Monday, April 12, 2010

Blog 29 - 4/12/10

Hola My Peeps!

This week I want to explore the new 3D television technology.

Included you will find a couple of articles about how we're all going to be watching 3D TV very soon, and a couple of articles about how the technology actually works.

Tell me what you think. Are you jonesing for this technology? Can you not wait to get the 3D TV into your living room to test it out? Could you not care less?

I don't know how I feel about it. I'm a bit on the fence. I think it's cool that we have the technology to be able to do this in our living rooms, but I'm not convinced we're all going to jump on the bandwagon. I view this kinda like I viewed Blu-Ray. Yeah, it's pretty and all . . . but I have no intention of spending that much money because I don't watch enough television to get my money back out of it. Somebody who watches all the time would probably be better able to speak to this technology than I can. Any takers?

Talk to me . . .


Brookshire, B-1 said...

The 3D technology is 1 of the coolest technologys I have seen so far.I dont think I would spend that much on one though. The next step is making video games in 3D, now I would have 2 get 1 of those:D

Nealy,J/1 said...


robinson,s-1 said...

Honestly, i cant stand 3D. All it does is give me a headache and make my eyes hurt, and it really takes away from the movie. What is even worse, it that now it seems like every movie is coming out in 3D, even movies that have no reason to be in 3D (and in order to see these movies you dont only have to pay $8 for the movie, but an extra $2 for the stupid glasses). I am not excited at all about these 3D tvs, and im pretty sure i will not be jumping on the bandwagon to buy one. Do i think its cool that we have the technology to do this? yes, and maybe TV 3D will be different, maybe they will be awesome and everything anyone has ever dreamed. But until they show me a 3D movie that doesnt make me want to tear my eyes out by the end of it, im not interested.

Szu-yung said...
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Szu-yung said...

they should make a 4D TV rather than a 3D TV

jeffress,r-1 said...

When it comes to 3-D technology, I'm not a huge fan. The reason is the glasses get annoying after a while and I would not want to watch T.V. with glasses for the rest of my life. Also if this technology doesn't improve, then people will start having eye problems and damage. I would not waste my money on a 3-D T.V., because the HD is good enough.

Lanham said...

Brandon . . . 3D video games are coming my friend.

JaCory . . . I completely understand. It would have to be something I would *really* want to see in 3D.

Sarah & Ryan . . . yeah the glasses annoy me too. I can ever seem to forget that they're on my face.

Szu-Yung . . . very cool idea about the 4D. If we took the 3D and added water and air effects think how real it would feel. Disney does this with their 3D attractions and the added element really enhances the 3D feeling.

perry, w - 3 said...

the 3D technology television i never really explored that but i cant wait to see what its like. i question about 3D technolgy do it work exactly lke tv or is it totally different. from the looks of the other people comments 3D is quite boring i hope i think different

T-Williams said...

I think 3D technology is pretty cool and all, but until they find a way to watch the tv WITHOUT the glasses I won't be shelling out any money. I think its stupid that you have to put on a pair of glasses just to watch YOUR tv. Its different in theatres because its out of the ordinary to go watch a movie in 3D. Bringing all that home is a little much for me...

Wiley, C - 3 said...

The 3D Tech. is cool but its not really useful to me its not something that you would have to have.

Sampietro, M-3 said...

Honestly, I couldn't care less. Actually, I don't really like it at all. I have a grudge against 3D at the moment, because, if you want to go see a movie that's in 3D you don't even have to option to just watch it regularly and keep your $3...I AM PO!!! I can't afford that!! So, there is the source of my grudge. AND, as far as Blue Ray goes, it hurts my eyes (me duele los ojos) so I'm pretty sure 3D would just give me a massive headache. Yes, I am pitiful, and I do want to eliminate technology that hurts me ...I don't care if other people suffer for my sake. It's so worth it...

Harper, T - 3 said...

3D technology is cool but i wouldnt spend my money on that. i dont think every thing would be cool n 3D just some shows. but i would look at someone else if they had one.

cortes, j - 3 said...

