So the picture of this guy last week got me thinking:

About how the line between real life and video games is beginning to blur.
I know a lot of you are gamers. A LOT of you. Gamers have a tendency to gravitate towards me. And yall know I'm NOT a gamer. The extent of my gaming is about once a year to whip Mr. L. at Guitar Hero.
Anywho . . .
So this guy is wearing goggles that show him longitude / latitude, speed and altitude. Ya know, kinda like a video game display, only inside his glasses.
There are other things that make me think real life is becoming closer to a video games. Things like this:

that fully HALF OF YOU put on your Christmas Wish List that we did.
So not only is real life becoming more like gaming, but gaming is becoming more like real life. We don't even NEED controllers anymore!
So for this weeks blog, talk to me. Give me an example of how you see the line between real life and video gaming blurring. Tell me where you think this technology is going. What will be the end product of this technology? How do you think this will make our lives easier? Harder?
Talk to me . . .
We have the xbox kinect and its really cool how its basically you playing the game. This technology seems like something that is going to get extremely complex. I can picture years from now physicaly being there like the matrix or something. I dont know how easier or harder this will make our lives, all i can say is it would be VERY different.
WII....that is an example of how gaming and real life is close to being the same...
this kind of technology doesnt need a regular old controler..the way you move your character moves prety cool...
it might be advanced to people who like video games but would it for people who dnt care about video games??
I can see gaming technology going in a hologram direction. I think it would make our life easier because communication could be easier and more interactive with this type of gaming technology.
i like that new technology..i think when they really just start makin video games like this its going to be video games that are so real u would think it was real life..i dont kno how it will make our lives harder or would make it fun though
Years from now technolgy will make the gaming systems closer to real life because its more fun and gets people more involved I can't say that it will be easier because of the money issues and it might change the some of people's actions towards life depending on what games they play I do know that it will be diffrent and it's something all the gamers are waiting for.
the blur between real life and gaming is thin but i am dont saying that is a bad thing ok i am a big gamer i see the gaming going to a thing you put on your head just like the googles but it will be more like the movie gamer but you wont die if you die in the game come on this is not the stay alive story
i have the kinect system, and let me tell you it is sweet! i have the dancin' game which i am beast at. i personally dont see tech. going much further after the kinect it puts you as the controller which is sweet beyond recognition. if anyone has seen GAMER where the dude controls his actual guy that may be a possibility? who knows?? i dont know if it would make our lives easier as gamers seeing as most of us are pretty lazy!
I still remeber the movie Minority Report. In this movie, there's a really impressive scene. That's a gaming bar with a whole bunch of virtual-reality facilities in.
The guys connect their brains with computers, in order to get the feeling of being super stars, being US President and even having sex.
A lot of people love video games because they can bring them to somewhere they cannot really go, and it can let them experience things they cannot really do. Now, all the graphic technology is not good enough to let you mess up which is reality. But one day, they will find ways to let your brain feel "reality". This may make people enjoy that kind of illusion everyday. Those games will become something like drugs later. People will protest against EA,UBI and Activision. Well, we've already had people blame the Moscow bombing case to Call of Duty! Will that be a kind of crime to play games???
If I'm not allow to play games, my life will be harder. Theaqt's my opinion.
I don't own any video games, I barely even know about video games. They are not my main priority, I have my ipod with games but thats about it. Now I see all these games coming out with sensors on them & i have played them and they are really fun. I think and hope that video games keep going this direction because instead of sitting on the couch you can actually get up and be the game. These games can also be very bonding moment in a household :. Oh what if a nerd has no life but plays video games and he thinks he has a life because life and video games are getting really close to each other! I mean i guess it could help the nerd. I dont know
The xbox kinect is really good thing, its for sure better then the wii is. I can remember when i used to play mario games on my 3 color gameboy :-D the game and graphic technology is going fast.. Everything changes so fast.. Games are getting close to real life, you dont need controler anymore. And it is gonna be much more different in a few years.
The xbox kinect is really good thing, its for sure better then the wii is. I can remember when i used to play mario games on my 3 color gameboy :-D the game and graphic technology is going fast.. Everything changes so fast.. Games are getting close to real life, you dont need controler anymore. And it is gonna be much more different in a few years.
I see the xbox kinect will change how everyday life will soon work with cordless and controless tv, kitchen, even bathrooms which will be really weird. while people end their lives "controlling" their adrenaline behind the wheel, many will begin their new lives sitting in a recliner while some robot flies you to your job. The view on the new technology we have today seperates us even more from the planet Earth, so i don't think it's the best idea, that's why it's called temptation.
I think this technology will first go to hologram like Wallace,O said and after that it will go to the kind of technology in the movie GAMER.
