Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog 7 - 10/18/10

Howdy Folks! Thanks for logging in!

I'm not done with this Google Car yet. It's boggling my mind.

I brought the video for us to watch this week. It makes the concept a bit more real I think. It also states some facts that weren't in the articles. Such as "it's not meant to replace the driver," and "Google has no idea when this car would be ready for the public."

The BUQUAD article poses some interesting questions. Questions such as "What happens in challenging situations, such as where traffic is being directed by a policeman?" and "How would you earn a drivers license for this vehicle?"

The TECHCRUNCH article is kinda funny. It's about how people were actually spotting this car on the road for months and had no idea what it's purpose was. Also? The article makes the point that if you are driving down the road taking pictures / videos of other cars, YOU'RE the reason we need the Google Car in the first place!

The Daily Beast article is the best one I've found yet. It states that everybody was surprised at this technology because they thought it was 5 to 10 years out. It also talks about sticky issues, like merging into traffic which it calls a combination of social etiquette and Newtonian physics. How would the car handle that if we've taken the human element out?

Also, apparently this was all preceeded by a challenge issued by the Pentagon in 2004. The Department of Defense wanted to encourage automotive engineers to brings robotics to vehicles in hopes that by 2015 we could have completely robotic convoys moving equipment and supplies into and out of war zones, so that fewer lives would be at stake. How could this technology end up helping our soldiers? We haven't even thought about those implications yet.

So for blog credit this week, answer one of the questions that have been posed. Go back and READ MY WORDS and figure it out. Wait to post until Thursday if you'd like credit.

Talk to me . . .


vazquez, j - 1 said...

That is kind of cool how the car will drive you but i plan to make cars that will be able to fly, to race at speeds only a rocket would, and have a digital transporter if you lose your car. We as teenagers want to drive our own cars so let us do what we dream to do. Google i will never use you again, GOODBYE!!!

butler, m - 1 said...

well it could really help our soilders alot. the army could send supplies and ammo in through these robotic convoys and keep our american soilders safe. think about it how many times do you hear about an american humvee being blown up and our soilders have been killed or injured? this idea could save many lives! how cool would that be?

wallace, o-1 said...

Im answering the question "What happens in challenging situations, such as where traffic is being directed by a policeman?"
The answer to that question is that the google car has a failsafe operating system that allows the human driver to intervene when things get tricky.

fuentes, m - 1 said...

i want to comment about the car helping our soilders. i think that having one of these google cars as a military car is a good idea because what if the driver gets hurt, or shot, or what if there are two people in the car, and one of them is shot or dying quickly? then the one that is suppose to be drivng can leave the car driving alone, and at least try to help the other injured soilder. this car is also helpful because instead of the driver worrying where to drive, the car can drive itself and the soilder can watch and be more alert of the enemies. this car for the military would be an advantage to our soilders.

yancey-z-1 said...

How could this technology end up helping our soldiers? the technology can help are soldiers to stay alive if robots went out to get all the stuff then how could a person that is not there get hurt? thay cant ...right ok then but keep it in the war zone.... have you ever seen the movie hurt locker yea thay need a robot BAD

santoyo, l - 1 said...

I think this technology would help soldiers a lot because it could prevent other soldier from puting their life in danger.

For example if Mrs. L was a soldier getting shot at and you have this technology in a bullet proof tank with about 4 machine guns, the tank could just go and pick her up and she would be safe. If Mrs. L decides not to get in the tank then thats a whole different story.

Another technology that could go along well with this technology would be being able to turn the military vehicles invisible. (like the 007 car)

Oh i answer the question about how it would help soldier if you still can figured it out.

Lanham said...

You need to answer one of four specific questions posed in this blog to get credit this week.

Also? If you would please write which question you're answering in your response I think it would help keep us on track. That way everybody knows, not just you and me.

Thanks yall!

patton, e - 1 said...

In the dailybeast article they discuss the social ettiquet the car is required to have in order to merge into traffic and stuff. Its crazy that they can program a car to have manneres. But what would happen if this element werent there? I think the car would probably stop completely instead of merging.

baeza, n - 1 said...

