Sunday, October 26, 2008

Discussion 8 - 10/27/08

Hey Peeps! Thanks for logging in!

This week, let's do medical technology. Check out this link from Reader's Digest:

And don't stop on page 1. There are 5 pages of cool beans new medical technology so scroll on down. Yes, I know there aren't enough pictures and a whole lot of words, but you'll live . . . I promise.

For your post this week, pick one of these new medical technology and tell me how it will affect YOUR life or the life of someone you love.

My choice is the "one size fits all" flu shot. It's a flu shot that covers MANY types of flues (how on earth do you make that word plural? Flus? Flu's? Flues? no clue) instead of just a FEW types of flues. I could definitely see this becoming the wave of the future.

Now if only they could just invent a flu shot that would be effective but not make me deathly ill.

Talk to me . . .


och,s-4 said...

The "Better Breast Cancer Screening" will affect my family the best because my mom's mom had breast cancer so it's something that we all are anxious to find before it spreads...or make sure we don't have it.

Baker,M-1 said...

Okay I know you said to look past the first page but I can't. The new ways to treat asthma would affect me the most. My brother and I have asthma and it seriously restricts our lives. Although I'm not sure about sticking a tube down my throat (gag) I can see that this treatment has much potential.

McCorvey,T-1 said...

Well i think the one that affect's me the most is Diabetes.Because most of my family, background has Diabetes.So i try to watch what i eat,and try to take care of my body, to live a healthy life.

Thompson,O-1 said...

i have to admit, i barly paid atention to any of that because i rarely get sick, and when i do it only lasts 1-2 days. also NO ONE IS GIVEN ME A FLU SHOT! I dont need it.

Liles, T-1 said...


The easier heart surgery would definantly help family on my step dads side, because most of the males in that family had their first heart attacks no older than 35. And they seem to have really bad luck too because hardly any of them survive the surgery. Now if we could just eleminate the causes of heart attack even if it is hereditary then that would be an large leap in medicle advances.

Ashley Manis said...

The Anti-Aging Pill seems like a great idea. The only bad thing is red wine is really dry (so I've heard) and I don't many people would be willing to drink the amount that it would take to get enough resveratrol. So I think a pill would be the best bet.
When it comes out in five years, I'm going to be one of the first to get it. I would love a disease free life.

Calderon,A-1 said...

i think that the New Way to Fight Asthma is a good idea, and it will help my sister because she suffers Asthma since she was 4 years. i think it will benefit her and my family because the medicine for her is too expensive.
another one that will help my family are the pills for DIABETE because almost 75% of my family suffer DIABETES and my mom said that the insuline with the needle is painful and the pills will help her to get insuline in her body less paindful.

Hollingsworth,C-1 said...

Germ-Killer Coating is really cool. I'm a regular at the hospital and I always see these really sick people. I get in enough accidents, I don't need there germs as well.

mcgown,a-1 said...

I Think the Dibetic pill is a really good ides compared to insulin shots. Numerous members of my family are diebetics and im sure they dont like taking shot every day just to eat a full meal.

arriola,brett-1 said...

I like the easier heart surgery procedure because alot of people in my family have heart disease and most of them have not survived it.

lathan,l-1 said...

The Asthma is something that you can be qeured. Some of the thigs that people are going throurgh are sad and the way. I hate it that have to go through....... i'm blest becuase i would not be able to with all things they are going through. I read how it makes you gets you sick it swells up your lungs and get off in side your body but through all i'm sorry they go through it.

Gilbreath,J-1 said...

Sadly, nothing on there looked like I would evr need it, other than the Bone Building spider silk...So let's get this straight:

The threads made in a spider's abdomen, essentially it's rear end, are capable of rebuilding or even growing bones for the human body. Does anyone even know how much silk one would need for a single bone?!

murillo, j - 1 said...

spiders usually use their silk to make webs and catch prey and scientists have long studied the benefits of the flexible strong fibers. The new fashion material promises to improve the quality of bone implants in surgery.

martines,j-1 said...

its hard to tell how this will affect my or someone elses life, but the bone builder would help thousands of people by reparing or replasing their bones, especially during war reparing soilders bones or even creating a new type of body armor

chanelectronic said...

my mom is a med. tech - which means SHES always running. If you ever see a short black woman with good hair in fashionable scrubs running throughout the hospital (or wherever she is), its my mother. (ask mrs. l or ray, she knows mary) So she forgets to take her thyroid medicine. And one time it got so bad that her legs were completely swollen by like 5 times (because she retains so much water) and she couldn't feel her left knee and down - and ended up calling me for help. Her foot looked like it was suffering from drop foot, the way she couldn't feel anything in it. So that Microchip for Medicine would help her - and me - a lot because it automatically does her medicine for her.

