Monday, February 18, 2013

Blog 19 - February 18, 2013


So the post last week about the prosthetic arm got me to thinking about prosthetic eyes. And then last week on the news I heard a little snippet about a new bionic eye that can lead to vision for adults who have been sightless because of a disease called RP.

Here's a link to an Endgadget story:

Here's a link to the ABCNews story:

Here's a link to the manufacturers website:

How cool is this? Seriously!!!

For credit this week I want YOU to do some research on medical technology that can enhance eyesight. You will find an article pertaining to eyesight technology and POST a link and give us a fact from your article. 

I DO NOT want websites / ads for surgery centers. That is not research! If the name of an eye hospital comes immediately after www. I'm not gonna accept it.

Yes, I realize this requires some actual work.

As always, read Tuesday blog Thursday.

Here are the rules: 1) You CANNOT use anything from Page 1 of Google or Bing or any other search engine. You MAY use pages other than the first page. 2) If someone else has posted a link then it's off limits. 3) If you post a link at the same time as someone in your class then the second one published has to go again.

Remember for credit I must GET A LINK to a story no one else has used (and not from page one of any search engine) and it MUST be accompanied by a fact from your article.

Talk to me . . .


Anonymous said...

Assistive technology incorporates Video magnification systems like closed circuit televisions (CCTVs) and portable video magnification devices, to help improve vision.


Anonymous said...

The Nomogram adjusts the way a laser interacts with a person’s eye tissue, vastly reducing the chances that the patient’s eyes will be near-sighted or far-sighted after the procedure.

Stroup 1st

Anonymous said...

The Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System includes an eyeglass-mounted camera, and an array of electrodes implanted onto the retina to allow the patient to detect light and dark.

geovanni alfaro 1st

Anonymous said...

The Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System contains a video processing unit and retinal prosthesis that serves as the replacement for the cells that have degenerated in the retina.

Marium- 1st

Lanham said...

So here's mine:

This article states that eyesight may be improved by video-gaming because it's helps people notice subtle shading differences.

And now THIS link if off-limits!

Anonymous said...

Basiccaly, the scientists insert a microchip into the eye of the person who can't see, and it's attached to a wire that's attached to a box that controls how strong the microchip works.

Anonymous said...

A doctors injected retinal cells derived from human embryonic stem cells into one eye of each woman that were legally blind in the hopes that they would regrow the cells needed to see.

Anonymous said...

the bionic lenses include displays for pilots, game projections and telescopic vision all work with an anthena and radio waves.

Jose Gonzalez-1st

Anonymous said...

their is a artificial retina which allows blind people to detect a little like cars and crosswalks and people.

haley gresham -1st

Anonymous said...

They use technology known as adaptive optics. The researchers direct a harmless spot of light into the eye of a research subject and measure the light that is reflected outward. That light provides a glimpse or snapshot of the topography of the eye in exquisite detail. The sensor analyzes deviations in each beam's path, revealing tiny imperfections or aberrations that exist in the person's cornea and lens.

Hailey Woods 2
((also i posted last weeks blog last week and havent recieved a grade yet.. i didnt know if you just missed it or didnt see it yet... LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU(: ))

Anonymous said...
The Argus II is a small plate type device that you put on your glasses that can help those with retina see better. Its almost like a robtic eye.
Brooke Whitaker 1st

Anonymous said...

EyeRelax is an award winning visual-spectrum medical device clinically programmed to improve shortsightedness or myopia commonly cause by tired eyes.

Raven R. Moore, 2nd

Lanham said...


Anonymous said...
the bionic eye would only work for individuals who once had sight
SDPearson 2nd Period

Anonymous said...

Research to restore sight to the blind has reached a critical stage, with testing underway of the prototype microchips that will power the bionic eye.

Eddie Ramirez - 2nd

Anonymous said...
the cameras are out of range for damage from fender-benders.It can keep track of multiple vehicles in other lanes.It will keep an eye on vehicles in side lanes, looking at them as potential threats.
-karen torres 2nd

Anonymous said...

The app is called “GlassesOff” and claims that it could delay the need for glasses as you age are very attractive. Clinical research and trials are very promising and the volunteers who tested the app over 40 sessions showed an improvement of nearly 10 years in their eye age. This seems as though it may be a way to improve eyesight naturally or at least without any operations or medical treatments.

Emily Wallace 2nd (:

Anonymous said...

