Sunday, November 9, 2008

Discussion 10 - 11/10/08

Hi all! Thanks for logging in!

So while I was digging for more new medical technology I ran across an interesting CNN article that talks about how close we are to being able to use technology to pick the gender / eye color / hair color / etc. of our babies.

Here's another link to a CNN article about the debate surrounding said technology:

The article states that "The ethical questions surrounding this kind of medical technology are vast." Well, yeah, THAT'S an understatement.

Read BOTH articles (not just the first 4 lines) and tell me what you think about this advancement in technology. Should we do it? Should we leave it alone? How about in order to prevent disease, can we do it then?

I don't really know where I stand on this one. I'm interested to see what you guys think.

Talk to me . . .


Cole,R-1 said...

I don't like this, yes it would be interesting to be able to pick what your baby looks like but where would be the fun in already knowing what they will be like. It takes away the part of wondering what your kid is going to be like. Using this for a medical purpose is pretty much the only logical reason i even see for using this technology. If we start using this, i feel Humans will become an even more superficial, not that we need any help.

I might as well go in there is design a kid that will grow up with enough body hair that he looks like a Werewolf. Now what should his name be?

By the way, i like the new look because the other one was kinda boring.

Campbell,A-4 said...

This "Designer" process of making babys sounds dangerously close to the Clones from Star Wars. I mean think of the Military Aspects of this process. We could make the "Perfect" Soldier and then just reproduce him/her over and over again. Its also a scary thought that if this process falls into say...A power hungry crazy Dictator? (Kim Jong Ill for example) WE WOULD BE MONUMENTALY BONED!( Scuse the language Mrs.L and/or Adminstrators) I really really don't like this process like r,cole dosen't. I think having a kid should be a surprize.

och,s-4 said...

This is ridiculous. We talked about this in biology sophomore year and it made me angry's making me angry now. When a couple wants a baby, they make one. And when it is conceived it has characteristics that are the product of the couple. This new technology is going against the natural creation of a person and I think it's really really dumb. Technological advances are just great but this kind of advance is dumb and makes me pretty mad.

Auxier, Emily - 4 said...

I think that this is one of the worst ideas that I have ever heard of. Honestly? "Designer Babies"? Yah - NO. If this takes place and you are allowed to make your baby look however you want - then nobody would be unique. Everyone would start looking the same - who wants that? I love to be different. Not only would we all be twins - but it would teach our childrent that how you look on the outside, is more important than who you are on the inside. Do we really want that? That ticks me off!

Brice, R-4 said...

I think this technology is pretty crazy. It sounds like we are about to be in science fiction movies or somthing where we can make people look and think like we want to them to. This is the first time i have heard of this kind of stuff and it kind of scares me that we are able to do that already. As for the technology im not to sure what to think about it. There is alot of positives like curing genetic diseases and stuff. As for picking what your baby looks like i am still very confused by it. How can you possibly change their genetic code to make them think the way you want them to think. I dont quite like the idea yet but i would love to know more about to make my final decision

Thompson,O-1 said...

should we alter genes? Why no?! that would be awsome if you could be super strong of supersmart or super unproportional like micheal phelps.

Calderon,A-1 said...

i agree with Mr. Cole because if you can pick the way your baby will looks like, then why we should wait 9 months (or less) waiting for it to get born, if you already know how it will looks like. by the way is not fun because you can't really tell that is your kid because you have nothing that the kid looks like to you. i tell you this because i look like my dad but with my mom's color skin. haha.

mcgown,a-1 said...

I really dont think it is right to be able to pick what children should come out like. Its basically like taking the place of God. Also, it will basically take away individuality because people will more than likely start picking similar traits for their children that other people already have. The only way I can see the altering of genes to be correct is if they are trying to prevent the child from having a live threatning disease.

McCorvey,T-1 said...

Well i think that a parents have the right, to do anything to their child. And, other people shouldn't have any input on what other ,people should do with their kids if their not, the parents.

Ashley Manis said...

I really disagree with this. I believe that you should have no control over how your child looks, or what personality traits it has.
Thats defying nature X 100000. Too many people would take this too far and there wouldn't be originality any more.

Gilbreath,J-1 said...

