Monday, March 1, 2010

Blog 24 - 3/1/10

Hola Peeps!

In preparation to switch subjects, please blog about sparkly new technology.

If you choose to blog from a site other than Yanko, please post a link.

Pick a product and give me an opinion.

Talk to me . . .


Brookshire, B-1 said...

I think the BMW concept bike is a big step in technology. The fact that it is hydrogen powered is really neat. Also this bike has a cryogenic hydrogen tank, battery LiPo, electronical brakes and controls, and electromagnetic suspensions.

Patton,A-1 said...

The faceless watch is awesome. its also exciting. i gets away from the traditional numbers and hads and it has laser beams for hands. the rollersphere is cool also. i would love to go fast in that. it seems so fun and its electrically powered

Baker,M-1 said...

First, going against the norm< i want to blog about something on the first page. The umbROLLa.
It is one of the more useless things I've seen on the page, and ive seen some useless things, but in the long run, just to be lazy, I'd get it. Its an umbrella that you can wheel around instead of carrying it. How lazy can we get?

I have never played guitar(well that is)but i wold like to learn(or collect them, idk, ima pack rat) So when i see the eTar wireless electronic guitar, my mind automatically goes, "Cool *click*" It hooks you up to an internet program called eJamming, which allows you to play with anybody in the world, in proper sync and time. Immagine becoming famous with people from Japan, Australia, German, and Egypt. How coil is that?

Next comes my everliving obsession with anything oriental:the Dedon Yin Yang Furniture. The are twom 1-man sofas that hook together to form the Yin Tang symbol. You may think, meh what the heck. I think, OMG freking cool. Its just how my brain works.

Then there is the Music+Sofa. Its a rather comfortable looking chair that has a built in speaker. You can play a CD, or hook it up to your computer. Now i can read a book and listen to my music in the lap of luxury. Yay.

And now a word from Apple:
We would like to introduce you to the brand new iShow. Its a portable mini projector that hooks up to your iPod and plays your videos for everybody to see. Share with family, friends, complete stranger, we dont care. Just buy it cause you know you want it but dont need it. Now back to you regularly scheduled program.

That concludes my blog. I hope it isnt too long. People say i talk to much, but techniquely this isnt talking, its typing ^^ over and out: PEACE!

mayfield,s-1 said...

The Robot Lovers is too sweet and its too cute ..the 3D ball is interesting ..and the egg shower is really neat and i like the waterfall sink, it would be a nice thing to have in your house, it would add elegance, i guess you can say.

robinson,s-1 said...

Remember Polaroid pictures? Remember waiting anxiously to see how the picture turned out? Well fast forward about 20 years, and imagine that same concept with a video. When i first read about the movie polaroid camera i thought it was kind of a stupid idea, and im still a little torn between whether i like it or not. But the idea of shooting a video on your camera and then having that video printed out to watch and keep is kinda cool. This takes something that was popular years ago, and puts a new spin on it. I dont know, maybe polaroid cameras are coming back

Morrison,K-1 said...

First off the “Laundring” laundry machine sounds like it would be a good investment. I mean, like if you're a college kid just starting out. You don't want to spend like $10 just doing your dirty laundry. So get this and it works as a hamper and laundry machine! Is the latest pencil printer I found, and it makes much more sense than that first one ^-^ But how cool would that be? No more spending $30 per cartridge, just plug in old pencils. And Viola! You're essay has been printed! =D

The Shair is really innovative. I would love to own one of these. That way I could have over a lot of friends without worrying about seats! Just pull off the cushions and set em out. Afterwards just put them back on the chair.

jeffress,r-1 said...

The printing with ballpen is amazing, because you can place a color pen inside the printer and it uses the ink. This can save people lots of money, since pens cost 3 times less than ink cartridges and you can still use and recycle the pens. The Campus Center for Miami Dade College is sweet, because the design is eye-catching and neat. Also this shows how far business design and structures has come and will get to in the future.

Baker,M-1 said...

Ok 1 last thing i swear.

Anybody who watched the Olympic Opening ceremony knows about the 4 pillars that they lit on fire. lets you own a version of it your self.

