Read. My. Words.
Let's get deep this week.
I want to talk about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his thoughts on technology.
In 1964 Dr. King delivered a lecture the day after winning the Nobel Peace Prize in which he told his audience at the University of Oslo that "material advancement was meaningless without an accompanying moral structure." In other words, the growing abundance of technology is undermining the human spirit. My favorite quote from the article is: "The richer we have become materially, the poorer we become morally and spiritually," he said. "We have learned to fly in the air like birds and swim in the sea like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers."
Here's the link to his speech:
This week I'm asking you to think, REALLY THINK about Dr. King's words. I want his words to work on you a little bit.
He is telling us that technology advancement needs to go hand in hand with spiritual advancement, or it's all for nothing. THINK. Do you agree or disagree with Dr. King? WHY? You will answer both of those questions to receive credit this week.
Do NOT post until Thursday. Doing so will earn you a zero.
I can't say that I agree nor disagree. Hoever, I do believe that technology is taking over. It's funny how people way back when there wasn't technology predicted that this would happen. Now, it is good; we use it for more that what's it's intended use are for. I can agree on the part that we aren't truly living "together as brothers". Maybe brothers and cell phones? What did people do when there was no technology to shoot a text or to Facebook a friend you haven't seen in a while? They wrote letters, walked, maybe if they had money they had a phone on the wall with a cord. They spent more time working, getting closer to one another and Christ. Technology is a great thing, but, it's also making the world oblivious to its surroundings.I can even say that for myself.
-Crawford 1st period :)
Smile, it's a new day to chase the dreans that didn't happen yesterday.
I partially agree with MLK on this point, but I do have my own thoughts about the subject. While advancements in technology can tend to blur our sense of morality somewhat, I still feel its necessary to find ways to simplify difficult tasks. We built cars because we were tired of walking all the time. We built phones so that we didn't have to wait 600 years for a response to our letter. And we built airplanes in order to cross oceans in a fast, efficient manner. While I can see where good ol' Marty's going with his speech, I still think that we'd be worse off without these things.
-Oliver, 1st period.
I would have to agree with Dr. King because why should we always be divided in group by material things that all of us weren't born with? Everyone should be equal.
Cameron Gadison
-1st prd
I think that MLK is correct. The human race has taken the use of technology way too far. I mean, I understand the uses for phones and life saving technology, but do we really need a Smartwatch? Or half the things on ThinkGeeK (though they are really, really cool xD)? I mean, most of these things we could live without, yet we choose to make stupid things and occupy our time with them instead of getting out and living our lives. The progression of technology has lead to our growing impatience as a nation, takes time that we could be using to make new skills and turns it into hours wasted surfing Pinterest or's ridiculous. I think that we need to take a step back and look over what we have and just cut back. I know it will make a lot of people mad and that it's something that will most likely never happen, but until we value making something that can save a life over making a Smartwatch, I will continue to think that MLK is completely correct in that technology is desensitizing us, making us impatient, and making us less intelligent.
-McClanahan, 1st period
I agree with Martin Luther King because now technology seems to corrupt a person's mind. I mean yeah technology is useful, but we would be way better people without most of it. Technology advancement needs to go hand and hand with our morality!
-Barrios, 1st period
What the King says makes sense in a way, but not completley. It really just depends on how you look at it. Personally, I would have to disagree. What he says would not fit into this day and age like it would when segregation was such a big issue. They did not need technology like we do. The only way to progress is to keep using technology and keep finding ways to improve it. The better the technology, the happier people are.
Eason, 1st Period :)
I feel that Dr. King is right; technology in this society today rule. Now-a-days people dont get outside and communicate or enjoy life because their stuck in technology like, facebook, twitter, etc... I feel that if people take some time away from technology, the world would be a better place.
Clifton 1st period
MLK was a true visionary, he was a brilliant man and was somewhat right about technology, he predicted it would "separate" people. Even though in some ways it does it can also bring people greatly closer, it more relies on how the person uses the technology than the technology itself.
Slide, 2nd period
Martin L King. was one of the greatest speakers of all time he single handedly change the mind of millions of americans.
Jacorey Winn , 2 period
I agree with Dr. King in the sense that technology is depersonalizing the way we live. Today we get so wrapped up and involved with the things we do on our electronic devices that we forget what's important in life, which is having meaningful relationships with others.
-Culpepper, 2nd Period
I have to say that I agree that technology should go hand in hand with our moral growth as people even though it obviously doesnt. Quite honestly if it did we might not have some of the advancements we do now.
