Monday, November 30, 2009

Blog 13 - 11/30/09

Hola Peeps! Thanks for logging in!

OMGosh it's December!

In preparation of switching topics, this week let's look at sparkly new technology again. Yall already know my favorite sites for this:


Please don't stop on Page 1. Dig back a few pages and pick something cool. Preferably something that has something to do with technology.

Talk to me . . .


Lanham said...

I am so digging that "Going Dutch" credit card machine thingy.

Barefielde/ Charnae said...

Honestly I don't get the topic so I really don't know what to say.. But HI EVERYONE. LOL

Anonymous said...

If u didnt get the topic, u shouldnt have blogged!! LOL

jeffress,r-1 said...

The new spotlights are friken awesome because it tells someone how long they have to wait at a red light. :) Also it could save gas and prevent wrecks because if you knew how long a yellow light lasted you would not always be able to run it and cause havoc. I think the new green credit cards are sweet since money will be saved and it tells how much money you have at all times!!

Sampietro, M-3 said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Zero Kill that warns drivers of animals up ahead on the road in order to decrease the number of animals killed by cars (and cars damaged by hitting larger animals). Nothing makes me sadder than seeing roadkill so if this device came about, I would be the first to buy it! Also, I'm quite amused by the wall cat bed. The caption says, "you don't want to be seen as the crazy cat lady." Oh, so having a cat SLEEPING ON A BOARD ON YOUR WALL doesn't make you look like a crazy cat lady??!?! I don't know about them, but I am a crazy cat lady, and this IS something I would have...maybe more than one of them - more like 13... :)

reichert, s-3 said...

I liked the smart stop-light. its perfect for those of us with CDO (OCD in alphabetical it should be) But there might be a problem with road rage because there is NO EXCUSE WHAT SO EVER for being late to hit the gas

Deckard, D-3 said...

Ok Mrs. L, there is this little watch/phone thing that i am really feeling. It shine the time on ur wrist and stuff. I have no clue why it is so appealing to me, but it jus draws me to it like a bug to my little brothers mouth.

Yarbrough, V - 3 said...

cI am very content with the car in 2030 im hoping it will be a grand hit for our soctiety if so maybe ill get one and as for the recycylable lap tops i think it would be a great way to reuse some of the products in our trash some kind of use instead of just burnin stuff or storing it in a wasteful place and lastly the water powered calculator seems as if it could have a great alternative to calculating while near or in water isnt this stuff great

Spruiell, S - 4 said...

So...this week I came upon this nifty little thing, it's basically a piece of bamboo that has fork, spoon and knife cutouts...It was created by some of the good people at Jiangnan University, and I think it could be really useful! You can toss the "silverware" after use, and since its purely organic material, you could throw it away anywhere. Since bamboo is really sturdy, you wouldn't have to worry about breaking it like plastic cutlery...I think this is a great idea, and hey, it's also "going green"!! I think this design is really rad.

Morones, C - 4 said...

i really liked the cut-out bamboo forks, spoons and knife set. it's just that i'm concerned about how many bamboo plants will perish for this product.
(HE,HE,HE! knife is "ka-ni-fe")^-^

Garza, G-4 said...

I saw this trash-convert-to-energy thing on Yanko and though i think it could probably get some help on the look, the concept is great. you put in the trash and i guess as it builds up the methane byproduct it is used to power the lamppost attached to it. Cool!

Russaw, N - 6 said...

i think that the zerokill is alsome but i also have a question how much is one no never mind how much will it cost to put them everywhere in the u.s. are or we just going to put them on the highways or dark streets

Unger, B - 6 said...

I think the "going dutch" credit card machine is a really amazing invention. This could really solve some havoc that is created when multiply people want to pay.
The band-aid thingy that allows you to create the size of bandage you want is creative but yet not that neccesary. It would waste a bunch of time.
The practical screw driver: wonderful, except for when you need to use the screwdriver in a really small space :0.

....and panda ear buds, tooo cute :)

lyles,m-6 said...

the bionic-concept car really caught my attention.its a really neat looking car,and its good for the environment,BUT,is this car big enough for people who have families and need to carry more than two people.
it also doesnt look spacious enough for someone to carry much in.
i plan on having a family when im older,so i probably wouldnt consider buying this vehicle.