The app is called “GlassesOff” and claims that it could delay the need for glasses as you age are very attractive. Clinical research and trials are very promising and the volunteers who tested the app over 40 sessions showed an improvement of nearly 10 years in their eye age. This seems as though it may be a way to improve eyesight naturally or at least without any operations or medical treatments.

Emily Wallace 2nd (:

Anonymous said...

This laser surgery customizes every treatment to sastisfy what the patient needs.

Nichole Marshall, 2nd period

Anonymous said...

It works when the image from the camera is transferred to a surgical implant in the eye, which is connected to the optical nerve.

Tyvan Tipps, 2nd

Anonymous said...

Scientists have used stem cell technology to improve the eyesight of two women who were deemed officially blind. Both women, who suffer from different forms of macular degeneration, had their eyes injected with stem cells from embryos as part of a US safety trial.

Gabriel Garrett 2

Anonymous said...

this articles talks about a more common form of technology to improve eyesight, with laser eye surgury which is almost painless, that takes about 30 seconds

nahum s 2nd

Anonymous said...

This new ACE technology allows for the laser eye surgery to compensate for eye movements such as rolling which the eye does unintentionaly while "asleep".

Kolten King

Anonymous said...

this sight helps improve your eyesight and if your blind it can also make you see.


Anonymous said...
Exercises that can help your eye sight..

Anonymous said...

Video Games! Action video games train the brain see everything in the real world more efficiently. It has been tested with other video games, and action video games improved 43%.

Salvador Rodriguez, 2nd

Anonymous said...
Exercises that can help your eye sight..

Delton Scott 2nd

Anonymous said...

They made a smart wind shield that circles road signs for you so you wont miss them and outlines the road

Andrew Gipson, 2nd

Anonymous said...

I think that its interesting that in the near future prosthetic eyes are likely to include the use of both magnets and bionics meaning easier and more natural movement

Ka'Lyn Gladney 2nd

Anonymous said...

Invivo BVA reserches to see what and how are eyes are atrracted to things. hoping to have both advertismnet and medical uses alike.

Grayson skidmore 2ND

Anonymous said...

Technology allows users to interact with their devices using simple and natural hand gestures.;_ylt=A0oGdXP6QCZRfRoAYHBXNyoA?ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-900&p=eyesight+technology&SpellState=&fr2=sp-qrw-corr-top

Maryori Giron
2nd period

Anonymous said...

There is a new advancement to cataract surgery that has been established in Georgia known as Bifocal Eye Implants. This allows you better vision after your surgery, it allows gives you a choice of several diffrent lenses to choose from that have all returned with amazing results for people who have tried them.
-Mikaela Period 2

Anonymous said...

Two women with untreatable eye diseases said they had dramatic improvements in their vision after injections of human embryonic stem cells, making it the first documented time these controversial cells have helped someone.

Woodson ~ 2nd

Anonymous said...

Docotors said the patients, who have an inheritied form of blindness called retinitis pigmentosa (RP), had regained "useful vision" just weeks after having a light- sensitive microchip inserted into the back of their eye.

Raven R. Moore, 2nd

Anonymous said...

This is a pupil analyzer and a cornea topgrapher.

Nichole Marshall, 2nd period

Anonymous said...

Laser vision correction is a procedure that improves vision by permanently changing the shape of the cornea the clear covering of the front of the eye with a laser.


Anonymous said...

Victus tech. is computer opperated eye surgery instead of manually they use a computer to help them not only complete the task in half the time but also improve accuracy.

Kolten King

Anonymous said...

This is a pilot study to assess the effectiveness of Neurovision treatment in the improvement of vision in children being under-corrected and to assess the effectiveness of Neurovision treatment in slowing down myopia progression in children.


Anonymous said...

This is a really helpful technology that can lead to better eyesight. The retinal (or Fundus) camera can assist the optometrist to detect pathologies such as indications for glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), certain tumours, Retinopathy/Maculopathy and ocular hypertension. A digital record is kept of the patient’s retina so that any changes can be tracked and monitored in relation to the overall health of the eye.

Maggie King, 8th

Anonymous said...

LASIK technology enhances safety of the LASIK procedure and takes more of those who suffer from these eye conditions to 20/20 and beyond.

Kayleyne Beighey, period 6

Anonymous said...

A good example of tech. that can enhance your eyesight is lasers. Bad side is it can cost up to $500 dollars per eye.

