Monday, April 8, 2013

Blog 25 - April 8, 2013

Hiya Peeps!

Continuing along the house of the future, let's talk about some future kitchen technology.

Back in the day, they thought our kitchens would be WAAAAAAAY further advanced than they are today. I found a you tube video to check out. It also includes more about the Monsanto house:

These videos make me LOL. I don't know about YOU, but I'm ALWAYS that dressed up when I'M in the kitchen. Also, I randomly break out in song and dance.

I do dig that rotating see-through oven though . . .

So for blog credit this week, go visit this site.

Pick a piece of new kitchen technology and give us an opinion. Please make sure you tell us which product your talking about.

As always, read Tuesday. Blog Thursday.

Talk to me . . .


Anonymous said...

I choose the snow cone maker. When summertime comes around as everybody knows it gets HOT!! and the lines for the snow cones are crazy, so if i had this snow cone maker at my house I would probably never have to go to a snow cone place ever again.

Ka'Lyn Gladney 2nd

Anonymous said...

i really like the birdie swing tea infuser because there's not a whole lot of steps to make tea like there is when you make it on the stove, plus, it's already in the pitcher.

Anonymous said...

I find the Hamilton Beach’s New “Mc” Breakfast Maker
the coolest. I like the fact that it is efficient. It also seems I would use this the most out of the new kitchen technology items.

Kevin Mitchell, 1st

Anonymous said...

I like the musical wine glasses. They have marks on the sides that indicate how full to fill the glass for certain notes. I think they would be really fun and they're super cute!

Stroup 1st

Lanham said...

THE BLOG IS BEING SPAMMED AGAIN! Do not click any links from people you don't know. Not here, not in "real" life.

Anonymous said...

I think the NDuR advanced portable filtration bottle is a must have,especially for those who like the outdoors, since they might come across a river and stream and not know what's in that water well this gadget will filter the water for you and you will be safe drinking it.

jose gonzalez-1st

Anonymous said...

I love the snow cone maker. i picked it because you know in summer time you love snow cones but sometimes you want them year around so it would be great to have one for your home.
Brooke Whitaker 1st

Anonymous said...

I like the 3-in-1 Breakfast Station. It lets you toast, make eggs and coffee all at the same time! I think it's pretty cool and it saves a lot of time.

-Marium Choudhry 1st

Anonymous said...

I think that the Hamilton Beach’s New “Mc” Breakfast Maker is cool because you can make your own breakfast if you wake up late.

Anonymous said...

I want the dishwasher that is also a storage unit. I HATE unloading the dishwasher. Worsest chore EVER!!!!!!!!!! This dishwasher would save me.

Anonymous said...

I love the rotating see through oven but I also enjoy the rising microwave. Alot of those things are pretty cool but Im still waiting on something to take out the garbage...i mean Im just sayin:)

Anonymous said...

I chose the Snow Cone Maker. I ABSOLUTELY LOVEEEEE ice!I think its the best invention in the world. I don't even have to go outside my house to get one of these lovely things. I want it ! :)

Raven R. Moore, 2nd

Anonymous said...

the future kitchen is cool be cause you can tell it to make you something to eat and it will... lazy people would love that

Anonymous said...

I found the waffle and toast maker the coolest. Now i dont have to go to sonic or burger king for french toast sticks, i can make them myself. and waffle fries wow. It would be a great kitchen tool in my home.

Salvador Rodriguez 2nd

Anonymous said...

That stove that she puts a BOWL so dumb. I dont care if its new technology or not. There is absolutely no way that that bowl of batter came out of the oven with CANDLES that were lit! It is really stupid, why would people want a house that does everything for you...that just makes us lazy!

Emily Wallace 2nd

Anonymous said...

I like the snow cone maker.Instead of going out in the heat and wasting money on one you can simply make your own. It saves money and time.

Gabriel Garrett 2

Anonymous said...