This will make our life easier because we wouldn't need any cables and stupid cords that i hate to have everywere.
I like the idea of using your body as a controller because people would kind of get a work out while having fun.
Well we have the wii. i have heard about the X-box kinect and I think that the technology in that thing is CRAZY. It's pretty cool how you don't have to use a controler to play it, how the kinect just knows what you are doing. i think that the tecnoloogy will most likely make our lives easier and enjoyable, because technology already has made our lives easier with cellphones, specifically the iphone, (apps and whatnot. i think that the technological advancements are a good thing, and bad thing. Good- because they help us with entertainment, and it's always good to be ahead with tecnology, and bad because i know that with the new technology we will become more reliable on the technology (ex: our phones: what if you knock waater on top of it while sleeping? no alarm clock... or the Xbox kinect: probably a typical saturday night, instead of going outside and ACTUALLY exersising).
In our house we have the wii. I have gone to my cousin's house and played the xbox kinect. I played one of those dancing games and it was so cool because I didn't have to use a controller! I think that new technology is good but knowing how technology advances so fast, its probably going to get to the extreme. I think it depends on how we use the techonology on the question of if it would make our lives easier or harder. Most likely it will.
I think that the videogame world and the real world running together is wierd. I think if you are getting confused of which one your in you shouldnt play them. I do like all the new technologies that they are coming out with, people just need to know the difference between the two worlds.
I believe that video games and life are running together. Most people in the world have a video gaming system and play it on a regular basis. It all started back in the day with the Eye toy for the PS2, ever since that, they have been trying to improve the motion sensored gaming. The same technology in the wii and Kinect are being used in real life. The nintendo wii is being used for rehab, just one step closer to proving how technology and life are running together.
I can definitely see our videogaming technology expanding to a more in depth virtual reality type thing. I for one would LOVE to play some virtual reality Grand Theft Auto!! Oh Yeah!! This would be a HUGE advancement in videogaming!
Life is already a blur adding video gaming technology only complicates things. although i wouldent be upset if the world incorperated video games into real life but idk how people will take it.
The way I see this kind of technology would be complete immersion into a virtual world. Ever seen inception? The way they connect themselves together to share a dream. Well, what if we were able to connect ourselves to a machine that would act as a HUB for video games. We could use our natural ability of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep to portal ourselves to these virtual realities and be able to actually BE in the worlds. Sure, you would feel pain, but things like that just add to the immersion. Imagine, being able to be in WWII, or in a medieval warzone with dragons and magic, be a secret agent, a street racer, a world class fighter, anything you could imagine we could completely be in those worlds with thousands of other people.
i can see the kinect could be use in the medical feild along with 3d it could really help working in robotic surgery tech
You see how we have the virtual reality games and goggles? i think it would be cool to see those develop into some sort of regular size glasses or contacts to where we could just pull up the internet or any game that we would want to play. i see the gaming technology and real life blurring together everyday and soon, it will be one. like that one movie where they went into that virtual world and lived a life that they wanted... but if they died in there, they died for real... i would never play that game...
i think the video game industry started changing ever since the duck hunt game for the regular nintendo were you could shoot with an actual game..then it took a 360 spin with the wii and i think pretty soon its going to be be even more realistic like the kinetict
Ok I have the wii and it's alot of fun,It's really cool how it can detect your every move and action.I've never played on the kinect but I'm pretty sure it's way better.I mean I honestly can see the whole virtual world thing coming in the future if technology keeps moving in the same direction
Sometime in the near future i think that technology will be so advance that we wont just be playing a game...we would be in the game moving around like if it was Sims but real people..I dont think that would make our life easier or harder but it would be so cool to like meet people playing the game from around the world
It is neat how fast technology is moving, but I think that we need to be careful with it. We need to know how to do things on our own, not a computer do it for us.
I think that how video games and real life are more alike is that people are now the controllers. I'm not really sure what will come next. I think that the xbox kinect is kind of advanced but who knows what someone crazy person will invent someday. I'm also not very sure if it'll make life easier or harder. I think it could make people stupider. Video games don't exactly make people smarter.
Real life and gaming are becoming more and more similar. Instead of gaming as a mean to pass time and do when your bored, gaming has become a way of life for some people. For example, people exercise with a game instead going outside. I dont see why that's soo cool to some people when you can just go on the street and run which is more effective and fun way to exercise. I find this technology to make people more depended on it. Everything will become about games, and the old life of being social and enjoying the weather will become obsolete. This will make our lifes easier but it may leave you in a fantasy world instead of reality.
i agree with the Kinetic being a perfect example of how video gaming is crossing the line of real life how ever i think the kinetic is a good advancement because you have to actually move and not be sitting on your butt all the time. i think that technology is headed toward the same path were Fahrenheit 451 is like the 360° TV were you can even interact and be part of the show.