How couls this technology end up helping our soldiers?

There could be lot less dead soldiers. Instead of putting a soldier in an army tank they could just work it with nobody inside incase a tragedy happens like that tank getting bomb there wont be no lives lost.

vazquez, j - 1 said...

The only way that we could earn a license for the moving car would be if they presented us with an almost out of control car and we would have to find the best solution to stop or maneuver the car.

How would we be able to redirect the car? We would have to turn off some type of autopilot and take control of the wheel manually to avoid any damage. Let's just hope the people behind the wheel take action quickly or else they will accidentally use deadly force on a policeman and nearby civilians.

juarez, a - 1 said...

How could self driving cars help our soldiers?

Well for once it would make their job less dangerous. If something would go wrong like they say in the news then with this self driving thingies less deaths would happen, but would this also be for jets and ships. but if it would save lifes then be it

Lanham said...

O'Kevion . . . I know I could take control back, but I want that dang car not to make me HAVE to take it back, you know what I mean? I want it to be able to handle it. I'm just wondering what happens when judgement calls need to be made?

LOL @ Luis. Oh Imma get in the tank buddy, you can bet on that.

Zach . . . Hurt Locker. BEST. MOVIE. EVER!

blank, d - 2 said...

i really dont know if i would sit in a car that drives itself. i think its coo that it can stop when people jump in front of it, but still dont trust it.

vega, u - 2 said...

A self-driving car is very convenient...until they become self-aware and start running people over on purpose. Not really, but seriously, the technology that is being developed so quickly is mind blowing. Next thing you know, they'll start revealing actual robots. Like from Surrogates. Yeah, its gonna be a lot like that.

anderson a-2 said...

How could this technology end up helping our soldiers?
- it could help out the soldiers a lot because it would not require them to get out in the open and risk their life. its like those airplanes with no pilot it just has a huge camera that allow the person to see what going on from a safe distance.

would the google car be similar to a plane on auto pilot???

Pina, R-2 said...

In response to the question asking about the welfare of our soldiers due to these. I think it would be a great help to our soldiers, because rather than being sent out to move supplies, but it happens to be on the course of a potential mine field, they send to the car and then the car gets destroyed rather than the life of the soldier, and his or her family.

brooks-2 said...

ok what i still dont get is that they still have to have people there to protect the convoy or the enemies would just take what they wanted off the convoy. and there for rendering it useless so someone will alwasy have to be put it in harms way.

Miller, J - 2 said...

Im answering the question concerning the car merging with trafic, from the Daily Beast article. I think that it if everyone had the Google car they could invent a way that the cars could comunicate with each other and allow the waiting car to merge, without worrying about blocking trafic or having wrecks. But questions might arise that what if not everyone had the Google car? regular cars cant comunicate with the Google car. well, the google car could have GPS and tracking devices so that it can know when there is a opening to merge and what specific time to go... but there are still some difficulties concerning these things and we still need more time to test and develope this technology.

Anonymous said...

How would you earn a drivers license for this vehicle?

Most likely the same way you do now with a few exceptions.
Since they proclaim that the car is not completely eliminating the driver, he or she will still require the ability to drive safely. If you put a human in this car with no driving skills and a malfunction occurs, they will need to take over control and might not be able to do so. The few exceptions might include testing on understanding when something isn't going right, learning how to take control back, and properly reacting in certain situations.

Parkhurst, M-2 said...

My comment applies to the second article of the blog. I am not completely understanding what the point of a car that can drive you is if in difficult situations you may have to switch to manual driving...personally if someone is driving me anywhere now I do anything but pay attention to how the other person is driving. I also think that there would really be no relaxation in these cars because we would be on edge making sure the thing didn't kill us. As far as using it in war, I agree with this idea because it would save a lot of lives if it was able to even just deliver things to certain places. I am seeing that this could maybe go in a Transformers direction? Who knows in this country anymore.

Lanham said...

Dalton! Uriel! Answer one of my questions!

blank, d - 2 said...

i really dont know if i would sit in a car that drives itself. i think its cool that it can stop when people jump in front of it, but still dont trust it. It would be great if they could use this in the military world and save soliders.

