Sunday, November 22, 2009

Blog 12 - 11/23/09

Hola Peeps! Thanks for logging in!

So once more let's talk alternative energy, except this time let's specifically talk about our panel.

Thanks to Katie M. for the following pics:

Better yet, let's just walk out there and look at it . . .

Here is a link to the TXU site where they calculate how much energy that panel is capturing:



Explore the site.

How much energy are we generating? How much have we generated this week? For the lifetime of the unit? How much stuff would it power right now? How many pounds of greenhouse gases have we avoided?

Answer any of these questions for credit for this blog.

And spend some time reading the comments from David C (our TXU expert) from the last two blogs. I've pasted them into our comment section.

Talk to me . . .

Oh, and P.S. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break and be SAFE!


Lanham said...

David C said...
So the theme in this stream of consciousness is that "solar is expensive". Well, here's a question for you. What has happened with the cost of solar panels in the last 5 years? 1 year? 3 months? What has happened to the price of electricity?

On another different but the same line of thought...even if you weren't concerned about the environment, what about the need for more power now that Texas is growing? Do we have enough power to keep growing or will we have brownouts and blackouts when everyone turns on their air conditioning, PS3, Wiis, and plasma TVs?

What if electricity prices are so expensive that solar panels are totally worth the money but Texas has no experience with the technology because we've focused elsewhere?

Finally, what if someone comes up with a breakthrough that makes solar cells cost $1/watt? How will this affect your life? How will this affect the economy?

November 19, 2009 10:54 PM

David C said...
About wind and water. Wind blows best at night and along the coast. These are places away from places where people build stuff and live. The best wind in Texas is on the gulf coast and in West Texas. There aren't that many people in West Texas so they try to move the electricity to Dallas, Austin, and Houston. There aren't that many transmission lines there so they have to spend $1 billion dollars to build more. It's like drinking water out of your bathtub with a sippy straw. It's very hard and you're bound to lose some water.

As for hydroelectricity, there are some controversies on the environmental footprint of dams. The 3 river gorges damn in China, for example, forced millions of people to move. The Colorado River damns are being removed because it disrupts the ecosystem there. With every decision we make, there are consequences. Using electricity wisely is the best path.

November 19, 2009 11:01 PM

Lanham said...

David C said...
I just heard that the lowest price for solar panels right now is $5.50/watt and range from $5.50/watt to $7.00/ watt. A year ago, solar panels were running around $8/watt. Wow!

What's driving this price collapse? There's a surplus of panels on the market. There's a lot more supply than demand at the moment.

The reason panels were so expensive is that there were few dedicated panel manufacturers until recently. The raw silicon needed for the panels were all taken by the electronic and computer chip manufacturers and panel producers were using scraps from these industries. Now, there's a lot more people making the raw silicon just for solar.

November 20, 2009 11:36 AM

Lanham said...

David C said...
The solar panel consists of solar cells that are made from wafers of treated silicon. One side is dosed with phosphorous, which has extra electrons, and one side is dosed with the chemical boron, which wants electrons. The photons from the sun strike the phosphorous side which knocks the free electrons loose and through the silicon wafer to the boron side. Now the boron has extra electrons. When you add a "load", a device that uses electricity, the electrons travel from the boron side to your load and back to the phosphorous side to start the loop all over again.

November 19, 2009 8:00 PM

David C said...
The technology behind solar cells was first introduced by a French physicist named Antoine Cesar Becquerel, in Rome, in 1939. But the first solar cell was invented by Charles Fritts in 1883, who used gold and selenium instead of the materials we use today. The silicon solar cell was invented in 1941 by Russell Ohl.

November 19, 2009 8:06 PM

David C said...
The solar panel in NHS was not $60,000. The price was lower. The solar panel is one of many across Texas and the US. While the price of solar is high now, prices for solar panels are coming down while electricity prices are increasing. There is a time when solar will become equal to buying electricity from a Retail Electric Provider. We as Texans should understand how to make informed decisions regarding where they buy their power and how their decision impact the community they live in.

November 19, 2009 8:11 PM

David C said...
The most efficient alternative energy source depends on where you live. Along the coast, wind will be better than solar. In Odessa, both are great! If you live near hot springs, then geothermal makes most sense.

If the question is which source converts the most potential energy into electricity, then it would be hydro.

