Monday, February 14, 2011

Blog 22 2/14/11

Because of the internet trouble of last week, I am leaving this blog up for this week. Please blog if you didn't get the chance.

So we've reached the time of the year where I'm brain dead. You know that time . . . the part between Christmas Break and Spring Break where you start thinking "there is no possible way I can make it through the rest of this year."

Yeah . . . that's where I'm at.

So for this week's blog I would like for YOU to log in and give ME two ideas for future technology blogs. Preferably stuff you're actually interested in. Not just an answer for the sake of answering.
In order for you to receive credit both ideas must be technology related.

Talk to me . . .

Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog 21 2/7/11

Hey Yall! Thanks for logging in!

Sticking with the subject of video gaming, there's an article I want you to read. Yes, read. Yes, it's long. But it's very good.

Have you ever thought about how cool it would be to be a video game tester? Sitting around all day, drinking Dr. Pepper and eating Cheetos and testing out the latest releases of all the coolest games on the market? (Maybe the Dr. Pepper and Cheetos is just MY fantasy)

Well, turns out you're not the first to think of it. In fact, a reporter (a chick!) for the Seattle Weekly News did just that a couple years back. I think what she found will actually surprise you.

So take a bit of time to read this article. It's long, but it's a good read. Wait to comment until Thursday. Answer these questions for credit: 1) What surprised you about this article? 2) Now that you've read this article, would you want this job? 3) Why or why not?

Talk to me . . .