Monday, May 11, 2009

Discussion 33 - 5/11/09

Welcome! Thanks for logging in!

I hope everyone had a great prom and Mother's Day weekend. I know we did.

As we get ready to wind this year down, let's look at some sparkly new technology. Yall know my favorite site for this:

Check it out and comment on something.


Leave me a link to something and I'll comment on YOUR technology site. How 'bout that?!?

Talk to me . . .

P.S. Tyler! We miss you too! Stephen is helping with the Ag project, but he was sad not to be able to finish the DGA project. Take care of yourself.


Calderon,A-1 said...

Message Me A Smile i like this idea because it looks so cool, but i am thinking that those kind of phones might get lost so quickly. i mean if you have a huge brick phone and you lost it so easly then those kind of phones that are so thin will get lost easely

Gilbreath,J-1 said...

Honda's got a hover-car, and it goes at 350 mph. Horizontal flight and 'Iron-Man-handling'(we all know how that went the first couple of times.). Not so safe for kids, metinks.

Then there's the AI 'artistic robot' looks pretty cool. They should just give it a head so you pat it for doing a good job. Comes with a cool nickname, too, Xirrou.

Ashley Manis said...

3D Drawing! I love it, I want it. My art would be a million times better if I wasn't confined to paper.
The photo shower projector is pretty radtastic as well. I'd love to be entertained while showering.
I like the different faces watch, its cute =) Plus, you can change how it looks. Big bonus.
Asus Aura Mobile Phone- basically because I need a new phone and it looks interesting and exotic.

och,s-4 said...

The Air-dry Dishes thing is very interesting. It's cool how it saves water and such but I think I would be worried that it didn't clean the dishes as well as a dishwasher - and it doesn't look like it holds as many either. It's a cool concept, though.

och,s-4 said...

P.S. The Fountain Tab faucet is really's on page 15.

Maness, J-6 said...

the honda hovercar looks pretty awesome. i like how the windshield is so large so you can see everywhere, but im not sure how you see behind, i assume theres a back window but i cant tell. it will probably still be expensive and not be able to lift that far off the ground, but who knows, if this is a complete success maybe there will be larger advances in the future.

tutt,matthew said...

I would have a hard time picking just one thing to wish for on this site but I think I would like to have the 4 in 1 diging tool and the honda hovercraft. I would feal very coolio if i had that. And yes I said coolio.

Thompson,O-1 said...

Thas seed bomb is cool, we can bomb countrys and be eco-friendly about it.
The Stile Bertone Mantide Project M is soooocoooooool!

But um I know why yanko is blocked sometimes (dont go past page 11)

lathan,l-1 said...

I would like to sya all of those knew item look nice but i would use the Cordaround Bike to work pant. I would use that at night so people would be able to see you better.

chanelectronic said...

so i looked at the stupid
3D table like. really. totally pointless. I could tink it was cool if there was some nifty way you could convert it to a 3D movie projector or something of the sort that will project the movie to your eyes without having to actually wear the 3d glasses, then convientally fold itself back into a table.
but no. its just a red, blue, and grey table. A T A B L E.

murillo, j - 1 said...

The wacomvision is a three dimensional canvas for creating and viewing art products and models. Brush size sensitivity and brush type are customizable. You can use this product to download and view preserved art up close and from all angles. Notes and requests can be marked and saved on certain areas of the models using the pen tool. You can also virtually render, paint, record, and capture views.

Hollingsworth,C-1 said...

The rescue bottle is interesting
It would lessen the need for bottled water to be brought in to areas of disaster. So that means it would be better for the enviroment.( no one really seems to recycle those)
The inflatable couch is nifty
I probably would not be that nice to sit on but its a conversation piece.
The braille E-Book LOOKS cool but I blind person would be best to review it.

Cole,R-1 said...

I like the tea pot thing just because it has to do with Tea, well that and it's shiny.
I also like the balls you put in the washer to harness the energy from washing your clothes.
I like the diagonal thingy to the "Couch System for the Mobile Generation" IT would just be interesting to have one around

mccorvey,terance said...

