Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blog 14 - 12/07/09

Hello Internets! Thanks for logging in!

In anticipation of the coming New Year when many people vow to take better care of their bodies, I want to spend the next two weeks talking about high tech fitness gear.

I have a running buddy who has Nike + shoes that talk to her Ipod. They send her Ipod information about her workout . . . how far she ran, how many calories she burned, etc. Somehow this system also allows Lance Armstrong to come through her headphones occasionally and tell her what a good job she's doing. To which I say . . . (!)

Does anybody here own those? If so, please tell us about them.

Maybe I'm missing the boat here, but I don't think I want my shoes talking to my Ipod. I think I like the relationship between my electronic possessions to stay isolated, thank you very much. What if the shoes and the Ipod start talking ABOUT me behind my back?!?

Shoes: Ya know, she skipped her run this morning . . .
Ipod: Yeah, I figured that when I didn't play her run mix.
Shoes: I think she's been slipping a bit lately with her workouts.
Ipod: I agree, she just doesn't seem as pumped as she used to.
Shoes: Hey let's ask her scale if it's seeing a weight increase lately . . .

I'm gonna have to go ahead and pass, thanks.

So let's read about this technology a bit this week. Tell me what YOU think about it. Do you use it? Would you use it? Can you see it's purpose? Where might this technology be going? What's coming next?

As always a *that's cool* will not earn you credit for this blog. Speak to me intelligently about the subject please.

Talk to me . . .


bushiey, k - 4 said...

Although, i think the idea is really just seems kinda too much for me. but of coarse thats just my opinion. I probable think that way because i dont really run but i think it's really cool...just not for me..

Barefielde/ Charnae said...

I think the idea is amazing and that I wish my Ipod talked to my Nikes to tell me how I do when I run. I think that I'm going to tell my mom get me some Nike+Ipod shoes. Because when I run it would be nice for someone to keep up with my running. I have a hard time doing that. The only weird thing about it that I really wouldn't like some one talking to me while I'm running that would be really weird to me. But the whole keeping up with my running time and burned calories and things of the such would be amazingly cool. But I guess I have to wait for Christmas to come so either Brad can buy them for me or my mom. Either way I WANT THEM SHOES!!!! Have a lovely day..

Morrison,K-1 said...

I dunno, it just seems a bit odd for me. And I agree with Bushiey, it's not really for me. The idea is neat, but it's a little weird, shoes are shoes to me. Besides from school, I almost never wear shoes. It's flipflops and sandals x3 So um yeah...the technology is great, but I wouldn't want it or buy it.

jeffress,r-1 said...

I love the thought of an ipod and a pair of nikes working together to improve one's running. But if I turn on my ipod its for a reason, to listen to MUSIC!!!!!! A good reason to have this ipod is you can keep track of your run goals and calories burned on itunes! Sweet!! Now its time to get back to my Preview!! But I wish it talked to me and told me when it was perfect and finished! LOL

brooks,h-2 said...

see i think it could be more use full and more used by every day poeple if they incorperated it in to a watch or some thing it would be easer to use most people who buy those only use them when they run.

Asquith,C-3 said...

I dont personally use or own this product, but I have a friend that does...he used it maybe once or twice. He eventually got a new pair of shoes, and forgot all about it. It must not be all that useful in my opinion.

Asquith,C-3 said...
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Williams, T-3 said...

I really do think that the nike + iPod is a good idea. I dont really like to run or anything, but for people who enjoy running actual distances instead of on treadmiles (sp?) I think its a really good idea and very useful. The fact that it keeps track of numerous workouts and lets the runner know how they're doing.

perry, w - 3 said...

i really think the ipod and the talking shoe is really not a good idea to me personally. i think the ipod and the shoe will distract you while youre running.

Sampietro, M-3 said...

Maybe I just don't really like this idea because I be po' and I'm just jealous, but I always have felt such technology is driving a wedge between the connecion that we are meant to have wiht our bodies. Simply put, sports are the way that we connect with nature adn techonolgy constantly being pumped around us doesn't permit that.

Pina, R-2 said...

I think this is awesome, I would start running more often if my shoes could talk to my ipod. I think it would be sweet to hear Lance Armstrong talking to me as I run.

Spruiell, S - 4 said...

In my opinion, this is just overcomplicating things. I run a lot, to get prepaired for soccer season and to stay in shape after the season ends. I really think that coordinating your shoes and your ipod is just excessive. While I do enjoy listening to my ipod while I run, I dont really care to have it tell me how many calories I've burnt or how many steps I've taken. Running is supposed to be a way of unwinding or working out without technology. I think this is just overkill.