Padilla, E - 6 said...

the tato nano car is so cool,small, and cheap but it has no AC. that's not so cool... the recycleable laptop is pretty awesome but how does it work?

villanueva, manuel, N. 1 said...

therez one thing that caught my attention and that was the floating wireless seems really cool...and useful

Anonymous said...

the zerokill inventions is awesome!! It will be very helpful for country highways like HWY 21 & 7 :)

robinson,s-1 said...

I thought the psychic glasses(as in cups) were pretty cool, pretty useless, but cool nontheless. Ok so here's how it works: you pour a beverage into the cup, wait, and then like magic the cup gives a message telling you what its containing. i know...WOW. I guess this could come in handy if you leave a cup sitting for a while and forget whats in it...i thought it was pretty cool.

mayfield,s-1 said...

I like the laptop bags, its something just for a computer and its neat. The Baby Case is really weird, who would want to put their baby in a case??..The Hot Bed would be really useful in my house, especially for me cuz I hate the cold. The Amatoya is really cool..

Barefielde/ Charnae said...

The hot bed seems really useful. Sepcially at times like these. Its cold and no one really like sleeping in the cold. Like last night I nearly froze to death but then I turned the heater on. lol. but I figure the Bediator would be of good use. and you can move it when you have company to where it looks as if it isn't there . How awesome is that. well I think its awesome but thats just me...

Brookshire, B-1 said...

I like the c3 cube, because of its shape and size. Instead of taking a great big motorhome on the road, you have a small trailer tocamo in.

Lopez, M-1~☺ said...

Oh!! I'm lovin the Touchable!!
Interacting with your own music, kinda like a DJ I guess, would be awesome~
But, I would definitely use the Pinch. With the variety of pictures and sizes, wouldn’t it be cool to just change them without having to unscrew them like a light bulb? Yush, yush it would!
Samsung Blossom DPS Camera: Cutest camera I have ever seen!! I’d so want that in orange~
Lastly, the Cipher drinking glass!
I wonder what would happen if you'd mix certain drinks together, how would the glass name the drink? Like Sprite, Mt. Dew ect all together?

Gonzalez, C-1 said...

I really like those timed stoplights. I would love if I could flippin tell how long before the light actually changes. I hate waiting and not nowing how much time before we can actually start moving. Also, I never thought it was possible but a recycable laptop. Now how about that. That seems pretty cool. Also, its a pretty good one to boot.

Trikosko, M-1 said...

I like the wooden mouse, it looks like it feels real nice, but I don't know if it works well. And don't worry about it breaking since it is covered by a 5 year waranty so you can get it replaced for free.

Baker,M-1 said...

Epic WIN! I would like to start off by saying that the Tweenbots that i blogged about last month are STILL ON THE PAGE! XD Super cute adorable little robots are a psycology exxperiment to find out if peopl3e would help a odd random thing. They do. Which is good. But it also means that people will help a cute little robot but not a fellow human being. Which is sad.


Did anybody beside me NOT know there was a button at the bottom of Yanko's Page that say "Inspire Me" and take you to a random page?

Then there are the Cipher Glasses. Sara copied and typed faster while i was rantong about tweenbots, But they are cool glasses that actually tell u what substance u have put in the glass. How cool is that?

Ok last but nice least are the incredible, AMAAZING ICE SKAAAATES!!! *crowd cheers* *crowd pauses* *crowd is confused* I see u arent sold on the idea, so let me enlighten u. The skates are actually MADE of ICE. They are called Soles on Ice. Jsuit strap frozen ice blocks, find a smooth surface and skate the nite away. At least until they melt

Nealy,J/1 said...

I really didn't see nothing that was interesting... the only thing that was ok is the SMART BABY CASE its like a matrix robot nanny pod... i think it will be good for the parent to walk with their baby using this product it keeps them out of polluted air and it has a moisture sensor which gently flushes away waste with water the same with solid waste all flushed away with tubes to the waste storage unit at the front of the case.

Lanham said...

Monika, I did not know about the inspire me button either. Too cool!

Sarah . . . if a drink has been sitting around long enough for me to forget what's in there I'm pouring it down the sink. Besides, the neon greenish / yellow color of diet Mt. Dew (my preferred vice) never changes so I can at least tell when it's left sitting in a glass. Which is rare . . . cause, ya know . . . I'm addicted. Seriously. I need a 12-step program.

Goff,R-2 said...