Well the intresting i like the most is,the Sony Bamboo Frame Music System. The music system is new form of new technology, that can be used to compose music.

Baker,M-1 said...

Okay So the Digital Match maker would make life a lot easier.

...normally i would go one, but i have died and gont to h-e-double-hockey-sticks.

brittain,w-2 said...

i thought the Honder Hovercar was pretty cool. Bout time someone brought this concept back into play (xD). it has 2 joysticks, one to control the movement, and the other to control the tilting. It also has retractable wheels for if you want to drive on the road. It also fits 2 people in the back along with one person.

allensworth, z-2 said...

i like the hover car......i could definatly get used to the idea of cruising up to my girly friends house and flying her to dinner at 300+ mph

Patton,A-1 said...

the honda hover car is awesome.i would love to have the flying car and be able to go up to 350 mps.that would be too cool

packard,a-2 said...

i like the vivace because i could create mixes and my own tracks to jam out to when in need of entertainment. i also like the apple mac folder it is high tech love!!!! i want both of these but i would rather have the apple mac folder, haha, touch screen!! girlish giggle/yelp!!!!

taylor, Q - 6 said...

i like the "around the fire we go" looks like fun to spin around a fire.i just wonder whats the weight limit for the chair???...hmmmmm

Brice, R-4 said...

i would probably get the dog hammock just to see my dog try to keep steady on it. I would also love to have the project M car cause i am always a sucker for cars that can go 0-62 in 3.2 seconds and max out at 217mph with a sexy body :)

edwards, a - 4 said...

Finger Fatigue No More is something I will actually get if I possibly can because every time I write, my wrist would hurt. But my daddy's right, though. I would break it or lose it in a heartbeat (I'll be lucky if I lose it).

Abdul-786 said...

creative tea drinking thing is pretty awsome i think i wanna get one!!

Sauceda, Maria=]- 6 said...

I like the apple remotes!!!!! ..especially since its my favorite color =].. I wouldve thought they were by apple bt instead they are SONY..Hm well its cool how they work

Copeland, Juston7 said...

i think the zip up ear phones and the uni watch were very cool and innovative to be able to were ear phones design as zippers what will theu think of next

Meredith,B-6 said...

The Guiding My Bike is a pretty cool thing mainly for the fact of there are no GPS systems for motorcycles my only question about it is: Is it waterproof???
Another thing that caught my attention was the honda hovercraft thats a pretty cool idea too because it seems to join alot of scifi ideas together such as the wheels as fans(Back to the Future) and the cocpit design (very close to Halo designs) into one which could possibly work if done correctly.

Lopez, M-1~☺ said...

The Tuti- customizable furniture looks like loads of fun to me. Really, make your own couch and bed, how awesome is that?
As well as the Xpress. Comunication between cars using little animated icons, sounds cute!

GARRETT,K-4 said...

the baby carrier seems to be hiding the baby. the rattle and hum alarm clock is cool. the bike riding pants are so uncool!

lee, s - 7 said...

All thing is all weird. I Don't want it anymore. But Honda's Got Hover-Car, and it goes at 350mph. Horizontal flight and 'Iron-Man-handling'. I think it look too danger to fly in sky. how they drive in Hover-Car in sky.

arnold,t.7 said...



rodriguez,stephen-1 said...

that hover car is best thing ever!!!
Not only cuz i want to be george jetson, you can avoid so much traiffic and ill just look down and go "LLLLLOOOOOOOOOSSSEERRRRR!!!"
(doesn't apply to Mrs.L)

villanueva, manuel, N. 1 said...

The thing i really like the is the honda would be cool to have one

Dietrich,R-3 said...

I am sad that they probly will never make the psp phone or the iwish whatever thing.... if they make it they would sell alot.

otis,j-3 said...