Lanham said...

Tyler . . . I hope your step-parental-unit is paying attention to his heart health because it sounds like his family history is baaaaaad.

Ashley . . . move over cause I'm gonna knock you down getting in line to get that anti-aging pill.

Crystal . . . I wish somebody would develop a little plastic bubble to keep you in because I've NEVER known somebody to be in the emergency room so much.

Jacob . . . I think the spider silk thing would oog me out.

Chanel . . . do I need to start calling Mary to remind her to take her meds. Ya know, you would think that somebody who works in the MEDICAL FIELD would . . . I dunno . . . take her MEDICINE. LOL

allensworth, z-2 said...

i think the spider web bone builder thing is pretty spifforific half my life i've heard about scientist trying to use the stuff for all types of things, from jumping ropes, to replaceing steel for buildings and the fact that they may be able to heal the bones broken by triping on the jump rope or being crushed by the building with the same stuff is kinda neat

Driver,K- 2 said...

I belive the one that affects me the most is the cure for fighting asthma. I have family members and friends who have asthma and it can seriously change a person life. Although, Im not a asthma patient I belive that fighting asthma is very important.

reed, k - 2 said...

Wow I think the new way to fight asthma is great I know alot of people have asthma especially kids I think I even have a touch of it.This 30 min outpaitent procedure will be good because it can reduce attacks.

packard,a-2 said...

ok i think that the virus to cure cancer is a BAD idea!!! we dont want to be like i am legend and turn into the blood thirsty ravenous freaks!! whoo, now that i got that out, i think that the anti-aging pill is totally stupid YOU WILL GET OLD AND GET WRINKLES GET OVER IT!!!!!!!! and i love the eating chocolate part, that i can handle!! and when my mom says you dont need any its not good for you i can shout out "BUT MOM, DO YOU WANT MY ARTERYS TO BLOCK OR MY PLATELETS TO CLUMP, NO I DIDNT THINK SO, NOW GIMME SOME DANG CHOCOLATE!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Good News for Pain section is late I think. We've had all of this technology and we are just now getting rid of side effects. But I think that this one will have an effect on me. I might not ever get cancer, or have a heart problem or whatever, but I can see myself needing pain medication for something stupid that I do.

brittain,w-2 said...

that spider silk thing is pretty cool, cuz u probly wouldnt have wear a cast or anything if u like broke your arm

Johnson,O-2 said...

With this new technology you can no longer use the pharse "it isn't brain surgery" to express how easy something is compared to brain surgery or shall i say heart surgery.Because of the angioplasty I mean think of how many people it could the next four to five years.

mayfield,s-1 said...

Im scared of shots so idk bout the Flu Shot unless I get sick and my nephew is 1 and has asthma, the new way to fight asthma would be good for him.

anderson,p-3 said...

I think that it is good to come up with new ideas for medicine but evey medicine has a down side. I also think that everytime a virus is cured then a new one will appear. So really the problem will never be solved but its always good to try.

Dietrich,R-3 said...

Most of the stuff that it says on that page looks mostly painful. what they should really do is make a flu shot that they just beam you with a light that would make you immune to the flu and other stuff. that would be the best thing ever.

Patton,A-1 said...

i think the asthma procedure would be very effective because asthma is huge in the world and it could lower the amount of people that have asthma

Hernandez, Ruben 3rd said...

the "cancer curing creature" is a good thign to do because alot of people have died of cancer i think that, thats a good way so then i wont have to witness any family members die.

Lanham said...


Auxier, Emily - 4 said...

The main thing that grabbed my attention was the cure for skin cancer. since i am a lifegaurd during the summer and i play soccer, and I am a cheerleader, I am out in the sun most of the time. Skin cancer is a very serious thing. I have a friend that has to get surgery every summer becuase the sun damages his skin so much. so yah - the skin cancer one is a very good idea.

Campbell,A-4 said...

