Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Blog 14 - December 16, 2013

Hola Peeps! Thanks for logging in!

  Just in case you've been living under a rock, it's almost Christmas time. In fact, here's the exact time left until Christmas:

Customize Countdown Timer

For this weeks blog, pretend I'm giving you $300 with which to buy TECHNOLOGY gifts. They can be for you or for someone else.

Here are the rules:

1. It must be TECHNOLOGY. This would mean it has a power source of some sort. Ugg boots, while terrible cute, are not technology.

2. You must spend all $300, or as close to it as possible.

3. You must post links to your stuff (with prices) so we can all go look.

And don't bother to worry about shipping costs.

You may blog on Tuesday like we do for Think Geek. Please try not to suck the fun out of this for me.

Have a wonderful, RELAXING holiday season! See yall rested and ready to go in January.

Talk to me . . .

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Blog 13 - December 9, 2013


So it's time for a topic switch. Know what that means? That's right . . . THINK GEEK WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!


So for credit this week, pick a product and GIVE US THE LINK and then tell us why you love it or think it's abundantly stupid. You MUST PROVIDE THE LINK so that the rest of us can go and look at it.

Your blog should look a little something like this:


I'm pretty sure this shirt would give me HOURS of enjoyment. Can you imagine standing in line at Wal Mart, bored to death, when you suddenly remember you're wearing your GUITAR ROCK SHIRT?!? Shut up! Then you could play it and relieve the boredom. And you STILL wouldn't look any weirder than any of the other folks at Wal Marts.
Lanham, 1st period

You must give us the link.You must give an opinion.You must sign and put your class period.

This is one of the RARE times when you can go ahead and blog on Tuesday. Be sure to check back on Thursday during blog time if you do that so you can see what everybody else is shopping for.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, December 2, 2013

Blog 12 - December 2, 2013


Soooooo, there's been an idea about a wrist communicator for a very long time. Anybody remember watching those old throwback episodes of Star Trek where Kirk and Spock speak into their wrist?

Yeah, well. We're there now.

This week I want to explore the Samsung Galaxy Gear. I've posted a link to Samsung and a couple links to reviews about the gear (watch thingy). For this weeks credit please give me an honest opinion either about this Samsung Gear specifically, or wrist communication in general. Please don't forget to sign it and check that it posted.




Talk to me . . .