In the future i can see people playing video games where it just takes a goggle of some kind that connects to your nerve and will make you feel like you were acctually in the game. The outcome of it i believe, will turn out like inception, no one will know whats reallity any more, and some will go insane.
I think that this will make our lives difficult and if we abuse it, we will destroy ourselves with it. (lol)
i see gaming in the future going very far obviously with the technology today its going to be like real life before to long
like wii is very good because that game makes us stand and move alot and that would make a big diffrence in obese people. but at the same time some games are making us lazy.
I really going blank on this I really dont know any thing about games. All I can just say is that when I see people playing games they are so into it that they dont even know what surounds them.Them some games including a lot of moving talk about having fun and adding a exercise to it. This might affect use later in life making everything seem or look like a game.
I think that the blur between real life and technology is very common now, because almost every kid now has a game system. I see this technology going very far because almost every year they come up with a different special system.
I don't too much care for "video games"... But, i do love the Wii!! Which is an example of how gaming and real life is close to being the same. I don't think things will end up well; technology is taking over reality !
videogame technology is expanding every year and it will come to the point where we will only use glasses to play with others but what if it gets to the point that people cant tell the difference between real life or gaming. what if it becomes like the movie The Gamer where other people control others?
at the rate that we are developing this next-gen gaming tech., it wont be long before there is no discernable difference between real life and video games. a shown by kinect, we will be able to have complete control over what happens in the game, and there will be limitless possibilities looking at all the community-created content that games incorporate today. pretty crazy stuff.
Since video games are becomming SO realistic, I believe that eventually, people will give up guitar hero, and just learn guitar, they will give up call of duty, and just serve the country, instead of Madden, NBA Live, etc, people will just play a sport. BAM, did I just blow your mind or what?
This technology is crazy!!! I think its awesome. It is getting really complex and really fun! In years from now the technology will be so advanced. I believe in some ways it will be better but in others it will be bad just like it is now. I know it is gonna be AMAZINGGGGGGGG though! :D
gaming technology look very goin more further than we think because now we have more technology for example WII this game really do wat we do...movement for example.
this mean that in the future all of us wont be worry about almost anything maybe the machines will do it for us.
heck, eventualy wars will be faught over the invernet and stuff. im hoping for i video game that relies on your physical ability 100%. So if your not in shape, you cant beat the game. that would be so cool. Or just gome goggles with a full Heads Up Display (HUD) like a map, health bar, ammo cound, mission objectives. oh, why not have a HUD installed in our eyes, that would be neat.
my brother has the xbox kinect and its really fun, it looks so real because you dont have any controllers its just you and the little thingy. i dont know if it will make our lives harder or easier. the only way it could probably make our lives easier is the excercise you can get out of it??? :)
Real life and gaming is becoming very close but i dont think it will be very advanced.
the good thing about the Xbox kinect is really cool to have and you can play it and can control the player like if you were acually the player. as time passes by the new technology is been advence and its faster to use. the technology is gettin better and better through the years all i would say is that they should keep advancing the technology to make it different.
This new technology is going REALLY far which I think is great! It makes everyones lifes easier but it makes people even more lazier. The game and graphic technology is going fast. Everythings going fast. The Xbox Kinect is just another way of gaming.
i see technology heading in a more advanced direction. the things that we have today would probably not even compare to the things we will have in the near future. technology is and will make our lives very easy and more conveinent. the line between the real world and video games is blurring because the thing we are able to do in a game, we are not able to do in tha real world. and thats the cool thing about video games...
in the near future our life will be a video game thanks to new technology such as the super cool glasses...hard copies will become a thing of the past with technology going the way it is towards holograms to some this new way of living will probably be easier but for those who are used to doing things the old ways things will not be so easily a major drawback to relying only on technology is that many things can go wrong, malfunctions caused by viruses, software and so on
if technology keeps advancing like this life will get alot easier... and funner. With video games becoming more like reality and reality becoming more like video games the technology will be really cool. However, i think that when some technology should stay in video games.
Video games have gone from the iconic PONG system to crazy motion-sensor Wii/Kinect systems in a relatively short amount of time and will most likely continue growing. I remember reading in some magazine a long time ago that some no-name company had developed a shoddy '90s virtual reality physical gamescape where the gamer would have a big clunky VR helmet and a plastic gun and run around this blank indoor landscape -- think lasertag minus the strobe lights and with TV goggles. I could totally see an advanced version of that, like the Lexus simulator but more advanced and even geared toward multiple individuals. This could introduce an Animus/Matrix-y aspect to future life, with advanced VR offered as a recreational activity that could even feature physical activity as a part of the game, like Just Dance does.