My fav one is the Blood substitute because it has such a long shelf life and the idea of it being used in battle fields it would also make the posiblity that you would get A.I.D.S even though its extreamly unlikely now. The Blood subsitute would completely do away with that particular problem..but I do wonder..would vampires like it? It'd be funny if it was like Diet-Blood or something lol

borerw-4 said...

I like the spider silk idea, becauas it could be used for any number of things like the armer.
I have heard that anti ageing is conected to red wine, but I don't realy think that anyone can stop the effects of ageing

ferrell, a-4 said...

I like all of these ideas. Some to me aren’t as exciting, prolly just because I don’t know that much about them. I would have to say my favorite is the “New Way to Fight Asthma”. That’s pretty cool how they like fry away some of your muscle so that it doesn’t all constrict in there. It would help my mom not have to be so cautious about her asthma aswell. I also like the anti-aging pills I don’t know how full of “pixy dust” that pill is but it seems kinda cool and if it does work, who coulnt use these...

edwards, a - 4 said...

I'm not much of a chocolate eater, but I would go for the "Why We Love Chocolate, Reason #27." I do believe eating dark chocolate can help your arteries. Plus, chocolate's good brain food!

GARRETT,K-4 said...

the idea that would be most helpful to me would be the microchip med. i always forget to take my meds. so having it already in me would do me wonders.

Abdul-786 said...

The "Asthma" technology will really effect my grandma becuase she has asthma and it will help her really fight asthma and it will also affect millions of people in the world by saving their lives and fighting asthma for them.

Meredith,B-6 said...

It's amazing the kind of new medical developements they are coming up with such as the smallpox cure and spider silk thing that can help rebuild bones that be amazing for helping people with broken bones and such so itll be great to see what all is developed in our life time.

wallace,c-6 said...

the breast cancer screening thing is neat to me because so many women are diagnosed with vrest cancer every year, infact, about three years ago my mom had breast cancer. luckly they found it soon and took care of it be4 it led to anything huge, although she did have kimo. my girlfriends aunt died a couple of weeks ago because of breast cancer that had spread to her liver i believe. it is a very serious issue and something that people should definately keep their eye on

Sauceda, Maria=]- 6 said...

Who ever thought that a deadly sting of a scorpion could save the life of someone. I hope that this really helps the patients with cancer. It would be the medical breakthrough that can help millions of people.

Cuarenta,A-6 said...

i am one of those persons who does NOT want to get old!
am all for the "Anti- Aging Pill"
i would come in handy....
but the whole alcohol side effect thing... we'll see.... ;-)

taylor, Q - 6 said...

I like the better breast cancer screening, cause i heard the ones they use now are very painfull...and that makes me very scared to get checked for it sayin that it runs in my family now


Bixler,T-6 said...

there was some good things that can help the people but the astma idea is stupid to me it can help you breath but it does not say what the effects that will happen there is always be a side affect to everything what if the surgery happens and for a week it works but then out of no where you have a astma attack

Maness, J-6 said...

its about time we read about something that can actually help people. to think that silk and glass could take the place of bones, it seems possible since they say that spider silk is stronger than steel...or something like that. another interesting one is the asthma. if i had asthma and i had to choose between breathing and muscle, i would probably choose breathing, because there's something about not being able to breath that would just bother me.

Lopez, M-1~☺ said...

The Hemopurifier sounds like an interesting thing. This would probably stop all these diseases from ever comeing onto us and other people the already have it. Besides, cleaner blood will result in less chances to get a serious virus.

cano,ruben-7 said...

This new outpatient procedure called bronchial thermoplasty souds really cool and it would help me alot.I have asthma and as a soccer player it really sucks but these new theraphy can change alot of lifes...!!!

lee, s - 7 said...

The "small pox" is cure who found is science and science is something is mixing that spride and I don't know that to know cure to something. The science cure spide become what. Do science know how to cure human is sick?

arnold,t.7 said...

The "Heart Surgery" that what i got when i was a little girl i had to get 2 open heart surgery and one close surgery when i was a baby,one years old,and 2 years old. But i am happy that i am alive.But it also scarys me when i had find out that i had to get three surgery.

Lanham said...

QT . . . don't bury your head in the sand on this issue if you have BC in your family. Early detection is key. (climbing down off my soapbox now)

LOL @ Logan. Really LOL @ Nathan since he stole the quote about not breathing from him.