Fernando Rodriguez, 6th Period

Anonymous said...

EyeSight helps drivers vision by avoiding other cars. The system integrates adaptive cruise control, pre-collision braking. It also detects obstacles in front of a parked cars.

Kayleyne Beighey, period 7

Anonymous said...
Technology to control blood glucose levels reduces diabetesrelated complications such as blindness by up to 76% and nerve disease by up to 69%.
ignacio Sanchez

Anonymous said...

Nomogram was created to improve better eyesight it was created about 5 years ago by MacRae The nomogram also reduce chnaces of patients being near-sighted or far-sighted
-cruz 7

Anonymous said...

Artificial Retina, is a gaget that goes on the outside of your glasses and allows impaired people the ability to see.

Kayleyne Beighey, Period 6

Anonymous said... This Laser trabeculoplasty is a laser procedure performed only in eyes to help their eyes.
ignacio sanchez

Lanham said...


Anonymous said...

The implant is based on a small chip that is surgically implanted behind the retina, at the back of the eyeball. I believe this will be the absolute starting point of bionic humans.

Vazquez Manuel, 7th

Anonymous said...,2933,252600,00.html

THis articale was made in 2007. THe author predicted that a bionic eye would cost $30,000 in 2009
The bionic eye consists of three elements. First, a miniature camera worn in a pair of dark glasses, which transmits images to a radio receiver implanted near the patient’s eye.

Anthony Martinez
7th period

Anonymous said...

In the article, it states that you can use a CCTV which stands for close circuit television magnifier. What this does is it basically uses tv controls to help eye sight. It's straight up swag.

Courtney - 7

Anonymous said...
this medical breakthrough allows people that have been blind to see the world in a "grainy black-and-white image."

untiedt, 7th

Anonymous said...

the artical talk about a new device that uses a special pair of glasses to beam near infrared light into the eye.

Denerrell Jones 7TH PERIOD

Anonymous said...

Venkiteshwar and MacRae helped to create a field known as customized ablation, a form of LASIK that corrects subtle imperfections, bringing about a super-crisp quality of eyesight

thomas mcclendon 7th

Anonymous said...

Marisol Alvarado- 7th period

Around 25-30 million people nationwide have age-related macular degeneration (AMD), one of the leading causes of blindness in middle-aged and older adults.It's caused by deterioration or breakdown of the retina's central region (macula)- a small area in the retina that is responsible for a person's central vision and which allows you to see fine details. AMD progressively destroys the ability of the rods and cones to convert light into signals transmitted along the optic nerve. A retina affected by AMD still has fully functional optic nerves, as well as the retinal subsystems which feed neural signals from the rods and cones into the optic nerve. But when the rods and cones are inactive, there are no light-generated neural signals for the rest of the retina to transfer. There are currently no effective treatments for AMD. Nano Retina has now developed the Bio-Retina - a tiny (3 x 4 mm) microchip implant that is inserted into the eye and glued to the retina in a minimally invasive procedure. It does not treat AMD, but rather seeks to relieve the blindness resulting from AMD. A small slit is cut in the eye under local anesthesia, and the implant is inserted and pressed against the damaged macula.

Marisol Alvarado- 7th period

Anonymous said...

This device stimulates acupuncture points around the eyes and exercise lens and the ciliary muscles through combined physical movement, so as to prevent and cure myopia effectively.

Tyler Johnston, 7th

Anonymous said...

the Argus II(which is what this bionic eye is called) is already available in several European countries for €73,000 ($99,120). even though a U.S. price has not been set it is likely to be higher

corpus 7th

Anonymous said...

By treating both the accommodative system and the vision neuro system, EyeRelax is the most complete in its prevention of myopia and improvement to our eyesight

Villarreal 7th

Anonymous said...

The article talks about a new type of a prosthetic retina used to give sight to the blind

McShan -7th

Anonymous said...

The EyeRelax Eye Exercise Device Can Improve Eye Sight For Children Safely In 5 Minutes For Each Eye Without Damaging It.

Espino, 7th

Anonymous said...

Can Use Different Vitamins To Improve Vision Naturally And Other Ways To Improve Your Vision.

Espino, 7th

Anonymous said...

Doctors returned a woman’s vision by using a transplanted tooth to help anchor a telescope in her eye.


Anonymous said...,0,2075375.story

People blinded by a genetic condition called retinitis pigmentosa could benefit from a new visual prosthetic that helps them see patterns of light and dark.