November 19, 2009 8:13 PM

David C said...
Morrison-K. Which contraptions are you referring to? Solar panels?

November 19, 2009 8:14 PM

David C said...
Russaw, N. Your question about windmills in the city depends on the city. Each city government organization have different rules on what you can put on buildings. There's a lot of new technologies that integrate small windmills into the building architecture but most are in test mode. El Centro College in Dallas has a small test windmill for example.

November 19, 2009 8:16 PM

David C said...
Johansson, Shelbie. The system at NHS is small but is the same size as the other systems TXU Energy is putting around Texas. By the time we're finished, we'll have 40 kW of solar panels around the state. That's enough solar panels to offset usage in 4 homes. Best of all, you can use the information provided online to learn about Texas solar potential in real time. That's the real benefit.

November 19, 2009 8:19 PM

David C said...
Sydney Purser. Solar Energy is not inefficient but the process we use to convert solar energy into electricity is. The reason is, the solar cells only work with a certain light frequency and other frequencies are not converted. That means a lot of solar energy's potential is wasted.

November 19, 2009 8:21 PM

Lanham said...

David C said...
Windmills and hydropower work on the same principle of electromagnetism. The wind and the water turn a big magnet inside of another magnet. That creates electricity. Solar is different as it's photons knocking loose some electrons to create a flow of electrons.

November 19, 2009 8:23 PM

David C said...
Anderson, a. Solar and wind are intermittent. They require power plants to back them up in case the wind doesn't blow or the sun isn't shining. Solar and wind can supplement basic generation from coal, natural gas, and nuclear but not complete replace it. It is part of the overall solution because anything we can use less of is a good thing. The best solution for our energy problem is to use less. Turn lights out when your not in the room. Unplug your chargers when not in use. Go outside and play more instead of play video games all day. It's these little things that will have the strongest and long lasting impact. It also requires no back up power plants!

November 19, 2009 8:31 PM

mayfield,s-1 said...

We are generating zero energy because the sun isnt out,we have generated 13.0kWh this week,we have avoided 123lbs of greenhouse gases.

robinson,s-1 said...

For today, we have generated absolutely no energy, in a week we have generated 13.0 kWh of energy, and in its lifetime we have generated 140.0 kWh of energy.

Patton,A-1 said...

we hve generated 13.0 kWh this week

Lanham said...

OK, so 1st period and I went and stood underneath the panel (to get out of the rain) to take a closer look.

Hmmmmm. Electricity. Rain. Yeah, prolly not my finest teaching moment. LOL

It's really cool how all the panels hook together though. I hope the drizzle lets off so everyone else can go get a look.

Baker,M-1 said...

We are generating Zero energy because of the cloud cover.

So the price of solar panels have come down, but still how many people can afford them?

And im super curious about this (completely of topic though). What are people doing for thanksgiving?

Im going to visit family in Austin.

Brookshire, B-1 said...

Over the week we have generated 13.0kWh and over its lifetime generated 140.0kWh of energy

villanueva, manuel, N. 1 said...

The sun was not out today so we have not generated any energy today...and we have generated 13. kwh in the past week and we have generated 140kwh in its life time and also avoided about 123lbs of greenhouse gases

Baker,M-1 said...

Mrs.L, i would like to point out that it wasnt raining it was misting. And solar panels are water proof up to a certain point. So it was an awesome teaching moment.

Morrison,K-1 said...

The contraptions I mentioned were all of the energy converters. In total how pollution and gas emissions do all of them help lower? Is there a way to make the solar panel able to convert more frequencies? I know I'm not answering much of anything, if not posing more questions. So far this month we've converted 61 kWh. We could use an electric blanket =D it says so on this site : so there are a few things we could use besides a microwave....I believe if I read correctly.

Trikosko, M-1 said...

Since the panel has been installed it has avoided 123 pounds of greenhouse gases, equivilent to the ammount that two homes would create in one day.

Nealy,J/1 said...

We haven't generated anything today there is no sun shine =[

we have generated 13.0kWh this week

we have avoided 123lbs of greenhouse gases.

The cost is going down from $8/watt to aobut $5 50/watt so that's a good thing... but is it still affordable for the average family that is struggling already??? and just to comment on if NHS did pay $60,000 for that thing then i think it could have went on something else...

well thats all i got to say on this


Morrison,K-1 said...