Garza, G-4 said...

I saw that with Google Maps, you can plot your run with Nike+ If you could plot your run that means you could do more than just one route, which I think is awesome!

Morones, C - 4 said...

a shoe as storage for tech!?! ONE: the thing is gonna stink! DOS: your foot may crush the thing after, what, one step. 3: i thought your I-POD was for the ears of the person wearing the shoes, not for the ears of rubber shoes.I DUNNO!!!!!^-^

Tate, T - 6 said...

Ha ha, I enjoyed the little conversation that you posted about the ipod and shoes. But still, I would have to support this new idea because it is an interesting new way to exersize and will make people want to be more involved with running. Although I do not own a pair, I would still be interested in trying them out.

Small,K-6 said...

I don't know if anyone's noticed, but I'm not the most athletic person 'round these parts. In fact, I've been voted among the top three of the least athletic in my group of friends (in a non-offensive way, of course. They're just pointing out that I'm more inclined to be on the computer, or reading, or drawing than running). AND I don't even have an iPod. For me, this combination is downright useless. USELESS I TELL YOU! *cough* (someone had too many M&Ms at lunch today)

Russaw, N - 6 said...

i thnk that this technology is amazing i wish i had a pair of nike that talk to me .and vno i dont own one you would know if i did.and it would also scare me a couple of times cause i wouldnt want anybody talking to me will i run i would probably hit someone.

Rodriguez,A-2 said...

i think these are a great idea because it tells you all the info you need while u jam out and run at the same time if people owned these im sure they would go runnin more often

liber,k-6 said...

I think its cool i would run more if i owned an ipod so i already want one of those. But i think its cool because i would like to know all the details so i could see if i was getting any better.

Unger, B - 6 said...

I think this technology is really creative. I believe that there are a few draw backs though. One: I don't think I really want a person encouraging me through my iPod, Does anyone else think this is wierd?? Two: I don't think I'd like to find out my results, I'm not a runner, I'm not even athletic (seriously, not athletic at all).

And I'd want my own music, not their little playlist....but that's just me. I think this technology would be great for runners, but its just not for me.

Castellanos, A - 6 said...

I think that this invention is very helpful for a lot of people. I certaintly know that running without music makes me concentrate more on running, therefore I tend not to do as well contrary to if I were to focus on music. This invention gives motivation while exercising. And since almost everything is controlled by technology these days, we might as well get used to the gadgets talking :)

Padilla, E - 6 said...
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chitopina-2 said...

My brother and I are always working out and running a lot and most of the time we are never together, so with this amazing little Nike/Ipod invention it would allow us to keep track of the miles and see who is really telling the truth when we finally meet up
Me: Hey how much did you run today
Rudy: oh man i ran like 5 miles
Me: oh really, well uh... i ran like 9

Gonzalez, M - 6 said...

The idea is pretty, pretty cool xP
Though I think it's just a bit too much... Its kinda strange when recorded vocies speak you

Miller, R - 6 said...

Do you use it?no i don't use it this is my first time knowing about it. Would you use it?yes i will use it because i love thing like that and i would love to know how many calories i lose its kind freaky but oh so cool. Can you see it's purpose?kinda,because instead of you going to the doctor to see how many calories you lost you can look at your ipd. Where might this technology be going?i really do not know. What's coming next?idk

villanueva, manuel, N. 1 said...

I really like this nike thing...and no, I don't use it, but yes, I would use it if my parents bought it for me.And yes I see its purpose, I think i would like it when nike tells me how im doing and also keep up how far im running and keeping up with the calories

Sydney Purser said...

Maybe it is just me, but I don't see any real practicality in this product, at least not for open market. Perhaps it will be well recieved for those who run professionally, or in track, but it is over reaching for the everyday person I believe.

Baker,M-1 said...

Um, personally, i dont think i want my iPod to know how much i DONT work out. But its a cool technology. I just think they should make it usable with more than JUST the iPod,u know, for all the people who dont have iPods.

Barefielde/ Charnae said...

I'm still wanting them shoes they look awesome and I really want them. I told my mom about them yesterday and she said she would get them for me. So yeah. plus for christmas I'm getting a new truck so I'm getting to great things that I want... I guess but I DUNNO!!!!

robinson,s-1 said...