I don't like this at all. It's a disgusting thought to think that I could decide what my child looks like, acts like, and everything else. Personally, I'd rather let Fate decide my child's traits.

I could understand if it helped the child in some way, sorta like a genetic mutation that cured cancer in the womb or something. But choosing your child's looks and such is just another way of 'playing God'.

lathan,l-1 said...

Hey its sad what all those kids go through. But its the way they look to me and the way they have to live, we are so blessed to live in a nice home, food to eat and clothes. But I hate to see the kids live like that it is sad but everyone goes through that in life I know I have. It does interest me because I like to help people out in the best way that I can.....! that how I fill about it.

murillo, j - 1 said...

It says there is a huge risk that this technology could be misused and lead to clinics where future parents could select the skin and hair color height and many characteristics of their child.

rodriguez,stephen-1 said...

Well that it wouldn't be cool to "design" your baby I would want my kid to be like a "spartan" child:skinny, strong, black eye color, disease free of everything and tall. But i love the thought of waiting and guessing at what the baby is going to look like and i'd feel better to put it in God's hands rather than mine.

Broadway,M-1 said...

I think the idea of screening for diseases would be okay to me. But I don't know about the change of hair color, eye color and so on. It seem abit unatural to me. People should choose their baby that just buyin a baby at Wal-Mart.

martines,j-1 said...

i think that its a great idea to prevent a deseise from occuring in a baby or so on and to choose what the baby would be and look like, but this would take a long time to happen to compleatly rid the earth of a deseise and the world is a delicate thing that shouldnt be messed with this could bring the end of the world by destroing the natrural way thing happen

rodriguez,stephen-1 said...

I bet alot of girls would make there son like Edward or Jacob from that twilight book

Hollingsworth,C-1 said...

I think that to give people the option of desiging their child would be spoiling them. For the history of the human race parents have not "chose" their child. They got what was given to them. And I think it would objectify babies and that is not a good thing. For the purpose of screening for diseases I think that is acceptable if it is JUST a screen. Not and intervention. The screen could give parents the time to prepare for their child with special needs.

Driver,K- 2 said...

I believe the whole ideal of knowing what your baby looks like is crazy. Not knowing what your baby is going to look like is what is so special about having a baby.

allensworth, z-2 said...

it's not going to happen
it's playing God and if get involved in a game where we don't understand the rules we're gonna lose aka this is a "God aweful" idea (pun intended)

allensworth, d4 said...

id have to agree with my other half....although the idea of being able to make my kid look like whatever i want him/her to look like is pretty cool, its still unethical.....God made us the way we are and only he should have any say in it....but its still a cool concept

borerw-4 said...

this idea of designing your child is kind of sike. its scary to think that people even want to do that and playing with science that way could have majorly bad effects in the futur if scientists were to actualy realy do this.

Byrd,N-6 said...

I think that this is a bad idea to be able to choose what your child will look like and even their gender, because personally I feel like if you did do that its like playing God and in the past that never really turned out good for the people who did it. So I think its a bad idea

wallace,c-6 said...

nobody is going to design my baby except me and my wife and what we do to create it. that will be the only designing going on, and no matter how my child ends up i will still love my kid. ill let God determine how my child turns out.

Bixler,T-6 said...

I think that being able to choose all those things is the most stupidest things I have ever heard of. You shouldnt mess with mothernature none the less the lords creation. There the government thinking that they can be the creaters the only creater is the one almighty GOD!!!!!!!!

Meredith,B-6 said...

ok this is really cool but totally messed up on so many levels at the same time. its cool because youd be able to chose what your kid looks like and doctors will be able to cure anything wrong with the child or w/e but this is also incredable messed up and totally goes against religous things because God has a certain way we were all supposed to be and if we change that we're changing his creations. So really and truely it sounds like somthing out of a sci fi movie.

Sauceda, Maria=]- 6 said...

I'm so against this!!!!..scientist should find other ways that can help cure deadly diseases..Sure its cool to control what babies are going to look like but i believe we should not intervene with that because its GODs work.. This is very controversial since people's beliefs are extremely different...

Cuarenta,A-6 said...

this is ridiculous now science is trying to do God's work!!!
they need to focus on curing diseases without violating moral ethics!!!!!!