Even if it is raining or misting *coughMonikacough* we should still go out and look at it 6th period. Thanksgiving I'm just staying home, staying up all night RPing with my friend over the net to answer Monika, sry Mrs. L. BTW: Mrs. L running this morning was sooooo awsome! Go Mrs. L! ...*listening to "Puff The Magic Dragon"*

Anonymous said...

Over the week we have generated 13.0kWh and over its lifetime generated 140.0kWh of energy

Gonzalez, C-1 said...

Wow, we've only generated 0.0kWh...what a fail. Though we did produce 13.0kWh regarding last week so it wasn't all bad. Also why are we using a solar panel to power a single microwave. What the heck!? I still say we need more solar panels. WE NEED MORE POWER!!

jeffress,r-1 said...

Our solar panel has generated verry little this week because its getting colder and the sun isn't coming out. The days the sun shines more energy is produced even though it is only enough to power a measley old micorwave. The panel has outputed 123 lbs of Co2 which is good because only a tiny amount of pollution is emitted! :0)

Morrison,K-1 said...

And I'll be happy to take any pictures you need Mrs. L at any time! *has camera ready* But it's spelled Katy not Katie *is sad*

Szu-yung said...

Im glad I don't have to go outside this period AGAIN :) my legs are sored and I'll be p.o.'d if I have to go again.

anderson a-2 said...

How much energy are we generating? 124 watts

How much have we generated this week?

For the lifetime of the unit?

How much stuff would it power right now?
The energy to power 2 homes for one day.

How many pounds of greenhouse gases have we avoided?
123lbs of CO2

Goff,R-2 said...

We have avoided 123 lbs of green houses gases being released into the air.That number has been growing since the first day the panel was turned on. So i'm not sure if that is as great a number as it could be, but I feel as though whether it's a small number or a large number, we are helping the enviornment none the less.

Szu-yung said...

I don't really have any opinion bout our school solar panel, I'm just glad our school have one and make other school district jealous :-)

villanueva,f-2 said...

We have generated 13.0 KWH this week. We have avoided 123 LBS of Greenhouse Gases.

Anonymous said...

Ok so, we can power a microwave. Sweet. Well, for one, I think we might be able to power a toaster AND a microwave (we're moving up!) if maybe the panel were somewhere else. It's not exactly in the best spot. The trees are blocking the sun.

I know it's too late to move it, but I'm just sayin'...who ever put it where it is now wasn't using common sense. Environmental awareness much?

Hernandez, J - 2 said...

We ar generating about 133.0 W of energy. We have generated 13.0kWh this week.we have generated 104.0kWh for the lifetime.We have avoided 123 lbs. of greenhouse gases.

Parkhurst, M-2 said...

I am a bit confused on the solar panel for our school I must say, I would love to believe its helping...but how much is it really doing if it can only power a single microwave? Getting back to the subject here, our solar panel has avoided 123 lbs of CO2, the equivalent of the pollution a basic passenger car gives off in four days. Which sounds like its very helpful...but I'm still confused on why spending so much money for something that can only power a microwave?

Abernathy, J-2 said...

Well we are generating NO ENERGY WHATSOEVER!! I'm sorry Mrs.L no poptarts today ):
The field trip was cool im glad that it was not raining still because that would make the field trip not cool.

Cortines,m-2 said...

I find solar energy fascinating, but I'm still not sold. Is it really worth it if that giant hunk of metal can only power a toaster all day? Well maybe I just don't understand the full potential of a toaster, as I am Pop-Tart deprived...
Well in a week, 13.0 kWh of energy as opposed to the 140 in its lifetime.

Lanham said...

Katy . . . I am completely pitiful with the name spelling. Frankly, it's a good day when I get my name spelled correctly. Just ask Magali, Maggaly, Maggali. Howevertheheck you spell it.

Dang . . . no poptarts today. Sad, sad day.

And yes, Ryan did beat me back in first period even though I ran but let's remember his chair is MOTORIZED folks. Let's also remember how OLD I am. LOL. Ryan and I have decided it would be helpful for him to go along and train me when I run in the mornings.

Deckard, D-3 said...

I really could get into alternate energy sources. I will in fact invest in a solar panel one day or some sort alternate energy source so that i may preserve energy.

Williams, T-3 said...

We have generated 485W of AC Power today. We have generated 124.0V of AC Voltage. We have generated 4.0A of AC Current.

Sampietro, M-3 said...