Ok im done (i think).

brooks.hobie said...

Put A Smile On Your Toast
this is really cool it emplements new cooking tech and makeing your day better. plus it would make kids want to it it too.

Szu-yung said...

I like the The Light Bulb Effect Design. It seems really cool to have a burning candle inside a light bulb.

Hawkins, M - 3 said...

The polaroid video is so cool.I would get one of those but the price is probally outrageous...

reichert, s-3 said...

Of coarse i'm bloging about the weird stuff...but i LOVE(!!!) that smiley toaster! I have been having bad days for the past few weeks (havn't been eating breakfast either) and i really think that this would make me feel alittle better about the hard day ahead or the insomnia of the night before

T-Williams said...


I found an article titled "Sometimes Using The Finger Is Better"

Its basically a coffee cup with some sort of plastic/gummy lid that you can stick your finger down into. The purpose is that you can stir your coffee/tea/hot chocolate without burning your finger or anything. The purpose? Not real sure. Isnt this what 2 cent plastic stirrers were invented for?

T-Williams said...

p.s. my article was on Yanko

payton, j - 3 said...

The vesna gets you looking forward to the future although the design needs work on extremly.

Yarbrough, V - 3 said...

I would very much enjoy the mobile yoyo that way i can excercise my are n charge my phone at the same time especially if the electricity is out the i will still be able to use my cell phone wooo hooo thats great huh lol (super hyper today)

Spruiell, S - 4 said...

This week, i LOVE love love the Accordion folding cook table. As someone who spends a lot of time in the kitchen, i think this could be really useful. It improves traditional set countertops and doubles as a mod asset to any kitchen of someone who is going for a minimalist look in their house. It is also portable, so that's pretty neat. It comes in multiple cute colors and has these rad, hidden drawers and cooktops that would be really handy when prepairing a large or intricate meal. Parts of the top may also be removed and used as cutting or serving boards. I am totally wowed by this design.

Take a look:

Unger, B - 6 said...

I enjoyed the "Ying Yang" salt and pepper shakers. They are just really cute. Also the Toaster that puts a smiley face on your toast. That would totally make my day. I really think if I had both of these inventions it would brighten my kitchen and make my day more enjoyable.

bushiey, k - 4 said...

I really like the "Food for thought". For the simple reason that some poeple trust whats written on the box of a product and not whats really in the food that you consume....Also some poeple just look at the food itself and notice that it looks "Healthier" When it's really not. I would buy this product, so it would be able to open my eyes and show how badly i eat. ^^ and maybe change the way i eat and also others too. :)

chitopina-2 said...

I liked the Stryder Knee-T Crutch on wheels, I have never broken a bone before but if i do, then i would want it to be in my leg so i could roll in style!! And if i have to climb stairs, it also transforms back into an actual crutch

Castellanos, A - 6 said...

I really like the "Put a face on your toast"! It doesnt really provide anything other than a great way to eat breakfast in the morning,but it is exciting.

Russaw, N - 6 said...

i like the yoyo phone but where do you talk at and where do you type the number at , well any way i like yoyos alotand i might be one of the people to get one , do they come in diffrent colors oh can you buy a case for it

liber,k-6 said...

I like the pillow that contains "heating, massager, aroma dispenser and solar charging options" Because i like stuff that makes me feel more relaxed like that, and lately i have a hard time going to sleep. " All for the benefit of a good night’s sleep! Counting sheep and meditation be damned!"

Miller, R - 6 said...

i adore the Always Handy Cam... it fits around the palm of your hand or around the wrist like a bracelet; plus it gives you the independence of taking your own pics via the detachable remote control. Two expanding joints allow its size to be adjusted, making it suitable for all shapes and sizes….of hands!

Padilla, E - 6 said...

the Printing With Ballpen printer is pretty cool. it uses ballpiont pens to print and is really usefull for the environment.

Small,K-6 said...

As the occasional soundboard operator for the LampLite theater here in Nac, I found this shiny piece of technology really cool. Know those projected keyboards that use some sort of light to record your movements and translate them into typing? The Brooch is similar, except it projects a soundboard instead of a keyboard.

