Monday, October 28, 2013

Blog 8 - October 28, 2013


So one more week of VR stuff, and then we'll move on.

Here are a few more links regarding VR use in the real world.

Links removed. This week we read about the CDC, train conductors, and the pros and cons of real world VR training.

For credit this week you will need to give an informed opinion about the article you read AND provide one fact to prove you read it. Hope you actually read. You have to do both of these things to receive credit. I'm really, REALLY not asking for all that much here. Seriously.

Many, MANY of you received blog zeros last week because you failed to follow all the directives. Maybe I can be less disappointed this week.

Talk to me . . .

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blog 7 - October 21, 2013


So let's learn about Virtual Reality applications in the REAL world as opposed to the video game industry.

The military has been training soldiers for years using VR. There is a plethora (Dillard's word that means a great big bunch) of info out there on it. Please explore:

In related news, do you ever feel like maybe we're the only country in the world that actually allows this very valuable information about how we train our military to be put online for all the world to see? (This is not your directive for the week, just a question to consider) Sometimes I think it's crazy how much we overshare.

Directive: Choose one of the articles, tell us which one you chose. BRIEFLY summarize and give an INFORMED opinion. Show some EVIDENCE to back up your opinion.

I chose the VRS article (tell us which article). It talks about the 5 different areas in which the military has started to rely more on VR training in order to avoid death and serious injury (briefly summarize). My opinion is that this will be used to save lives in the future (informed opinion). I thought it was interesting that the article says that the VR training will not take the place of the real life training, but will be used to supplement it (evidence).

 As always, I want you to ACTUALLY read and become informed about technology directions and trends. This is not free time, it's MY time.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, October 14, 2013

Blog 6 - October 14, 2013

Dude . . .

So there's this new high-tech virtual reality headgear that new on the market and gaining popularity. Let's go do some reading:

Pick one of the above articles, GIVE US THE LINK and one FACT that was in your article. This is not an opinion piece.

2nd and 7th periods: If it becomes apparent to me AGAIN that you really haven't read the blog and are uninformed as a class we will have blog summary time every Friday for the rest of this year. Get it together.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, October 7, 2013

Blog 5 - October 7, 2013


In preparation for switching topics this week we will visit one of my favorite sites:

I love, LOVE this website. It's chock full of stuff for geeky people.

So for credit this week, pick a product and GIVE US THE LINK and then tell us why you love it or think it's abundantly stupid. You MUST PROVIDE THE LINK so that the rest of us can go and look at it.

Your blog should look a little something like this:

When you're a computer teacher people ask you all the time to help them. Most days I don't mind. Today ain't one of those days.
Lanham, 1st period

You must give us the link.You must give an opinion.You must sign and put your class period.

This is one of the RARE times when you can go ahead and blog on Tuesday. Be sure to check back on Thursday during blog time if you do that so you can see what everybody else is shopping for.

Talk to me . . .