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And thank you for last week's discussion. Some of you really put a lot of thought into your responses and I appreciate your candor.
Hanging with the medical technology topic, here are a couple links to articles about coming technology. I'll post a directive Wednesday. Actual reading needs to occur here:
Wednesday Edit:
Pick one of these innovations, tell us which one and then tell us how it might affect you or a family member.
In, the first link #7 Relaxin for acute heart failure. That has effected my Grandpa because he constantly suffered from heart failure. And he eventually passed away from it.
Hill 2nd period
In the first linke #1 Bionic Eyes For People With Severe Eye Disease.. That would really be awesome and help alot of people who can't enjoy the stuff that we see everyday but take for granted like the sun, moon, our friends, and other wonderful wonders that the earth has to offer.
2nd Period
In the second link the Needle-Free Diabetes Care would really help my aunt that was diagnosed with diabetes two years ago. A patch would be a thousand times better and less painful than a poke for her.
-Barrios, 1st period
In the second link, Electronic Aspirin sounds like it would help my whole family out when going through inflammation or headaches. It seems like a very effective and side-effect free way of taking aspirin.
Culpepper, 2nd
Number three on the first article, the Responsive Neurotransmitter for Intractable Epilepsy, will help my cousin, who has this disorder. It would be better to have her seizures reduced than to go without any type of treatment at all! Hopefully, something that can stop seizures completely will follow the Neurotransmitter.
-McClanahan, 1st period
In the second link, the second innovation would help a lot. Its the Electronic Aspirin. My mom has bad headaches and I get them some times also. So being able to turn them on and off would be awesome.
Eason, 1st Period :D
In the second link #4 the robotic check ups seems really cool and helpful, for patients and the doctors. And also the needle free diabetes care in the second link. I just always seen my grandmother sticking herself with a needle, and I know it was a pain in the butt.
Gadison, 1st prd
In the 2nd link the Needle-Free Diabetes Care would definitely benefit my grandmother who has been struggling with diabetes for many of years having to constantly take her diabetes shots every single morning. I know that she would be able to tolerate a patch much more than having to place a painful needle in her thumb each morning.
-Heyn, 1st Period
The one thing I see here that would probably be useful is the computer-assisted sedation from the first link. Along with being extremely cost effective, the device can simplify data to such a degree that an expert on anesthesia wouldn't be required for the operation.
-Oliver, 1st period
In the Second link, the Electronic Aspirin would be a big help to mom when she has major headaches. Its very effective and seem non-harming.
Clifton 1st
I choose B-cell receptor pathway inhibitors because it helps fight cancer cells with fewer side affects than other ways of treatment. I choose it because more and more people are getting cancer and its a possibility that a family member might get it or I may when I get older and I would want to use this treatment
Conner Covington
2nd period
#9. A Novel Biomarker for Heart Disease
My grandpa has heart problems. So this would help him with some things.
Kyle 2nd
I chose the needle free diabetes care because my grandpa has diabetes and he constantly has to prick himself to get the blood sample. his fingers are always sore. and with this he wont have to stick his self no more.
The electronic aspirin in the second link would be a really big help for me. I literally have migraines every single day and no medicine seems to ever work for me because my migraines are so strong. So maybe this would work for me.
Laronda Steadham, 2nd Period
I like the electric aspirin because I believe it stops headache really fast like on spot fast .
jacorey winn , 2 period
Link #2, NUMBER TWO, Electronic Aspirin because I suffer a lot from headaches and migraines. Always have since I was little, so that would be really cool to have around with me when I feel a headache coming on.
Delagarza, 2nd Period.
I choose to make my topic on the second link provided that has to deal with the electronic Aspirin. I think it's a great innovation in the making for the future; allowing it to ease tensions internally for people who suffer from migraines, cluster headaches, and other causes of chronic, excruciating head or facial pain.
~ Lopez, 2nd period
In the second link #3 The Needle-free Diabetes Care would go good for my step dad for as much as he has to poke his finger a day. There are some days where he has to put it on the highest level to get blood after he has don't poked himself once because blood won't come out. His fingers get so sore for how many times he does it. This would help him out a lot.
Jones 2nd period.
Link 2:
#3. Needle-Free Diabetes Care
I choose this because both my grandparents are diabetic and i know its super painful to be poking yourself everyday and diabetic's blood doesnt clot like regular peoples so that is a downside. This new alternative also sounds painful because you have to have thin skin for it to work otherwise you have to remove a few layers but for elder people with thin skin its a good alternative.
- Torres Per 2
In the second link, the electronic aspirin would help my mom because she gets migraines and headaches all the time, and whenever she gets them she has to go see the doctor, she has even had surgery on her to get rid of them. this device could save a lot of time, money, and prevent further surgery.
