Monday, December 2, 2013

Blog 12 - December 2, 2013


Soooooo, there's been an idea about a wrist communicator for a very long time. Anybody remember watching those old throwback episodes of Star Trek where Kirk and Spock speak into their wrist?

Yeah, well. We're there now.

This week I want to explore the Samsung Galaxy Gear. I've posted a link to Samsung and a couple links to reviews about the gear (watch thingy). For this weeks credit please give me an honest opinion either about this Samsung Gear specifically, or wrist communication in general. Please don't forget to sign it and check that it posted.

Talk to me . . .


Anonymous said...

I'll give my opinion on the Samsung Gear and the wrist communication in general. The Samsung Gear is a well thought out device; however it still has its drawbacks to it. Because it is the first generation of its specific kind, so there will be things to work out. The screws on the corner, I'm not a big fan of. The camera bulging out of the wrist band, honestly, what the hell? It's supposed to be slick, buuuut, that apparently didn't work out very well, now did it? I mean don't get me wrong, I would purchase one if I had a newer Galaqxy phone, it's just there are some things to work out. Other than the camera and the screws, I'm blown away, it is a nice defice. I don't like the price tag though. I didn't even pay that much for my phone...

Now, in general, this is amazing. Technology is moving so fast and in America our lives literally revolve around technology, Some good and bad. The communication watch is really cool for business people who are always on the go or always in a car. Maybe just lower the price a little bit and it will be perfect. Honestly, if it weren't so expensive, I wouldn't have any complaints, but if I'm going to buy something, I want it the way I prefer.

Crawford 1st

Anonymous said...

I really don't think much of wrist communication. Unless you are Spock or Kirke, you look dumb talking into it. =/ I think that this could be a gateway to open up much cooler technology (cellphone to headphones concept phones!!), but I can safely say that this is not going to be a purchase that I would make. I sounds really confusing to use, and you can't even use it without having a smartphone at least in your pocket. The wrist communication is great for Trekkies...but I don't think it's very useful for anyone else.

-McClanahan, 1st period

Anonymous said...

Honestly the Samsung Gear needs technology advancement. It's not so cool that you have to buy the phone for it to work. It's also not attractive.
-Barrios, 1st period

Lanham said...

Michael Crawford I agree. Slick is not the word that comes to mind when I look at that thing.

Anonymous said...

I won't lie, talking into your watch while taking a call might look a bit silly, but honestly, we've been dreaming about this for years, ever since Star Trek, Power Rangers, and even Toy Story, we've been seeing a vision of the future, and now that vision has come true in the form of the Galaxy Gear. Yes, it may have its limitation, and yes, it may neede more than a few kinks worked out, but this is one step into technology that I think is pretty well taken.

-Oliver, 1st period

Anonymous said...

The Samsung gear is a very smart device for some things but not everything. If youre doing a more active activity, then yeah its great! But otherwise just keep it in a little safe spot for right now.
Cameron, 1st prd

Lanham said...

I agree Mayra. They can talk to me about this when I DON'T have to purchase a phone separately.

Anonymous said...

I just realized I had some typing errors... Sorry y'all!

Crawford, 1st

Lanham said...

Also? It's about as aerodynamic as my Garmin 910xt. Go look that up.

Anonymous said...
In my opinion he Samsung Gear Watch is one of the coolest things you could talk on. You can talk to people from a watch how cool is that.

Clifton 1st

Anonymous said...

The wrist watch phone idea is honestly a dumb one. I don't want to walk around with my wrist to my face whenever I get a phone call. I think that they are running out of good ideas and are just throwing stuff together, hopeing people like it so they can make a profit. What's wrong with having just a regular phone? Nothing.

Eason, 1st Period :D

Anonymous said...,or.&bvm=bv.57155469,d.aWM,pv.xjs.s.en_US.v-r5CthikH8.O&biw=1600&bih=695&dpr=1&wrapid=tlif138625446550511&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=gZCgUobxFMn8rAH-04DABA&surl=1


Crawford, 1st

Anonymous said...

