Monday, September 24, 2012

Blog 2 - Week of September 24

Hola! Welcome back!

So I want to kick everything off with some cell phone talk. We'll probably be on this subject for a few weeks as we explore coming technology and how to effectively integrate it into the classroom.

I found this website that's got some pretty cool concept ideas. First let me explain what a concept is. Designers envision the coolest possible stuff that we can't even imagine yet, and then they jam it all into their design. Eventually SOME of the cool stuff will make it to the market. defines concept as an idea. So these phones are in the idea stage.

For this weeks credit you will need to visit the website below. Pick one of the concepts and tell us which one. Tell us about a concept feature on that particular phone that you would use and you find cool. OR pick one of the concepts and tell us which one and then tell us about a feature that you think is ridiculous and goofy.

As always, you'll need to sign your last name and class period to get credit.

I want you to go look at all the phones today. On Thursday I will want you to give your opinion. I like for you to let stuff marinade for a day or two so that your opinion is an informed one that you've had a chance to be able to explain. You can also disagree with someone else's opinion to advance the discussion.

It should look a little something like this:

I chose phone #4: HTC Magnesium Unibody. I dig the fact that it carries an extra battery that charges while I'm using the phone. I think it would also be helpful that the body of the phone is pretty hard to destroy.

Lanham, 1st period
Talk to me . . .

Friday, September 14, 2012

Blog 1 - Week of September 17

Hola Peeps! Thanks for logging in.

Let me 'splain how this will work:

Every Monday morning I will post a discussion question relevant to technology. You will have the entire week to post a short blog answering the question. It's very simple . . . you either advance the discussion or you don't. It's either a 100 or a 0. You can also respond to a thought posted by another user to advance the discussion. Every Sunday evening I will check off names. So you have from Monday AM to Sunday PM. Grading closes at 6pm Sunday. The first ten minutes of class on Tuesday will be devoted to reading the blog, and the first ten minutes of class Thursday will be devoted to answering the blog question.

Here are the things that this discussion is NOT:

This is not a social forum. All you guys have Facebook / Twitter for that stuff. Holla at your friends on those sites.

This is not a place for you to ask me questions about your grade. Please remember that EVERYBODY will see all of your communication on this site. If you have questions about grading policies, etc. please see me before or after school, before class or on my conference period (6th). Barring that, please email me at

This is not a place for you to air grievances of any kind. Bad language, derogatory comments and intolerance of any kind will not be accepted. These will result in blocked usage for you, and zeros on weekly discussions for the remainder of the year.

What this discussion IS:

This is a place for us to explore how technology is affecting our daily lives. You guys are digital natives (meaning you were practically born with a cell phone in your hand) and you are not accustomed to thinking about life before this technology came along. I would also bet that most of you haven't given a lot of thought to where this technology is going either. Well, that's what I want to do here.

Also, almost every college classroom has some online portion as well. In other words, when you get to college even though you're sitting in a traditional classroom your professor will expect you to go online and participate in some sort of ongoing discussion on something like Blackboard.

One more thing:

To the best of my knowledge we are still the only classroom in the district to use blogging as part of the classroom learning. Occasionally our Principal, Superintendent, and others from the district will be blogging with us. All eyes will be watching as this district prepares to incorporate more technology into everyday learning. Please keep that in mind. Let's have fun, but please be responsible.

Here's what you need to do now:

Make sure you ALWAYS leave your name and period in your comment. By posting this first time you are agreeing to:

1. ALWAYS read my words. You should never just log in and click links. Doing that will cause you to miss the questions that I want addressed.

2. Comment in the correct section for the week.

3. Understand that you get one (1) makeup blog for the YEAR. Because this blog is available 24/7/365 from any computer in the world, I don't allow more than one makeup. Go home and bookmark it. Go to the library and bookmark it. Bookmark it on your smart phone. Always remember that if you're absent on Thursday when we comment, you'll need to get it taken care of before Sunday at 6pm.

OK, questions?

Talk to me . . .