I don't play video games much, but from the looks of the commercials, the videogames look very realistic.
i can see this gaming technology like in that pixel looking figure thing as of when you can jump into the game and like i saw on futurama you could explore and play video games on the internet with this technology but i can't for this technology to expand.
Well the line between real life and video gaming is comming closer and closer together.
I see this technology having a never ending future. It will just get more advanced. But I see high school becoming an online video game. So your game time determines what grade your in. Plus the tests.
Technology can make our lives easier by requiring less physical work. But it will also make it harder because if all the technology failed then the human would have no skills.
i think it would be easier to live, and the disable people will be able to play. like i saw this thing were it reads ur brain waves and the box would do what u are move forward, backwards, left, and right. not very indepth but its getting there. and the graphics of games or real enought to think ur watchin tv.
i think years gaming well be so advanced that well control a person and not to use are own body to do things we want to do so we wont get hurt be feel everthing i think it well be great...
This new technology is pretty awesome! i'm not much of a gammer but I would totaly want to play a game without having to use controlers. I think we're benefiting from it because we're interacting with the game rather than just sitting ther pressing buttons.
technology is constantly changing and now the video games require no controllers. i dont know where its going but so far its been pretty good.i think it could only make our lives easier.
well i have with new technology we have now communication is going to be so much easier. i can still see technology going so much further. i think it would make coummunication better, but i don't know about our lives. we might just start getting lazy and not doing anything, but playing with the new technology.
I honestly think Technology in a sense is improving the way we view life now, but at the same time it is taking away moments we could enjoy with each other. for example, Face Time on the iphone and the android phones. It allows people to talk to anyone anywhere with wi-fi but at the same time it takes away from people just taking the time to go see that person. One big positive, speaking on behalf of the kinect because i just got one, technology is advancing in specific parts such as the gaming industry which I think is a good thing. The ability of playing a game without a controller and using your body is a phenomenal. Everyone should play the Kinect.
The line between real life and vieo games dont seem so together to me because no matter what your liiking at a tv and its nothing like being able to touch,and smell the stuff in the game. so until they make games like you are really in the "video game world" and you get to really interact with the world i will then be like dude real life and video games are a blur! i really hope this all makes sense.
I think the line is blurring because people are getting so addicted to these video games there forgetting whats real and whats not. I think technology is evolving futher and futher to where it is eventually going to be like real life when we "log in" kinda of like the movie serogates the whole life is going to be like a game. I think that is going to be the end of technology after that cause how could we even go any futher than that.. im not saying that everyone gonna start going through the world as a robot though, im just saying with technology evolving thats what its like when people start getting addicted to these x box's and psp's there is very little line between real life and that,
Im not all that involved in gaming.
In fact the only kinda experience ive had in this subject is the Wii
and Mario is the best game ive played everything else suks. And as far as the future is concerned
Apple tech. is gonna take over the world i mean the they have apps for just about everything.
As video games become more realistic, I really don't think that anything will change for people who are intelligent enough to recognize the difference between real life and video games. Even with new technology making them more integrated into real life, there will always be the mass of people who blur the line between the two. I think that whether or not this section of entertainment will ever be harmful is dependant on whoever uses it. If people who are more prone to aggression and violence are given a realistic game in which they shoot things, there could be harmful effects. One good thing that might come from realistic games is training programs, especially for dangerous occupations, such as a soldier, or doctor. With games being as realistic as they are, this might lead to the user becoming numb, but that's not exactly a new theory.
I think this technology is going to make our lives easier by using it in many things that people use daily.
most of the games we have are know motion sensor. in the future probably they will be more like if you were right there. that is what i think.
Over the past couple of years we have seen many new interactive game systems, such as Wii, Xbox Live, Xbox Kinect, etc. But as entertaining as this all is, what is the benefit of it truly? I appreciate the interactive games that have you physically taking part in completing the game with your own body movements but why is a video game necessary to do things like that when you have a whole outdoor world around you. I understand when there is a balance between natural physical activity and gaming but there is usually quite a struggle to do so. I like how advanced we are becoming in technology but whose to say that we will all be living our lives through games one day. I don't want that to be my identity, its supposively only made for entertainment.
When i see the Xbox kinect and the wii i see how gaming and real life are close to being the same. Now days u dont even need a controller, we hav motion sensors. i think very soon all games will be like this, not just basic sport games. this could make our lives easier by getting us off the couch and jumping around and exersicing, but also hard because ppl might stop goin outside to play or walk around and will be glued to some tv type of thing or head set.
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