I wear eye glasses. its hard to wear sunglasses over them, it wont be any easier to wear 3D glasses over them either, it would be a waste of money to buy a 3D t.v if i cant fit 2 pairs of glasses on my face

Deckard, D-3 said...

Never really been a fan of 3D stuff, but it depends on how this new tech look. It might jus be something that I could get into or it could be a bust, but who knows. We'll just have to see.
p.s. I hate the glasses!

Spruiell, S - 4 said...

Im right there with Sarah. I hate 3D...the movies make me a little unless the companies could find a way to perform the task of making things seem to "pop out of the screen" without making me want to hurl, im just not impressed. It is cool that we have this advancement...but, uh, I won't be partaking in the brilliance that is 3D Tv. Mostly i think the autostereoscopy that's involved in being able to accomplish a 3D appearance withOUT glasses is the neat part.

Miller, J - 2 said...

i dont know i really dont watch 3D movies but i do like the tech. the tv is too expensive for my taste though. the glasses are cool and i didnt really understand how they worked and i agree with Hung that would suck, you need deph perseption(telling relatively how far an object is from your position) and last and the best i agree with Brandon 3D GAMES!!!!
i cant wait ;D

lyles,m-6 said...

ohkay,so i think this tv is pretty cool sounding,but i wouldnt always wanna watch tv in 3D,i'd wanna take that feature away if i could.
so,would i be able too?
if so,then depending on the price,i may buy one.(:
but until later,im just fine with my gigantic tv i have now(:

Small,K-6 said...

I'm not a big fan of 3D now, so I doubt I would benefit from 3D TV. Apparently, right now, there's not a comfortable way for people to watch 3D without glasses for too long, so the newest 3D TVs would probably require glasses. I, being the naturally messy creature I am, would probably lose them at the first possible opportunity.

liber,k-6 said...

Well i dont really like 3D i mean its nice I like who it looks but i dont like that glasses. They feel funny and i get tired of them quickly. So this technology does me no good.

Unger, B - 6 said...

Okay, This sounds cool, but I really couldn't care. I think its cool that were able to do this, but I really don't want this technology in my room. One thing I really don't like is the fact that it says you have to wear glasses, and 3D tends to give me headaches. The other thing is I'm already a little upset since they've started making a lot of the new movies in 3D. Yeah, I know the technology is cool, yet I don't enjoy having to spend extra money everytime I want to go see a movie. The other thing I don't like is the fact that this is probably going to cost a lot of money ( I know one site said it wasn't going to cost much, but I highly doubt that).

chitopina-2 said...

The 3-D technology is really amazing, but I'm not going to go run out and buy it immediately...I can wait. I'm not a glasses person so I definately wouldnt enjoy watching TV with them on I prefer watching TV the normal way with my HD channels...even though it would be cool to watch sportscenter one morning and having one of the passes coming straight for me!! However I'll wait until it becomes a lot more popular

bushiey, k - 4 said...

I really liked 3D when i was younger but now it kinda sucks..In the Alice in Wonderland movie (which was really good) the 3D effect my opinion. I never noticed anything really popping out at you. But if these T.V.'s work like they say they do...then i'd be interested into getting one....

Tate, T - 6 said...

I think it would be cool and it would also have a great and dramatic effect on the gaming industry as well. It would be cool to have, just make sure there is the option to have the movie/game showing in the normal version aswell and not just 3d. I do wonder if it would give people motion sickness...

Gonzalez, M - 6 said...

3-D is cool and all that, we've been having it since we were little kids ( a reason why im not like "duuuudde that is soooooo cool!")
Having to able to have it in our living rooms... ehhh i guuueesssss.
i wouldn't want to watch everything in 3-D, you know.