I am in love with the Musical Wine Glasses. Of course, I would'nt be putting wine in them. But, I love how the amount of liquid you put in there changes the sound it makes when you run your finger around the rim! :)

Nichole Marshall, 2nd period

Anonymous said...

I Really love the snow cone maker because i love snow cones :) and it would be great to have one of those in my home . i an make one whenever i want a snow cone !

kadejia flanagan

Anonymous said...

I find the Indoor Flameless Marshmallow Roaster very appealing. I think it would be cool to have the camping experience minus camping.


Anonymous said...

the future kitchen is cool be cause you can tell it to make you something to eat and it will... lazy people would love that and that mc griddle maker thingy i would love to have also

Andrew Gipson, 2nd

Anonymous said...

i chose the musical wine glasses, i think its neat how they can tell you how much you need to have inside the cup for different sounds, its a nice feature to have in the kitchen

Anonymous said...

i chose the musical wine glasses, i think its neat how they can tell you how much you need to have inside the cup for different sounds, its a nice feature to have in the kitchen

Anonymous said...

i chose the musical wine glasses, i think its neat how they can tell you how much you need to have inside the cup for different sounds, its a nice feature to have in the kitchen

Anonymous said...

i chose the musical wine glasses, i think its neat how they can tell you how much you need to have inside the cup for different sounds, its a nice feature to have in the kitchen

Anonymous said...

I'm totally digging the,"Mc Breakfast Maker." It seems like a really easy and quick way to make breakfast before work or school when your running late! And its like the Mcdonalds Breakfast!!! YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT THOSE THINGS ARENT DELICIOUS.

Hailey Woods - 2

Anonymous said...

i chose the musical wine glasses, i think its neat how they can tell you how much you need to have inside the cup for different sounds, its a nice feature to have in the kitchen

Nahum S 2nd p

Anonymous said...

I really like the snow cone maker. it would be a nice thing to do snow cones on a hot summer day.
-Karen Torres 2nd

Anonymous said...

I like the fridge cabinet looking thing that comes down and there's like 2 more in front of it, that's pretty neat, organized and you won't take up much space like a fridge would. Everythings seems pretty cool too though.

Eddie Ramirez - 2nd

Anonymous said...

Omg This is really cool first of all cause i like chewing on ice .& with this thing you can make little bears into your ice too cute <3

Maryori Giron
2nd period

Anonymous said...

I want the dishwasher that is also a storage unit. I HATE unloading the dishwasher. Worsest chore EVER!!!!!!!!!! This dishwasher would save me.

SDPearson 2nd period

Anonymous said...

I love the rotating see through oven but I also enjoy the rising microwave. Alot of those things are pretty cool but Im still waiting on something to take out the garbage...i mean Im just sayin:)

Mikaela Period 2

Anonymous said...

I would really like the Fridge Locker! Don't you get tired of people eating your food? I know I do! So with this you can just put it in your room and lock it! Nobodys getting my food!.. Im not stingy im hungry

Tyvan Tipps, 2nd

Anonymous said...

the advanced portable filtration bottle sound vary useful if you go camping a lot. not sure if i should pick it or that snow cone maker. I mean the bottle is more useful but you know..... snow cones.
Grayson Skidmore®, 2nd.

Lanham said...


Anonymous said...

I think this is disgusting ! eww Sushi popper. Fresh on a stick yuck !Who would eat that uhm not me ...

Maryori Giron
2nd period

Anonymous said...

I like the snow cone maker becuase.....I love snow cones!?

Fernando Rodriguez, 6th Period

Anonymous said...

I like the 3 in 1 Breakfast station. Would save so much time! Love itttttttt.

Kayleyne Beighey, Period 6

Anonymous said...

Ok just when I thought this plantet couldnt get better they decide to go and combine my two favorite things in the world. Cookies and dinosaurs! 3D cookies? Why have I never heard of this glorious invention?!? I can see it now I could watch Jurrasic Park while making 3D dinosaur cookies and then at the end rather then having to put my toys up I could just eat the cookies!... Not that I play with dinosaur toys on a regular occasion... dont judge me!