When looking through the yanko website, i found the "A Better Understanding of Stoplights". i think that this invention is beneficial for all of the people who have sat at red lights for at least 10 minutes with no one going that has the gren light. it seems to me like the lights here would be timed so that the space from green to red would be the same for both sides that need to go. but there is a fault in this to me. if there is a timer then people will be more anxious to go, and if they see it getting super close to changing then they might start to go and end up getting hit by a car.

Parkhurst, M-2 said...

I absolutely love the flower adaption vases! I know that may seem girly and predicatable but I like the fact that this designer has thought of a way to make flower vases a new way to design in your home! The adaption vases come with four glass vases and a magnetic base, allowing you to move them according to your preference. I love flowers but giving freedom to change the presentation of them is incredible.

Abernathy, J-2 said...

So i love the going dutch credit card thing cause i have probably lost a whole lot of money paying and then trying to decide who owes me what--especially because my math skills are very limited!! So that would come in handy.
I also like the zero kill. I would hate to be the one to kill a dog or even a squirrel so a forewarning would be nice.

villanueva,f-2 said...

The Zerokill would be really beneficial not only to the animals but to the driver it would decrease the amount of road kill on the streets.

Anonymous said...

I'm really surprised ryan didn't talk about Zerokill. So I will.

I absolutely hate seeing dead animals on the road. Nothing upsets me more than the fact that there are people who will not hit the breaks when an animal - whether it be a wild animal crossing the road or a cat or dog - crosses the street. If a human had crossed, they would slam on the breaks faster than..I dunno what. Animals? Psh, keep going. It saddens me. And the worst part? No one thinks to move it and you just keep driving over it. It's..disgusting.

Zerokill are lights that light up the road AND send off warning signals when animals are near. Of course, some people won't care, but they SHOULD. I hope I see Zerokill everywhere on every road one day to help animals cross roads safely and without immediate death. :)

Cortines,m-2 said...

This stuff is cool, but it keeps getting weirder! I don't understand the baby pod thing! Why put your baby in a plastic pod with a view screen if you could actually hold your baby and look at him? Just crazy and kinda creepy. Anyway...I did like the phone charged by swinging it around your finger. Very energy-friendly and super fun! The Zerokill animal-alerting roadside lamps are cool too. Less roadkill and accidents means a happier, cleaner environment for everybody! :)

gonzalez, c-2 said...

what i liked today was the 2030 car it is nice i liked it beause it doesnt waste gas and give out harmfull gases but what i didnt like about that car was that it wasnt what big.... i like trucks so yeah..

anderson a-2 said...

The PodSpot the ultimate ipod dock speaker thing i would love to have one of these they say its for outdoor use because of its rugged design and its even splash proof but the fun part is that it runs off of batteries, and pushes a multitude of tweeters, horns and two 10″ subwoofers good enough for 24 hours mann its you own house system lol...

Szu-yung said...

I like the "Non sexual squeeze" orange juicer design, can't wait to buy 1 of those and make orange juice out of it :)

Hernandez, J - 2 said...

Technology is so awsome there is so many things we can come up with. I really like that new ferrari car its so super cool. LOL

perry, w - 3 said...

i think the sparkle web site is very cool there are things that i have never seen before. i think the green credit cards get a lot of points.

Wiley, C - 3 said...

I think the sticky phone is really creative.

zavala,P -3 said...

i really liked the expandable transformable table. i think is really cool to have. i like how it takes space out, so usefull for one who has an apartment and doesnt have enough space.

Williams, T-3 said...

I really enjoyed the Live Checking Card. Its basically an electronic credit card and everytime its swiped the new balance shows up on the actual card! I think that is a really smart idea and could potentially save people a lot of money!

Weatherford, R-3 said...

Dude. I love the Scout Portable Pedestrian Navigator. It's pretty ballin, cause me and my friend like walking extremely long distances for no reason besides the fact that we're bored. We're professional pedestrians. It's got a camera too... man, I'm marking this one down on my christmas list.

payton, j - 3 said...

I see firefighting is upgrading to some that looks lyk a cross between a go-cart and a car that has some that looks lyk guns on the top well etha way its cool

Padilla, J - 3 said...

I really like the idea of the Zerokill. I'm always afraid that I'll run over a deer or an armadillo at night. This invention would be beneficial to both the human and the animals!The smart baby case however, is a horrible idea! Not only does it make humans even lazier, but it eliminates the interaction of a mom and a child. Also there is the safety issue of the child who could probably suffocate if the case malfunctioned!