Maria . . . it'll be interesting to see what comes in the future from that scorpion thing.

Cole,R-1 said...

The New asthma treatment would help my family as over half the family has Asthma, it would be interesting to see if how well it works
My asthma isn't that bad though, at least until the weather changes like the recent temperature change this cold weather is killing me

Broadway,M-1 said...

I think that this stuff is weird and these people have too more time on their hands. They have come up with some cazy ideas. But it is cool.

villanueva, manuel, N. 1 said...

I think that the easier heart thingy would help on my moms side because heart attacks happen quite often.

edlin said...

well really none of this affects me in anyway because I rarely get sick and i don't have anything wrong with me.

robles,l-3 said...

The one that would affect me the most is the diabetes pill. Most of my dad’s family has diabetes. So is will really be helpful if they could take one pill a day. It is better than the needle they inject. It is really cool that there coming up with new ways and easier ways to cure or control medical problems.

cruz,raymond,a-class3 said...

my familys background has diabetes,i dont have it but my mom doe,i help her watch what she eats.i also try to watch what i eat because i dont want to have to poke myself everyday in the finger like my mom does.she hates it so much.

otis,j-3 said...

I seriously thought smallpox was completely wiped out. It's startling to think that lesser forms of the virus,(like cowpox,something i've never heard of)could mutate and infect us right here in the U.S.! I also like the idea for spider silk for bones,(even if you get old nothing could slow your movement).

Gonzalez, C-1 said...

All I would have to say to this subject is we really need to be careful to medical procedures dealing with trying to advance the science and practice of it. Anyone ever see "I Am Legend" Exactly my point. If they make a cure for cancer that you need to have an injection for or something. I'm not takin it...I don't want to end up like some deformed and malicious creature that feast on flesh...I applaud at the fact that we are constantly trying to make better the field of medical science and we are constantly trying to improve the procedures but we can only go so far. I really don't have much to criticize about the articles except the fact that its beneficial but its a whole different set of rules when it deals with altering the human body.

tutt,matthew said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tutt,matthew said...

I beleve the new bone replacement treatment will help many people recover after accidents.

Brice, R-4 said...

That bone stuff is awesome. It dosent sound like its very expensive either. Think about it, all of the injured soldiers coming back from Iraq with missing limbs now finally have a chance to live their lives like the used to

Lanham said...


Byrd,N-6 said...

I like the idea of a virus that can kill cancer cells it sounds really cool to me that we can use a thing that hurts us to fight a disease that kills us.

Copeland, Juston7 said...

i thought it was smart to come up with a cure for smallpox which also helps to fight the lesser pox because you never know with disease these days

Trikosko, M-1 said...

The new way a fighting asthma seems helpful, I've heard that some people with asthma that exercised frequently had less symptoms, so that might help. The spider silk bone-builder was interesting, it's weird how glass is part of the process, I usualy think of glass as harmful.

I know, right?!? said...

I personally think that the nano-amino-acid-liquid thing that helps regain functions in the brain is (for lack of a better term) pretty pimpn. The idea that there is a way that people can come back from serious malfunctions of their nervous system is awesome. however, the set up of the experiment (i.e. the mouse) reminds me of the book FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON. coincedence? i think not....!

Rigsby,D-1 said...

Germ-Killer Coating it seem it could be very cool to have but would anyone stop buying germX just to get this. It would be nice to have at you local docter place for sure.

Tri-Edge said...

Wow I thought smallpox was nonexistant. Glad they have a cure for it.

So....Spider silk can replace our bones? Creepy yet awesome at the same time. \m/

ok I don't care how advance heart surgery gets, I will never EVER get a heart surgery. Simply because the doctors might kill me.

But the blood filtering thing sounds interesting. I might do that one day when it becomes available.

Ok fake blood that can be transfered to anyone? Awesome just keep those vampire bats away from it.

Wow after reading about the 44% smokers kicking the habit I have to get my mom on that stuff =D

Wow something so venomus like a yellow israeli scorpion can save lives. Its kinda strange that something so deadly can cure us without harming us.

ok after reading the story about the mice or critters (w/e) getitng thier brain repaired by that liquid just amazed me. I hope that one day becomes a usefull thing for humans.

Hmm...using viruses to fight cancer. Why haven't they tried that before?

dang they are even modifying white blood cells to fight cancer. Guess sooner or later we will have the cure for AIDS.