Espino, 7th

Lanham said...


Anonymous said...

The chips, that can give someone sight, were placed in the back of the eyes and connected with electrodes.

Sydney 8

Anonymous said...

There is a new laser surgery that can change the color of a person's eyes to blue. The surgey only takes 20 seconds and in just few weeks you will be able to see the results. It costs 5,000 for each eye..yup kinda ridiculous.

Geetha Pokala, Period 8

Anonymous said...

Basically, 2 sports video cameras are attached to a pair of glasses that absorb and transmit information to the lens, where small LEDs will light up in order for people with impaired vision hypothetically regain some vision.
Valencia 8th

Anonymous said...

Orthokeralogy is an option for people with poor vision. It uses inflexible gas permeable contact lenses to reshape the cornea resulting in improved vision fast

Faith Deckard - 8th period

Anonymous said...

In LASIK surgery, precise and controlled removal of corneal tissue by a special laser reshapes the cornea changing its focusing power.

Wharton 8th

Anonymous said...

normal contact lenses are "polymers formed in specific shapes" to correct bad vision. To turn a lens into a system, they integrate "control circuits, communication circuits, and miniature antennas into the lens using custom-built optoelectronic components."

Anonymous said...

By tweaking translucent fluids between a pair of lenses for each eye, it alters the distance at which the specs focus, sort of like having your very own zoom function.

idalia.antonio 8th

Anonymous said...

A daily supplement providing 252 mg DHA and 60 mg EPA lead to a 4% improvemnet in eyesight.

Noriand Marrero 8th Period

Anonymous said...
Imagine how much easier your day would be if a heads-up display gave you directions to your dry cleaner, displayed today’s weather forecast, or let you check your email without the need for a computer or hand-held gadget. LEDs, tiny antennae, and special circuits would work together to display information in front of the wearer’s eye.


Anonymous said...

normal contact lenses are "polymers formed in specific shapes" to correct bad vision. To turn a lens into a system, they integrate "control circuits, communication circuits, and miniature antennas into the lens using custom-built optoelectronic components."

- Cody Swink - Westside -

Anonymous said...

Six blind patients have had their sight partially restored by a "bionic eye" surgically implanted onto their retina. However, it restores only very rudimentary vision.

Faith Deckard - period 8

Anonymous said...

This new improvement in LASIK is called "wavefront" or "custom LASIK. What this new tecnology does is that it can give a much more accurate improvement of LASIK surgery, giving the sightseer more vision for their buck. The new technique it brings could even give a map of the refraction of the eye, giving the surgeon the will to reshape the cornea in a more "precise manner"

Landeros 8th

Anonymous said...

IVF technology saved a littleboys eyesight that was in a family were male blindness is passed down through generations.

jay coutee

Anonymous said...

The procedure is used to break up the cataract, which is then removed using ultrasound, and an intraocular lenses implanted, sometimes multifocal ones.
Noriand Marrero

Anonymous said...
By eliminating the use of injection for the removal of catarats, patients are more likely to recover more quickly and not have any damage areound the eye socket. The technology is called Intraocular Lens Technology

Santoyo, 8th

Anonymous said...

Williams uses technology known as adaptive optics, which was originally developed by astronomers to sharpen images.

Coulston 8th Pd.

Anonymous said...

Artificial eye lenses are regularly used by ophthalmologists to correct a variety of vision problems.
Caymon Cowart
8th Lanham

Lanham said...

OMG Hailey!!!! WE MISS YOU! Second period hasn't been the same.

I DID miss last weeks blog and will add it immediately.

Yay! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Intralase has raised the level of precision and safety during the flap creation part of LASIK surgery.WHat Intralase offers is a more accurate way to correct ones cornea shape back to a normal oval, giving the seer a "perfect" vision. Intralase is able to fix the cornea with a laser yet without the blade. Giving the surgeon a much more chance to make the surgery a success.

Landeros 8th

Anonymous said...

docter surgicly remove the outer lens on your eye and put in place an artificial one .

jay coutee

Anonymous said...
Human stem cells improve vision in rats with ‘glaucoma-like’ nerve cell damage.
karen torres 2nd

Anonymous said...

Human embryonic stem implant was performed on a lady that had muscular degeneration: a top cause for vision loss.After a few weeks after the procedure the lady's eyesight significantly increased.


Lanham said...

graded and closed