Mirnada Cheever 6th

Anonymous said...

I like the snow cone maker especially inside my house dont have to waste any money.

Anonymous said...

I think the Hamiltons Beach Breaktfast Maker Would really help me out alot since i never have time in the morning to eat brealfast i really liked the idea about the Breaktfast maker

Anonymous said...

I think the Hamiltons Beach Breaktfast Maker Would really help me out alot since i never have time in the morning to eat brealfast i really liked the idea about the Breaktfast maker


Anonymous said...

i think the kitchenof the futuer hade all great ideas but for back then non of the ideas would of been possible

Anonymous said...

I really think the snow cone maker is swag. It would be great to be able to walk into the kitchen and grab a snow cone at any time. It can't get any more swag yolo than that.

Courtney - 7

Anonymous said...

I like the Mc Breakfast maker because it's efficient and it will save me some money from going to other fast foods. Also my wallet will be fat.

anthony martinez 7th period

Anonymous said...

I pick the snow cone maker for this blog. I love snowcones and it would be a perfect item for our hot Texas summers. A perfect necessitie to any household.

Hill 7th

Anonymous said...

As a person who enjoys acting like a child i would totally get the legos coffee cup. This thing is freaking sweet i mean who wouldn't want one. I'll tell you who losers. I can be sitting and enjoying my beverage and playing and then someone is like wow nice cup man. All of a sudden you are just the coolest ever.

Tyler Johnston, 7th

Anonymous said...

I am always trying to make the perfect toasted sandwhich, but the contents are raw compared to the bread which have been toasted. I believe the Adjustable Sandwhich Toaster will be perfect to help those who are trying to achieve the goal of a perfect toasted sandwhich.

Vazquez, Manuel 7th

Lanham said...

Manny I will be your test subject.

Anonymous said...

I would choose the Musical Wine Glasses. It would be cool to play mess with the different notes that the glasses have.

Reyes, 7th

Anonymous said...

I think that the Koziol Unplugged Coffee Maker is sweet what is cooler than your own fancy coffee maker that works even withouth electricity that is just to legit to quit

Villarreal 7th

Anonymous said...

i would love to have the waffle on a stick maker. waffles are one of my favorite breakfast items and this would make it possible to have them on the go when im in a rush.

untiedt, 7th

Unknown said...

I really like the NDuR Filtration Bottle. You can fill the bottle up with any water wether it be from a stream in the wilderness of from a water fountain. It will filter out all the micro-organisms, toxins, viruses, and bacteria that may be contained within the water.

Lanham said...

OMG Brody they will put ANYTHING on a stick nowadays.

Lanham said...

To fill up that bottle in a stream, Jordan Cates, would mean that I am outdoors. In nature. That's gonna be a no.

Anonymous said...

im not really sure what you mean by that. O.o


Anonymous said...

I like the "Mc" Breakfeast Maker..mostly because im kinda hungry, but its also ggod for me because i like my sleep and sometimes miss breakfeast because of it. With that swag device i wont :P

McShan -7th

Anonymous said...

i really like the Vision Toaster by Magimix that lets you see your bread as it is bein toasted, because sometimes you get it right then the next day it comes out all burnt, with this toaster you will kno when its the right way you like it.

corpus 7th

Anonymous said...

"…I’m Making Waaaaaffles" Is Really Cool Because You Can Put Waffles On A Stick And Its Less Messier Eat With The Syrup.

Espino, 7th

Lanham said...

Bananas on a stick. Frozen.

Corn Dogs.

Snickers on a stick. Fried.

Fried oreos on a stick.

Thanks Brody, now I'm hungry. Great.

Anonymous said...

Marisol Alvarado- 7th period
I think that the Pluck - the egg yolk separator is really cool because you can crack your eggs regularly and use the Pluck to take out the yold later. This would be extremely usefull in my house considering the fact that I have a body builder for a step-dad. There's no eating egg yolk in our house, so this little gadget would be awesome.
Marisol Alvarado- 7th period

Anonymous said...