Hawkins, M - 3 said...

I think that everything in all cell phone is trouble, especially having your credit card info and stuff like that on it...It is something called identity theft out there people.

cortes, j - 3 said...

yanko design has the Zerokill Solar Powered Wild Animal Warning System, this is the most productive thing i have seen
it helps both people and animals

Harper, T - 3 said...

i really like everything that they have on this sit its all kool looking. but some of the things are very diffrent and make you just think wat would we use these things for. but i really like all oh the diffrent kind of cell phones and y do the blind need the camra

perez, j - 3 said...

“baby pod” is maybe the worst project I’ve ever seen. It fails almost in every aspect: from the objective of the product, to the impact on the user. Let me add that “Children aren’t pets, don’t treat them like one”. This is just another way to get away from your child.

Asquith,C-3 said...

I thought the customized band aid machine is a retarded idea...we dont need to waste money on stupid things such as these. We need to focus on more productive things.

Flynn,R-3 said...

Technology is pretty impressive... But how 'bout that paper laptop, LOL! No, but seriously, the advancements of technology are impressive...

Quick question, why would a blind person need a camera?

alvarado, m-4 said...

i love the floating wireless speaker. its useful when i make a pool party we wont have to stop the music. mostly because i love music i woulnt want it to stop. it is so cool how u can swim and still litsen to music.

camacho c-4 said...

i remember seeing the sleeping pods in the airport and i thought it was pretty cool, i wld like to try and see how that works...

Howard, Z - 4 said...

the floating wireless speaker is pretty boss, i would totally get that, if only i had a pool =/ and i cant put it in my bathtub cause my pet walrus nigel is in there..

Guerra, A - 4 said...

I would really love to have tha Bionic car of 2030 in my garage!!!!

Miller, J - 2 said...

I like the glass that can identify whats in it but really why would you need your own glass telling you whats in it. Not unless it can identity each ingrediant so you could tell if someone is poisoning you :o

Cole, S - 4 said...

I really loved the water powered calculator it was so cool!I really want to get one because you wouldnt have to worry about buyin new batteries everytime it died!And best of all you can pretty much get water from anywhere!

shepherd, a - 4 said...

those stop lights are rockin'. if you know how long you'll still have to wait, you can avoid taking an unnecessary detour just seconds before the light turns. the pinch light thingy sounds like scifi stuff because how do you make light bulbs out of paper? it seems a little pointless unless you always match your light bulbs to your room design

Willis, A - 4 said...

*I think the Light in a Pinch is really cool. All you have is a sheets of paper to a hard-wire clip called the pinch. You get the wire and pinch it to the sheets of paper that has a picture of a light and clip it on there and it lights up. You can save electricity on this.*

Pixley, J-4 said...

Peekaru "This takes babies from cute to creepy"
lol this thing is seriously messed up. WHO WOULD BUY THIS?!? It's crazy, momma must be nuts.

Guerra, A - 4 said...

...oh and a nice clack and silver amatoya in my backyard!!!

Morrison,K-1 said...

Ohhhh the Art Nouveau But Modern lamp thingy is really neat looking! I want one >.<

I doubt that “Bath Safeguard” is what someone really buy, maybe if they had spare money, or wanted to get it to check the temp for their babeh.

I want this now sooooo badly!!!!! Wacom Cintiq 12WX looks so fun and useful! But probally really expensive.

Small,K-6 said...

At Productdose I found this really nifty floating wireless speaker. I like swimming, and I like music. How cool would it be to have a pool party with the music in the pool?

liber,k-6 said...
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Tate, T - 6 said...

Okay, I saw the neatest things. They are called 5 minute candles. Now these are miniature candles that come in a matches container and can be used for several things. I just liked them because they looked cool and also I would be able to find several uses for them.

liber,k-6 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Small,K-6 said...

Colleen: I would also like to gently point out that some people don't purposely not hit the breaks when an animal runs out in front of them. Sometimes they don't see it until it's too late, or they try to slam on the breaks, but they simply can't do it fast enough. Roadkill is not always the result of a lack of trying, y'know.

chitopina-2 said...

I really like the Braun Post-Disaster Emergency Foot Protective Accessory, its a great idea not only for post disaster areas but also for just going in the woods if you forgot your boots or cant find them, i wouldnt want my sneakers messing up so this would do pretty good just about anywhere! Everybody should have a pair of these bad boys! YUHHH!!!