Small,K-6 said...

BTW, Monica (You know who you are 7.7 ) : I DID *NOT* THROW THAT M&M AT YOU! It was Ryan, for your information. NOT ME! AND WHEN I SAY DON'T TOUCH ME, I FLIPPING MEAN IT! */wheeze**/sob*

Small,K-6 said...

omg *foaming at the mouth* this is really really cool. I'd feel like a ninja with them food-pills. I'd be tempted to eat them straight from the necklace, instead of re-hydrating them into a tasty(?) soup...

Clark,A-7 said...

Beamer (product of BMW) bike is rather pro

Jim Taylor said...

I really like the solar capsules. They would be pretty handy out where I live, where the power goes out for the slightest wind. The best part is that they're solar powered!

Tutt, S - 7 said...

Put a smile on yourrrrrrrrrr toast.
I think this toaster is amazingly awesome i would love to have one. Oh and these interactive Legos are pretty cool. You put a Lego on a socket thing and it provides it with electricity to make it interactive with other Legos.

Fedun, M-7 said...

the skimmer water jet ski looks so awesome!!!! jet skis are so fun to begin with but this look just makes it even better!! I like how it says The Skimmer and other water bourne death

Hughes, T - 7 said...

I thought the emergency light thing powered by waves was pretty cool. But there is the issue of what to do if youre anchor isnt long enough.

Hoffman, C - 7 said...

Low and behold! The award for the most useless contraption to come out next is... the toaster that makes smiley faces on toast! Sigh. The Comedian would be proud.

Chalco, N - 7 said...

The pretty sleppy dream machine seems pretty awsome.Its an actual bed and it rocks you to sleep.I would love to have this because i sometimes have trouble sleeping at night.

Goad, G - 7 said...

the shair was definantly my favorite thing on yanko cause just when u think its just a funny lookin chair someone takes the cusions off and oh man its abunch of chairs and guess what, the frame of the chair that u took the cusions off can now b used as a coat hanger or a hat rack. so yes, its legit

Morrison,K-1 said...

FYI: Kati >.> I mentioned that food necklace a few weeks ago, just sayin. And everyone who was worried, I'm better now =D So yeah *pats Kati on back* it's okay.

Baker,M-1 said...

KT- You spelled my name wrong

And if you had told me it was Ryan and had not had a previous history of throwing stuff at me, then i wouldnt have jumped to that conclusion.

Culbertson, D-1 said...

The Corner's Communication Warning Sign looks awesome. Everyone who has to turn corners each day almost always ends up with this problem. If it's affordable to place in all corners of a building, then it would certainly save either a lot of spills, or a lot of uncomfortable moments lol.

Nealy,J/1 said...



Lopez, M-1~☺ said...

The REPÄIRE TOOLSET!! These tools are actually eye appealing to me. I think I can work with those some day. Unlike regular power tools...these are pretty.
The Instant Feeling!! Gotta have that! Yea, I'm VERY indecisive about loads of things. But the thing that excites me most is that each petal bursts into flames after it's been pulled!!! How epic is that?!
The Sinthesya...coolest plant/light thing ever~ Nuff said.

Gonzalez, C-1 said...

Can the designs get anymore useless, I mean really. A flippin umbrella...with a wheel! COME ON!! Can we be any more lazy. Thats why we have such a huge problem with american health. Cause we ARE LAZY!! Also, how would the yoyo mobile charger/phone work. How do you even talk on that thing. Its like a serious "Idk" thing.

Morrison,K-1 said...

I want a set of Bat Phones! They only amplify sound in your ears, and they're stylish too! =D I'd wear em to school.

I also think that the ABRACADABRA is cute. I wouldn't mind having some.

Trikosko, M-1 said...

The flower pot that floats when it is low on water is an interesting idea. Now you will never forget to water your plant!

villanueva, manuel, N. 1 said...

The thing that caught my attention is the yoyo phone that charges when you yoyo it..that is really cool...cuz you don't even have to go look for your charger to charge just yoyo it...

Anonymous said...