Crenshaw, K - 7 said...

i really could care less about the 3d tv i mean its a kewl idea but i would rather watch regular tv and in plus i know i would lose the glasses

Clark,A-7 said...

not a fan of 3D in the first place. i watch some tv but not enough tomake it worth my while. and not to mention if you are watching the news, its gonna real dat gum hard to read the words scrolling across the bottom of the screen when they are jumping out at you. would it be optional, because some tv shows/movies just wouldnt be appropriate in 3D... oh sure they'd be hilarious the first couple of times, but if you ever tried to watch a serious movie in 3D it would just fail epically

Jim Taylor said...

I think the coolest part of the whole wired article was the technology behind the tvs that don't require glasses. I would buy a tv like that quickly. I don't exactly understand it fully, but its really cool.

Chalco, N - 7 said...

The 3D tv seems pretty cool.But really i wouldn't buy one because i dont watch a lot of tv, and because i know my eyes would get tired of watching stuff pop out.

Goad, G - 7 said...

well, 3D stuff has always been something that i thought was cool, i mean, come on, having something come at u like its really there is sweet. however, id dwight shcrute were to come at me while i was watchin the office in the comfort of my own home, i would prolly pee in my pants, so ill hold off on the whole 3D thing for now, maybe later though

Fedun, M-7 said...

This seems like a cool direction to head in. I can totally picture some sport games and such in 3D would be really cool, but i dont think i would enjoy watching everything in 3D. There should be a feature to turn it on and off but it seems like the place where we will be in the future to have 3D tvs

Goad, G - 7 said...
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Goad, G - 7 said...

couldnt spell IF and SCHRUTE, sorry

Lopez, M-1~☺ said...

I've seen a 3D TV and it's pretty cool, but personally I wouldn't buy one. Initially, it's really expensive~ The only thing that I can't wait for is 3D video gaming!! It's way better. Besides, this whole trend of everything being 3D is so being over-used~ That nad I don't think that I want another TV in the house.

Baker,M-1 said...

Personally, I dont really like 3-D tv (or movies).

But the technology is pretty cool. I wouldnt spend much money on it, but I can see the appeal. Also, if they are gonna have #-D tv, can they get rid of those stupid looking glasses?

(off note) It would be much cooler to have 3-D holographic projectors instead of tv. Id set it on the ground and it would pop up around me. I would actually be "in" my fav show. Which would be awesome.(end off note)

Culbertson, D-1 said...

Apperently there is a way to view it without glasses, called autostereoscopy...That's a mouthfull, eh..

Anyways, if it's possible to view the 3D TV without having to put on goofy glasses, sign me up! If you can make payments I'll totally get one over a car, haha..

Although, it looks like if you sit outside of the 14 Feet(4 Meter) range, then the imagine could/will be blurry, so that can make it or break it.

Morrison,K-1 said...

I agree with a lot of people on this. First of all, like Kati S. I'd lose my glasses too easily in my house (I loose all my techno stuff). Second, I can't even afford a new TV. Third, if I didn't loose the glasses, I'd either end up breaking them or forgeting they're on my face, I can picture it now. Tons of students showing up to school with their 3D glasses on.... but yeah, it would be interesting to have, but only for like movies or certain things. Then again I don't really watch much TV, I'm mostly at the computer watching Youtube and other video sites.

mayfield,s-1 said...

I like the idea and I dont like the idea. I like it because it would be kind of cool to have a 3D LCD Tv in your home. I dont like it because I never be at home long enough to watch tv and I would never have time to enjoy it.

Gonzalez, C-1 said...

I think were jumpin the gun a bit and moving to fast in entertainment technology. I mean really, 3-D is for the theatres just because its designed for entertaiment process. I mean the new aquos tv just came out not that long ago and plus, 3-D requires the glasses. 3-D seems more like a theatre thing, rather than a home thing. I'd prefer HD rather than 3-D. I don't think that it would catch on as quick as people do.

Brookshire, B-1 said...

Wow!I didnt know that this technology could cause eye damage. What Hung said is a scary thought, not being able 2 know how close or far away an object is. Its like u would b driving and think that stop sign is several yards ahead of me and all a sudden *CRASH* whoops!maybad!I just ran the stop signXDXD

Trikosko, M-1 said...