Today the solar panel has not generated any energy, though in the past week it has generated 13kWh and in the past month it has generated 61 kWh adding up to 104 kWh during it's entire lifetime. This is enough energy to power 2 homes for one day. We have avoided the use 123 pounds of CO2 total.

payton, j - 3 said...

I wouldnt call what we did a field trip but it beats bein in class and i still dont undastand the signifcance of havin a solar panal at are school since its only generating enough energy to power a microwave,i could see if it was the hole school but its not doin dat

Hawkins, M - 3 said...

I like how the prices of the solar panels are slowly decreasing so maybe oneday the whole world will be based on SOLAR ENERGY...The only thing is that the population keeps growing and once they realize people really need and cant live without it they might try to raise the prices again because they kno that people are still going to buy it regardless...

Wiley, C - 3 said...

we have generated 13.0kwh this week

Asquith,C-3 said...

The solar panel was VERY poorly placed. Period...There is a tree extremely close to the solar panel that casts a shadow down and blocks the sun for most of the day. This thing is expensive and barely generates much electricity as it is. Waste of TXU's money if you ask me. Move the panel!

Padilla, J - 3 said...

We have avoided emitting 123 pounds of greenhouse gases since August 27, 2009 when the solar panels were first installed. By just saving the amount of CO2 we give off, we are helping the further destruction of the environment.

reichert, s-3 said...

I guess solar pannels arnt a COMPLETE waste of money like i said earlier...but i still prefer hydro, wind, and nuclear energy to solar (in that order). And i find it interesting that right now were generating around 454 watts. But its alittle odd that they pointed the SOLAR pannel away from the sun and in a trees shadow (at noon theres a shadow) i think that it should at least point east or west not south-west(ish) like they have it...dosnt really inspire that much confidence in txu....well, regardless of these mistakes i do think that the solar pannel is a decent statement at the least to show that were atleast TRYING to go "green" **shutters alittle**

perez, j - 3 said...

well I dont really want to repeate "we have generated 13. kwh in the past week and we have generated 140kwh in its life time and also avoided about 123lbs of greenhouse gases" a QUATRILLION times just like everyone else but it is pretty awsome that we have energy to power up to two houses....Bummer we havent generated any energy today..

zavala,P -3 said...

we haven't generated no energy today because of the clud cover, but we have generated 13.0kWh for the week.we have avoided 123lbs of CO2 of greenhouse gases!!

cortes, j - 3 said...

The solar panel has helped our school avoid 123 lbs of greenhouse gases, enough to power 2 houses for one day, since its installation date on Aug. 27, 2009

Flynn,R-3 said...

I think its great that solar panel prices are beginning to lower. Maybe if prices continue to lower more and more people might invest in this idea to help preserve energy...

Harper, T - 3 said...

we have not gain any energy today cuz the sun is really not as bright today.
this week we have generated 13.0wh
140kwh for a life time
123.lbs of greenhouse
but to me its n a bad spot because of the trees

Yarbrough, V - 3 said...

we have generated 485.0 W avoided 123lbs. of greenhouse gases,can omly power 2 homes for one day and pollution of an average passenger can emits over 4 days made about .65 kwh but in all belive that solar pannels will help benefit but what about the things we have that reguired something electrical are we going to be able to use the solar energy or are we going to have to refurbish everything to things that require any solar activity

camacho c-4 said...

like mrs. l said i also think the solar panel was poorly placed, bt oh well i enjoyed the 2 min. field trip havent gone on one since the 4th grade, bt i think the solar panel will be useful...

Spruiell, S - 4 said...

The most interesting thing to me is that someone posted that we have avoided the emission of over 123 lbs of greenhouse gases in the form of pure CO2. That's pretty rad. While we haven't made a ton of energy, we have found a way around carbon discharge; and isnt that what we're really shooting for? A smaller nation-wide carbon footprint. While we're not all going to run out and take out a mortgage on our homes to install solar panels, the price is still steadily dropping and the carbon emissions are also decreasing. Good job us! haha

Howard, Z - 4 said...

since we put in the solar panel we have avoided 123 lbs of Co2!!! one has to wonder what that 123 lbs of Co2 would have done to us D:

Pina, R-2 said...

We have generated 14.0Kw of energy this week

alvarado, m-4 said...

over the week we generate 14.0 kWh. right now we are generating 53.0 W. for the lifetime we generate 105.0 kWh. right now i think it powers 1.0 kWh. right now we have avoided about 125lbs of greenhouses.