The Wine Knot is so modern and cool looking. I really like it. I wish they had've included a picture with the wine rack fully loaded, though.

Other than that the only sparkly new technology that caught my interest was Izzy. Izzy is so freakin' cool. It's all plastic and when the frame is all beaten out of shape, you can make it all sparkly and new again by buying a new frame! I love eco-friendly things. <3

anderson a-2 said...

Im bloging about tv's. have you see the new televisions people are comming out with now a days. i found a tv that you can separate into two bezaless OLED screens for individual viewing. that is so awsome a 2 in 1 tv. and then i found a BRAVIA NX800 HDTV idk what the deal is with it but i like it because it looks all touch screen-ish. so go look its on yanko design

Hernandez, J - 2 said...

I really love the BMW concept bike if you seen the movie I Robot. If i'm not mistaking Will Smith uses one these bikes in one of the movie's scenes I really want one !!! :(

Parkhurst, M-2 said...

The Light Tree from Yanko is a really cool way to light the streets and keep plants safe. The light tree is a tree shaped plastic mold to cover the actual live tree and allowing the top limbs to poke out as the branches. The light runs through the artificial covering.

gonzalez, c-2 said...

"rocking bed" this is the bed i want to sleep in this. this bed rocks so you can get a better sleep i would pay for this bed, because i want to have a good night sleep every night. and i think that this is the bed every should sleep in "Pretty Sleepy Dream Machine" is waht the people call it and i want

Sampietro, M-3 said...

I LLOOOVVVEEE the idea for the Bumping Action Deleted that warns if there is someone turing the corner that you are about to turn. That could improve my life EXPONENTIALLY...I swear, everyday on my way to physics I bump into the SAME guy coming out of the bathroom. Yeah, it was funny the first ten times, but I'm getting a little sick of it. I don't bellieve in the whole turning the corner, bumping into someone, falling in love with them thing...that's joke. I call it: I've had a long day and I don't feel like being attacked everytime I turn a corner!!! All in all, I absolutley think this idea is genius...

perry, w - 3 said...

the plastic i think is awsome i would really ride this bike in the city and guess what they said the bike is recycleable so that u mean you can take the bike back and trade it in stores for another one i never thought that a bile would be made out of plastic

Padilla, J - 3 said...

The Swing Together, although kind of pointless, seems like fun especially when you are bored waiting for a bus or a train. It's like a swing for adults! The rocking bed is also really cool. I like the idea of being rocked back to sleep as if you are a baby again lol. And I also think it'll come in handy when you want to sit up to watch TV or read a book. Instead of having to prop up pillows, you can just rock the bed upwards and lock it in place!

zavala,P -3 said...

i think the tab power strip is cool. i think it will help like when one is trying to unplug something but there are so many cords that we dont know which one is for one. i think it will be helpful.

Harper, T - 3 said...

put a smile on your face toast was a little unnormal but i understood the concept oh the whole thing. so when you wake up n the moring n feel bad just eat a smiley fact slice oh bread it it will make your day awesome.

Flynn,R-3 said... how 'bout those technological architectural designs... it's pretty great to see the creativity that is constantly developing through the world of architecture... Enough said.

Asquith,C-3 said...

Product Design

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Fifteen Visually Stunning Architectural DelightsSatisfying Drag
Put A Smile On Your Toast

Does your toast smile at you in the morning or is it a grumpy old man? Quirky as it may sound, I think small nuances (or gimmicks) like this can really make a difference in your day. Bring out your shiny smile for the Smile Cooking Toaster! Think hair straightening iron for a moment, similar to that clasp design is this appliance. Difference lies in the electric-heating nano-membrane and different smiley faces you can use to singe on the bread. The transparent style really adds to the elegance and the timer display (with heating controls) makes sure you don’t ever burn your toasts! Smile your morning blues away.

.....This has got to be the most uunnnecccesssaarryy product ever! Who NEEDS their toast to have a smiley face on it? Jeeze! Japanese humor I guess.

Deckard, D-3 said...