I don't think 3D tech is that neccessary for tv imagine watching a sitcom or something like that in 3D, to me it distracts too much from the actuall program and is just not needed. When I saw Avatar the 3d was cool and on but when I took off the glasses I could tell the screen was so much brigher and vibrant, I would actualy have liked to see it not in 3d too. 3d TVs are going to be the same way unless they are really bright. But 3D would be awesome with videogames, it immerses you in the game rather than distracting from it. Thats just my opinion though.

Hernandez, J - 2 said...

3D technology is is cool at first I though t its going to be boring then when I saw it I was like OMG!!! I liked ever since but I still say 4D is stil cooler.

Goff,R-2 said...

I have to say, this is probably the biggest waste of money anyone can spend. i mean are we that lazy and spolied that we cant have our tvs like normal tvs, they have to be 3 freaking D....

In the economy of today people cant afford to spend $3000 on a brand new tv, and $300 for 2 pairs of glasses. And the fact that only the expensive power draining glasses work on this tv. Of course they wouldnt make it to where you could use the ghetto 3D glasses you pay 8 dollars for at the movie theater....biggest waste of money ever...

Abernathy, J-2 said...

I'm not really a huge fan of 3D. I hate it when a movie looks good on previews and then it says its 3D. I don't like wearing the glasses either. So, I really don't like the idea of having a
3D television in my living room. I would not like to have to wear those glasses everytime I wanted to watch television. I don't think this 3D t.v. is going to get very far.

Abernathy, J-2 said...
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anderson a-2 said...

3D sucks :( so when it somes to 3D technologhy i am not onboard this train..... its not that i dont like it. its just that i have had bad expierences with it for Example that clash of the titans movie, i paid $11 to see a 3D movie that wassnt even 3demisional i was highly upset. but if some how i can actually get to see anything in 3D form i will feel a lot better but untill then im NOT.

Anonymous said...

I actually saw my first 3D tv commercial last night. It totally flashed me back to the blog. Deja vuuu.

Um, I think 3D will "lose" its coolness once it's in the home. That, and it'll probably be really expensive. A lot of people don't even have HD tv's in their homes yet, let alone blue-ray players. It was stated in the articles themselves as to why they're doing this - they want to make money because their predicted sales have been predicted to decline.

brooks.hobie said...

this is something i can really get into, they're cool they work really well i got to try one out over spring break. but the only down fall is yu need the glasses, not to speek of the fact they only come with a pair of 2 and it looks like crap if u dont have any. but about 2 years ago they can out with a flat panel for advertising that you dont need glasses for but u have to be with in like 3 feet for it to work i dont think anyone really likes to sit that close to a tv

Parkhurst, M-2 said...

Personally, I don't have much time to watch it just isn't all that entertaining for me. But in general I think if a tv was 3D all the time it would make me a little sick...I definately don't have an advanced tv now and so why would I run out and buy a tv that would most likely make me sick...just sayin.

Cortines,m-2 said...

Well....I'm not really into 3D TV. Even after Avatar. It all kinda gives me a lovely headache. And I really don't like the idea of having to wear glasses to watching certain movies. Besides looking like a dork, the glasses are uncomfortable and claustrophobic. The idea of 3D without glasses is a bit more appealing, but still somewhat useless and 10-15 years away. I may, however, give the 3D gaming scene a whirl before I knock them....

Cortines,m-2 said...

Yeah Ryan. Even with Stimulus Tuesday.

gonzalez, c-2 said...

3d is something cool ive seen the comercial they have for that new 3d televisio i think it is cool and i would buy one

villanueva,f-2 said...

i wount want to watch tv in 3d having to use the glasses would really get on my nerves

Hawkins, M - 3 said...

The 3D tech. seems really cool I havent watched a 3D movie yet,bt I have really bad eyes and I think it would probally worsen my vision...

Asquith,C-3 said...

This WOULD be cool, except for one thing....the stupid glasses you have to wear along with them!!! I know it would be hard to tune the tv to our eyes wave frequencies, but STILL!! If you're gonna do something, do it right!