-Irwin, 2nd period
{In the first link#1, Bionic Eyes}I think surgically implanting 60 electrode retinal prosthesis into your eye would hurt a lot but at least you would be able to sense light, movement and objects which is a lot better than complete blindness. This new technology may not save lives like other new medical advancements but at least the blind can see again.(Kadence 2nd Period)
I'm picking the Genomic-Based Tests For Cancerous Tumors. I think this would be a major relief to my family. Knowing my mother's horrible health history, if one of her horrible tumors came back, the Genomic-Based test would let us know before it got out of hand. :)
Coen,2nd period
#1 Bionic Eyes? That's incredible, simply amazing. That wouldn't only help me or any one person in my family, but anyone who would ever be unfortunate enough to lose their eye sight before their time on earth ends. Not implying that any of our 5 senses are expendable but who want to lose their eye sight? I couldn't imagine life without the luxury of vision.
Slide, 2nd period
Great thoughts. Keep em coming!
From reading the comments, A LOT of us have been affected by diabetes, cancer and headaches. Scary!
I pick the 751 Medtronic insulin pump. This would affect my life because I have had diabetes since I was 7 years old and its helps by not having to take shots constantly and regulates my blood glucose every 5 minutes instead of constant finger pricking.I believe one day with the new electronics that have come out diabetes will be controlled in every little way possible by censors and improved technology.
walker taylor 7th period
I would either choose the electronic aspirin or the needle free diabetes treatment because my sister gets chronic migraines and could we use this to help her and my grandfather has diabetes and so does my cousin and both of them hate needles so this would help them get their treatment and not have to use needles or test their blood with needles
-Devon, 7th
the Needle-Free Diabetes Care in the second link will help out some of my family members greatly because some of them suffer from diabetes so it would b simpler and less painful for them to use this device than to actually drawing blood everyday
- Cano 7th
In the 2nd article, the Electronic Asprin would for SURE be of use to me. I get headaches all the time so this would be truly amazing, but I'm not sure I would like the idea of having a little Asprin-disposer thing in my head all the time. Oh well, I'll get over it.
-Zach 7th
The second link #4 is the one I choose. Although medical benefits of these can't help my family unless it is cheaper laser eye surgery, so the robot I see can be more efficient in helping with multiple people faster. Not much more I can say but this robot better not be like the da Vinci and cost millions of dollars no-one actually has.
-Roland G
7th Period
In the first link, I think that #2 Genomic-Based Tests for Cancerous Tumors is the best innovation out of the other choices because with this we can better determine what kind of treatments the patient needs or requires instead of just guessing and checking. A few years back, I had two cousins pass away because of cancer and I feel that if genomic-based tests were available, then maybe they could have had a better chance of fighting the cancer and I bet that other families would feel the same way about their loved ones who have fought the same battle.
Your Favorite Mexican, 7th Period (~^_^)
The second link #4 is the one I choose. Although medical benefits of these can't help my family unless it is cheaper laser eye surgery, so the robot I see can be more efficient in helping with multiple people faster. Not much more I can say but this robot better not be like the da Vinci and cost millions of dollars no-one actually has.
-Roland G
7th Period
In the first link, Bionic eyes for restoring sight in people with severe eye disease Would help many people out by making their eye vision better.
guardado 7th period
The second link #2 Electronic Aspirin might help a lot of people who frequently have severe headaches or pain in the face. I know it would help my mom a lot because she has a headache just about every other day.
In the first link #10 A New Treatment for Blood Cancers. I choose B-cell receptor pathway inhibitors because it helps fight with cancer ewer side effects than a treatment. Just in case, bunch of people are getting cancer more and more and it's possibility that a family member might get cancer as well. because of this, they certainly would need treatment.
In the 2nd link #3 Needle-Free Diabetes Care is a better way to check for blood. Instead of having to go through pain and having to always poke yourself. My grandma has diabetes and I always see her do this. To me I couldn't stand always doing this to my finger... But the needle-free care an object that is called the continuous glucose monitors, which of course instead of the poke, it will be a patch. As the elders grow older, this will soon come in handy, instead of having to through to the pain.
In the 2nd link #3 Needle-Free Diabetes Care is a better way to check for blood. Instead of having to go through pain and having to always poke yourself. My grandma has diabetes and I always see her do this. To me I couldn't stand always doing this to my finger... But the needle-free care an object that is called the continuous glucose monitors, which of course instead of the poke, it will be a patch. As the elders grow older, this will soon come in handy, instead of having to through to the pain.
In The Asme I Like The #3 Needle-Free Diabetes Care is very good for people with diabetes. when I started growing up i always saw my grandparents have to keep up hundreds of medicine and mostly for diabetes and i always hated it to think what if they used the wrong medicine what would happen and now knowing that this can be made I feel A little relieved.
