Monday, December 17, 2012

Blog 13 - December 17, 2012

Hola Peeps! Thanks for logging in!

Just in case you've been living under a rock, it's almost Christmas time. In fact, here's the exact time left until Christmas:

Customize Countdown Timer

For this weeks blog, pretend I'm giving you $300 with which to buy TECHNOLOGY gifts. They can be for you or for someone else.

Here are the rules:

1. It must be TECHNOLOGY.

2. You must spend all $300, or as close to it as possible.

3. You must post links to your stuff (with prices) so we can all go look.

And don't bother to worry about shipping costs.

You may blog on Tuesday like we do for Think Geek. Please try not to suck the fun out of this for me.

Have a wonderful, RELAXING holiday season! See yall rested and ready to go in January.


Talk to me . . .

Monday, December 10, 2012

Blog 12 - December 10, 2012

Continuing the Fitness Technology topic . . .

I think it's fun to talk about fitness technology, because of my aforementioned inner athlete who is struggling to get out. I'm sure some of you are over it already. Hopefully we'll hit a technology topic at some point that will peak your interest.

Hey . . . here's a question: Do you think all this technology makes us better at exercising? For me, it's makes me more EFFICIENT, but at the end of the day (don't you hate that term?) it's all about moving more and eating less. And no amount of technology in the world will make that happen if I choose to be a slug and sit in the corner of my couch eating like there's no tomorrow and watching Real Housewives reruns.

Not that I would ever do that . . .

So here are your sites for this week with up and coming exerice technology. For credit this week, you will have to do TWO things: 1) tell me your opinion about technology in exercise. Is it making us more fit and healthy? and 2) pick a product on one of the following pages (remember to tell us which one) that you would use and talk about it intelligently. Tell us how you would use it. Tell us why it's a great idea. Tell us why it's goofy. Tell us some facts about the product.

As always, read Tuesday blog Thursday. If you can't answer BOTH of my questions I can't possibly give you credit this week. Always READ MY WORDS and follow the instructions.

Talk to me . . .

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Blog 11 - December 3, 2012

I have a confession.

I am an athlete. I know I don't look like a typical athlete, and most of the time don't act like one either. But just ask me something about my favorite hobby (triathlon) and I will launch off into a conversation that will having you begging for me to just SHUT UP FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY!

Many of my friends are also athletes, and they're all just as weird as I am. Well, almost as weird. We LOVE data. How far did we swim/bike/run? How fast were we? What was a Max speed? Average speed? Cadence (footstrikes per minute)? We chew data up and spit it back out. We analyze. We put numbers in Excel charts. We figure out what's not working and we fix it and gather some more data. In short, we're nutso.

Last year for Christmas Mr. L bought me a Garmin 910xt. It's a multisport computer that I wear on my wrist that records basically every stroke / pedal / step I take. And then it dumps the data in a program and let's me see all the results. Also? If I run the same route more than once it has a virtual racer feature where it lets me run against my previous time and shows it to me on with two little runners on a graph.

Man I love that thing.

So take a look at some of the data tools that I and my nutso friends use in our training. Read Tuesday, blog Thursday. For credit this week you will tell us which item you picked and how you would use it / why you think it's the coolest thing ever / why it's the stupidest thing ever invented.

My Garmin:

My cadence sensor:

Garmin Connect features (the 910 sends it's data here):

Training Peaks (the software my coach sends my workouts too):

Somebody remind me here to pull up what my last week of training for the Oly looked like on TP (before I got injured).

Talk to me . . .

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blog 10 - November 26, 2012

Howdy Folks!

In preparation for switching topics this week we will visit one of my favorite sites:

I love, LOVE this website. It's chock full of stuff for geeky people.

So for credit this week, pick a product and GIVE US THE LINK and then tell us why you love it or think it's abundantly stupid. You MUST PROVIDE THE LINK so that the rest of us can go and look at it.

Your blog should look a little something like this:
I think I need this desk defender. On those days when I don't have enough caffeine and you folks get too close to my desk I could make you BACK OFF! (Can you tell the caffeine isn't circulating yet?)

Lanham, 1st period
You must give us the link.
You must give an opinion.
You must sign and put your class period.

This is one of the RARE times when you can go ahead and blog on Tuesday. Be sure to check back on Thursday during blog time if you do that so you can see what everybody else is shopping for.

Talk to me . . .

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Blog 9 - November 12, 2012

Hola! Thanks for logging in!

Big thanks to Kolten K this week for providing some blog sites for me regarding transportation. He will get an extra grade for this! Are you jealous? You can do the same thing.