I really like the Seed Bomb strategy idea for saving areas at risk of desertification. It gives an easy and safe method of planting seeds where the seeds need be. I bet seed bombs could solve most of the world's hunger problems; the poor people in Africa can't feed themselves, so instead of sending food why not plant it there for them?

martines,j-1 said...

i think that the 3d drawing thing is preaty cool since i like to draw i could make some of my drawings in 3d or since i want to be an architect, that could help make 3d model drawings of the buildings and not have to make them our of carboard and plastic parts that could brake

Tri-Edge said...

I love the lunch box transformer. It's more than meets the eye.
That hover car looks sweet, hope it goes into mass production soon ;) who am I kidding, I would probably be unable to drive one.
OH snap that vertabrate back thing could be useful for my grandma who's always complaining about back problems.

mcgown,a-1 said...

ok. so i really like the zip up head phones! it would help me alot, becaue mine usually get tangled and or lost.

mayfield,s-1 said...

The Apple Pie is really neat and cool. The PSP looking device that slides up is really cool, it looks better than the regular one.

reed, k - 2 said...

Wow it was a lot of cool stuff on that page. I expecially like the lunch tray transformer. It looked very neat and I like the color red. I can stuff a whole lot of food in that

Davis,J-2 said...

The Sunch lunchbox I think its cool because you can carry it any where with out it spilling all over the place its easy to use also you can open it like its a table and set it in your lap and enjoy your meal without a mess

Hernandez, Ruben 3rd said...

i really like the alhumbra speakers..would someone give me those..

borerw-4 said...

i like the lunch box tray transforme. my mom is obsessed with binto boxes and this would be right up her ally

allensworth, d4 said...

i think the muslum rug is pretty cool....i like the blue lights but the coolest thing is the AV car.... it just looks B.A.

Byrd,N-6 said...

I think the scooter desk is the desk of the future. Its just plain awsome that you can be rolling around then someone hands you a form to fill out and instead of looking for a table you just start writing on the scooter your on

Cuarenta,A-6 said...

okay am liking the IWISH its a psp and an iphone in one...
but i bet if they ever did get a phone like that out it would have a lot of bugs and would be SUPER expensive...

Trikosko, M-1 said...

Bunch of cool stuff. The 3-D drawing tool could help 3-D artists a lot, like for videogames or movies.

arriola,brett-1 said...

im likeing the pants lights i could use those when im riding my bike at night and not get hit by someone!

Rigsby,D-1 said...

i would really like the iwish to happen,but since it wont happen then it not point for me to hope. The thing i dont like about the iwish is that it is taken two big names and puting them together. I think that really cool.

Adams,B-2 said...

i think the new blackberry storm is so cool...I have to find me one now.

anderson,p-3 said...

i wouldnt mind having the blast from the past radio or the phone that looks like a psp. those are nice but i think i like my iphone better than the mid.

robles,l-3 said...

Ok. Making pee drinkable is nasty. I would never use that. Not even if in really thirsty. I did like the Honda hover car. It is the future for man kind. Then the 3d drawing is peaty awesome. You can see your drawings in a different view.

cruz,raymond,a-class3 said...

i think the LMacTouch and the iwish are the best thing on there. im a big apple fan so it would be really cool if they put the psp and the iphone 2gether and the LMacTouch is awsome 2.a regular mac is awsome its self but a touch screen would be even better.

Auxier, Emily - 4 said...

The shower thing is pretty dang cool! it would be terribly helpful after the 6:30 soccer practices every morning! you dont know how much time you have left to get ready and how much water is left! it would even better if they said how hott the water is so you know when its giong to get cold!

cano,ruben-7 said...

i think that the zip up earphones are really cool...
i want some of those..hahaha...

Liles, T-1 said...

Ha, I really like the idea of an interactive public shower, mainly because you dont actually have to ever touch it, which is my biggest problem to public restrooms, along side with the dank musty smell and wet floor. It is a large step towards public sanitation, now only if we could innovate public toilets and sinks to work the same, so that nothing ever has to be touched. But I fear that even then a select few people would still partake in peeing on the walls and floor, if only we had computerized toilets to write people tickets for things like that...