Howdy Folks! Thanks for logging in!
So the picture of this guy last week got me thinking:

About how the line between real life and video games is beginning to blur.
I know a lot of you are gamers. A LOT of you. Gamers have a tendency to gravitate towards me. And yall know I'm NOT a gamer. The extent of my gaming is about once a year to whip Mr. L. at Guitar Hero.
Anywho . . .
So this guy is wearing goggles that show him longitude / latitude, speed and altitude. Ya know, kinda like a video game display, only inside his glasses.
There are other things that make me think real life is becoming closer to a video games. Things like this:

that fully HALF OF YOU put on your Christmas Wish List that we did.
So not only is real life becoming more like gaming, but gaming is becoming more like real life. We don't even NEED controllers anymore!
So for this weeks blog, talk to me. Give me an example of how you see the line between real life and video gaming blurring. Tell me where you think this technology is going. What will be the end product of this technology? How do you think this will make our lives easier? Harder?
Talk to me . . .
Hola Peeps!
So last week was CES in Las Vegas. Never heard of it? Let me break it on down for ya.
CES stands for Consumer Electronics Show. It's HUGE!!!! GINORMOUS!!!! It's where (almost) every technology company in the world debuts their coming electronic attractions. Think of all the new technology of the last ten years . . . iPhones and other smartphones, tablet computers, wireless innovations, bluetooth gadgetry . . . ALL of that and so much more was introduced at CES.
In short, it's THE place to be if you're a nerd. (And no, before you ask, I've never gone. Maybe one day).
So here's a look at a few statistics from this year's show:
140,000 people attended
30,000 of those people came from another country
2,700 technology companies displayed their wares
158,000 tweets originated from their last week
So you should be starting to see what a BDD it is.
Here is a look at some of the new technology that previewed last week. Pick any one new gadget, tell me which website it came from, tell me how it will change our lives.
Follow my directions completely if you would like a grade.
Talk to me. This site has a cool photo gallery you can launch.,2817,2375537,00.aspThis one's good for those of you who are gamers. It also has photo galleries. are 26 slides to look at. Please don't stop on #1. are 29 pictures in this gallery.
Thanks for logging in!
Let's get deep this week.
I want to talk about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his thoughts on technology.
In 1964 Dr. King delivered a lecture the day after winning the Nobel Peace Prize in which he told his audience at the University of Oslo that "material advancement was meaningless without an accompanying moral structure." In other words, the growing abundance of technology is undermining the human spirit. My favorite quote from the article is: "The richer we have become materially, the poorer we become morally and spiritually," he said. "We have learned to fly in the air like birds and swim in the sea like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers."
This week I'm asking you to think, REALLY THINK about Dr. King's words. I want his words to work on you a little bit.He is telling us that technology advancement needs to go hand in hand with spiritual advancement, or it's all for nothing. THINK. Do you agree or disagree with Dr. King? WHY? You will answer both of those questions to receive credit this week.
Talk to me . . .
Howdy! Thanks for logging in!
In preparation for switching topics, please hit Yanko today.
Go ahead and blog today, as Tuesday is ELA day and Thursday we will be on Midterm schedule. Follow these instructions:
1. Go to Yanko.
2. Go to the bottom of the page and click on the link after the page numbers that says "Inspire Me." Ask your neighbor to help you find it if you can't.
3. Tell me which page you landed on. You may not use the first five pages.
4. Pick a product and tell me WHY you like it or how you think it could change our lives.
Failure to follow these directions will result in a zero for this week's blog grade.
Talk to me . . .