Maness, J-6 said...

so i'm gonna say pretty much what everyone else is saying. we as people should not be able to alter how a baby will come out, whether is be as a boy, as a girl, with blue eyes, etc. Pretty soon people will be able to do so, along with the weather, and how people age. then Someone might get a little ticked off

lee, s - 7 said...

Oh man! I don't like this, this baby is poor and his parnet took care this baby in Mexico. So should parnet make create baby from born? Feel like baby born it mother.

arnold,t.7 said...

yes it would be interesting to be able to pick what your baby look
like. But i just dont understand where would the fun be and u should know how your baby would look like.

Copeland, Juston7 said...

i dont think we should do because then it wont stop there i understand that it could be useful for fighting disease and the prevention of them but then they are going to try and build superbabies with muscles and stuff already ready to play sports so i think we should complete the research and then leave it alone

Lanham said...


And yeah Stephen . . . lot's of Twilight looking children.

It's interesting to see yall's reaction to this. I'm surprised so many of you are so vehemently opposed to this idea. It's good that you're passionate though.

As for me . . . I still don't know. I think it would be useful to be able to eradicate diseases in newborns, but then if you use it for that purpose then what's to stop somebody else for using it to pick hair color of their kid. I think some VERY strict guidelines would need to be in place.

Dietrich,R-3 said...

I think the baby thing is a good idea but its kinda playing god... but it would be very cool to make some one green like the hulk... it would be awsome

edlin said...

I don't like this at all i mean it just takes away the fun part of how your kid is going to look and what makes it special is that you concieve it with the person you most love and just using this will mess everything up!!!!!

Patton,A-1 said...

i think we shouldnt be creating or thinking of any kind of way to choose what kind of babies we sounds dangerous first off because i think it would hurt or possibly kill the child.i think we should be surprised by what kind of baby we have.thats not cool and i don't think it should be done in the near future.

anderson,p-3 said...

This is not cool. Alot of people might like the idea of deciding what their kids look like but not me. Don't you think that its is a little boring to know everything about your child before they get here?? God creates all men in the way he wants and gives them their own unique qualities and i think it should be left to. Don't mean to offend any of the non-believers out there but thats how i feel.

otis,j-3 said...

The only thing i think this new technology should be used for is to ensure healthy babies to mothers. It's very likely that if we abuse the priviledge of changing DNA by choosing eye color, hair color, or whatever; the military might become involved. It sounds great to be able to choose your offspring, but children should be accepted and encouraged regardless of their appearance.

tutt,matthew said...

I beleve that this choose a baby thing would destroy the normal fabric of human life. it is unnatural and it would mess with Gods natural plan for how people should have problems.

Brice, R-4 said...

Well said Mrs.L

ferrell, a-4 said...

Well I’m going to have to agree with just about everyone here.. I think it's wrong to change the appearance or "future" of something.. All things happen for a reason, and we shouldn’t try to change the out come, but go with the plans that have yet to come...

"And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Gen 1:27.

Everyone is beautiful and created exactly how God wanted them to be just as the verse states. No one should feel the need to be afraid that their child won't be beautiful or a football king.

.. or at least that’s mine and the bibles thoughts about this..

Lanham said...


Matt Tutt wins for the smartest sounding quote this week: "destroy the fabric of human life." I like how you put that.

And Austin with the bible quote. You go boy!

Liles, T-1 said...

I really dont know what to think, i mean, genetics is something we are very far from completely understanding, and to be "meddling" around in it as we are can not be a good thing. And is it morale or base to be able to choose what the baby will look like and act like. Dont take me wrong im not really a religious person, but last time i checked it was up to God to decide those factors, not us. But i guess if you can save a person from having a heart attack at 30 before hes even been born, how can I argue with that?

jones-c-1 said...

Being able to pick what your baby looks like would be cool but wrong. it would make us even more worried about looks that we already are. oh and cults would become way to easy to make.....

arriola,brett-1 said...

This is riduculous being able to choose what your kid looks like thats for God to decide!

Tri-Edge said...


Wrong! This is wrong on soooo many levels. You shouldn't be able to create your children. It's up to God to decide what your child looks like not science. I hope this is ban across the globe one day.....unless we are just making clone soldiers like in Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones (like campbell said) so we won't need the draft and we will have a army ready to kick evil in the butt when it rears its ugly head.

mayfield,s-1 said...