For credit this week, pick a story listed below and tell us which one. And then tell us something interesting and factual about this story. This one is NOT an opinion blog. You must do some ACTUAL reading. Read today, post Thursday.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, November 5, 2012

Blog 8 - November 5, 2012

Howdy! Thanks for logging in!

So this week let's talk about mass transportation, which would also alleviate some of this country's dependence on fossil fuel.

Here's a link:

For this week's credit pick one of these urban transports, tell us which one, and then tell us why the one you picked is better than the others.

As always, read Tuesday and blog Thursday.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, October 29, 2012

Blog 7 - October 29, 2012

Howdy! Thanks for logging in!

This week I would like to explore some new ideas for transportation.

Obviously the transportation industry has been working on getting away from fossil fuels for a very long time. Are you buying your own gas for your car? $3.30 a gallon hurts, a lot. Following are some new ideas that might help us move away from petroleum products.

As always, read today. Blog Thursday. As always, READ MY WORDS so that you know what I'm asking and you can answer the question intelligently and not lose credit. 
(You may watch the video. You don't really need headphones, it's pretty boring to listen in. 
I have a Top Gear video for this one and I'll play it at the end of class if someone will remind me.

For blog credit this week, you will choose one of the above personal transportation devices, tell us which one, and give us at least one drawback that you can see to that vehicle. Your drawback cannot be "nobody can ride with you." That's obvious, as they are PERSONAL tranports.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, October 22, 2012

Blog 6 - October 22, 2012

Hiya! Thanks for logging in!

Switching gears this week, lets spend a little time on transportation. Get it? "Switching gears?" Come on guys, that was funny . . .

Anyway, I found this cool link that shows some current concept cars with facts about each car. I want you to look through them on Tuesday and wait until Thursday to blog.

For credit this week you will need to pick one of the following concept cars and tell us which car you picked and one fact about that car to receive credit. Please don't forget to sign your post.

WARNING: Many people didn't receive their blog credit last week because they didn't follow the instructions. Don't let that be you. You must always READ MY WORDS and ANSWER THE APPROPRIATE QUESTIONS to receive credit. Don't ever just follow the link and think you know what I'm asking.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Blog 5 - October 15, 2012

Howdy Folks!

Thank you for your discussions regarding cell phone technology. We are moving towards the transportation topic.

In preparation for switching topics this week we will visit one of my favorite sites:

I love, LOVE this website. It's chock full of stuff for geeky people.

So for credit this week, pick a product and GIVE US THE LINK and then tell us why you love it or think it's abundantly stupid. You MUST PROVIDE THE LINK so that the rest of us can go and look at it.

Your blog should look a little something like this:
I want this WiFi dectector shirt so badly. I've been threatening to get it for two years now and my family swears they will disown me if I wear it around.

Lanham, 1st period
You must give us the link.
You must give an opinion.
You must sign and put your class period.

This is one of the RARE times when you can go ahead and blog on Tuesday. Be sure to check back on Thursday during blog time if you do that so you can see what everybody else is shopping for.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, October 8, 2012

Blog 4 - October 8, 2012


For blog credit this week I would like you to open up your mind and think about where cell phone technology might be going. Post one feature you'd like to see in the near future on your cell phone.

Read Tuesday. Comment Thursday. Don't forget to sign and give your class number.

ALWAYS go and double-check immediately that your post has updated.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, October 1, 2012

Blog 3 - Week of October 1


The iPhone5 has been out a hot minute. Let's talk about some of the new features.

Contrary to popular belief, I am NOT an early technology adopter. I spent 16 years in the real world doing Graphic Design at a shop that was an Adobe Authorized Service Provider. That meant that every time Adobe had an update I got the programs several months early and I got to help figure out what was wrong and make suggestions to Adobe.

Translation: I got buggy, janky programs and I spent hours on the phone with software developers (technical nerds) explaining to them why certain features weren't working in the real world.

This experience led me to my current thinking: If I'm going to PAY for a piece of technology I want it to work correctly. The first time. I don't want to be the person on the phone with technical support.

Therefore, when new stuff emerges I have a tendency to hang back. I am not the person waiting in line at the Apple store at midnight. *coughcoughCaymoncoughcough*

So for blog credit this week you will need to pick a glitch and tell why it would irritate you. Alternatively, if you HAVE the new iPhone5 you can tell us which one of the new features is your favorite, or anything else you'd like to share about it.

Read Tuesday. Comment Thursday. Don't forget to sign and give your class number.

