Sunday, September 14, 2008

Discussion 2 - 09/15/08

Hi Folks! Thanks for logging in. I hope you guys are enjoying having our discussion in this online format. I know I am. Please remember that as always, discussions are either a 0 or a 100 in my class. Make sure you are advancing the discussion.

Please check out this link:

It's an article from msnbc regarding technology that would allow us to control hurricanes. I thought this would be a good time for this particular discussion, as we are all cleaning up from Hurricane Ike.

At this house, we are weather nerds. Does this suprise any of you? LOL. Mr. L's Christmas prezzie last year was a professional weather station, including an annonometer (which measures wind direction and speed). I can hear your eyes rolling in your heads as you read that! Anyway, we're all about the weather and the technology that has to do with predicting it.

Please tell me what you think about any of the methods mentioned in the article for controlling hurricanes. Do you think any of them would work? Have you heard of any other possible methods that weren't mentioned in the article? Do you think this will ever work, or is it just a fantasy to think we could control the weather?

Talk to me . . .


Cole,R-1 said...

Okay, that was interesting sorta, but most of those theories on how to stop Hurricanes, sound just as bad as the articles makes them out to be.
I doubt any of them would work and if by chance one of them did the cost wouldn't be worth it.

I think we MIGHT be able to control weather in the future, but at the moment it's just a fantasy that we as Humans hope to make a reality.

I know, right?!? said...

technically, we are already controlling the weather. there is a place in china that shoots ions [or something of the sort] into the sky. the ions [or whatever] draw moisture and create cloud cover and rain and such.

Ashley Manis said...

Those methods all sound pretty interesting, but not very probable for our time period. I think we have more luck with Super Man turning the Earth the other way to turn back time. :D

murillo, j - 1 said...

I am ready

murillo, j - 1 said...

The hurricane Ike was bad because it drop many trees and it was raining hard and the lights went out and it was a bad hurricane.

Thompson,O-1 said...

yeah the giant fan sounds good. the nuclear warhead would end up being worse that that huricane it destroyes.

the government should make some project like "project stormfury" and it can go horribly wrong and then it can be made into a movie =D im getting off topic.

uhh i think that the fan would work the best.

but we should actualy work in the other direction and make "hurricane proof houses" and "tree rissistance power wires".
that would be the cheapest and realistice method.

Rigsby,D-1 said...

Dude, The stuff in the articles sound very bad. Taking a big fan to stop a hurricane,come on now a fan. In the future maybe in fact i heard that China control the weather some how i dont know how i get back with you about this but maybe we(usa) can find out.

Tri-Edge said...

I really like the idea of controlling hurricanes but it would cost too much and won't be much help if it fails. I don't like the idea of using nukes to destroy them because it might cause more harm than the hurricane would have.

I've always like the idea of having giant fans blowing away storms, but after reading this I realize that it probably wouldn't be possible.

I know one day we will have the technology to controll hurricans but presently we don't.

On a semi-related note I hope they don't name a hurricane after Chuck Norris.

mcgown,a-1 said...

It would be really cool if we could controll the weather, and stop destructive storms, but I dont see that being possible.(or at least not in my life time). Yes bad storms are not what we want but they are naturally occuring and I feel that trying to controll them is the equivalent to trying to take the place of God. I think the easiest thing to do would be to continue to try and make better predictions about the weather. We cant stop the storms but we can try and be better prepared.

Calderon,A-1 said...

some methods sound good but i think NONE of them will work because Hurricanes are natural they are not human made, so i think that NONE of the methods will work unless that the hurricane is not that bad so they can controll it.

arriola,brett-1 said...

the stuff in teh artical is horrible if u droped a warhead on a huriccan, then u would have a radioactive hurrican. i heard that china can already make it rain or something like that but for now thats all we can do. maybe in teh future we will be able to control teh weather but for now rain is all they have come up with.

Broadway,M-1 said...

The methods that the people have come up with are how you say very interesting. I don't believe the ideas wounld. The Chinese that some technology that can control the weather are is on the lines of it.

Liles, T-1 said...