The Galaxy Note 3 & the Galaxy Gear, in my opinion, are somewhat cool in technology advancement but looks ridiculous when talking to the Galaxy Gear watch through a call. On the other hand, the Galaxy watch could probably save many of lives on the roads since both of your hands are on the wheel of the car while you speak into it. However, to buy this watch you have to pay extra for the Galaxy Note 3 to work if you want to be able to operate the watch. Therefore, I think it's absurd that you have to buy the phone & watch that are both over $300.

-Heyn, 1st period

Anonymous said...

I think its stupid. Good intentions, personally, I just dont think it came out good.
Kyle 2nd

Anonymous said...

I think the Samsung wrist smart gear is an great idea. This might be a good idea for parents to get their children, in case they get in a jam and are not able to get to a phone.

Coen, 2nd period

Anonymous said...

I really like the fact that you can talk from your wrist, that is just really awesome to me. My general opinion on the Samsung Gear is that it is to complicated for just a watch.

Delagarza, 2nd Period.

Anonymous said...

MY opinion about the Galaxy gear is that it's a good idea for those who have the extra money to spend buuut, overal, it really isn't worth the $350. It works and does it's job but it just doesn't seem to have any extra bonus to add on to its presentation.
~Lopez, 2nd period

Anonymous said...

I think wrist gear is a cool concept, but I think it will take a while to catch on with the public if does so at all.
Culpepper, 2nd Period

Anonymous said...

I feel like the wrist communication gear is convenient, but impractical, we already have phones that do the same thing, and say what if I want to listen to music on my galaxy wrist gear, could I even do that?
Slide, 2nd period

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, I feel like the watch is kind of pointless when you have a smartphone that does the same thing & more. I guess it would be great for people on the go all the time like business people, but I don't really care for the Galaxy Gear.

Laronda Steadham, 2nd Period

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, this creation is amazing but it seems like something else to distract us while driving. And it looks as if it would have alot of pros and cons to go along with this new wrist technology.

2nd Period
Natepoleon Dynamite!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My opinion about the wrist communicators in general is that while they look cool the are pretty useless because while yes you can do quite a lot of things with it that a phone can do you sill need a phone to make it work furthermore it has too many limitations for it to make the use of a phone obsolete so to me its kind of besides the point.
- Per 2 Torres

Anonymous said...

I believe its cool to a certain porspect, what does it all do.

Jacorey winn , Period 2

Anonymous said...

A watch that someone can talk through is something that I honestly feel is quite stupid. And I will tell you why, because why would someone want a watch that does the exact same thing as the phone it is bluetoothed to. Looking at this watch would be the same as just pulling out your phone and checking the time. I'll admit that there are some cool features that they gave to it, like being able to snapchat and listen to music on it. But answering calls on your watch is just plain STUPID. All that a watch like this is good for is checking weather, music, time, snapchat, and any other type of social media app.

Irwin, 2nd

Anonymous said...

I like the Samsung Gear a lot, but their is a one thing im not that wild about like for instance the camera wasnt that impressive for the price it was asking for. But other than the camera, the phone in general would be really nice to own, and I would not mind one day owning one.

Hill 2nd period

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of the Samsung Gear and the 4 screws make it look futuristic or whatever you wanna call it... though i think they could have been more simple with the camera but personally, why do you wanna take pictures with a watch? The Gear helps you text, call, search the internet and takes pictures, why do i need to buy this and the Samsung Galaxy? It's basically a phone itself!(Kade 2nd)

Anonymous said...

I think that the galaxy gear is pretty cool but honestly I wouldn't want to buy or use it. It looks like it would be pretty hard to understand how to use it. I wouldn't want to take the time to learn how to use it. I think that it would be pretty ugly and stupid to wear. Why would you want to pay over $300 dollars for a phone and watch..?? It is crazyy!!!!!
Jones 2nd period

Anonymous said...

Honestly i dont think the galaxy watch is very cool. I mean why would you pay hundreds of dollars for a watch that is too small and not quite as fun or entertaining as a original smart phone.
walker, taylor -7th period

Anonymous said...

I thought that the Samsung Gear was a cool idea but unfurtanally it can onlt work with a Galaxy phone which limits the buyers and so not all can use this device.

- Cano 7th

Anonymous said...