I meant

McShan -7th

Anonymous said...

anytime :)


Anonymous said...

i want the adjustable bread and sandwich toaster perfect for toasting full sandwiches

thomas mcclendon 7th

Anonymous said...

I think the CardSharp pocket knife is cool because it looks just like a credit card and its really thin.


Anonymous said...
I like the cornucopia thing since i could get food from colombia without having to pay $2000 for a plane ticket, also if you could pick any flavor then i'd do some crazy combining to see what tastes the best.
Valencia 8th

Anonymous said...

Citrus Zinger Water Bottle
I would soo love this because im a big fan of ice cold lemon water and this just makes it so much easier and fresher than lemon juice

Anonymous said...

Citrus Zinger Water Bottle
I would soo love this because im a big fan of ice cold lemon water and this just makes it so much easier and fresher than lemon juice

Sydney Watson 8

Anonymous said...

I think the "See Your Toast" is probably one of the smartest things ever. Every morning is a constant struggle between having toast not toasted enough and having burnt toast. This would get rid of that problem and you could get toast exactly the way you like it without trial and error.

Maggie King, 8th

Anonymous said...

I like the sphere oven on the counter where she bakes the cake. She took it out and it already had candles that were lit and frosting.

Anonymous said...

I think the Koziol Unplugged coffee maker is so nice! It would be so easy to take it around the house and it gives a single serving of coffee which is great if there is only one person in the house that drinks coffee or if a person lives alone. That way you do not waste coffee and it will save money!! I love this!

Rogers Kelsey 8

Anonymous said...

I thought the smarter skewer was very odd because it looks like a comb. So, basically you're putting food on a comb.. that just seems really gross to me. I mean how could you eat food on something that looks like a hair comb?! ..eeek 0.o

Geetha Pokala,8th

Anonymous said...

I Like the coffee maker, it doesnt need to be plugged in but just add the powder and its all good to go! When i go and make my life and i have to settle for a little apartment, i can grab this to spare a power outlet and still have my addicting coffee :D

Landeros 8th

Anonymous said...

I like the Snow Cone Maker. With a Snow Cone Maker I can make Snow Cones for the Summer time.

Noriand Marrero 8th Period

Anonymous said...

I like the Koziol Unplugged Coffee Maker because of how you dont need to plug it in to an outlet. Its almost mobile, you can tae it almost anywhere you want and make coffee.
Alan Fuentes-8

Anonymous said...

I like the snow cone maker. I don't know when it's hot or cold in Texas, but when it is hot, I have something to cool myself off with. Defnitely won't go spending my money in a cone stand.

Santoyo, 8th

Anonymous said...

This two-slice toaster will be able to toast entire sandwiches, thanks to a clever modification to the toasting chamber that can expand by up to 2.3″ through a simple slide of the lever, and it will accommodate the included metal sandwich basket. I think that this is a great idea because i love toasters and sandwiches!
8th Period
Caymon Cowart

Anonymous said...

I like the 3-D Dinosaur Cookie Cutters! They make cool cookies and they look super delicioussss!

Coulston 8th PD

Anonymous said...

I like the Top Brewer for iPhone because it's just one more thing that we can control with our phones, making everything more connvenient.

Justin Wharton 8th

Anonymous said...

I really like those ice balls, they sit on the cup just nice. Those balls would really entertain me while i drink, but then again i always fear the bottom of the cup because the ice attacks my face and those balls would hurt if they smacked me in the face.

idalia antonio

Anonymous said...

i think the piiza cone maker thing is cool,. i waould love to eat a pizza cone tht looks like an icecream cone

Jay Coutee

Anonymous said...

The snow cone maker is my choice. Why? who doesn't like snow cones? on a hot summer day?

Cody Swink 8th

Anonymous said...

I chose the talking measuring cup. Although it is kind of stupid, i like the idea of having a measuring cup that talks to me!! i am very afraid of being alone, so any companion is nice. :)

Anonymous said...

^^^^ Faith Deckard
8th period :)