Torres Per 2
I'm not sure if i agree, but what he says does have some truth in it, by which that technology is not always good but it does help. The drawback is that we are going to end up relying on it to much. If it is good or bad, all depends on time, and how much we end needing it in the future.
Delagarza, 2nd Period.
LOL @ Michael Crawford: Brothers and cell phones!
I agree with Dr. King because as each year passes and we get bigger and better technology but stray farther and farther away from God
Conner Covington
2nd period
I dont neccissarily agree with MLK because even the most technological people can be very spiritual and the less technology-based people can be. Take the Amish for example, they are very spiritual people, and they have NO electricity at all! And the rich people as well (cant think of any off the top of my head though) can be very religious people. I disagree with MLK, technology does not need to go hand-to-hand with religion.
Kyle 2nd
Everyone should be equal always the turth, nobody can change that, MLK was the productor of the equalment.
Kaiwen, 2rd period
Buddy, interesting correlation between technology / segregation era. I'll think on that.
I agree with Dr. King on this topic. There has been a great amount of advancing in technology but not much advancing spiritually. People these days are more connected to technology when we should be getting closer to Christ. Before technology came along this wasn't a problem.
Laronda Steadham, 2nd Period
Good thoughts yall, keep 'em coming!
I agree because todays technology has corrpted peoples minds they don't get to enjoy life like people did back in the day when they didn't have as much as we have now. They are all worried about Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, games on their phone or computer ect. it's not a very good thing to be addicted to everything because soon thats all you wanna do is just to be on your phone or computer. Go out and enjoy life and what and who you have around you and stop being lazy.
Jones 2nd period
I would have to defiantly agree with Martin Luther King. Because technolgy has taken over this world. Yes, technolgy is a good thing to have but people are starting to take advantage of the situation and abuse it. Some technolgy things should be thrown out and be forgotten for the sake of this world.
Clayton Hill 2nd period.
I agree with Dr.King that we need to work on spiritual advancement before technology because i think technology will only make things more complicated and if we have bad relations to other people then technology will only complicate things.Dr.King states "Enlarged material powers spell enlarged peril if there is not proportionate growth of the soul. When the 'without' of man's nature subjugates the 'within,' dark storm clouds begin to form in the world." If Hitlers germany had greater technologys back then compared to history than that same war may have lasted maybe until now.(Kadence, 2nd Period)
I do agree with MLK when he says technology advancement goes hand and hand with spiritual advancement. I say this because if technology advances without the spirits of people, we become needy, selfish, ungreatful, empty shells who not longer remember what is was that helped get to this great development of technology.
-Coen 2nd period
I agree with MLK because when technology is being advanced than our, the human race's, idea on God will start to fade and we will start to trust in science for all the answers, instead of God. If we can advance in technology and at the same time advance in our spiritual beliefs, then we will be in great shape for the future.
-Irwin, 2nd period
I Firmly Agree with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. because technology is tearing this world apart. people often use technology against other people to bring them down. " The richer we become materially, the poorer we become morally and spiritually" i think this means the more technology we buy or use the less we care about others peoples feelings.
i dont agree , i dont believe that all techonogly need to be realted to some type of spirtual advancements. MLK which is a great man i dont believe him on that .
Jacorey winn 2 period
Excellent thoughts yall! I've never thought about technology and religion like Kyle asked me to regarding the Amish. And Kade's point about what would have happened if we had all this technology when Hitler was around kinda blew my mind.
Anonymous said...
I Firmly Agree with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. because technology is tearing this world apart. people often use technology against other people to bring them down. " The richer we become materially, the poorer we become morally and spiritually" i think this means the more technology we buy or use the less we care about others peoples feelings
I agree with MLK on this because people today are only focused on technology and if we could all interact with each other more and but the technology away then this world would be a much better place.
-Wright, 7th
I Agree with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. because technology is screwing this world apart. Nevertheless dreams can be made and fullfilled through anything you have a pashion for. Therefore we should still be able to use technology to a certain level such as texting or communicating or using phones to send/recieve things walker, taylor 7th
I definently agree with Dr. MLK Because I think if Technology advanced without any type or form of spiritual growth then it would eventually "consume" us so to speak.
*Zach, 7th
I partialy agree with Doctor King. I do beleive that there is a correlation between technology and spiritual progression. However technology and the media have both a positive side and a negative side. While you can use technology to listen to vulgar music or watch porn and stuff, you can also use it to read the bible or educate yourself, and both sides are growing equally with the development of technology.