Frankly, im with Mrs. L on this one. I find the whole communication bewteen inanimate objects to be a little scary. I agree with Morrison, shoes are just shoes. They are made simply for the purpose of keeping our feet healthy and nothing else (at least thats why I wear my shoes). I can see its purpose, and why some people would like having something like this to encourage and keep them updated during their workout, but its just not for me.

Trikosko, M-1 said...

This seems intruiging but kind of pointless. On the other hand it would be interesting to see a graph of how fast you ran and for how long, but It's not for me.

mayfield,s-1 said...

I have the Nike+ipod on mine but i tried to see how it worked one time, and i never got it, so i left it alone. Now i see how it is and i think its a good idea, but i dont see myself using it yet.

Lopez, M-1~☺ said...

Wow, really? Shoes that work with the iPod? Yea, I'm never going to use that. It's pointless too anyways. To a person who loves their iPod to death as well as running, it might be useful in a way, but I don't like iPods. Besides, I can do the same with my mp3 player and a pair of different kind of shoes.
Why does Nike have to be so special? It's just a shoe that talks to the iPod!! It's a waste of money, sorry.

Anonymous said...
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Brookshire, B-1 said...

I think Nike+ is a great idea. The fact that you can see the amount of distance you run and how many steps you have taken on your ipod from your shoes is a long way in technology.

Patton,A-1 said...

the nike plus thing is awesome. i think its cool how lance armstrong comes and tell ur doin a gud job. i have a nano and i wanna get those shoes just so i can see how cool it is. plus i wanna see how many calories i burn when i run. Thats cool

Nealy,J/1 said...

The idea is GREAT!!! but not everyone can afford an ipod... what about those people??? but i think its great to have something like that keep track of how much you workout... it can also motivate someone to excerise more because some people like to see their results and this tech. would do just that...

Culbertson, D-1 said...

First off....LOL@Shoe/IPod conversation. I'll post more later.....darn bell!

Szu-yung said...

There's a A-rod in Ms. L's 6th period class!

Hernandez, J - 2 said...

These shoes look awsome i want a pair already . I mean who doesn't oh and that underarmour looking thing too. It would go nicely with the shoes.

Anonymous said...

Well, seeing as how I view my health as important and running on the road is kind of the cheaper method rather than going to the gym or purchasing a treadmill, I've been running a lot. It's a tad bit too cold for me now though.

BUT THE POINT. While running, I have often wondered "how far have I ran? how much have I burned off? I'm so curious. I wish I had some magical device to tell me this." Yea, exact thoughts right there. And of course, I listen to my 80GB iPod (the kind of large ones meant for videos, so not very efficient for running), so having something connected to it to tell me what's up would really be neato.

Or I could just buy a high-tech treadmill.

Szu-yung said...
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Abernathy, J-2 said...

I think this is a really cool idea! This would actually encourage me to run more since when I run I never know my distance or all the other physical stuff you need to know. If i could actually log on to a computer and get charts and graphs of my progress and how much I've done that would be awesome. The only thing I don't like is the people that will randomly start talking while you are working out. I am a very jumpy person, someone can walk in a room and I will jump ten feet in the air.So if a random voice started talking that would just scare the heck out of me.

Goff,R-2 said...

i personally do not own these shoes. and i personally do not want to own these shoes. i would much rather just run and listen to my ipod like normal people. it isnt hard to drive your car on a course one day and find out how far it is, then run it knowing how far it is.
i think i would be creeped out if i started to hear my ipod and my shoes talking to each other. and i would not only be freaked out, but i would be worried about my health. because the shoes use radio waves to talk to the ipod, the waves could pose as a problem. radios waves could cause any number of problems, but the most common would be cancer.
so in conclusion, this is a good idea for a product and for people who run marathons or something like that, but it is too technologically advanced for my taste.

Parkhurst, M-2 said...

I like the nike+ shoes, because for an athlete it can be more precise on the work you are doing. Giving the athlete the ability to focus on the work out and not how far they need to run because it is being calculated for them. I'm a fan of the facts without emotion put into play at all, so as long as the technology sticks to statistics I'm definately on board.

anderson a-2 said...

Umm... I think it would be cool to have a technology like that where you can listen to music and check how you are doing while you run. but the only set back to that is the fact that not most people have the money to buy the shoes and the ipod all of that together might be around $300 dollars depending on what you get.

villanueva,f-2 said...

this is a really cool new idea,it would make me want to go run more often its a great way of keeping track of ur exercis. new form of motivation while exercising. its cool that your shoes would talk to your ipod.

gonzalez, c-2 said...

i like it....because it is amazing that a shoe can talk to your i pod the only thing bad is that if you dont have a n ipod it wont work so you would have to buy one. but i realy like the technology and i would have bouth it, but im not beacuse we as in my family have a better way to exercise its called a wii it is the best and its lots of fun more than running.