Ok i see alot of sparkly new things that im really not gonna need but imma buy it anyways because its cool looking(lol). The Sound Scape music system makes reaally cool images pop up that are so traquile, the BMW HP Kunst is really shiny and i love to ride around on that

cortes, j - 3 said...

the Watch With No Face sounds awsome and we all need another thing to put on our wrist so why not let it be a trendy digital laser watch

payton, j - 3 said...

The BMW concept Bike is gon b one of the hottest rides in the near untimely future everithing is awsome on this bike and i also think that the rollersphere is gon b hot when i get my money right ima b riden down da street stunt on boyz

Garza, G-4 said...

I love the Corner’s Communication Warning Sign, because it could really help people like me who constantly bump into people walking around the same corner as you. It warns people that someone is approaching from the opposite side, and gives you a moment to try to move away. if you dont thats your problem!

Pina, R-2 said...

I like the toaster that puts a smile on your toast. Just say you're morning isn't starting out too well, and what could possibly cheer you up, I'll tell you, Smiley toast, and it also has other faces for you to enjoy.

Miller, J - 2 said...

i seen alot of new things but just to name a few i liked the watch with no face its see through only when you want to know the time you just tap the side of it and lasers apear and tell you the time realy cool and one more thing the yoyo cell phone its kinda like the other thing where you spin it around your finger but even beter it charges your phone while you spin your yoyo it laks on fashion but what more do you need?

Willis, A - 4 said...

*I like the Put A Smile On Your Toast design. Because no matter what day it is or what kind of mood I'm in that would always remind me to put a smile on my face and don't worry be*

Howard, Z - 4 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pixley, J-4 said...

Really? a yo-yo MP3 player? how rediculous can you be? Do you have so much ADD that you have to play with a yo-yo AND listen to music?
WOuld kinda seem like a waste of a production company's time to make this useless device.

Howard, Z - 4 said...

the rollersphere is pretty coolio, i would get so many chicks with that thing...

Cole, S - 4 said...

I really liked the Eco Shower!Its really cool and you actually have to do something to make it work!I seriously want one of these and I would so use it!

I aslo like the rocking bed!It looks cool and maybe it would help people with sleeping problems sleep better!
But if I had to pick the Eco Shower or the rocking bed i would totally pick the Eco Shower!

alvarado, m-4 said...

the me-mo is awsome. it would be cool to carry your camara, cell, gps without having to look around for it. the me-mo has all in 1.

Morones, C - 4 said...

SPARKLY TECHNOLOGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'cause life is just like a smile on yer toast or a watch with no face. life is going home riding a bike that hates to low ride. but life isn't complete until you have successfuly printed a picture using pencil lead or wearing police high heels that light up and siren every time you arrest someone. that's life on yanko.

shepherd, a - 4 said...

i like the faceless's cute and's really cool that the time isn't in numbers but in makes you think a little more when you check the time...with the phone for the visually impaired, why did they decide to put video recording on there?...the yin yang salt & pepper shakers are really cute...i'd totally have those on my kitchen table if i could...i love that they are formed so they look like they're hugging

Jones, C - 4 said...

I'm really diggin' the watch with no face! It's awesome and it has a nice, sleek, modern look to it.

Why is everybody so negative on Yanko? Maybe they're just jealous they didn't come up with the CONCEPT of some of this stuff first... stupid jerks! >:[

The... uhh... toaster smiley face is something that I believe Mrs. Lanham will be needing to brighten up her oh so ever darkening days!

Garcia, A - 4 said...

i love that sony made a nice lookin plasma the BRAVIA NX800 3D HDTV i love that the screen looks so real but i'll be more happy if they made i 72" like the one i got home and if i can swich the old one for the new one i'll do it in a flash cause the plasma i have the picture looks fuzzy

Miller, R - 6 said...

i blogged on March 2, 2010

Wilson, J - 6 said...

There is this thing called the road printer. Instead of someone taking forever to paint the signs of the road this thing sprays the sign like a printer would with paper going back and forth.

Small,K-6 said...