Padilla, J - 3 said...

I wouldn't hate 3D as much if it wasn't so expensive! I like watching 3D stuff every once in a while, but if TV was 3D all the time, I would die! Not everything has to be in 3D some things are just better in 2D. When I saw Clash of the Titans the 3D just wasn't necessary. I even took off my glasses halfway through just because there was no point. All this money being wasted on 3D should just be used to do something that will actually help the world, ya know, like feeding Africa or something...

reichert, s-3 said...

I really don't see the apeal of 3D TV. Even movies are a little anoying in 3D because i have to worry about the stupid glasses and every scene has someone point at the camera (and into my face) and say something like "look over there!". TV is already annoying enough but in 3D it may just be too much, i mean, can you imagine the car dealer commercials!!??

Flynn,R-3 said...

3D technology is pretty cool, but the glasses is what makes the whole thing worth-while; talk about style...

Yarbrough, V - 3 said...

Well if i sat in front or a computer or tv screen this would be more of an interest to me because I'm rarely on da computer mainly for class assignments and as for tv i watch tv like once every three days unless its something i really want to see if i had the money plus the choice for blueray depending on what finacial state im in i may or may not buy it I just dont want to spend money in an unuseful way

Yarbrough, V - 3 said...

Well if i sat in front or a computer or tv screen this would be more of an interest to me because I'm rarely on da computer mainly for class assignments and as for tv i watch tv like once every three days unless its something i really want to see if i had the money plus the choice for blueray depending on what finacial state im in i may or may not buy it I just dont want to spend money in an unuseful way

Yarbrough, V - 3 said...

Well if i sat in front or a computer or tv screen this would be more of an interest to me because I'm rarely on da computer mainly for class assignments and as for tv i watch tv like once every three days unless its something i really want to see if i had the money plus the choice for blueray depending on what finacial state im in i may or may not buy it I just dont want to spend money in an unuseful way

zavala,P -3 said...

really im not a fan of 3D,cause they give me headaches and nausia. so i really dont like 3D technology, and mainly because i dont spend that much time in front of a television. it will be a waste of money buying a 3D tv for myself.

payton, j - 3 said...

3D technology has its goods and bads i use to like it when i was like 10 i thought it was cool but now i think its kina childish and made for kids.

Cole, S - 4 said...

I really dont care about the 3D tvs because I dont watch Tv all that much and I think that the 3D thing should just be a once in a while thing!Its just stupid to me to have a TV thats 3D all the time!

Garza, G-4 said...

personally i dont get headaches when watching a 3d movie unless things jump off the tv every 2 seconds, so i think i could invest in one of these tvs and if i didn't have to wear the glasses that would be a bonus because i hate having to wear them on top of the glasses i already wear. in the end i can wait those 10 yrs for better 3d or even 4d tvs with better quality.

Pina, R-2 said...

3-D technology seems like a plus, its a big step in technology today, but I think it would be an even bigger step if they could make it to where we don't have to wear those rediculous glasses, if they could actually make the image pop out of the T.V, that would be sweet!

alvarado, m-4 said...

i wont like to have the 3d tv in my living room mostly because wearing the glasses all the time would get annoying... i would just stick with my regular tv.

Willis, A - 4 said...

*Well if I was rich and had billions of dollars I would because it would be really cool if I had 3D in my living room or bedroom and all I could do is just go in there and watch it and because I never seen anything in 3D
before so it would be nice to have one.*

Pixley, J-4 said...