Rodriguez,A-2 said...

i am answering the question what would happen if the human element was taken out?..i think that once you type in where you want to go the car should be good on its own in good weather and traffic conditions but if something gets complicated on the road and theres no human to take over it might cause an accident.

vega, u - 2 said...

Okay, for real this time. If this sort of technology were used in the military, they put supplies into a vehicle and make it deliver them without having to make one of their men leave and end up short handed in forces. Also, a soldier is injured he could enter the coordinates of where the nearest base is and have it take him there.

Lanham said...


tedder, d - 4 said...

"What happens in challenging situations, such as where traffic is being directed by a policeman?"

the google car has a failsafe system and the driver can take control when ever he/she wants to.

Haskins,T-4 said...

I feel like this is still a confusing subject expectally
How would u earn a drivers lisence for this car
i feel that the test for this car should be different as long as the person behind the wheel is a lisended driver hypatheticaly sayin it just like all the other dirving test but there should be and technology exam added to it to make sure the driver can work the technology of the cars auto pilot
im just sayin
*jacks the wheels off of drews chair*

diverdi, d - 4 said...

i am going to answer "What happens in challenging situations, such as where traffic is being directed by a policeman?"
well what happens in this situation instead of panicing you just grab the wheel ur slef and drive thats it nothing sketchy about that just take over thats why they have so y are people making that a big deal? theres a good question ha the (Sensation)signing out ha

madkins, b - 4 said...

I'm answering the question "What happens in challenging situations, such as where traffic is being directed by a policeman?"
Honestly i have no idea how they would do that.I mean it would really take some serious technologty to create something that accurate, i mean what if it defects and runs over another car, how does it know what sign the policeman is making? and what if something else throws it off. Most likely it could be done but it might take some years to get it worked out.
But in our generation anything is possible!

milo, v 4 said...

The BUQUAD article posted a good question.
If an intoxicated person was behind the wheel would he still be considered ddriving? Since the car is doing all the work for him.
I think that this would also stop abunch of crahses and a bunch of deaths also which affect everyone in a way.
Google should have probably came out with this car 3 years ago and it could have probably saved my friend's life. If the drunk driver that was driving this car my friend Eduardo would still be here with us.
But if this car does come out there are going have to be new driving while under the influence laws that will have to be enforced!

rivera, m - 4 said...

"How would you earn a drivers license for this vehicle?"
I think to earn ur driving licenses for this kind of car is gona be some kinda in away more complicated because i think they might ask you to know some technology that the car has.

Reyes, A-4 said...

In answer to the question, "How would the car handle that if we've taken the human element out?", it would handle MUCH...BETTER!! Why? Because people are stupid. They talk on phones and text and mess with the radio. "OMG, I love this song! (CRASH)" This happens ALL THE TIME! Google is obviously trying to replace us with robots and I approve of it. Why?....Because I am a cyborg, here to KILL YOU ALL!

But seriously, the car will probably be better with less of the human element because it is run by computers and computers don't have to message their BFF's about how they were LOL'ing in class because some kid was being RTD. It will be less likely to get into car accidents and will be useful for those crazy-mad texters who texting is like crack to.

young, j - 4 said...

"How would you earn a drivers license for this vehicle?"

Well, if you need a drivers license to be in the car in the first place, why would you need to know how to operate a car that operates itself? unless they can really get this going and implement this into our daily lives, which they probably will, i dont see why we just cant get a regular license. the only time you would have to actually drive the car is in sticky situations, and in a situation like that, you would just need to know what to do yourself, which can be learned by getting a regular old license.

My point, if it wasnt clear: Getting a license for a self-driving car should be no different than getting one for a manually-driven car.

hill, s - 4 said...

How could techonogly help our soilders?it could help them by not haveing to drive while they are trying to do there if they have to shoot they could because they wouldnt have to worry about having to drive and try to shoot at the same time.they could be shooting instead of having to try to steer the wheel at tha same time.and that could keep them from wreckimg while they are trying to shoot because the car will be driving itself.