Russaw, N - 6 said...

i think thaat the stinky phone is a waste of money because it doesnt matter where you can get a good signal you can do the same with a normal phone uh they just want to waste money o well

Miller, R - 6 said...

i so love the Keep That Baby Swaddled
becauseIt’s kind of like a Matrix robot nanny pod sort of thing.

It’s got several doors! and its just a little too small to pull the baby out of, but just large enough for parents to easily access the baby

liber,k-6 said...

I like the sticky phone because its kinda helping the enviorment while talking on the phone like i always do. && miriam remeber to proofread hehe. Oh and i agree with what miriam said.

Castellanos, A - 6 said...

So the "Baby Swaddler," (if thats its term) just looks horrific to me. Ok so it might have little tiny air holes for them to breath out of, but its just like wheeling luggage around. There once was this concept that mothers protect thier children and have the patience to hold them, but I guess in today's society we have beocme to lazy to even do that.

Anonymous said...

I read about a "hot bed" called the bediator made especially for winter. Basically, it's a pad you put on the floor and it heats up while you lay on it; pretty simple, but a great idea. From the pictures, it doesn't seem too comfortable but I suppose you would have to add your own cushions, obviously. Besides resting on it, it is designed to warm or cool the air in the room so it can be used all year.

Gonzalez, M - 6 said...

the tweenbots on Productdose looked adorable XD haha. Pretty neat how they get to their destination by asking people for directions.

Rodriguez,A-2 said...

i think most of these designs on yanko are pretty cool but what really caught my eye were the Versace and Christian Audigier lamborghinis..those are like the coolest cars ever! a lambo is like awsome it self but these are just like beyond that.boy if i had one of them..

Padilla, E - 6 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Long, W - 7 said...

a ton of this stuff is really stupid and no one would or should use them but there are a few neat ones such as the 5 minute candles and the futuristic jetskis and cars those are neat

Hughes, T - 7 said...

I thought that stoplight that counted down the red light was a pretty cool invention. Its really simple but still cool. I hate waiting on lights that you're not sure are broken or not.

johansson,shelbie/7 said...

the stick phone is the dumbest idea ever, good concept but poor from there on out. do u know how much fuzz and grime would ALSO stick to the phone?

P.S shame on tiger woods, i would of chased u with a 9 iron too!

Esparza,J-7 said...

The Smart Baby Case is awesome, i would sooo put my baby in there (if i had one) (well i could use my little brother) It looks so... um...??? wierd, yeah thats the word. Well its awesome, but its not really tech like. Well i don't know all the things it does but its awesome looking.

Tutt, S - 7 said...

This BYB Balance Cell Phone is very interesting, but so are all the rest of the new phones on yanko that the makers think will be the next iPhone. Phones are so overrated now.

Fedun, M-7 said...

I really like the Amatoya vehicle. It looks really cool and i would totally drive that around evnen though I am not a firefighter.

Clark,A-7 said...

the baby swaddler thing is the creepiest thing ever!!!!! why not just glue a handle on the kid's head and cut out the middle man... just sayin, its real creepy. michael jackson would put his kids in one... haha oh wait he died nvm then

Cole, V - 7 said...

The Rubik's Cube MP3 Player would be great! Imgagine all of those people that ask you to let them barrow your MP3 Player mix it up, and they can't listen to it until they solved it. Then showing off when you want to listen to it just solve it, and listen! Then just scramble it back up when your done listening and no one can listen! Then of course someeone just steals it....

Crenshaw, K - 7 said...

i think the sticky phone is so stupid because who actually puts there phone to the window to get signal except ypu few people who use at&t but other than that who would use that..

Sydney Purser said...
Okay, so here is the thing:

Why on earth would I want to stick my phone to the window? I don't know about anyone else, but I happen to live in a house of (VERY) nosy people, and it would be like a red screaming blare horn for my phone to be went through.

Hoffman, C - 7 said...

I think the "zerokill" idea is useful. It might be able to stop wrecks involving hitting deer.

Padilla, E - 6 said...

i like the calculator thats powered by water. so cool... now i dont have to go buy new batteries everytime my calculator dies... awesome.

Goad, G - 7 said...

The indestructable longlasting never break green phone is pretty sweet, and also helps save the earth, which is always good.