The Samsung Galaxy Gear is the smartwatch that gives Samsung a good starting point to work from.

Wah,7th period

Anonymous said...

I think the samsung galaxy gear is going to be a convenient device.

Carlos, 7th

Anonymous said...

the fhone watch is dumb because i wouldnt want to talk to my watch an have a fhone at the same time.

Anonymous said...

i believe that the galaxy gear is but needs ba lot more to impress me cause with the watch not being water proof pretty much ruins th epoint of a watch.

kevin sanchez

Anonymous said...

to me its good but truely its all the same stuff and it just sucks still

chance 7th

Anonymous said...

i think the samsung gear is not so great because u still going to need a phone it would be way better if u can just use the watch as a phone and not have to buy the phone

-guardado , 7th period

Anonymous said...

The concept is good. the finished product? Ehh.

I think if the gear was on its own (meaning you didn't have to bluetooth teather it to your phone) It would be MUUUUCH more sucessful (but probably much more expensive). Also, since the device is required to be teathered to a Note 3, S4, etc. which all have Phoenomonal Cameras, Why include a camera on the watch?!?!?! Unless Jesus suddenly appears riding a Bald eagle and carrying Red-bull down from the sky (Meaning I need a picture ASAP) I'm going to pull out my Infinitley better cell phone camera. /Rant

-Zach, 7th period

Anonymous said...

For real, I'm gonna give you my honest opinion, i think the idea is stupid. I really wouldnt want to hjave to look at my watch every tiem i get an e-mail, txt, or call and look at my phone every 2-5 minutes. To me, there's nothing wrong with just having a phone. There probably doing this, because they ran out of good ideas to show to clients and just showing some random stupid or dumb stuff.

-Ibanez, 7th period ;)

Anonymous said...

In MY opinion it would be not something I would need. I know this sounds ridiculous but listen, what is the point of talking into your wrist if it has to be near a smart phone. I rather be using that smart phone to make calls instead the way it charges is ridiculous. Also from one of the reviews the voice recognition is "janky" so it trying to put some apps on it. I think this has potential but not on your wrist with it being quite expensive while I have to use a smartphone to use it in a few words STUPID AND WTF 21st century I guess.

-Roland 7th Period

Anonymous said...

I think that this technology has good potential but right now it kind of sucks. You have to have a phone and synch them up, but if they made a watch that did all the same things as a phone and even more (laser pointer?) it would be cool. it costs to much to just be another screen for your phone. JOsh denton 7

Anonymous said...

I myself would not use wrist communication because I can not see myself talking to my wrist. I mean seriously, who would want to be seen in public talking to their wrist. People who would talk into their wrist needs to seek professional help and maybe go to the Burke Center for a check!

Anonymous said...

Not going to lie, I think the whole wrist watch phone idea is really dumb.
Just imagine me trying to take a selfie with my watch. I would look ridiculous. Just the whole idea of trying to do anything on a watch screen is weird to me.

- SWalker, 7th (:

Anonymous said...

I Think The Samsung Gear Is Dumb Because If its gonna have gmail you gotta at least se the email so it. ok see for example your riding your bike and you look at your watch and see you have a ne snap 3 seconds later boom you hit a flag pole and why cause your retarted. and why are you retartred? because you spent about $300 Dollars just to do something on your phone.

Anonymous said...

I Think The Samsung Gear Is Dumb Because If its gonna have gmail you gotta at least se the email so it. ok see for example your riding your bike and you look at your watch and see you have a ne snap 3 seconds later boom you hit a flag pole and why cause your retarted. and why are you retartred? because you spent about $300 Dollars just to do something on your phone.

Teal 7th

Anonymous said...

In my honest opinion, I think that the Samsung Gear is an innovative idea, but there's too many flaws in its design. For instance, you can't read texts or view photos on the smartwatch that your friends and family have sent you. You have to view them through your smartphone. Another flaw, is that even though you can take photos on the watch, you still have to transfer them to your phone so that you can share them with others. The call quality is pretty good, but ur phone still has to be somewhere nearby for the call to work. In general, I feel that this technology is really cool, but it would be so much better if they can improve on these faulty areas.