Denton 7
I agree with MLK because the world is growing with a lot of technology. And its basically going back to its old days but instead of race it seperates th e rich and the poor.
kevin sanchez
I personally do agree with Dr.King because even with great and astonishing technology if our values of society are not meet with our technology we will still be basically cave man. We can not keep exceeding with just technology if we are so simple minded and closed to the world and cannot acept that it is changing the same way all our technology is improving.
-Cano 7th
I'm Kinda With MLK But While We Advance in Technology, I Feel We Are Gradually Losing our sense of life (if that sounds right).On The Other Hand, I Still Feel That We Need More Uses Of Technology To Help Our Everyday Lives. We've Made Cars For Transportation, Planes For Vacation. We built Phones To Contact Loved Ones Or Know Our Location. So While I See MLK Dream, I Think We Need The Use Of Technology To Help Make That Dream.
Teal 7th
I have to agree with what MLK has to say about how technology can drain us of our humanity and moral standards. We now have cars, cell phones, laptops, computers, planes, jets, etc. We have so much technology that we are blinded about the problems occuring all over the world. People now-a-days tend to worry about getting the new car or the new phone, but it's rare to see someone worry about others around the world like the conflicts in the Middle East or the conflicts in Africa. We tend to be more obssessed about our own material gains rather than the safety and wellbeing of others. Technology is a great thing, but we have to learn how to care for others and one way we can do that is by using the new technology we have to help those in need. The minute we stop fighting for one another is the minute that MLK proves to be right about how humanity has a "spiritual lag" due to the advancements of technology. Not sure if this is wat that means, but this is what i thought it means.
Your Favorite Mexican, 7th Pd.
I think i would have to disagree with King on that one becasue that speech would fit in more back in the days when segregation was the issue. Now there is no segregation, and everyone has the same rights (majority) so right now we dont really have to listen to Kings speech. WE just now have to find new and better technology and try to improve the way we do it.
-Ibanez, Aaron :p 7thperiod
I do agree with Martin Luther King Jr. on about how you need to use technology with our spirtual advadcment because technicallity we can do almost if not all that technology can do. That we don't need to get all caught up in new modern day technology. Honestly i haven't had use a cell phone to talk or text to someone in years mostly because to cheap to get service. Hello come on you need to talk to someone ground line, it has so many more beniefts one it is cheaper who dosent want to save money two it never dies virtually because you put it back in the charger after you use it. I mean if you do enjoy using tech for entertainment or for an escape you must realize that there is a difference between reality and the tech world and some final words almsot emphize on almost can be good in moderation but do technology fit into that almost for you to figure it out.
-Roland Gregory
7th Period BOOM *explosions*
i agree with doctor Martin Luther King Jr. about the the advanced technology
guardado, 7th period
I agree with Dr. King, but I don't think it's completely our fault. With technology advancing so quickly, it's hard to keep up spiritually. However I feel like with technology to distract us, we've started to stray from our spiritual path.
-SWalker, 7th
I agree with MLK, because at this point it seems like technology can control somebody and people can get easily side tracted with technology. Yes, technology is helpful/useful in many ways, but sometimes people take deep advantage.
Garcia(: 7th
I'm surly agree with Dr. King. Well, yeah technology is really useful and becoming more amazing and amazing! racists? doesn't matter. Everyone's should be equal So don't give up! Just look forward and achieve ours dream!
Say, 7th period
I am undecided on agreeing or disagreeing with Dr. King because its a little crazy how he predicted that something like this would happen when there wasn't any technology in those days. Things were invented to make our lives easier and better like cars, airplanes, and the almighty cell phone.
I definatley agree with MLK. We are constantly advancing and making life easier in a perpective of technology. But if we can not make an advancement in accepting everyone as the same then what is the point of everything that we have done?
Cold 8th
i agree with him because as the world grows and people learn new things technology grows along with it !
Sweat 8th period
I agree with Dr. King's words completely. If society continues to progress technologically without a proportional progress spiritually, we will end up in a world run by hard drives instead of hearts.
Cespedes- 8th
I Agree With His Words. Technolgy Is Just Skyrocketing. We Don't Need Gooogle Glasses Thats More Than Your Morgage . It's Just Really Getting Out Of Hands. His Words Tell It All .
Ikner, Tye 8th Period
I could agree because even though technology is a important thing to us i think we shouldn't let it take over i our lives. We should still be social but not just through the internet but in a real setting.
Gipson, 8th Period.
It seems that Martin Luther King Jr., in his point, pointed out something along the lines of: while we may have taken great technological advancements, we, as a society, remain morally grounded in our treatment of others.