I wonder if they could incorperate this onto phones like the iphone, mabye a switch under settings thats changes the screen from default to 3D, would make road trips a whole lot more fun, and people have to look passed JUST 3D tv, and expand into other forms of entertainment. Just imagine working in Audacity with a 3D setting, all the sound waves pulsing around you, that would be awesome

shepherd, a - 4 said...

ok first of all, i'm not really that big into tv in the first place(i have tinnitis so it gives me headaches), so it doesn't really affect me that much...i don't watch it at home unless it's the weather...i mean i used to love 3d movies as a kid when they first came out, but now that i hardly watch tv anymore, i really don't see the point in using their budgets for 3d when all the children's movies are more adult than they should be >:( ...i don't like spending the extra money at the movies to see a bouncy ball jump out at me and i don't think i'd pay a whole lot of extra money to get a tv that could show me that same bouncy ball jumping out at me...i wonder if 3d can give some people seizures? i know it makes people dizzy & have headaches

Morones, C - 4 said...

i'm not exac-tacally super head-over-heels for the idea that Tvs would require glasses for you to be able to see the next Grey's Anatomy or who won America's next dance crew or to watch Billy Mays talking all about how that not even Optimus Prime can behold the greatness of Mighty Putty. Besides, it would give me a headache.....XP

Miller, R - 6 said...

i would love to watch tv all the time in 3D but what would happen if i lost the 3D glasses bac kto regular tv so i really wouldnt mind ether way... all i know is the 3D tv gone cost you an arm and a leg nd maybe you

Esparza,J-7 said...

MRS. L CAN WE HAVE AN ANTI-CAPS LOCK RULE? And I really want a 3-D tv but i would rather wait till there is a lot of 3-D programming for me to watch on my 3-D TV otherwise it would be a waste of money, but other than that 3-D TVs are pretty cool.

Russaw, N - 6 said...

well i really dont care bout the technology cause im always moving if they are making 3d tv what else are they gonna make

Wilson, J - 6 said...

I HATE 3d it makes me dizzy, gives me a headache, and makes me sick. plus i HATE wearing the glasses. so I would be really mad if all we had in the future was 3d t.v's so I will NEVER get one!!!!!!!!!!!

Padilla, E - 6 said...

i think is pretty cool but im not so sure i will like having it all the time and for not feeling the whole thing about wearing the glasses.

Rodriguez,A-2 said...

uhh i dnt knw about this like it seems cool but i dnt thin k i would be really interseted in spending thousands of dollars for a 3d tv like some shoes would just be dumb to watch on 3d..and i think the glasses would annoy the crap out of me

Anonymous said...

It sounds cool, but I don't think I would enjoy it after a while; it would get old. The glasses would just annoy me and I don't need everything popping out at me.

Hughes, T - 7 said...

Until they can develop this stuff without the stupid glasses, i dont think this is worth it. I think ill have to wait.

Tutt, S - 7 said...

I think 3D technology is cool but I would hate everyday when I wanted to watch some tv or play a game I would have to put on some gay 3D glasses.

Cole, V - 7 said...

I belive Ray and Shanika were arguing about this the other day. Shanika was saying how the 3D stuff makes her eyes feel weird, and Ray was raging about how he knows everything and that everything will be 3D one day. Of course my mom would have to jump in and say why would you want to watch a talk show in 3D?

Anyway, I don't really see the point of having a 3D TV unless you have a huge TV in your living room. It's just not the same experience as watching it at the movies in 3D

Long, W - 7 said...

3d looks so cool but idk i am happy with tv right now and im sure if i watched tv alot in 3d id have a major migrane so if they promise to make it to were it wont hurt us or give us migranes then id be more intrested lol

Patton,A-1 said...

i think that the 3D tv will be very cool. yea its gone be expensive and what not but i think its gone be a hit and it will do good on the market because its different. its not ur ordinary tv. if i had the money i would get one. it would be cool to watch football games or basketball games in 3D. it would really be like im in the game

Sydney Purser said...

Okay, so I have decided to put my two bits in on this. (Hi y'all ;] )

I think it would be amazingly fanta-bicle if we could watch 3D movies and such in our homes, but two things make me ick on this idea. One, the cost. Seems a touch prohibitive, no? Two, I don't wanna wear bloomin' sunglasses like eye wear in order to watch my movie. I 'lost' my own glasses for a reason, and those were just a touchhhhh more needed.

Anyways, there is my spot of thought.