Sunday, December 14, 2008

Discussion 15 - 12/15/08

Hola Peeps! Thanks for logging in . . .

So let's talk about gift-giving. With this holiday season upon us all of our minds are turning to gifts. What are we going to receive? What are we going to get mom, dad, siblings? How much time is left to shop? Will there be another payday before now and then?

Personally for me, this Christmas season has been . . . odd. Mr. L and I are off to Mexico when the bell rings on Friday (please don't get in my way when I'm leaving the parking lot friday, I just might accidentally run over your foot!). We won't see the chicklets (Beth and Julia) again until the day after Christmas, when we have our family celebration. We've really spent nothing on each other as this trip is our gift, and we've not spent a whole lot on the chicklets either. And for the first time ever, no surprises. We gave each other lists, and most of us did our shopping with the others shopping in the same store at the same time. See? Odd.

So my gift to you is a pretend $100 bill. I want you to go to the following two sites and tell me what you would buy to spend all of that money. Don't worry about taxes and shipping.

I want all of you to have a safe, peaceful Christmas and a joyous New Year. Enjoy the time with your family and friends and come back rested and ready to roll.

Talk to me . . .

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Discussion 14 - 12/8/08

Hello Internets! Thanks for logging in!

I want to do kitchen technology one more time.

Go look at something you didn't look at last week. There are many pages of gadgetry. Go ahead, I'll wait . . .

Give me an opinion. A REAL opinion, not just a "yeah it's all cool" opinion. Pick something to talk to me about. If you can't give me some real discussion, I can't give you a real 100!

Talk to me . . .