Monday, March 3, 2014

Blog 21 - March 3, 2014

Hiya. Thanks for logging in.

Sticking with the medical topic, please visit this article about a surgeon that saved a little boy using a 3D Printer. There's some words, AND a video. And big thanks to Will Taylor for the pickup on this article!

I'll post the directive on Wednesday.

Wednesday edit: Tell me how else you can imagine this 3D printer being used in the MEDICAL field.


Anonymous said...

Using a 3D printer, surgeons can probably make a model of just about anything! It might be possible for them to actually make models of cancer patients to help determine the location of their cancer and better plan the surgeries to cure it.
-McClanahan, 1st period

Anonymous said...

The 3D printer can be also used to look closer into tumors and examine them carefully. Then this way doctors will know exactly how to treat it.
-Barrios, 1st period

Anonymous said...

The 3D printer can be used for a lot in the medical field. When the doctors or surgeons need to see an organ that they'll be working on. And most likely they can find the problem and fix it faster.

Cameron, 1st prd

Anonymous said...

With the 3d printer, almost any body part or organ can be replicated. This will be able to help with things like broken bones and such. It will be able to make a model of the bone and show where the break or fracture occurred better than an x-ray would.

Eason, 1st Period. :D

Anonymous said...

I think that 3D printers could be more useful in medicine because doctors could print out 3D models of, say, the patient's bone to help explain what's wrong to them, as well as pinpoint precise defects in the marrow, for example.

-Oliver, 1st period

Anonymous said...

The 3D printer could possibly used for training purposes for new doctors to test their skills before they use live subjects.
Culpepper, 1st Period

Anonymous said...

The 3D printer can be used as a handheld model for surgeons to better examine organs, such as the liver, before operating surgery upon a patient. This would allow surgeons to have a visual of the organ they are performing surgery on while being extremely beneficial to the patient since the surgeons now have a better idea of how to treat the organ in a precise manner.

-Heyn, 1st period

Anonymous said...

the 3D printer could also be used for other surgeries for a good visual aide and it could also be used for training

Conner Covington
2nd period

Anonymous said...

The 3d printer, can be looked into injury's and be able to fix them before they get to much out of hand.
Hill 2nd period

Anonymous said...

I can imagine people doing a CAT scan of peoples body parts that are getting the procedure done on, and then doing a pre surgery on the replica so they know how they are going to do the procedure, and know how to do it, and have done the practice on the replica. This would reduce death in the O.R. and prep the surgeon for the surgery.
Kyle 2nd

Anonymous said...

I think that if the 3D printers can become more advanced in the future, the doctors can make 3D print out of cancer cells that are bigger so they can go deep inside that individual and help cure cancer. In other words, 3D printers being used as a factor curing cancer.
~Lopez, 2nd period

Anonymous said...

3D printing is an surgical advancement for looking and preparing yourself for a surgery or analyzing the healing results after surgery. With modeling we can get a better view of the inner body and know more before and after surgery.(Kadence 2nd Period)

Anonymous said...

Maybe not just used to recreate a heart, maybe other organs as well like...Kidneys, Lungs ect. The type of organs that are the leading causes of death for many people.

Delagarza, 2nd Period.

Anonymous said...

I think its a great tool to use I the heart area and I think it will be real good if they use the same thing on things like tumors, and cancers.

Jacorey winn , 2 period

Anonymous said...

3D printing can be used to help diagnosis diseases sooner and stop them before they become permanent. This could save many people from having to say they have cancer, heart disease or any other sickness.

-Coen,2nd period

Anonymous said...

I think the 3-D printer could be used to model new surgical tools or even older models in order to help improve the design, this could possibly be taken a step further so as to test these ideas on models of any areas they want to use the implements on.

-Torres Per2

Anonymous said...

I think that a 3D printer could be used in any kind of surgery because it gives the doctor a model to work with so they can actually see what's wrong. I feel like the printer would be great when it comes to looking at tumors or any type of cancer. This would make the process of surgery much better.

Laronda Steadham, 2nd Period

Anonymous said...

A 3D printer could be used to show patients what is wrong and how the surgeon plans on curing them, like making a scale of the gall bladder surgery, and show the patient where they will go in and how they plan on taking it out.