Guerra, A - 4 said...

I think solar panels are important to the environment I dont really have a comment about then today (BUT I HAVE A COMPLAIN my electricity bill came of $250 AGAIN!!! I think i do need a solar panel)

ONE MORE QUESTION: But can a windmill produce the same amount of energy as a solar panel??


which one is more efficient???

Pixley, J-4 said...

Since October we have avoided 125lbs of green house gases, thats about how much your car puts out in 5 days, trippy

Pixley, J-4 said...

Since October we have avoided 125lbs of green house gases, thats about how much your car puts out in 5 days, trippy

Morones, C - 4 said...

is seems we aren't generating any energy because of cloud covering.
i didn't know that 14 kilowatts can power a microwave oven. i also didn't realize that people bought panels JUST to power a microwave.

Cole, S - 4 said...

Right now we are generating 553.0 watts of energy right now.This week we have generated 14.0 KWH.The lifetime of this unit has produce 105.0 KWh.And we have avoided 123 pounds of green house gases.

Garza, G-4 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Miller, J - 2 said...

Today it has generated 1.0 kwh This week it has generated 14.0 kwh
We have avoided about 125 lbs of green house gasses

Garza, G-4 said...

Okay. We have heard that the price for solar panels have started going down. This is great news for us all because in a few years people might start buying the solar panels as soon as they get their house. (my opinion. might not be true.)

This week we have generated a total of 14 kWh.
Today, as of 11:38 this morning, we are generating 553.0 W, and we have saved the world from 125 lbs of CO2

Willis, A - 4 said...

*Generating for today is 1.0 kWh,this week 14.0 kWh,this month 62.0 kWh,this year 105.0 kWh,and for a lifetime 105.0 kWh.That is how much we been generating.Green houses thats been avoided is CO2 125 lbs. average of avoiding Green household CO2 out put is 22,750 lbs./yr.*

shepherd, a - 4 said...

right now we're generating 553.0 Watts. we generated 14 kWh this week. the solar panel has generated 105 kW in its lifetime. we've avoided 125 lbs of greenhouse gasses. if a car emits that much 4 days straight this solar panel stuff could make a difference, but i don't think it's enough to completely replace what we're using now

Russaw, N - 6 said...

i have one more quesstion is txu the only one who make the solar panel or is there other companies. i think that the solar thing is cool but i really dont under stand it yet not yet couple more days

Tate, T - 6 said...

An interesting way that solar panels are developing is that they are now being put onto houses to replace the rooftops. They are an easy way to add on solar panels but keep the extra space handy.

Miller, R - 6 said...

we're generating 555.0 Watts

Lanham said...

Hey yall! Check out this site KatY M found . . . it tells you exactly how many Kwh it takes to power stuff every month:

Thanks KatY! LOL

Small,K-6 said...

I didn't really get why everyone's complaining that the panel is poorly-placed... It might just be the time that I went out there, but it was in full sun when I saw it =/ Honestly, I don't think that any solar panel could be placed absolutely perfectly, unless they put them at the poles, where there's light available for months straight. 'Course, the other months, there's darkness for months straight, but that only helps to prove my point even more, I think.

liber,k-6 said...

Wow miriam you sound so smart; about time! lol!!. Well i think that Texas should take a look into all diffrent kinds of technology for helping the enviorment [including Solar power] Since it has alot of people and alot of people making people. SO yeah saving money will help but like alot say it takes money to make money.. hehe.

Lanham said...

Anybody else but me notice that the underside of the panels say "BP" like as in British Petroleum? Hmmmmm . . .

Unger, B - 6 said...

I think its absolutly amazing how the solar panels actually work. Think of all the things that could go wrong? What if some wire slips are stops carrying current? What would happen to the object the pannel was supporting with electricity. I think solar panels should be placed on the top of major buildings that use lots of energy (such as walmart). I think they should have solar pannels on the roof and use the solar energy before the use the tradition electricity from the contractors.

Also you would think that our solar pannel would convert more energy than it actually does. Imagine all the solar panels it would take to supply a town like New York City fully by solar electricity.

Vinther,T-2 said...

The solar panel is currently generating 553.0 W. This week, it has generated 15.0 kWh and through its lifetime, it has generated 106.0 kWh. We have avoided 126 lbs of greenhouse gases.