Ha, this is crazy and interesting but very unreal. How about instead of trying to come up with ways of preventing a hurricane, we set some realistic faster methods of evacuation, making buildings and structures better at with standing the force of a hurricane, and faster disaster relief.

rodriguez,stephen-1 said...

I dont think we ever fully control weather or hurricanes for that matter. But as "i know, right" is telling the true about the chinese shoot ions into the air to control it. To me, I dont really believe that we can fully control a hurricane because nature always finds a way out of mankinds hands.

martines,j-1 said...

i think that many of the things in this article aren't very good but some could be possible. like cooling the oceans with icebergs that might work but we will need a lot of icebergs to do that and it could risk rasing the water levels and flooding the shores of florida. so maybe some time in the future we will be able to stop a hurricane

chanelectronic said...

ugh.. right...
leaving off with Mr. Thompson said - hurricane proof homes are a good idea - and an actually possiblity. I remember when i was living in South Carolina, there was a woman who acutally built a hurricane proof house. It's just a matter of choosing a thicker, sturdier wood.

the fan thing - seriously?

brittain,w-2 said...

I highly doubt we can control hurricanes with theories/technology, since hurricanes are unpredictable because they tend to change directions at the last minute but something like this will always happen no matter what....

reed, k - 2 said...

I don't think that by trying to blow the hurrican away with a fan would be the best method.It seems like it would only make it stronger. I think we should have maybe a wall are somthing to gaurd the oceans so the hurricans won't get out.

allensworth, z-2 said...

i do not believe it is possible to control or change the actions or course a hurricane will take...they're an act of nature which means they can be unpredictable and to whatever they want.....unless we know EXACTLY what it was going then we can't alter it and since it is apt to changeing at the last second we have no control

packard,a-2 said...

this is so rediculous that it is not even funny!! we will never be able to use these crackpot ideas that a male obviously dreamed of after watching a week long marathon of looney tunes re-runs!! you can not control a hurricane with a big fan, or hall a ice burg to florida these ideas are stupid and will never even be thought of agian, hopefully!! maybe if we were to come up with something that wasnt so crazy and dumb then we could get somewhere. but until then we cant control the weather.

mayfield,s-1 said...


Johnson,O-2 said...

I know that the weather can be just a little destructive, but I think with all this Global Warming thing still as the main issue, that also messing with the weather is not such a good idea. You can't just stop everything that is natural because it's inconvenient like death, birth, Global Warming, gays, and a bad marriage .That's not how it works. Some things are meant to be, even if you don't like the outcome. So I think that all the ideas mentioned are all stupid even if they work.

payne, j - 3 said...

If we were able to control hurricanes, that would be great for multiple reasons. Saving lives and saving money is good, but it sounds a lot harder than that article made it out to be. To stop 150 mph winds that has a circumfernce of a couple hundred miles, that would be tough. Also, those ideas that were on that blog were incredibly dumb and distasterous. Still, if we could come up with a way to control hurricanes, that would be benificial, just dont think it would be that easy.

Hernandez, Ruben 3rd said...

I think that none of the ideas mention on the article would work because it just make no sense..maybe we can find a way int he future..but its a long time from now..

Dietrich,R-3 said...

Most of the ideas I think wouldn't work but I would enjoy to see the nuclear bomb one in action. But if they did work it would (like they said) cost too much for a little thing. But while reading the article I thought of an idea of my own, just dump a ton of grape kool-aid (because grape is the best flavor) into the huracane and people would just drink all of the huracane up. The only problem then is the wind.

Kellerman,R-3 said...

I highly doubt that we will ever be able to control weather/hurricanes. There are still too many unknown factors to these big storms. I agree with the bottom of the article when it says we should just up the building codes, have more storm education. We should be more prepared, have better evacuation plans. Build evacuation centers for people who have to leave. Have a charity or government pension to feed these evacuees. We need to take these storms more seriously. To me, they are an act of God, and as such, there is no way we could ever control them.

Gonzalez, C-1 said...

