Monday, September 23, 2013

Blog 3 - September 23, 2013


This week we are continuing our theme of video game design / testing / other nerdy stuff.

I noticed in last week's article that one of the ways to work your way into the design world was to become a video game tester. Doesn't that sound like quite a life to have? Sit around all day long drinking caffeine and eating Cheetos, playing games and getting paid? Ahhhh . . .

In reality it's way more of a whipping than that. IF you get there early enough on any particular day to actually get a job.

Go here, read this. It's  still one of the best articles I've seen about video game testing.

As always, read today. Blog Thursday.

Edit: Tell me whether you'd want to do this job or not (after reading the article and becoming informed) and WHY. You must do both things to get credit.

Also? Two people blogged on Tuesday. Those entries were deleted. Please always READ MY WORDS (which specifically said not to blog on Tuesday).

Talk to me . . .


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to do this job. The pay isn't great, and it doesn't look like you actually get to play the games unless you're lucky.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to do this job. The pay isn't great, and it doesn't look like you actually get to play the games unless you're lucky.
McClanahan, 1st period

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want this job because it sounds boring. I couldn't plug and unplug for a whole day or test video games for a whole day.
Barrios, 1st period

Anonymous said...

I have always been interested in the video game job force. After reading the post, it made me think a little. But if I really wanted to work in the industry, and this was the best way to move up and get a god spot, I would do it. Plus I don't think every video game testing expierience will turn out the way it did for her.
Eason- 1st Period :D

Anonymous said...

This job isn't what i thought it was, the pay isn't as great, and you dont really even get to play games! Personally, I wouldn't want to work in this area.
Hallatschek 2nd

Anonymous said...

No, because its harder then it seems.
period 1 , jacorey

Anonymous said...

Me personally I would not like it, because seeing as you have to get there before everyone else and if you don't, you don't have a job.

Delagarza, 2nd period.

Anonymous said...

This job still seems easier than alot of other menial jobs out there.
Culpepper, 2nd period

Anonymous said...

I'd have to say i wouldnt want this job because gaming isnt something i've ever been a fan of and the pay and hours you can do arent al that good either.

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt want this job because the pay isnt much and because they want you all hogged up

Anonymous said...

I think the job would be fun but it doesn't sound consistent because everybody wants it as a job and its given to who ever shows up first so therefore I wouldn't want it
Conner Covington

Anonymous said...

i wouldnt want this job because its too much work being done and not enough pay given for the work,
johnson, 2nd

Anonymous said...

No,I wouldn't want to do this job. I'm just not a video gamer, I'd rather do something more important than sitting around playing games all day. It seems a little childish or immature to me. Playing video games doesn't seem like a real job to me.

Laronda Steadham, 2nd Period

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt want this job because the pay isnt much and because they want you all hogged up
Natepoleon Dynamite
2nd Period

Anonymous said...

No, im being used as a lab rat to test software.
Bennett, 2nd Period

Anonymous said...

No, im being used as a lab rat to test software.
Bennett, 2nd Period

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want this job. I probaly half of the time wouldn't know what i was doing I really don't play games. Second I wouldn't be able to sit there and pulg and unplug a cord all day.
Jones, 2nd Period

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't want this job because pay isn't too good and there'll be times when you spend eight hours turning off and on a machine.
Lopez, 2nd period

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want this job because it sounds like you would never be able to test the game because they just pick the first who are there, even if they arent signed up for it. Also because they don't get to play a agme all day, they have to try out software and other stuff that is irrevalent to any game
Irwin, 2nd period

Anonymous said...

This job doesn't sound so bad or hard, I wouldn't mind it if I had the time but it sounds very inconsistant, like for example, if someone gets to the job before you the offer is off the table. Personally this job would not be my first choice, i'd prefer a much better job.
Slide, 2nd period

Lanham said...


Heads up! If you don't answer both questions you won't get any credit for the blog this week.

Anonymous said...

Truthfully, I won't want to do this job because the pay isn't great and it doesn't look like you actually get to play the games useless you're lucky.
Wah, 7th

Anonymous said...

i would not do this job. the pay is not good and a whole bunch of wierd guys would work there. you dont even get to play the games that much.
denton 7th

Anonymous said...

i would want to do this job because i like playing video games

Anonymous said...

I would not want this job at all because I want a job where I'm actually active... (LE)

It's a cool concept, like "Oh hey you're a video game designer, you must love that job" lolno

Not happening anytime in this life

-Zach, 7th PD

Anonymous said...

i honestly wouldn't want this job the job isn't secure enough and also if your even a minute late it's more likelly your position has already been taken and you have been replaced.

-Cano 7th

Anonymous said...

I would not like to have this job because you do more maintenance testing on consoles than actually plaing video games and if you aren't on time for your designated shift then they give away your shift to the next person in line.

Your Favorite Mexican, 7th Period

Anonymous said...

i would not like to do this job for the reasons of not liking video games as much as others do and the unlikelyness of myself knowing whats wrong with them. to me video games are just another way of wasting social time. therefore i wouldnt want this job
taylor walker, 7th period

Anonymous said...

In reality according to this article 6 years ago i wouldn't shifts sound to much trouble to even begin with too much of a hassel just above the wage also not to great but that was 6 years ago.

-Roland- 7th Period

Anonymous said...

i would not like this job i dont play lots of games..

7th p chance madrigal

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I have not been into games nor have i really gotten into it. If i was, this would be something i didn't expcect. I would have to say no, i would not want this job.
Garcia 7th pd

Anonymous said...

i wouldnt like to have this job because if you really dont get to play them what is the point andf the pay is not the greatest
kevin sanchez

Anonymous said...

