Sunday, November 30, 2008

Discussion 13 - 12/01/08

Hello Internets! Thanks for logging in!

This past Thanksgiving week I spent a lot of time in the kitchen, which led me to wonder about emerging kitchen technology.

Take a look at this site. And look at more than just the first page. This site is dedicated to cool-daddy kitchen stuff.

How about that Blender Defender?!? When I showed that to Mr. L he immediately wanted to know how much it costs, because nothing bugs him more than to know the cat has been on the counter.

I personally think we all need our own Dough-Nu-Matics. Donuts for all!

Anyway, go take a look. Leave an opinion about at least one gadget.

Talk to me . . .

Friday, November 21, 2008

Discussion 12 - 11/24/08

Hi folks! Thanks for logging in!

Since this is a short week, how about we do this:

Log in, go to the comment section, leave your name, call it good.

Have a WONDERFUL turkey day! Be safe and I'll see you next Monday.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Discussion 11 - 11/17/08

Hi Folks! Thanks for logging in!

So this week let's lighten it up a bit from last week's discussion. I did enjoy the witty conversation of last week's topic and was surprisingly pleased with the passion you guys displayed.

So let me tell you a little story. Once upon a time Mr. L and I went to buy a new television. Really Mr. L wanted a new television, I just went along for the ride. We (he) picked a big, beautiful sparkly new 42" plasma (not LED people . . . that's so 2005) high-definition HP flat screen. It's ginormous. It takes up the entire living room and I SWEAR you can see it from outer space.

And because we had this lovely new television *I* wanted a new surround sound sytem because yall know how important music is to me. So at the same time we (I) bought a Yamaha 600w surround system with a massive receiver that I swear can pick up stations from Alaska. (You can insert your own Home Improvement Tim the toolman Taylor sound here)

And while we were there we debated back and forth about a Blu-Ray player. Back and forth we went. Back. And. Forth. Until we both decided that we needed to do some more research before we jumped into the middle of this technology.

So we left the $400 Blu-Ray player there at the Best Buy and truthfully never looked back. Am I using my massive 42" plasma to it's fullest high-definition capacity? No I am not. Do I care. Ummmm . . . not so much.

However, we've been thinking about it again lately. Debating about jumping on yet another new technology bandwagon. The upside is it's amazing clarity. The downside is the cost, PLUS what happens if it goes the way of the BetaMax tape. Any of you know what Beta is? Yeah. Didn't think so.

So go look at this article from the Kansas City Star. Tell me what you think about Blu-Ray. Is it here to stay? Will it go away if it doesn't catch on this year? Is it worth the cost?

Talk to me . . .

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Discussion 10 - 11/10/08

Hi all! Thanks for logging in!

So while I was digging for more new medical technology I ran across an interesting CNN article that talks about how close we are to being able to use technology to pick the gender / eye color / hair color / etc. of our babies.

Here's another link to a CNN article about the debate surrounding said technology:

The article states that "The ethical questions surrounding this kind of medical technology are vast." Well, yeah, THAT'S an understatement.

Read BOTH articles (not just the first 4 lines) and tell me what you think about this advancement in technology. Should we do it? Should we leave it alone? How about in order to prevent disease, can we do it then?

I don't really know where I stand on this one. I'm interested to see what you guys think.

Talk to me . . .

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Discussion 9 - 11/3/08

Hola Peeps! Thanks for logging in!

So this week I was going to do more medical technology, because I really enjoyed learning about that stuff last week and reading yall's comments. You do know, don't you, that I read every comment and sometimes even respond to them? Yeah . . . you might want to go back sometimes and read the comments AFTER you've published. Just a thought.

Anywho . . . I ran across this article in Computerworld on electronic voting and this thing that's been happening called "vote-flipping." It's where you go to vote electronically and the vote that gets put in to be counted is a vote for the OTHER guy.

The software manufacturers like to blame the consumers (that's US) for accidentally hitting the wrong area, perhaps with long fingernails or dangley jewelry. The states like to blame the software manufacturers for not doing thorough testing. In fact, one person said "Elections officials didn't seek such testing because they had limited budgets, wanted equipment that they could afford and had little time to dig into issues like usability, Coney said. "The issue for them was what fits the budget," she said. "A lot of the usability issues were just 'throw the voters in there and let them be the beta testers."

Which prompts me to say . . . Huh? We're talking about the future of our country and you guys want to talk about budgets and making the consumer be the beta testers? Oh my.

So anyway, go read this article. I think you'll find it as interesting (in a sick, stomach-twisting way) as I did:

And while you're at it, this is a link to other information in Computerworld about other electronic voting woes, including a story about the ability of hackers to affect the e-votes:

Tell me what you think about the electronic voting process and it's associated problems. Tell me what you think about the ability of hackers to upset our democracy. DO NOT tell me about your political affiliations or who you think should've won. THAT IS NOT WHAT WE ARE DISCUSSING HERE!
Talk to me . . .