Pretty neat how this solar panel has generated enough energy to power 2 homes since it was installed.

bushiey, k - 4 said...

Im glad we have a solar panel at our school, because i think it gives a good first impression of other people that see our school.

chitopina-2 said...

The David C. guy really had me thinking about if Texas started having blackouts and brownouts, because i can't have that if i'm mirkin' cats on that new COD (Call of Duty)! But He also opened my eyes to the fact that nobody has really progressed in the solar cell area, so if I actually try to make a difference in the world and improve it, then i could better the planet and make millions on that bad boy! Yuhh!!

Padilla, E - 6 said...

We are generating 553.0 W and have generated 15.0 kWh in the week. In the lifetime of the unit it has generated 106.0 kWh. We have avoided 126 lbs. of greenhouse gases, which is what a car makes in 5 days and is enough to power 2 homes for a day. WOW!!!

Castellanos, A - 6 said...

We have avoided 126lbs of greenhouse gases so far.

What this really means, I sadly have no idea.

I've read some of David's posts and if someone were to invent $1/watt, it would help the economy tremendously.
It would allow the production and use of more solar panels to be used and create a better enviroment for everyone.

Morrison,K-1 said...

Randomly calculating I found we could run these :
Carving Knife
Coffee Maker
Deep Fryer
Toaster Oven
Trash Compactor
Waffle Iron
Waste Disposal
Electric Blanket
Electric Shaver
Color Television
Sewing Machine
Vaccum Cleaner

With the energy we've converted this year.

Yay mY name is spelled right, thank you Mrs. L! =D hehehe.... late nights make me happy as well as rain. Bleh, ebil sun was warm.

Wilson, J - 6 said...

Today we have powered 2.0kWh, weekly 15.0Kwh and lifetime we have powered 106.0. WE have avoided 126ibs of carbon! But all it can power is a microwave oven every 1/2 hour.

Gonzalez, M - 6 said...

So we have generated 13.0 KWH this week... Generated 104.0kWh for the lifetime... Avoided 123 lbs. of greenhouse gases...

Ima be honest. I don't know what it all means lol, sorry

David said that the lowest price for solar panels is $5.50/watt... I have to agree with Castellanos, A... if the price was able to go down to $1/watt, it would be best for all.

Rodriguez,A-2 said...

this week we have generated 15.0 kWh and avoided 126 lbs of green house gases..
and i think the solar panel was poorly placed.

johansson,shelbie/7 said...

i dont base my life on what ifs. There are "nows" that we need to be concearned with. cough cough MR PRES!

Jim Taylor said...

521 W.
150 kWH.
2 homes.
126 lbs.

Cole, V - 7 said...

Q. How many pounds of greenhouse gases have we avoided?
A. 126 lbs. of CO2.

Tutt, S - 7 said...

Generating energy wow. Why is the solar panel in that spot?? Thats a horrible place.
521 W 150 kWH 2 Homes 126lbs

Chalco, N - 7 said...

We have avoided 123lbs of greenhouse gases.

Hughes, T - 7 said...

This week we have generated 15.0 kWh

Hughes, T - 7 said...

Oh yeah and thats wierd that noone listened to Mr johnsons suggestions on movin that thang

Esparza,J-7 said...

Today we gathered at least a total of 2.5 kwh of energy. I don’t much know what that means but I think its slightly a good thing. We generated about 16 of this kwhs thingys in a week.

Goad, G - 7 said...

currently generating 553. W
this week 15. Kwh
it has generated 106. kwh
we've avoided 126 lbs. of greenhouse gasses

Clark,A-7 said...

we have generated 13.0 KWH this week. we have avoided 123 lbs of greenhouse gases

Crenshaw, K - 7 said...

we have generated 13.0kWh this week We have avoided 123 lbs of green houses gases being released into the air.

Hoffman, C - 7 said...

We are generating 491 W as of now.

Fedun, M-7 said...

We have avoided putting 126 pounds of gases in the air. Thats more than I thought. I still think we need to improve the technology more and then place them more in order to maximize our production.

Long, W - 7 said...

to me i think its neat how they have solar panels but i mean the amount of energy it provides is so small that it doesnt really do very much it is still neat to say my school has solar set up.

Sydney Purser said...

We are currently (9:35am December 18th 2009) Generating 374.0W

This Week we have made about nine or ten kWh