Cortines,m-2 said...

I am all about the skynet shoes and ipod combo. I have to listen to something when I work out, so the encouraging music plus updates about your workout is a great idea! I would also find running much more enjoyable if I felt as though my shoes were like my companion...weird. It'd be like having someone to talk to...except one way.... Anyway. It's a great idea, and I totally want it for Christmas!

Padilla, J - 3 said...

I think the idea of being able to track your progress is a cool idea, but I don't think people who aren't as passionate about running would actually buy the product. People who aren't regular runners don't really have a reason to buy the shoes because they don't to track how well they are doing. On the other hand, the shoes would benefit serious runners as they can see how much they have to improve in order to reach their goal. The whole idea of the shoe talking to an Ipod is just another way technology is growing, and I don't think it's necessarily a bad idea as long as it is beneficial.

Yarbrough, V - 3 said...

I believe that the talking shoe are great for someone who likes to run I used to but dont really do to much excercising anymore maybe i need to try those shoe then maybe i would'nt be so lazy lol

cortes, j - 3 said...

the idea of the ipod communicating with the nike shoe sounds like a good idea. it can allow you to keep up with how well you are doing, but personally i do not much like nike shoes or ipods so i am going to stay away from it.

Wiley, C - 3 said...

I think this idea is very creative. I like the fact that it tells you everything that you would need to know while your working out.

Deckard, D-3 said...

I could have sworn i blogged before now, bt i have an ipod and work the longest have been trying to learn how to work the nike plus thing. it was only until now that i found out that i have to get the shoes to go with it. Its cool and all how they have developed this new technology but they need to advertise it a little more so that people with know more about the product. Idk if i will ever buy the shoes to go with my ipod touch but it is great for people like Mrs. L and Mrs. Fausett that like to run alot.( and the shoes talking back thing is kinda weird, but i'd be cool with it as long as it didnt try to make conversation with me).

Hawkins, M - 3 said...

Its a cool creation, but i dont run that much and when I do run I dont like people talking to me, so I would have to pass on the Nike's talking to me...

zavala,P -3 said...

This idea is cool, but i dont think i would use it, because it will be odd listening to someone while running. However, the technology involved in it is really nice.

payton, j - 3 said...

I think its a creative invention but it doesnt just wow me maybe cuz i dont run while listening to an ipod but if i did like to run for miles i would love this invention so its just cool to me not tight.

Flynn,R-3 said...

Whoah... Great idea, but i dont think i need a pair of shoes telling me how to run. With that being said, LOL! No but seriously, it would be convenient to have a pair of shoes that allow you to listen to music while feeding you updates about your workout.

perez, j - 3 said...

Pretty cool, i like the whole ideaa of the ipod+nike but at the same time it seems pretty creppy...the idop was made for music...but thats just my personal opinion... I think technology is going just a little to not big in on runnig/excersising so maybe that why im not that interested...but you got to admit it is pretty weird

reichert, s-3 said...

As you may have noticed from my amazing physique i dont run much (just mosh on occassion) but ive been told that i should start soon because my beast like metobloism is starting to wear off.
This ipot shoe thingy makes me want to start running so i may ask for it for christmas. I like the fact that it helps you keep track of not just how good/bad you did that day but how good/bad youve done every time. And i will motivate me to run more when i look at my screne and see that the 50+ miles i THOUGHT i had gone were really just about half a mile at the most. I will probably have to get different music on my ipod because while Devil Wears Prada and A Day to Remember may be good for moshing, they might make me spaz out while trying to keep up the pace and run.

Pixley, J-4 said...

Does anybody know exactly how durable these chips are? If an overweight person gets in these shoes, how much stress can be put on these chips before they snap? Since the chips are replacable they couldnt be very stress resistant

alvarado, m-4 said...

i think this is a great idea, but... i dont think i would like someone talking to me while i run because it might distract me while in running. i rather just keep it simple by getting regular running shoes and holding my ipod in my hand.

Jones, C - 4 said...

I WOULD purchase this product but the Almighty Lord above me has not blessed me with unlimited Ends so I have not the capital for a *SPARKLY* new iPod or the high-tech shoe's which can communicate with the iPod.

