. It was cool beans.

Then I came home and found this article on about how archaeologists are using CT scans more and more in their work. I found it interesting:

For your blog post this week please share an opinion about this use of CT scans. Where can you see this going next? And what on earth will people think of our old bodies when they're scanned 1,000 years from now? Weird to think about, huh?

Talk to me . . .

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Discussion 21 - 2/9/09

Thanks for logging in!

As the district is cracking down on students who are streaming video (and downloading music!) it got me to thinking about the way we watch TV and how that is changing. This week I would like to discuss this emerging trend of watching television shows and movies on the web. I personally know somebody *coughcoughRAYcoughcough* who gets up early the day after his favorite TV show airs to watch it on the 'net.

So I found this CNN article that I PRAY is not blocked:

Read this through on *Tuesday.* Wait to blog until *Thursday.* Think about it a sec. Do you think that cable providers should be scared? Do you think we will be moving towards more web content? Let me know.

And for the love of all that is sacred, PLEASE do not click on the link that says "How to watch TV on the internet"!!!!!!! LOL

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Discussion 20 - 2/2/09

Thanks for logging in!

This week let's look at some new tech toys. We haven't done that in a while.

Pick something to give me an opinion about.

Talk to me . . .