Anonymous said...

i iz toth~
Well i love this car, because it seems less stressfull to drive.. at least to me.
With this car there will always be challenging situations that the car may not be able to do for it self. thats why there is a manual overdrive, so if there is ever that incident, then you may just grab the wheel and take over, got to be fast though, dont want any crashes to happen because some1 fell asleep at the wheel.
Anyways thats all i got for any1 thats reads this stuff.
TOTH OUT (teleports)

gutierrez, n - 4 said...

What happens in challenging situations? i think the car would stop and not know what to do that would its a kool car but what would you expect from it ...

emborgo, t - 4 said...

How could this technology end up helping our soldiers?

This technology could be very useful for the military. Thanks to its GPS, heat sensors, and a bunch of other things, vehicles like the Google car can help transport soldiers more safely. Human drivers can have a hard time driving during a sandstorm in Iraq and Afgankistan could delay soldiers from being employed in emergency situation. With the Google car technology, the car can drive and deliver supplies and soldiers at any weather, time, and condition.

wilson, k - 4 said...

I do not think that this car is a good idea. I know that it is something neat, but I do not think it can do all the things that Google says it can do. I do not think it will be able to operate when a policeman is directing traffic, but the human driver could take over I guess. I also think that it will not be able to be a "friendly driver". It will not know when to be courteous and let someone go ahead and stuff like that. It may be good for soldiers, but what if the enemy hacks the computer and turns our own vehicle on our own guys??? That could be bad.

carrillo, c - 4 said...

How would this car help soldier's?

This will help them by making their job easier, because they can multi-task. But I don't understand how teenagers may use this. They want their own cars.

pedroza, y - 4 said...

ok so the "how would you earn a drivers license for this vehicle" question... wouldnt that like require you to know how to use a computer in the first place? so what happens with the older generations that are still having trouble with computers? are they bound to drive themselves for the rest of their life???? O.o

so the drivers license for this car should in my opinion be a little bit more difficult to get than a regular license because we ( I )dont want random idiots riding around a self-driven car... :P

page, c - 4 said...

Ok, i'm answering the "What happens in challenging situations such as where traffic is being directed by a policeman?"... Well the Google car has a failsafe operating system meaning that the driver can take control if needed when things get out of hand . Some smart car... I still don't think it would work though. . . Seems like it would just run into the car infront of it and cause a huge wreck. Dangerous!

Thompson, C - 5 said...

The police man question was a good one. honestly i dont think cars (computers for that fast) will be able to determin certain contengencies like construction and police officers directing traffic. and i fear that by the time computers are able to think rationaly, computers will be able to control the world. lol i think thats what google plans to do. seeing as how they are one of the companies listed in dow jones and one of the top 5. they have plenty of money to do so.

ARR3GU1N,R-5 said...

Commenting on the soldiers.
the car can carry supplies and also if one gets blasted another soldier can help him out while the car is driving by itself.

adams, i - 5 said...

well im goin to answer the question about how would earn a licsese to drive a car like this. i geuss they would have to give us a test to determine if we are able to be alert, and know how to react in a bad situation.

ewing, r - 5 said...

I'm answering the question about soldiers.

While replacing soldiers SEEMS like a good idea, it also impacts the economy by taking away jobs that we could be giving to our citizes. This will cause lost revenue and most likely, an increase in violence due to the fact that these soldiers are being REPLACED by a robot.

norsworthy, i -5 said...

"How would the car handle that if we've taken the human element out?"

It might be okay for a while BUT eventually its gonna mess up somewhere. At least we still have the opition of the human element. It makes me feel a LITTLE more safe but not much!!!!

johnson, d - 5 said...

i want to comment on the car helping our soldiers... well i think its a good idea because our soldiers need as much help as they can get and if a soldier gets hurt then they can just hop in the car take off!, and they wont have to waste any time.

curry, b - 5 said...