Your Favorite Mexican (~^_^), 7th Period

Anonymous said...

In my opinion i think that the samsung gear is a very unique piece of technology, But i myself cannot see myself wearing this. I hardly wear anything on my wrist, so this would not be for me. I would stick to a phone.

Garcia 7th pd(:

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, I would not like to buy the Samsung Galaxy Gear because i have large hands and the Gear has a small screen which means is going to be difficult to go to variety of places through it. Also, another problem is that the battery of the Gear runs out pretty fast.
Venegas, 7th period

Anonymous said...

i really dont like the watch because when you get a certain distance it doesnt work.
sweat 8th period

Anonymous said...

Honestly i think the wrist communication in general is pointless. It is just another new toy for people to spend a lot of money on that will most likely malfunction in a few months so my honest opinion its cool and all but pointless and i wouldnt buy it.
Thumann 8th

Anonymous said...

I agree with Savannah Walker. The idea of smart watch technology may seem cool at first, but it's actually pretty dumb.
Harley- 8th

Anonymous said...

An Honest Opinion:
by Ryan Kwiatkowski

Probably delicious. 10/10 would eat.

Kwiatkowski, Eighth

Anonymous said...

In my opinion the Samsung Gear and wrist communication seems like a good idea, but there isn't enough functionality for the price they are asking for. If the price goes down to ~$100, I would buy one.
Taylor 8th

Anonymous said...

the watch its cool but it need a lat of work like its should not use blueteeth because it could mesup

dillion sanches

Anonymous said...

i like it because it is like the watch from spy kids 2 but this time it does have a clock which makes it totally awesome
D'Andre 8th

Anonymous said...

I think that the Samsung Gear is a really cool concept. But with the newness of it I dont think that the price is gonna really help with the decision factor. Also if it was compatable with other phones that would open up a lorger market for people who dont necessarily want the Galaxy. But overall i think that i would want it just as something to say that i have, if that makes sence.

Cody Langley 8th

Anonymous said...

i like the idea of the watch phone but phones are easy enough to break just but looking at my old watches with all there scratches dents and then theres this smart watch lets just say if i buy it there better be an otterbox for it

Ben Blough 8th

Anonymous said...

It Might Look Good And All And Pretty Cool To Talk Into A Watch But Really , It's Just An Extra Piece Of The Phone That You Really Don't Need .' It's Pretty Much Just For Show , And I Think I'd Rather Pass On Getting This .'
-8th Period

Anonymous said...

i think the Galaxy gear is not a good idea because you will need a phone even when you have a watch it be easier to have the watch but not having to buy the phone and the watch it just a waist of money out of everybody pocket it will be cool to just have the watch to work as a phone. but other than that it good

Castro 8th period >.<

Anonymous said...

This watch seems way too lame and useless for the friggin expensive price. Also, unless you dream of living on the USS Enterprise, or being a Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger, you have no need for this technology (plus you look lame doing it just sayin'). If you need it for superspy purposes, then you need something a little less blatantly obvious, 007. But if the technology can improve and bee less lame, it might be useful... maybe. Probably not.

Labbit 8th

Anonymous said...

The Samsung Gear is obviously facinating because this is a major step in the advance of technology. But the price for a watch that must be connected within a close range for bluetooth within about a thirty yard range is pretty outrageous, especially considering that around others you would look like the red ranger calling in for backup.

Cold, 8th

Lanham said...

LOTS OF really good opinions in 7th period. What is this feel I'm feeling?!? Pride? IN SEVENTH PERIOD?????? What the heck?

Ryan. Do not eat the watch communicator!

Anonymous said...

The idea is a good idea at least in theory. To me the wrist communication sounds like it backfire.
Like what if you dont have your phone and all you have is the wrist communication, I think the communicater should at least be able to function with the phone. But maybe technology isn't that far in the idea yet.

Gipson, 8th Period

Anonymous said...

Just wait... The Galaxy Gear won't be the only thing. Apple I'm pretty sure is already working on the iWatch. Give it time, it'll be out.

Crawford, 1st period.

Kaiwen Huang said...
Another big phone...
Kaiwen Huang