-Irwin 2nd pd.

Anonymous said...

Well if we can already make hearts with the 3D printer, then I don't think it would be too much of a stretch to start making other replica organs and then from there why not make entire bodies as a reference to help during surgery for a wider variety of diseases? I'm sure we'd need bigger printers though,

Slide, 2nd period

Anonymous said...

You could use a 3D Printer in the medical field to make models of organs that the surgeons are going to operate on for them to practice and know what they're doing. they could also create very specifically shaped support pieces to go inside somebody if they have a physical injury or something. maybe even small prosthetic limbs or something.

-Zach 7th

Anonymous said...

The 3D printer can be used for anything that surgeons need a life size model of. One example of this is search of tumors and cancer, with the 3D printer surgeons can practice how the would do the procedure and get rid of the tumor or cancer.
-Wright, 7th

Anonymous said...

The 3D printer, is really helpful to the surgeons I think this 3D printer can be useful for many things not just for the heart am pretty sure they can figure a way to use it for a humans entire body.
-Guardado, 7th period

Anonymous said...

Since people can print things that are more rubber like and flexible, as apposed to the solid plastic they printed before, doctors could use it to print heart stents, and other permanent fixtures they would install in surgery.
-SWalker, 7th

Anonymous said...

The 3D Printer Could Also Help More With Needing A Duplicate Of Something That Is Vital In The Body And Then Be Able To Make Another Duplicate If Needed And Find It's Previous Versions Problems And Fix Them.

Teal 7th

Anonymous said...

Well maybe the new idea of using a 3D printer could be possibly vying to finally be a new medical breakthrough. Just simple papers of x-rays doesn't really help to see what else, the area all around it, could be effected. So maybe also this could be put into the use of brain surgery finally, putting brains into other people hmm.

7th Period
-Roland G

Anonymous said...

With the 3D printer, the surgeons can make a model of the lungs. Most people smoke and they die from having bad lungs and by making 3D models of lungs it can help surgeons take all the smoking waste out of people's lungs.
Venegas, 7th

Anonymous said...

I feel that this new technique of using 3D printing can have many infinite uses in the medical field. We can print just about anything from bones to organs. SO imagine if you broke a bone in your body and when you examine it through an x-ray it just gives u a basic idea of what happened to it, but if we can print out a 3D model of the bone and the fracture then we can have a better understanding of how to help the bone heal faster. Another usage is the same deal as how Dr. Earle Austin decided to use it by making models of organs to better understand how to do surgery or operation on a particular vital organ. In my opinion theses uses are great, but what about if we made a model for a patient who as cancer? If we could do that then we would have a better understanding of where the cancer is and better prepare ourselves for what operations must be used there.

Your Favorite Mexican (~^_^), 7th Period

Anonymous said...

With using the 3D printer, doctors can now replicate the majority of any body parts or organs. This can help doctors to see what they are working on. They can also see where bones had been broken and know what to do. This is much better than a x-ray because you can see everything like if you were in the body. This can also find the problem and fix the problem a lot faster than the x-ray.

-Ibanez, 7th period

Anonymous said...

the 3d printer you can use in many different ways that helps you look closer while u doing surgeons on a person so that they know how to treat you.

Anonymous said...

Surgeons can most likely make a model of anything with a 3-D printer. The 3-D printer can also be used to see things that other machines can't. When using the 3-D printer, doctors will know how to treat disease by examining the model of whatever organ is infected. The 3-D printer is better then MRI and X-Ray machines.

Anonymous said...

I think a 3D printer is really useful and can be used to look closer into any body part that are broken and need to fix. Because of this, doctors will know what's wrong and can treat the patient's right.

Anonymous said...

Using the 3D printer, it can help with ALOT and with different several obstacles in the medical field. Pretty much anything of the body parts can work with this. Being able to provide in a life saving situation this is helpful for surgeons. Any of your organs that the doctor wants to be laid out, the 3D printer could do it.

Garcia, 7th pd

Anonymous said...