"How will this technology help our soliders?"-- Technology like this will save lives not only on the road but also overseas. From what I've heard most death cases in the war occur from bombs. Things like land mines are disasterous for soliders. By sending cars that can drive themselves (I know that thats not completely possible yet but we are on our way) lives could be saved. If supplies need to be sent then instead of risking a person's life send a piece of machinery, that we can mass produce, onto the battlefield or behind enemy lines.

Anonymous said...


the buquad article about what would happen when a policeman or traffic officer is directing the highway? the car that drives it self can detect when ever their is a police or traffic. people who get their lidence have to do the hard job by with the car because if it stops working it they can be in danger. it can be use as a original car to .

mejia, c - 5 said...

How can this technology help our soldiers?

These cars could actually help our soldiers by taking them to a safe place far away. It could really help a soldier if there injured or have been shot. Someone could put the soldier in the car and put the directions on where to take the him and BAM! He's there safe and sound. This could really help our soldiers when they're in need of things.

almeida, m - 5 said...

What happens in challenging situations, such as where traffic is being directed by a policeman.

"Well what i read so far was the google car can read traffic signals and also can immediatly move away form the traffic or busy street. That is really awesome. wow i hope i could have one like the google car in the future"

Silva-A-5th said...

"How would you earn a drivers license for this vehicle?"

1st you would have to read/study the manual with all of the new technology featurs on the car and how to use them. 2nd you would probably have to have a certin amount of hours of hands on driveing the car, and then take the tests that are required.

vineyard, w - 5 said...

In reply to merging into traffic, machines just couldn't do it as effectively as humans can. I'm sure that the Google cars could master the Newtonian physics aspect of merging without much of a hassle, provided they had some proper programming for it. As for the social etiquette aspect, machines couldn't handle it. Social etiquette involves appropriate judgment and emotional understanding, things that machines have no mastery of, regardless of how advanced their systems are.

Myers, K-5 said...

Q. "How would you earn a drivers license for this vehicle?"

A. Hmm, a difficult question in my opinion. Well, if you are being driven around by your own car you'd think you'd have more leisure in getting a drivers license, but truth be told, it wouldn't be so easy.

Since this car is operated by machinery, high-tech systems and such, a person should be well experianced in computers, and how the operating system would work. Also, if the car were to be shut down and you had to manually control it, you should know how to drive.

Honestly, I think the car thing is cool and all, but... a little dangerous. Plus, I like driving myself, not my car!

Lanham said...


Lanham said...

Amado (& Kelsey) . . . I agree with you. I think earning a license for this thing would have to be a little complicated.

Wilson . . . I don't think machines will be able to handle some of those things as well either. Anything with a judgement call (merging, traffic being directed by cops) would probably be handled better by humans. Maybe.

Some of yall obviously didn't even read the article about how these would be used in wartime. When you comment on something for which you have no basis of knowledge it makes you seem simple-minded. READ THE ARTICLE YOU'RE COMMENTING ON!!! Sheesh!

Toth . . . even though I said IN THE BLOG to answer a question, and I said it again IN MY COMMENTS, and then I stood in front of you in class and said ANOTHER TWO TIMES OUT LOUD to answer one of the questions . . . you still didn't manage to get it done.

LOL @ Angel!

reyna, j - 7 said...

the car could totally help our soldiers whan someone is wounded and cannot opperate the vehical.

albro, d - 7 said...

I am anwsering the question about our troops in the war. The car could helped the soldiers by driving them around while the shoot from the vehicle with both hands. Or if they get shoot while driving they could put it in auto drive while they are cry hysterically for their mothers.

ponce, j - 7 said...

im am answering the question of how can the google car tell when a policeman is dirrecting traffic and i think that the police officer sjould be wearing a speacila type of suit that the cumputer thats in the car could be able to see the police man and see wich way he's pointing

brasher, k - 7 said...

google made a self driving car. . . well i guess it is usefull, but not till they make it were i can buy 1, or the army could use it not very usefull i think. its a start on wat they could be doing in a few years
so it is more of a toy for them till they get bored with the car, then they might give it to the ppl

murphey, l - 7 said...

question: What happens in challenging situations, such as where traffic is being directed by a policeman?

answer: Well when policemen are directing traffic i think the only possible way to get yourself out of the situation is to overide the car and manual drive but then you would have to know how to drive the car.

arnold, t - 7 said...