Teal 7th
In the second link, #1 (the tool that will help identify melanoma) would be useful to me. Skin cancer runs in the family, and I'm covered in moles and freckles that my mom is always worried might be cancer(she's a worrier).
Having something that could decide whether or not the mole needed to be removed would be highly better than having every suspicious mole chopped off and sent for testing.
-SWalker 7th
In the 2nd link #3 Needle-Free Diabetes Care is a better way to check for blood. Instead of having to go through pain and having to always poke yourself. My grandma has diabetes and I always see her do this. To me I couldn't stand always doing this to my finger... But the needle-free care an object that is called the continuous glucose monitors, which of course instead of the poke, it will be a patch. As the elders grow older, this will soon come in handy, instead of having to through to the pain.
Garcia, 7th Pd
in the second link about the diabetes pump thing that keep up with there sugar an blood presser I like that one cus it lets them know when when there body atoning up. cisco
In the first link #2 Genomic- Based Tests for Cancerous Tumors. I think this very important for every patient so we can prevent many deaths because I know a little boy that died of having a cancerous tumor.
Venegas, 7th
In the second link it talks about needle free diabetes care which will actually help me because with some of my medication I tend to have hypo-glycemic attacks and I have to constantly check my blood sugar and it really hurts so if I can check it without being stabbed with a needle that would be perfect.
T-Dawg 8th period
Number 3 needles free diabetes aid because my grandma fought her way through diabetes but i know this would have helped her for sure
8th period .
I would be interested in the needle-free diabetes thing from the second link because of my mum, seeing as it would cut a lot of needles out of her routine.
Cespedes -8th
Needle-Free Diabetes Care this would help my gramaw
dillion sanches
My grandma has had diabetes for who-knows-how-long, so I'd imagine she'd benefit from the needle-free diabetes care. She's pretty old-fashioned though, so I doubt she'd use it even if someone got it for her. She wouldn't throw it away, though. It'd just sit around gathering dust, same as that MacBook she bought half a decade ago.
Kwiatkowski, Eighth.
The Robotic Check Ups (the 4th thing on the second link) will help my Grandpa a lot. He can't really move around very well, and the doctors he goes to are in Dallas and Houston, so it's hard for him to go see them easily. If the doctors are electronically able to come to HIM, it'll be a lot easier on him.
Labbit 8th
In the second link, #3 Needle-Free Diabetes Care this would affect both of my parents because they both are diabetic and this would help save them the time of poking themselves with needles just to take their blood sugar levels.
Gipson, 8th Period
I choose the electric aspirin because I to often get headaches and when I take aspirin and Tylenol it never works but this electric would catch the nerves before it becomes a headache .!
Sweat,8th period
The invention that I chose was from the first link. The Decision Support System for Anesthesia which may come into use when I go to have surgery on my leg. I have to get the rod removed form my leg so I would like to know for sure that my anesthesia is very effective.
Cold 8th
most of my relatives have a history of bad eyesight after 65 so they would probably like the bionic eye I know if I go blind I would like one
Ben Blough 8th
In the first link I think #3. Responsive Neurostimulator for Intractable Epilepsy would help out in my family greatly because some of my cousins have random seizures and one of them that suffer from that has been suffering with them since he was a little kid and it would be great that he could have a life with out having to deal with seizures all his life so that's why I think that innovation would help most in my family.
-Castro 8th (~^_^~.)
#2. Genomic-Based Tests For Cancerous Tumors
My dad had cancer. Again, it's the big scary "C" word. I would think this would be incredibly helpful, because this would allow doctors to see if maybe their patient doesn't need aggressive chemotherapy. And so they would be just treating the cancer rather than poisoning my dad.
Carrasco 8th hr
Sweat, 8th period
the second link and I choose #2 the electronic aspirin because I think it would be cool if you have a headache you will not have to take a pill every time to cure you could just use the electronic aspirin to get rid of it
the second link and I choose #2 the electronic aspirin because I think it would be cool if you have a headache you will not have to take a pill every time to cure you could just use the electronic aspirin to get rid of it
Ferguson, 8th period
As usual Josh Denton, I'm gonna need you to take the blog a little more seriously. No credit for this week's comment. In fact, no more blogs for you. You can take zeros on blogs for the rest of the year.
Manny G - if the genomic-based testing were available would YOU do it?
The second link, Electronic Aspirin would be really helpful to me because often times I experience really bad migraines and sometimes putting my glasses on would not help.
-Wright, 7th
In the first link, #2 Genomic-Based tests for Cancerous Tumors could have helped my Uncle when picking a treatment for his cancer.
Taylor 8th
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