ALWAYS go and double-check immediately that your post has updated.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, September 24, 2012

Blog 2 - Week of September 24

Hola! Welcome back!

So I want to kick everything off with some cell phone talk. We'll probably be on this subject for a few weeks as we explore coming technology and how to effectively integrate it into the classroom.

I found this website that's got some pretty cool concept ideas. First let me explain what a concept is. Designers envision the coolest possible stuff that we can't even imagine yet, and then they jam it all into their design. Eventually SOME of the cool stuff will make it to the market. defines concept as an idea. So these phones are in the idea stage.

For this weeks credit you will need to visit the website below. Pick one of the concepts and tell us which one. Tell us about a concept feature on that particular phone that you would use and you find cool. OR pick one of the concepts and tell us which one and then tell us about a feature that you think is ridiculous and goofy.

As always, you'll need to sign your last name and class period to get credit.

I want you to go look at all the phones today. On Thursday I will want you to give your opinion. I like for you to let stuff marinade for a day or two so that your opinion is an informed one that you've had a chance to be able to explain. You can also disagree with someone else's opinion to advance the discussion.

It should look a little something like this:

I chose phone #4: HTC Magnesium Unibody. I dig the fact that it carries an extra battery that charges while I'm using the phone. I think it would also be helpful that the body of the phone is pretty hard to destroy.

Lanham, 1st period
Talk to me . . .

Friday, September 14, 2012

Blog 1 - Week of September 17

Hola Peeps! Thanks for logging in.

Let me 'splain how this will work:

Every Monday morning I will post a discussion question relevant to technology. You will have the entire week to post a short blog answering the question. It's very simple . . . you either advance the discussion or you don't. It's either a 100 or a 0. You can also respond to a thought posted by another user to advance the discussion. Every Sunday evening I will check off names. So you have from Monday AM to Sunday PM. Grading closes at 6pm Sunday. The first ten minutes of class on Tuesday will be devoted to reading the blog, and the first ten minutes of class Thursday will be devoted to answering the blog question.

Here are the things that this discussion is NOT:

This is not a social forum. All you guys have Facebook / Twitter for that stuff. Holla at your friends on those sites.

This is not a place for you to ask me questions about your grade. Please remember that EVERYBODY will see all of your communication on this site. If you have questions about grading policies, etc. please see me before or after school, before class or on my conference period (6th). Barring that, please email me at

This is not a place for you to air grievances of any kind. Bad language, derogatory comments and intolerance of any kind will not be accepted. These will result in blocked usage for you, and zeros on weekly discussions for the remainder of the year.

What this discussion IS:

This is a place for us to explore how technology is affecting our daily lives. You guys are digital natives (meaning you were practically born with a cell phone in your hand) and you are not accustomed to thinking about life before this technology came along. I would also bet that most of you haven't given a lot of thought to where this technology is going either. Well, that's what I want to do here.

Also, almost every college classroom has some online portion as well. In other words, when you get to college even though you're sitting in a traditional classroom your professor will expect you to go online and participate in some sort of ongoing discussion on something like Blackboard.

One more thing:

To the best of my knowledge we are still the only classroom in the district to use blogging as part of the classroom learning. Occasionally our Principal, Superintendent, and others from the district will be blogging with us. All eyes will be watching as this district prepares to incorporate more technology into everyday learning. Please keep that in mind. Let's have fun, but please be responsible.

Here's what you need to do now:

Make sure you ALWAYS leave your name and period in your comment. By posting this first time you are agreeing to:

1. ALWAYS read my words. You should never just log in and click links. Doing that will cause you to miss the questions that I want addressed.

2. Comment in the correct section for the week.

3. Understand that you get one (1) makeup blog for the YEAR. Because this blog is available 24/7/365 from any computer in the world, I don't allow more than one makeup. Go home and bookmark it. Go to the library and bookmark it. Bookmark it on your smart phone. Always remember that if you're absent on Thursday when we comment, you'll need to get it taken care of before Sunday at 6pm.

OK, questions?

Talk to me . . .

Monday, April 30, 2012

Blog 30 4/30/12

It's That Time!

Last blog of the year. ::sigh::

I'm not even gonna lie. I'm glad this year is coming to a close. It's been a pretty rough one for me. In some ways it feels like we just started, and in some ways it feels like we've been here for 2,304 months. Do you feel that way too or is it just me?

One of the things I like to do at the end of the year is post some of the strange things that have come out of some of our mouths in this room.