I dont think thats a smart idea... you should be happy for your baby natural look and accept it.. instead of trying to make it something you want it to look.

reed, k - 2 said...

I don't think we should create humans. This was intersting to read though. What if some one created a monster this kind of sound dangerous to do. I feel like everything should be created the way that God intended.

Johnson,O-2 said...

I think thats cool!!! But personally I think some people are going to think that it's wrong (like the same people who think Gays should not be able to marry) But random thought here: What if the babies come out and they grow up to be beautiful like that book where everyone is pretty and normal looking people are the new ugly? Another random thought: Do you think that by doing that that it might be hard to tell who the baby's daddy is???? Well unless the two couple thought it out wisely then it wouldn't be a problem.

packard,a-2 said...

i think that there should be quidlines to who and why a parent could access this technology. if their child has a disease that will be fatal, then i think they should be able to access this. but is a snoby rich mommy wants to have a premadona, better than everyone, conceided, little brat then i think that it should be left up to the all naturALL!!! and let the snoby mommy initiate her into the world of up tight fools, and if she was born with some reasonable genes, she can tell her snoby mommy to wake up and smell the $90 cup of coffee and deal with it.

allensworth, z-2 said...

brice is just sucking up

cruz,raymond,a-class3 said...

i dont really like this new technology, it defeats the whole purpose of having a baby,why would you want to design what your baby going to look like. this isnt build-a-bear. designing your kid is dumb i think babys looks should be left alone,if your going to have a baby have a baby but dont design it.

Gonzalez, C-1 said...

I'm absolutly against this. Be it whether religion takes into play or not, there are still moral values and standards that we still have to abide by. I mean to get something productive out of it like completely ridding us of a disease or something thats all cool but we're taking it too far when we are close to being able to manipulate our genetic traits and everything. Thats just not right. I'm not taking this from a religious viewpoint or anything but I just plainly don't like this. It really freaks me out. We already have the power of the H-Bomb which is almost like being god. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT!!! I don't understand why we can't just be satisfied with that. Also, what if other countries got hold of this tech and used it for mitlitary aspects as A. Campbella said. It would be all out war. Scratch that. ARMAGEDON!!

robles,l-3 said...

This is very interesting. I would prefer to make a baby like they did in the old days. I like to wonder how my baby would come out. The good thing is that you can make your baby come out with out any cancer or even prevent a heart attack. But still I will prefer to leave my child in god’s hands instead of in a scientist.

Lanham said...


GARRETT,K-4 said...

if u get 2 make your baby then it has no connection to you. havng a baby the normal way lets the baby get some of your attributes. only positive thing bout this is that you could get rid of the diseases that your baby could be born with.

Abdul-786 said...

i think its really great thing to do and we should do a lot more advancemets in technology because its really needed nowadays.

Lopez, M-1~☺ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trikosko, M-1 said...

Altering their genes could be good, like getting rid of dangerous heritary traits, but you shouldn't use this technology for purely asthetic reasons, if it is aproved.

Lopez, M-1~☺ said...

Well personally, I think it's pretty cool to alter the genes of a human, since it's mainly science fiction. But in this case...No.
That's a horrible idea to come up with. Seriously, changing what we look like should be against the law. God made us the way were are as well as our parents and we SHOULD be proud of our appearance!!! We can't be changing the way we look either way. It's ridiculous. It kind of reminds me of plastic surgery...gross

cano,ruben-7 said...

This idea is not so great because God creats the man and if science is intervening on what God creats is saying that God has made a mistake and I believe God dosen't make mistakes...Things happen for one reason and you should go through it and don't change what God has made!!!

Rigsby,D-1 said...

Why do you want to make your baby. !st of all that jsut sound sick to me. It like your going to a toy store and making picking oout what oyu want the baby to look like. Just have to baby and let it grow to what ever it will be. you just cant change the baby beacuse you want tit to look good.

Lanham said...


villanueva, manuel, N. 1 said...

I think this is crazy, i wouldn't want to know how my baby looks like, before he/or she is born.I would want mine to be surprise.