I am answering the question about getting a driver's license for this self driving car. Which does raise quite a bit of suspense. Maybe they would have you read information over the car and then take a test about the information youve read and possibly drive the car with an instructor sort of like how it is dont with manual cars. Just a thought.

wiggins, m - 7 said...

This technology could end up helping our soldiers by not putting them in danger and having less injuries and fatalities.

nickson, n - 7 said...

the google car can help the injured soldiers. it could drive multiple soldiers around without distracting the other soldiers that are actually fighting.

ramirez, j - 7 said...

How would you earn a drivers license for this vehicle? i think the way you would earn a license would be you had to be able to stay awake and keep your eyes on the road

johnson, dasmine - 7 said...

i wonder if you would have to take a certain test to get your own car like that. or maybe we don't have to take a different test. we would need to know what to do for the license for the car. im just going to say im not going to take the chance of driving the car. i feel like can only be driven around by humans and not a computer. for the people that get one whenever they come out i want ya'll to let me know how the car drives, and i want to know if we have to have a different license or not, if so why do you need them. I HAVE BLOGGED MRS.L !!

delagarza, g - 7 said...

i am going to comment on the question about how the car will react if there wasnt a person driving it.I think it will work the same as if someone was in the driver seat. because first of all you really dont even drive the car so what diffrence does it make?? yeah maybe the car wont do somethings but still i think it makes no diffrence

lanham2010-eramirez said...

What happens in challenging situations, such as where traffic is being directed by a policeman?" well i think that the car will stop by itself because it is operated by satellites so they should already know when to stop.

redfield, c - 7 said...

This car is very cool and could eliminate many accidents, and just think where it could take us in the future. But, what should the driving age for these new google cars be? I think they should keep the driving age at sixteen, incase, something did go wrong and the driver would have to take control. And also because I dont think i would want a 12 year old driving on the highway next to me, that would cause more accidents not eliminate them.

morris, j - 7 said...

To answer this question about how this would help save our troops lives. Ha.... we humans cannot tell if there is a mine set in front of us we just go right over it then all of a sudden BOOM, somebody dies and a family or families are now stuck with the sad feeling because somebody in there family has died. So the self-driving car has this laser technology along with a radar i hope the car would be able to sense the land mine and that way we don't have the whole sorrow thing. Trust me i had to go through it and it isn't a good feeling so i approve of the GOOGLE car because i don't want to go through the feeling again. I lost my great grandfather to a land mine. I also have my grandfather in the feild right now he is a Commander and has a platoon of... I think 5 people. So for anybody who prays pray for me and my family.... please.

morgan, d - 7 said...

What will happen in a complex situation, such as a policeman directing traffic?

Well, there's going to be a manual override for a reason. But maybe Google can make thier cars able to possibly translate motions and signals into car talk. If it was capable of that, then that would be very helpful, because some people are probably too stupid to get directed properly. Also, one of the articles said something about the military using the cars. I really like this idea, because less soldiers put in harm's way is a great thing.

brummett, a - 7 said...

i'm answering the question about how will the car act if there was a policeman directing traffic. Well many things could happen, for instance it could have the transmitter device jammed and the car will hit the policeman. In a book I'm reading called "Alex rider - Crocodile Tears," he use a modified calculator so that when he presses the plus button 3 times it jams everything electronic in a 45 mile radius for 45 minutes, that could happen. Also, the police man could maybe push the car in the right direction, and it will follow, or in worst case scenario we will be surprised at the car and it will succeed.

soto, e - 7 said...

How could this tchnology end up helping our soldiers???...i think this cool google car would help soldiers in many ways because many soldiers have had accidents that well unfortunately cost them their arm or leg.with the google car they can be in the driving seat without having to drive.

brasher, k - 7 said...

the car was drivin and it came on to a police traffic control, it should alert the police that it is driving and not the human somehow and the cop go to the car and walk it in a way to away it needs to go. or the cop car alets that car and such

leblanc, f - 7 said...