Things like (from my mouth):

1) Zachary! Nobody cares how you feeeeeeeeeel. This is the REAL world. How you feel doesn't matter. Only your mother cares about you!

2) DJ! Stop touching yourself from the neck up!

3) What is going on in here? Trying to have a conversation with you people is like trying to herd cats!

4) Elizabeth! Take your medicine! I'm blaming THIS on you!

5) Me: I don't know what Emily's problem is, other than she's sandwiched between two boys. Curly: Ms. L. That didn't sound good.

6) Rye! Put Cloudy out. He's on fire! Ashley: How's she gonna put him out when she's flaming herself?

7) Birdie! If you keep singing country songs I'm gonna call somebody and have your brother card repossessed!

8) Os! Butt is not better than boobage!

9) I don't care! You don't just get to pirate and ninja your way through life! (Anybody remember who this was directed at?)

10) Black is 100% black.

11) Gary! This is a very famous band called The Beatles. You may have heard of them. They have nothing to do with either Jesus OR McDonalds.

12) (To Gary in the hospital) Hey Gare, you want me to bring you some magazines? People? Truckin? Gary: Only you, Ms. L., would ask me if I want a Truckin' magazine right after I got hit by a truck.

From yall's mouths:

1) I CAN move my upper body that fast, THANK YOU! (Tyler L)

2) You can't spray paint camoflage properly. (Mandi P)

3) I have a friend who makes meth. (Seth R)

4) You could give them laser guns . . . (Daniel M)

5) The whole bus thing does not satisfy me. (Caroline K)

6) I hate eyeballs so much (Mandi P, who was actually saying she hated iBoss so much)

7) Can I get a grade for breathing? (Norma O)

8) So Photoshop is how we get into heaven? Oh crap! (Seth R)

9) I don't watch pony shows (James Y)

10) I like elevators. (Trenton B)

11) It's a structured kind of insanity (Cody H)

12) Os: "Caroline?" Caroline: "What Os?" Os: "Nothing. I just like saying your name."

13) What if some people are horizontal? (Gary B)

14) It's ok Ms. L, I get on my OWN nerves sometimes (OsMan)

15) I like beans. (Neil B)

16) I just recently figured out that TGIF and TGIFridays is the same thing. (Ellen A)

17) His tongue is just so disagreeable (Daniel M)

18) I done did it. (Gary B)

19) Welllllll, I'm certainly no expert on mythological creatures. (Reid P)

20) Stop touching things! (Tobin to Victor in Photoshop)

21) AAAHHHHHHHHHH! (Sam when I hit him with a rolled-up newspaper)

22) OMG Mrs. L. has a stalker laugh (Eli G)

23) Can I play with my magic kit now? (Seth R)

24) Mrs. L! Tiffany! (Birdie)

25) Uh . . . . yeah . . . I don't know what's going on. (Rye K)

26) There's plenty of dinosaurs in the sea (Gary B)

27) I hope I get a quote (Tyler S, who I hope is reading this from California. We still miss you!)

And one day when I didn't seem to be hearing correctly:

1) I hate being so sexy. (Jordy, who was actually saying he hated being dyslexic)

2) I'm gonna get hammered all the time. (Daniel, who was actually telling me he's gonna go camping all the time when he goes to college in central Arkansas)

So for your blog credit this week, I want you to do one of two things: 1) Log in and give me your favorite memory from class. OR 2) Log in and leave a piece of advice for next year's class (ala Ms. Christian).

Talk to me . . .

Monday, April 16, 2012

Blog 29 4/16/12

Hiya Peeps!

Continuing along the house of the future, let's talk about some future kitchen technology.

Back in the day, they thought our kitchens would be WAAAAAAAY further advanced than they are today. I found a you tube video to check out. It also includes more about the Monsanto house:

These videos make me LOL. I don't know about YOU, but I'm ALWAYS that dressed up when I'M in the kitchen. Also, I randomly break out in song and dance.

I do dig that rotation see through oven though . . .

So for blog credit this week, go visit this site.

Pick a piece of new kitchen technology and give us an opinion. Please make sure you tell us which product your talking about.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, April 9, 2012

Blog 28 4/9/12

Howdy Peeps!

Go here and watch these two house of the future videos:

For credit this week pick any house feature on one of the videos and give us an opinion. Tell us how you would use it. Tell us why you think it's stupid. Please give me some thought.

Talk to me . . .

Friday, March 30, 2012

Blog 27 4/2/12

Hiya folks! Thanks for logging in!