I can imagine the 3D printer being used in the medical field in various ways, one way I envision its uses is by making surgery much simpler like the one of the little boy, to be able to make a 3D model and actually be able to hold it and see the most simple and less risk taking option in your hands beats Just looking at the screen and taking risks in the surgery. The doctors can actually tell where the problem that needs help is located by making a 3D model and that will help humongously both the doctor and the patient.

Anonymous said...

I can imagine the 3D printer being used in the medical field in various ways, one way I envision its uses is by making surgery much simpler like the one of the little boy, to be able to make a 3D model and actually be able to hold it and see the most simple and less risk taking option in your hands beats Just looking at the screen and taking risks in the surgery. The doctors can actually tell where the problem that needs help is located by making a 3D model and that will help humongously both the doctor and the patient.

- Cano 7th

Anonymous said...

The printer can be used for a number of this such as gall bladder removals heart surgery obviously and other medical problems like tumors, cancer, and many others.
T-Dawg 8th period

Anonymous said...

3D printing is the future. In fact, in a hundred years, I believe 3D printing will totally replace all organic tissue on the human body. After all, who needs muscles or organs, when you can have 3D printed limbs and bones?
It will be a miraculous android revolution.

Kwiatkowski, Eighth

Anonymous said...

This 3D printer will be really helpful in the medical field. It will help doctors make models of what they're planning on preforming surgery on and even help train medical students learn how to preform surgery. In the future, 3D printers may even be able to create organs that are functional to replace dysfunctional ones.

-Labbit 8th (-w-)/

Anonymous said...

The 3D scanner can also be used to identify different forms of cancer and where exactly they are located so that it can be removed a lot easier.

Cold 8th

Anonymous said...

Well I would say that since 3D printing is introducing a more malleable material to make things with (and I'm sure they have stronger materials as well) doctors can make more realistic prosthetics for amputees and people with misshapen body parts like things with cartilage.

Cespedes -8th

Anonymous said...

This printer can help doctors see, for certain what is wrong with the body part in question, like a heart or liver.

Taylor - 8th

Anonymous said...

I imagine the 3D printer being used to train and get a better looks at patients bones and organs .
Sweat 8th period

Anonymous said...

The 3D printer could be used to find chromosome disorders or even things thats wrong with someones tissues or cells it can clone almost anything
-Ikner,Tye 8th prd

Anonymous said...

The 3D printer can just about replicate any body part that the surgeon could possibly need to see up close and study to ensure a successful operation for people in the hospital.

Gipson, 8th Period

Anonymous said...

personally these I see these printers becoming cheaper and more available to the public we just got one at the school that was around 2200 dollars but what I'm saying we may eventually advance to where we could build our own working prosthetic limbs from any doctors office hey you could make one from your house

"hey guys look at the new arm I made"

Ben Blough 8th

Anonymous said...

I really don't know what to thick about that so as long as it works.

dillion sanches

Anonymous said...

For any delicate surgery, I can see this being used. For brain surgeries and carefully removing blood clots from thew surface of the brain, spinal surgeries and being careful not poke an important nerve... And not just surgeries! This could be an incredibly useful tool in training people to perform these surgeries! It's ingeious, really. One of my really good friends has a 3D printer and makes a whole bunch of really cute things and stuff, so when I read the words "3D printing", I got really excited.

Carrasco 8th hr

Anonymous said...

the way 3D printing can help surgeons in the medical field is by using model of the organs, bones, and other places in the body that the patient needs surgery on that would help them see and understand how to properly make the surgery with better understanding or better they can use the prototype to use it on your own body that would be a better chance of surviving from having to wait for a donor of organs that would take along time to get to you I think it would be a amazing innovation and a big step that the medical world get to use the 3D printer to use make organs and other parts of the body and that the patient can use them as there own organs and that they were functional instead of waiting for a organ donor that would be a big step for the medical world and I think that if they are able to do that then they would save a lot of live

-Castro 8th (~^_^~.)

Anonymous said...

The 3d printer is an amazing idea, that could be used for many different reasons. It could be used to help make model or diagrams of cancers patients to help find out the exact spot of cancer.

Clifton 1st

Anonymous said...

I think that it is cool that they printed a heart to use to help with surgery because I just like the idea of 3D printing I think it is interesting that a person can use this new tech to add to the number of successful surgeries with the help of a robot.
-Devon Corley 7th