About the policman directing traffic i dont think the car will handle that to well they dont have eyes so i do they know when its time to go???? Its just like the policman directing traffic for the school what if the car doesnt know what the heck is going and just like mollie whoops the little 6 yr old yes its cruel but still cool to see little six year olds flying high AWESOME!!!!!!!

williams, j - 8 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
matthews, j - 8 said...

Answering the question about, "How will this help our soldiers?" Well, it could help them out in numorous of ways. During war, they could of lost an arm, a leg, or even both. IT'll help them be able to transport without worring about actually driving. Sure, they'll need some one in the car to supervise.

williams, j - 8 said...

im ansrewing How would the car handle that if we've taken the human element out?
i dont think it woudl handle very good in the way of some nut job would get in front of it and slam on the brakes to see if it would stop

linyard, t - 8 said...

People have said this might be used to help transport materials for our soldiers instead of risking human lives we can just send these google cars as transports. This technology can keep our soldiers out of harms way in the case of an ambush on our supplies. It might even be programmed to detect any people in an area not seen by the soldiers. This is a great idea.

hernandez, b - 8 said...

How could this technology help our boys in uniform? I think I'm more comfortable with using the technology in convoys. That could save alot of lives and would most likely ensure less civilian damage as well. Medic convoy's could be twice as effective with the replacment of a driver for another medic. If a humvees driver is hit, the car is put at a stop until they replace him, leaving the soldiers as sitting ducks. With a self-driving humvee, there's no risk of a driver being hit and the humvee painted as a huge target. I feel like I'm being repetitive, but with my path headed in the military direction, I'd like to be comfortable rolling around in a humvee. As comfortable as you can be with thousands of enemy soldiers yearning for your blood that is.

davis, s - 8 said...

About the policeman directing traffic I'm not 100% sure how that would work. Maybe the car could pick him up like the car can pick up if someone steps up in front of the car while moving. And also maybe the car will be more advanced by then!

stinson, m - 8 said...

i think that this will help the soldiers out so much that way they can focus on more important issues.

murillo, j - 8 said...

im answering the questions about the soldiers. i DONT think it is a good idea for a military car to drive by itself because what happens when the enemies hacked the car? the car is mostly computer and an enemy iranian supergenius could program the car to blow up in our base. i dont think we should trust technology enough for our defenses

scoggins, l - 8 said...

As to the question of how licensing would work, even though the car is capable of driving itself, it would still be necessary to earn a driver's license. As long as the manual control exists, the requirements for earning a license should be the same as today.

carter, j - 8 said...

As far as the BUQUAD article goes, in a challenging situation, such as a policeman directing traffic, I think that the person in the driver's seat should manually take over so that nothing catastrophic happens.

cox, t - 8 said...

so im gonna talk about how this could help our soldiers ... take for example Black Hawk Down ... a Black Hawk helicopter was shot down in Somalia and we had to send in several troops to save the downed pilots ... if we could have sent in a car to give them ammo, more guns, water etc ... if they had not been trapped in the debris of the crash they could have got in the car and we would not have lost any soldiers ... this is just one commonly known example of how this could have helped ... there are situations every day that our soldiers could use this technology

vasquez, j - 8 said...

just to let everyone know im answering the question stated "what would hafen if vie took the human element out?" Wann it comes to mergeing and sticky houston driveing i think in my personal opinion that if we haf cars tht drive themselves then therah would b no need at all for ppl to b driveing because the whole purpose of the car is for ppl to get to where thy are going by hmm.... idk driveing. its not considered a car if we dnt drive es. so what i say to the whole "tricky driveing thing" is dis humans shld drive wann it comes to tough areas or at least i wld be cause i dnt trust machenary w/ my life its just nich something dass im comfortable w/. Lets consider diss b4 we check the bill tht passes diss cars.

pearson, m-8 said...