The technology would be a miracle for me to have!!! With all the training I do throughout the days, weeks, months, this would offer me an excelent way of tracking my progress from day-to-day, week-to-week, and month-to-month! So the shoe's get two thumbs up from Cassidy Lyn Jones, Private First Class, United States Marine Corps!!

Cole, S - 4 said...

I think these Nikes are so cool!!Ray has one and it is awesome!!This is a really good thing to have because alot of people have trouble keeping up with how much time they run and how many calories they burn!!I so totally want one...but in order for me to get this I would have to get an IPod 1st and then the this is gonna be no where near me buying it!!

Hey everyone!!

Guerra, A - 4 said...
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Willis, A - 4 said...

*I think it's a cool idea. I probably would use it.That is great how it keeps track on how many miles you have run and how many calories you are burning so you can know how great you are doing while working out.While you are working out you can listen to one of your favorite songs just by doing that.*

Miller, J - 2 said...

I like this design no madder what people has to say. i would deffinently get this if not soon. that could really help out mannaging your calories if you are on a strict regumen. the nike+ipod is what i would recommend anyone who likes to run. I know Im a little chopy today but hay im TIRED!!! ;)

shepherd, a - 4 said...

wow i like the shoes but i hate anything talking over my music when i'm in my mojo. it's like when that annoying GPS in the truck tells you to turn left here, when you still have to go another half mile & it interrupts your favorite songs! i wonder if you could just make it silent so it would display your data on the screen? i would be afraid to break the little thing on the inside of the shoe. i bet it's really a bit too expensive to just replace when something happens to it. i like to use pedometers when i work out, but they always get forgotten and go through the washer. the shoes themselves are just sort of aimed towards guys' styles. if they had some cuter styles i'd drag my parents to go get me some. i also like the clothes for the ipod because it saves you from a dangling wire from your earbuds

Howard, Z - 4 said...

I would definately get these, they have so much necessary information to track your progression, its insane..when i used to jog i would go by how many songs i listened to on my ipod and then count the songs and add the minutes, not very effective, but better then nothing right? And the power playlist, man is that sick! cause when the going gets tough their is nothing like a motivational song that keeps you goin, knowing my luck i'd get rick rolled by my own ipod, but not now with this here power playlist!

Guerra, A - 4 said...

Well... i thin this nikePods would really be nice to have not only because the shoes look cool but because it would be really nice to hear your Ipod telling you how good you did and plus it wouls keep time of the time you ran. (I think I need this because in P.E we are supposed to run for two minutes but I've been getting the feeling that we are runnig way more than that)

Guerra, A - 4 said...

Well... i thin this nikePods would really be nice to have not only because the shoes look cool but because it would be really nice to hear your Ipod telling you how good you did and plus it wouls keep time of the time you ran. (I think I need this because in P.E we are supposed to run for two minutes but I've been getting the feeling that we are runnig way more than that)

Wilson, J - 6 said...

I loved those shoes! I saw on my ipod touch that it had an apt for that, so I really wanted those shoes to help me do work outs and stuff. I just got to say they come up with some awesome ideas!!!

Unger, B - 6 said...

I'm with Morrison (who is with Bushiey). The shoes are just not for me. I also just about wear flip-flops when I can have the chance. I even wear them in 20degree weather.

another thing: I would find them wierd, though I might try them out. Maybe if I was an athlete I would be more excitred about this product, but maybe not.

Padilla, E - 6 said...

i agree with magali. i think its pointless and a waste of money... but i do like iPods. i to wouldn't use it.

Vinther,T-2 said...

I like this idea and how people can now keep track of their running progress. This should encourage more people to actually go jogging. If I had it, I doubt I would really ever use it as this doesn't seem like something I would be interested in. Cool technology though

Small,K-6 said...

After having blogged earlier this week, THEN reading all the other posts, I have to point out that what Katy M. said applies to me as well. I'm not a big fan of shoes in general. My feet get claustrophobic (lol XD) and I'm much happier with bare feet or flipflops. If I got flipflops that communicated with the iPod that I don't own, that'd be pretty sweet, but, again, USELESS, 'cause flippityfloppities aren't ment for long-distance walking or running.

liber,k-6 said...

miriam knowing you. you would drop your ipod down a sewer drain. or drop it and it get ran over.. i think its good to have some place to put it. so me and miriam wont drop it.

Small,K-6 said...