Katy- Really? My bad ^.^;; Thanks for the pats, though. I did do good with the Brooch, right, right? *puppy eyes* *wags tail*

MoniCa- I don't care. You've lost the privilege for me to spell your name right. Plus, my name has four letters, not two. AND I've never thrown anything at you. I think you're just suspicious, and your accusations hurt me deeply.

Cris-bon- You make me smile (unlike SOME *points ^ * people). Just so you know.

Tate, T - 6 said...

I know it is on the first page, but it is what initerests me most. I liked the disco lights for the usb. I happen to like flash drives alot, and the colors that give you information on the capacity of the flash drive just really amazed me.

Esparza,J-7 said...

Disco Lights for the USB. It sounds useless but if you have three of them, and you buy a new one, you don't know which one is which... what to do? Put any of them in and see what light it is. Yay no light, that means that it is your brand new USB thingy ready to be filled with useless junk from your computer. But you need a picture to be stored on your USB thingy, so find out which one has the pink lights. Yay i'me saving having to click and check whats on the USBs.

lyles,m-6 said...

I was looking and i ran across the breakfast in bed or anywhere.i think its rather intresting! i mean,
it'd be great to be able to take a toaster,and coffee maker and all that to be,Orrr anywhere,wouldnt it?
thats simply amazing!

Anonymous said...

I thought the pencil printer was a great idea. Instead of using ink in the toner, it uses the pencil's lead powders. The design of this printer is very helpful as you could take it with you almost everywhere you go.

Gonzalez, M - 6 said...

i really into that "everchanging wallnado"
they have every color and you can switch it up to make words or murals... stuff like that.
i do have have to say it's kinda useless but it would be soo cool to have

Rodriguez,A-2 said...

something that i thought was pretty cool was the toaster taht puts smile on your toast. i would definitely buy that i think it would put you in a good mood in the morning..

Long, W - 7 said...

i like the light bulb effect alot its really cool i think it would be affective but theres a down fall most of my lights are on the ceiling upside down and the wax would drip.

Crenshaw, K - 7 said...

i like the idea of the handy cam its a good idea i would so like it i would love to have it because i plan to travel one day

Cole, V - 7 said...

There is a USB Memory Stick with Disco Lights!
"transparent USB memory stick with alluring lights to represent facts"

If the stick is empty there will be no lights, if there are pictures on the stick then it will glow pink and if there is documents on it, it will glow green. And blue if movies is on the stick.
If the stick is full then the lights will cover the whole tube.

I want one so bad, Mrs.L it's my birthday(not really) will you get me one!?!

Ray Cole said...

I was reading Gizmodo

and saw this:
Adidas MiCoach Pacer

It seems like it gives Nike+ a run for its money because it does what Nike+ does but adds some more stuff.

I'm not sure I'll be switching over anytime soon.

Baker,M-1 said...

KT- if you arnet going to spell my name right then why should i put the proper number of letters in yours?

And you have too thrown things at me. I've freakin seen you. SO don't lie

Goff,R-2 said...

after looking at all of the inventions on the yanko site. my favorite this week is the laser watch. i mean how cool is it to have a watch that saves power by only telling you what time it was by touching the rim.
the lasers look very futuristic and i dont think it would be that hard to read. i hope that the watch will be in stores, although i dont think it would be as cheap as i hope...but hopefully they will be affordable in this new economy.

PS these watches are awesome!

Abernathy, J-2 said...

I think the solar power spikes for plants looked pretty cool. The fact that you can learn about all the soil and nutrients and what you need to do from a little "spike" is pretty cool and its powered by the sun.

Cortines,m-2 said...

Well I love bikes...and anything recyclable...and anything I really love the magnetically-suspended and plastic recyclable bikes! Can you imagine gliding on something as smooth as a magnet? Or being able to just take your bike frame to the local recycling facility when you're finished with it? Well that's just amazing to me. Now what if they combine the two? ... (maybe they have...idk lol)

Wiley, C - 3 said...

I think the "put a smile on your toast" is pretty neat eventhough its not very useful, but i still think its cute.

Morrison,K-1 said...

Kati and Monika, chill! This isn't an argue board!

Baker,M-1 said...

Oh me and KT made up (i think)(