As far as milarary goes, i see the self driving car being VERY helpful. Imagin this techonology behing aplied to tanks, stelth vehichles or militarty cars. Soliders could all be putting their attension into shooting the enimy instead of driving. Tanks could even be programmed to only stop for friendly soliders, running over and squashing enemy men (using some kind of chip or sygnal to distiguish between the two)

Unknown said...

One question that was asked was how would people earn a drivers license for this vehicle? Apparently now they have it to where if you got your license after a specific date, that you would have to take a driving test with a police officer. Well, if they do that now, and you wanted to get that specific license for that kind of car, you should just take a driving test with a professional. I mean, what's the point in getting the privilege of driving such an advanced form of technology if you don't know anything about it or how to use it. That'd be just absolutely ridiculous, and idiots like that would probably do something wrong and harm the car, themselves, or someone else, regardless if the manual is on or not.

rodriguez, s - 8 said...

I think this could help our soldiers alot because they could trick the other soldiers into thinking that these cars are running alone and or just get the car running on its own and hookup cameras in my opinion it would be GREAT for the soldiers.OR they could have there own ideas..

deckard, j - 8 said...

im answering the questions about the soldiers. It could avoid many fatalities and deaths and robotic convoys send supplies and ammunition. This technology is helpful for the army

shankle, m - 8 said...

in my opinion you can't earn a drivers license because YOU WON'T BE DRIVING THE CAR!!but if you had to earn one i think you would possibly have to learn how to control the car and learning how to use the navigation system

Lanham said...


Lanham said...

Some excellent points were made in the eighth period comments!

Jacob . . . I hadn't even thought about somebody hijacking the convoy, but I guess that would be a very real danger.

Jasmin I love the point about Houston driving! And when they tested it in LA did they test it when the roads were congested, or during times of light traffic?

chitopina-2 said...

I think that if we take the human element out, the car will have many difficulties functioning. Merging is common courtesy, a car cant tell when to be kind and get over so another car can come over, the same for 4 way stops, when people get there at the same time, the have to be nice and allow the other to go with a friendly hand signal.(Even though some people dont...) A car can never do that and might end up crashing, so there are many hazards a car without a driver.

Anonymous said...


One of the questions said
"What happens in challenging situations, such as where traffic is being directed by a policeman?"
i answered it
i said that
this is the reason they put a manual overdrive into it, just incase one of those situation are happening
and if you dont like the fact that you might have to do a manual overdrive then
they might put a thermal detector onto it, that will be able to detect the area the policmen will point.

wallis, z - 8 said...

These cars may be great, and also will be a pain in the butt. Lets say the car cant process animals in the road, such as squirrels or cats? There may end up being pancaked critters everywhere due to a self-functioning car and a really lazy person who owns it. Let's just all continue to drive like we should, since we've done it for this long.

fuentes, e - 1 said...

im answering the question about helping the military. this car would be awesome for the military because trying to drive and shoot something or someone looks really difficult. with this car, the military can concentrate on the enemy and be more alert, and will not have to worry about driving. i think this car is amazing and perfect for the military :)

niu, y - 1 said...

im answering the question "How would you earn a drivers license for this vehicle?"

From my point of view, it is funny to discuss this kind of detail problem when a kind of new technology comes out. Oh mrs L, i don't mean that you are funny. but it just like the discussion of how those post man can survive while e-mail is getting more and more popular. people gonna figure out the way, when the technology is cool enough to solve all problems.

if i have to answer "HOW",i would like to say the driving test may not change a lot in 20 years.just like though a lot of cell phones can be turned on without getting into the net, those ladies on Chinese airplane still don't allow you to turn on your sell phone on the sky.Some people always want to "make sure".and anyway, it's cool to drive, so many people won't give up.and I think the fact is, you need to pass the regular test if your lovely car can offer you a chance to let you drive with hands.

vargas, k - 4 said...

I really like the "What happens when traffic is being directed by a policeman?" question because it's actually something really good to think about. It just really brings up another reason why people that already know how to drive should be the only ones allowed to use this car. I mean, if some kid was using it and a police man was directing traffic, what would the kid do? NOTHING. they would just be sitting ducks. I still don't approve of this car. People don't be lazy and drive yourself.