Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog 13 11/28/11

Hiya! Thanks for logging in!

I hope everybody had a restful Thanksgiving break. Maybe we can make it to Christmas, huh?

This week I found three pretty cool articles about mobile technology to continue our car discussion. Take a look at all three of these sites, please don't just stop at the first one.

I'm personally digging that NO TAILGATING technology that uses GPS and WiFi. If we could couple that with, say, the James Bond technology that spews oil onto the roadway when somebody is chasing you that would make me one happy camper.

So in order to receive credit this week you will need to choose one of the eight new technologies on one of the three websites and talk about it. How will it help us? Is it stupid, and if so why?

As always, a "that's cool" is not going to gain you blog credit for the week. You must advance the discussion in some manner.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, November 14, 2011

Blog 12 11/14/11


Sticking with automotive technology, I want to talk this week about Toyota's personal mobility concept vehicle. They have designed this thing called the I-Real (sounds like it should've come from Apple, right?). It's kind of a cross between a wheelchair and a Segway. You sit in it and drive yourself with these little levers. It takes up almost no room, and it would probably solve a lot of transportation issues, such as parking problems.

I have a video of this vehicle from my favorite TV Show, Top Gear. By the way, if you're a gearhead you need to check out this show on BBC America.

So follow the links and take a look at this "vehicle." To get credit this week you will need to answer ONE of three questions:

1) What are the safety concerns that you have with this vehicle?
2) Would this decrease our fitness level as a nation?
3) Would you pick this over the Segway? (If you don't know what that is, please Google.)

Please wait to blog until Thursday.

Talk to me . . .

Friday, November 11, 2011

EXTRA!!! For November 14, 2011


Speak Up Tomorrow is a survey that Congress uses to determine how much you guys (as teenagers) are using / relating to Technology. They then use the results to figure out how to divide up money to schools to advance technology usage.

Let me say that again: Congress makes money decisions based on the Speak Up Tomorrow surveys!!!

Please go to:

Speak Up 2011

Click Students

Choose Texas

Type in Nacogdoche (the S won't fit)

Choose Nacogdoches High School

Choose 9 - 12

Secret word is: technology

Please, please, please complete this survey thoroughly and seriously. It's anonymous, so you can be as honest as possible.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Blog 11 11/7/11

Howdy Peeps!

Go here and read this, then we'll watch a video.

Lexus has long been known for innovation. They blew the minds of the automotive industry when they introduced this driving simulator. It does some really cool, over-the-top stuff.

Just a word of warning: Some of you have been skating with not reading when I ask you to. That is coming to an end. In the future if you answer a question in a manner that shows your ignorance because you didn't read the article, you will get a zero. ALWAYS read my words and the words that I've sent you to read.

Also? As I said in the VERY FIRST BLOG POST this is not a social forum. Holla at your peeps on your own Facebook, Twitter, etc. or YOU will ALSO get a zero for the week.

For this week's credit, tell me one very specific thing that you like about this simulator. BE SPECIFIC. "It's cool" is not gonna get it folks.

Talk to me . . .