Continuing on the house of the future topic, a dude named Bucky Fuller envisioned a long time ago that we'd all be living in manufactured housing.

Go here and read this:

I don't know about you, but I have a tendency to think that all that shiny metal would give me a headache.

And then there's Disneyland's version of future housing. Go here and read this:

For blog credit this week, tell me which of these style houses you'd rather have and why.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, March 26, 2012

Blog 26 3/26/12

Howdy! Thanks for logging in!

So it's time to switch topics. I thought we would explore new household technology for a hot minute.

I've noticed that one of the areas of our lives that advances the fastest is home technology. Just when we get the newest thing bought for our home, the next newest thing is coming along.

Such as this sweet little invention:

How 'bout a lightbulb that is also a bluetooth speaker? Heck yeah. Walk into the room, let my bluetooth on my phone find my lightbulb / speaker, play my tunes straight from my phone wirelessly. To my lightbulb. Maybe yall aren't understanding just how cool this is!

So your task this week is to go out on the internets and find something cool for your house (it must be technology related) and come back and post a link here, along with your OPINION. Please don't cut and paste description, we can all read TYVM. As always when we do this kind of thing. you may NOT use a link that has already been posted.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, March 19, 2012

Blog 25 3/19/12

Hola homies! Thanks for stopping by!

In preparation of switching topics, go here:

Pick a product and tell me why you dig it, or conversely tell me why you think it's the stupidest thing ever. Post the link to the product so the rest of us can go look at it and make fun of it with you.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, March 5, 2012

Blog 24 3/5/12


Can I just say . . . . COME ON SPRING BREAK!!!!!

Whew. I feel better.

So last week I was watching Good Morning America and they featured a vibration machine that is for weight loss. For real. I could barely watch through the tears running down my face I was laughing so hard.

Back in the day I can remember my mom and aunt going to a gym for ladies called "Figure World" and it had a machine that jiggled you all over much like this new-fangled contraption.

So for credit this week go read this article and give me your opinion of this "new" idea of vibration machines. Will they work? If you lose weight from this machine will it last? Can I eat pizza while I'm using it?

And while you're at it, go Google and see if you can find a picture of the old-timey ones with the belt you wrapped around you.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, February 27, 2012

Blog 23 2/27/12

Howdy Homies!

Continuing last week's exercise technology discussion, go here:

You'll have to click the forward arrow to see the twelve exercise technology ideas. Pick a product, tell me why I should own it.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, February 20, 2012

Blog 22 2/20/12

Hola Peeps!

Sorry about last week's Yanko disaster. Suffice it to say we won't be using that site again. You'll notice Blog 21 won't show up in your grades.

Moving on . . .

Let's talk about sports / fitness technology. Some of you know I've lost quite a bit of weight in the last few years (around 85# in fact). I did that by moving more, and then I started running half-marathons. And then I started doing triathlons. And then olympic-distance TRIs. And you know what I figured out about me? I train harder when there's data to look at. Go ahead and say it . . . NERD! Yeah. I know.

So when I run I wear a heart rate monitor that tells me how hard my heart is working and if I'm in the fat burning zone. In fact, I got a new one of those for Christmas and I'm still waiting on it to come in (helllloooooooo Garmin 910 XT).

When I ride I have a bike computer that tells me my cadence (how many times my foot goes around in a minute).

When I swim I . . . well I just try not to drown.

My point is this: There is a LOT of technology out there that has to do with fitness and exercise. A LOT. Many millions of dollars are spent in the fitness industry every year that have to do with technology.

So for this week's blog I want YOU to go out on the internets and find some cool technology that's related to fitness / exercise.

To receive credit this week you will come back and post a link for us AND give an opinion about your product. As always when we do this sort of thing, you may NOT use a link that's already been posted.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, February 13, 2012

Blog 21 2/13/12

Hola peeps! Thanks for logging in.

This week I want to do something that we will do several times throughout the year. I want to look at *sparkly* new technology. I have a favorite site for this:

Yanko is about the DESIGN of technology. Please feel free to blog on Tuesday and to participate more than once.

Follow these instructions:

1. Go to Yanko.
2. Go to the bottom of the page and click on the link after the page numbers that says "Inspire Me." Ask your neighbor to help you find it if you can't.
3. Tell me which page you landed on. You may not use the first five pages.
4. Pick a product and tell me WHY you like it or how you think it could change our lives.

This is a DISCUSSION. I want opinions with reasons!!! If you can't give me that much effort, then I can't give you enough effort to type a 100 in your grade book!