THOUGHT! What if there was a chip that could be surgically implanted into your foot that hooked up with your iPod? No worrying about getting your shoes(and chip) wet. .I. think that would be pretty cool... but probably creepy, at the same time. Meh, I'm kinda weird, so my thought waves aren't quite on par with everyone else's.

lyles,m-6 said...

i really like the idea of this nike+ipod,but its to technologically advanced for me.
and even though i could drop a few pounds,im not a health junkie,so i dont need anything like this,telling me how far i ran,or how many calories i've lost.
i'd rather just run untill i dont feel like it anymore,while i simply listen to my would personally freak me out a bit knowing my shoes and ipod were talking to each other (x but,if your obsessed with your health and you'd like to know about how far you ran,and all the other sha-nan-agins,you go buy your little nike+ipod kit(:

Gonzalez, M - 6 said...

Ive been read the other comments and i agree... for those who do not own an ipod, it would be pointless

Miller, R - 6 said...

your rigt the shoes are mor like on the guy side...a sheperd

Jim Taylor said...

This reminds me of the itouch. I think that they should make more apps with cool little peripheral things.

Hughes, T - 7 said...

I dont ever run or do workout stuff while listening to music, so that along with people talking to me at the same time would be really wierd. Although I can see the benefit of getting feedback and information on what you're doing.

johansson,shelbie/7 said...

This is way cool!....(jk miss L)

so this is clever and "could" be bennificial, but since i live on earth i know nothing is ever as good as it seems. Take a certain political leader for instance.hehe.however, i do this it is worthy of a try.

Hoffman, C - 7 said...

I won't be using these anytime soon, but im sure they will prove to be popular to people who want or need it.

Fedun, M-7 said...

This is a great idea. Whenever I run, which isn't much at all, I always have my ipod. This would be cool to see my calories burned and milage and such. This would be worth the money if I ran alot but since i hardly do, I'll just sick with my ipod.

Long, W - 7 said...

this shoe idea is pretty neat but geez if its not cheep it cost a arm and a leg i wouldnt buy this set up unless it was on sale for a ton cheaper but it still is neat and i like it

Goad, G - 7 said...

Although running is for the devil, this device is pretty cool, and s probably very useful. Maybe if i used this i would start running more, eh , maybe not.

Crenshaw, K - 7 said...

i dont too much care for the whole idea because im not the type of person to go out and just run for fun only if i have too and when i do i never have an ipod on me and in plus i wouldnt go oout and buy a 100 dollar pair of shoes just to run in and another thing i dont even own an ipod i have an mp3 player so how would that work out?

Esparza,J-7 said...

I like the idea of technology talking to each other. Your Ipod and your shoes are not the first thing to do that. AT&T's new U-verse service has Television service, phone service and internet service all talking to each other and charing information, you can even start a call from your TV!! (which just makes you lazier and um.... heavier???? yeah thats the word, so it gives you an excuse to wear the shoes/ipod thingy) Yay everyone wins.

Tutt, S - 7 said...

I enjoy ruuning and run when I can, but for some reason this idea doesn't amuse me in the least. It's a good method of keeping track of your running and all but I think it would be to much of a hassle to keep up with.

Clark,A-7 said...

i like the idea of shoe + ipod... it would really make off season a lot better... sooo much running. but does that mean that i will have to charge my shoes or put batteries in them??? cause i just cant see myself plugging my shoes into anything.... just a personal preference.

Sydney Purser said...
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Sydney Purser said...

Nike: ....I have no purpose in life

iPod: Aw, man, don't feel that way

Nike: It's true, I don't. She just like... sits there. Unless it's school, I /never/ get to do anything.

iPod: I feel your pain. This workout mix hasn't been played ever. It's gathering virtual dust.

Nike: Blame the computer. She is always on it.

Computer: That is because I am an astounding communication device, and you, you sir are just a lowly shoe.

Nike: ;-; It's true.

iPod: ... -_-

Chalco, N - 7 said...

I think the nike shoe thing is cool because the nike communicates with the ipod and tells you information on how your doing,and plus its acurate.

Harper, T - 3 said...

to me the idea is really kind of crazy. i know i wouldnt buy it cuz i dont need my shoes n my i-pod talking to each other. there r other things that can keep up with ur runing.but i think that it is kool that it really works

camacho c-4 said...

well i think its really cool, i wld like to have it bt it wldnt b tht useful to me since i neva run bt if i did like every day like sum people it wld be useful...

Gonzalez, C-1 said...

Eh, Its pretty functional, I mean with keeping track of burned calories and so fort; I wouldn't spend my money on it though. Its a really cool piece of technology but don't other concepts like this already exist? I'm pretty sure I've seen some already. *Sigh* Just one more step before machines take over the whole world...YAY TECHNOLOGY!!