I think its unacceptable that the failure rate is so high for Xbox 360

Carlos, 7th period

Anonymous said...

No I wouldn't want to do this as a job. I don't really like the pay and you basically get payed for being fat and lazy.
Wright, 7th Period

Anonymous said...

no i wouldnt do this job because u dont get payed as much an it sound borining to do all day

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to do this job in the first place, but after reading the article it's a definite never. I don't enjoy most video games, and simulator sickness sounds like something I would suffer from within the first ten minutes of a shift. The pay would have to be a WHOLE lot better for me to even think about considering it.

Sorry to all the gamers i offended.

S.Walker 7th

Anonymous said...

I have always wanted to be a video game design and after reading this article, I don't think it changes that.
Teal, 7th Period

Anonymous said...

I would not like to work in this job because they want you to test video games for a small amount of money.
Venegas, 7th period

Anonymous said...

I would not want to have that job, because the pay is not enough.

Carlos, 7th

Anonymous said...

I think if I really wanted to get into the gaming industry and get some experience I would do it. Other than that I wouldn't bother with it.
Cody Langley 8th peroid

Anonymous said...

i wouldnt like it because i woulnt want to sit there all day playing video games.
Sweat, 8th Period

Anonymous said...

Honestly i would not want the job , because frist off i can bearly type and secondly i don't like messing with electronics for hours at a time because i'm personally scared i will cause an electric surge and fry myself.(i've been shocked before,its not fun)
D'Andre 8th period

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't take the job.. it doesnt seem like a great pay plus im not really all into vedio games.
Margie Cerda, 8th period

Anonymous said...

I would not like to have this job because you do more maintenance testing on consoles than actually plaing video games and if you aren't on time for your designated shift then they give away your shift to the next person in line, and it isn't secure enough and also if your even a minute late it's more likelly your position has already been taken and you have been replaced.

-Castro- 8th period

Anonymous said...

As much as I like video games I would not want the job because it does not pay enough money to keep me happy.
Cold, 8th Period

Anonymous said...

Because it doesn't sound worth wasting time and you aren't evern sure you will have the job the next day.
Cody Langley 8th peroid

Anonymous said...

I would do it, because even if the pay is bad i still want to be in this profession sa i can have some expeience in the industry.
Gipson, 8th Period

Anonymous said...

I might take this job if I need a few quick bucks, but I'd definitely avoid doing it for an extended period of time.
Harley, 8th

Anonymous said...

yea actually would like to test video games and get pay
Justin Ferguson 8th

Anonymous said...

Though in the long run, this job would be utterly dreadful due to the monotony and lack of mental stimulation, I find that as a small-time job acquired simply to bridge the gap between 'real' jobs, it would be a preferable alternative to working at McDonalds or other such jobs.

Kwiatkowski, Eighth Period

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want this job because it's so hard to actually get a chance to play the games unless you're really lucky.
Labbit, 1st period

Anonymous said...

I would not want to do this job becaiuse there is the chance that you could show and they wouldnt even need you to work and you would have to turn around and just go home and its not that great of a paycheck.
T-Dawg/Thumann 8th period

Anonymous said...

after reading this i would not like to do it
so you get paid by the amount of time you spend playing, but your able to loose your job to somone who took your spot 30 minutes before you got there
no thanks

Ben Blough 8th

Anonymous said...

Labbit, 8th*

Anonymous said...

I'd avoid this job because it's cheap labour for a not-so great job going through games and software looking for bugs and glitches.
Harley, 8th (continued)

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want this job, because I would go insane turning a console on and off for hours.
Taylor 8th period

Anonymous said...

I Would Love This Job !!' I Sit Around The House Playing Call Of Duty Anyways !' Just Don't Get Paid . -.-
The Pay Is Not All Great But The Expereince Is Worth My While .'
Ikner, 8th Period

Anonymous said...

I would not want to have job like this.The pay doesn't seem good, its just something personally I would not want to do.
Hill, 2nd period

Anonymous said...

I probably wouldn't want this job. I was thinking it would give me good insight into what makes a good video game, when really it's just an occupation with very harsh work hours and unsatisfactory wages.
-Oliver, 1st period

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to have this job because the salary that they recieve isn't as much as I would want to recieve and I don't think I would highly enjoy playing games all day for this particular job.
Heyn, 1st period

brooks-2 said...

(I found that video game testers job is really not like it would seem. The time it consumes and the frustration it seems to cause is definitely not something I would want 2 do. I always thought of this job as kind of a blow off job really, but now I have changed my mind.) Not much has changed in my views of this job how ever, i do now think that it could be a cool way to spend a weekend. just wanted to say hi Mrs. L and your still going down in history as my favorite teacher miss your class!

Unknown said...

Its pretty funny to see the the red bull being given to thgen intraveinously.
I would definatly be interested in this job. If you want something thats worth-while, you need to start from the bottom, up. In any industry. And being a video game tester gives you that diving board to jump right in, to the chaos that is the gameing industry, full of sharks and guppies. Testing games helps you view this world, like as if you were in s shark cage. You get to decide early on whether this might be for you, or if you're just wasteing ur time.
I think i might like to be a game developer, turning all the cool ideas i have for games into reality. Heck, it might even be kinda fun.

Carrasco Nelly 8th prd


Thank you very much for your post.Its pretty interesting. I appreciate your blogs and look forward for your next blog.