I quite agree with his sentiment; before technology should advance greatly, before we put men on mars and buildings at the bottom of the ocean, we should first bridge the differences between the imposing religious, racial, and cultural boundaries that divide our human society.
Kwiatkowski, Eighth
i sort of agree with Martin Luther King because i think we are taking technology to far but i honestly like they are making a lot of technology but some of the technology are really stupid but i actually kind of agree with him Ferguson,8th Period
i agree with what MLK said because everybody getting so wrapped up in technology and getting more material wealth seems meanigless to me due to the fact that all material things don't last ,the only things that do are the things you cant buy such as love and friendship and a moral code.
D'Andre 8th
i do not understand it so i do not know what to said
dillion sanches
I agree because you can go on social media or other online thngs and cause lots of trouble for someone that you have it out for.
Cody Langley, 8th peroid
Dr. King told that the more we grow technologically, the farther we grow from eachother. I disagree with Dr, King on this matter, because even though we may be distant, people in previous years were as well. However, I will agree with him in the fact that technology is taking over society. So, although, yes, technology is overrunning society, and yes, people are more distant, I don't believe the latter is caused by technology.
(Sorry if this is all over the place I can't think because my head hurts we're both lucky I can even type in English right now tbh)
-Labbit 8th
Honestly I can not say whether or not I agree or disagree with Dr.King. But honestly technology is taking over and is replacing spiritual things and we spend more time on our phones and technology than we do focusing on the other things in life and the sad part is I am actually focusing more on technology now.Spiritual rights and gatherings are times when people can meet others talk to others and just plain out get to know others.But now a days its all about how you met this person on facebook and what they tweeted or what not and not about what journey you have recently been on with the grace and help of God and those around you.
Thumann 8th Period
I don't agree or disagree with MLK. If we didn't have this technology less people could be cured of diseases and less people would have met and become friends, but the technology has also start fights and made some people very bitter to the world.
- Will Taylor 8th
i agree i have to keep hereing how much better life was without technology from my dad and how our generation is to wrapped up in it and dont come out of it i guess he's somewhat right i mean 30 years ago people weren't walking into a road with cars while texting and almost getting hit (true story after my dad stoped for him in the middle of the highway and honked the guy flicked him off as if he had the right of way) the dumb*** just about got ran over.
Ben Blough
I have to agree with what MLK has to say about how technology can drain us of our humanity and moral standards. We have technology all around us today and we pay more attention to that then the conflict that is happening around the world or the actual meaning about the words that somebody says to you. An exsample of technology draining us of our humanity and moral standards is that people pay more attention of getting a new phone that giving thanks about what they already have and not paying attention of what people are suffering in other cuntries while they are all up in technology the second exsample is that technology is also getting in the way of how people show there feelings toward each other because now a days the old school love is gone and they dont write letters no more instead they message you in facebook or text you and that is called a new modern love that you feel is not real. Technology has taken alot away from humanity and that's why i think MLK was right.
-Castro >.< 8th period
When it comes to MLK Jr, I have great respect. Without his actions of nonviolence to help better the lives of african americans, he opened up the path for other minorities and allowing society to open their eyes and thus creating a sense of belonging here in America to ALL people. "Para todos los colores y sabores", as my mother would say. (For all colors and flavors).
As for his views on the fact that the world is more technologically advanced than our shared moral views, I'm not quite sure how I feel. Yes, in his time period, there was a great dividion and such was true. But after such an embarressing chapter in the history of America, this country has done alot to make up for it. We've come a long way. I'm not saying that all racism is abolished, for there will always be those few people. But now it seems almost silly and absurd to think that someone would be refused entrance to a theatre or employment simply because they were born with a certain skin color.
We still have a long way to go for our moral descions to become as sophisicated and advanced as our technology, especially after 9/11 and the Boston Massacere. But we're getting there.
Carrasco 8th hr
I completely agree with MLK because the past few decades people throughout the world have depended greatly upon technology in negative ways. Yes, technology, without a doubt, can be exetremely helpful under certain circumstances, however, people have forgotten the values of humanity because of the major advancements of technology throughout the years. High school students, for example, have grown depended on Google to search for information for projects, answers to their homework & ext. They've forgotten that there is other resources to use besides the internet. Therefore, they don't absorb the information of the subject very well because of this. With all of this said, this nation needs to realize that life is short lived and we have to make it on our own for ourselves without having a dependence on technology to do the job for us.
-Heyn, 1st period
I partially agree with MLK on this point but i partially disagree because why worry about morality and stuff when it comes to technology?
2nd Period
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