P.S. You will occasionally find something that is adult-oriented / not particularly school appropriate. Pick another page and keep moving.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, February 6, 2012

Blog 20 2/6/12


So there were some other cool things unveiled at CES that we haven't discussed yet.

How about a refrigerator that is smart enough to tell you not to get that ice cream treat out after dinner? Or smart enough to place an order at the grocery store?

How about a vaccuum cleaner that you can run from a remote location? Can you imagine sitting there in your nice, comfortable living room and all of a sudden your vaccuum cleaner takes off? I would freak out.

So go read this article. I'll play the video. For blog credit this week pick one of the things discussed in this article and give your opinion.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, January 30, 2012

Blog 19 1/30/12

Thanks for logging in!

Continuing our discussion of CES, I want you to go to CNET and pick one of the category winners and tell us why you would use it and you think it's cool. You may also pick a categoy winner and tell us why it's stupid and you would never use it.

Talk to me . . .;imageWrapper

Monday, January 23, 2012

Blog 18 1/23/12

Howdy! Thanks for logging in!

So CES 2012 is now history. If you did what I asked you to do two weeks ago, then you know what I'm talking about. If not, Google CES right now.

Here are some mind-boggling numbers:

3,100 - The number of technology companies that showed up in Las Vegas to debut their new tech toys.

153,000 - The number of technology professionals who attended the show.

34,000 - The number of attendees who came from other countries to attend the show.

20,000 - The number of new products that were launched at the show.

1,861,000 - The number of square feet the show took up.

44 - The number of years the show has been running.


So what was the biggest unveiled product at CES this year? That's debatable, but I have seen A LOT of buzz about OLED TVs. OLED stands for Organic Light Emitting Diode. Apparently Samsung has a new 55-inch OLED TV that is .6 inches thick. Less than 3/4 of an inch thick! It's also really easy to add 3-D capability to the OLED TVs. Holy cow! It's a BDD in the technology world. Never before has a television been so thin or so clear. Take a look:

Here's the site that pic came from:

Also, GO here and watch this:

So from the article listed above, answer TWO of the following questions to receive credit this week:

1) When do LG and Samsung intend to bring OLED to market?

2) What is one of the two reasons that previous OLED attempt have failed?

3) What happens to blue OLED pixels?

4) How did LG work around the problem?

5) How are OLEDs like plasma?

6) How are OLEDs different than plasma?

7) Why is the contrast better in OLED than in plasma?

8) What are two of the three benefits of LCD / LED TV?

9) What is the drawback of LCD TV?

10) What are the two major types of television technology today?

Find YOUR OWN answers. If everybody starts answering the same two questions I'm gonna give everybody a zero for the week. I'm tired of people phoning it in on the blog.

Next week? More CES stuff.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, January 16, 2012

Blog 17 1/16/12

Thanks for logging in!

Let's get deep this week.

I want to talk about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his thoughts on technology.

In 1964 Dr. King delivered a lecture the day after winning the Nobel Peace Prize in which he told his audience at the University of Oslo that "material advancement was meaningless without an accompanying moral structure." In other words, the growing abundance of technology is undermining the human spirit. My favorite quote from the article is: "The richer we have become materially, the poorer we become morally and spiritually," he said. "We have learned to fly in the air like birds and swim in the sea like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers."

Do NOT post until Thursday. Doing so will earn you a zero.

This week I'm asking you to think, REALLY THINK about Dr. King's words. I want his words to work on you a little bit.

He is telling us that technology advancement needs to go hand in hand with spiritual advancement, or it's all for nothing. THINK. Do you agree or disagree with Dr. King? WHY? You will answer both of those questions to receive credit this week.

Talk to me . . .

Friday, January 6, 2012

Blog for 4th period 1/9/12

Hey guys -

You BETTER be acting right, or you know I'll haunt you on Friday. :-)

Please go look at emerging technology today and post blog ideas. Don't forget to sign your submission.

Love yall the best! See ya Friday!

Mrs. L

Monday, January 2, 2012

Blog 16 1/2/12

Hola peeps! Thanks for logging in.

Next week is CES in Las Vegas. It's also midterms so we won't blog about it until the week after, but in the meantime I want you to google CES (Consumer Electronics Show) and see what comes up.

And THEN I want to look at the Best of 2011 on Yanko. Here's the link.

Pick one of the BEST OF products and talk about it.

This is a DISCUSSION. I want opinions with reasons!!! If you can't give me that much effort, then I can't give you enough effort to type a 100 in your grade book!

Talk to me . . .