I really think and highly doubt we will ever have any methods of controlling natures fury. I mean there will always be repercussions as to all of the proposals that they say. The whole absorbant powder stuff. If it actually works, were do you think the powder will fall. Were is it supposed to go. It doesn't just dissappear. The cost of a project like that would put a huge finacial toll on the economy for to little of an actual effect. As well as the fact that depending on the hurricane, it could be bolstering 150mph winds or higher. You could only imagine tornadoes and tidal waves. The best that I think we can do if take preventive measures and build more secure and sturdier buildings that can withstand

och,s-4 said...

Although this article is rather interesting, I think it is pretty dumb to think that we can fully take on the weather. Predicting it is one thing, but stopping it from creating major storms?! I don't believe that is possible. Some things are not meant to be messed with and I don't think we will ever be able to prevent things like hurricanes and tornados.

Auxier, Emily - 4 said...

Im a firm christian.. not saying that anyone has to agree with me - thats why this is my comment, but anyone can think of a way to stop a hurricane and it can be tested. It will work, or it wont, but in my opinion, God will do what he wants to do. If he wants there to be a hurricane, then it happens for a reason. Its all up to him =D

Abdul-786 said...

i don't think we ever will be able to control the weather because its not in our hands its GOD's job we should let GOD do it we should'nt worry about it because its not our thing!!!

Brice, R-4 said...

I think the possibility of controlling a hurricane right now is impossible.

Giant fans? Theres no way that some super sized fans are going to be able to blow back a hurricane, thats just going to be a waste of the taxpayers money.

A nuke? What the heck were people thinking when they thought of that as a solution? All that would do is maybe stop the hurricane only to cause a huge radioactive disaster in the ocean. If it didn't work all it would do is make the hurrican radioacte...which would not be good.

Maybe in the future, a hundred years or more later we might have the technology to stop a hurricane. For now though we will just have to keep thinking on how to.

borerw-4 said...

before this artical I'd never even heard of trying to control a huffican. I think the methods they came up with sounded more fantasy like then real possiblities.trying to control the weather with fans sounds like it would do more harm than good.I think this artical sounds like a joke, but thats just me.

allensworth, d4 said...

I'd have to agree with Mrs. Auxer's comment.... God flooded New Orleans despite the man-made levies....he sank the Titanic and he burned Sadam and Gamora.... if He feels that there is wrong being done then he will punish the wrong doers one way or another and nothing can stop Him.

allensworth, d4 said...

I'd have to agree with Mrs. Auxer's comment.... God flooded New Orleans despite the man-made levies....he sank the Titanic and he burned Sadam and Gamora.... if He feels that there is wrong being done then he will punish the wrong doers one way or another and nothing can stop Him.

wallace,c-6 said...

i know that peaople have come out with all kinds of new technology these days, but i still dont believe you can control mother nature, just leave that up to the big man.

Meredith,B-6 said...

some of that stuff is the stupidest stuff ive ever heard of i mean its interesting but most of the ideas were down right retarded........i mean whether control MIGHT be something that could be devoloped but a nuke isnt going to help any

Maness, J-6 said...

Every idea mentioned in that article of how to get rid of hurricanes was stupid. We've already screwed with nature enough as it is, so i think that we should just let certain things happen, such as natural disasters. We are reaching the point that we are trying to alter natural disasters in one way or another, which is unnatural. The best thing to do is just let these things happen and clean up after them instead of coming up with ridiculous ideas. a giant fan?

Sauceda, Maria=]- 6 said...

I think using those methods would only make it worse especially the nuclear warhead!!..The only one i think would work is praying, that can kinda of help. This ideas sound crazy and almost impossible to use.

Cuarenta,A-6 said...

mmm...yea i think those people who came up wit those "methods" have a lot of free time on their hands....i say we leave the weather alone! and let nature take its course

Bixler,T-6 said...

I think we will never ever be able to control the weather.
no I havent heard of any other proposals.
Maby the idea will work I really dont think it will because there is no plan strong enough to get close to drop the powder.

Copeland, Juston7 said...

i think that almost anything is possible these days. whether it is from nuclear bombs to giant fans if the hurricane is strong enough where they know it will cause bunch of damage they will get the job done no matter the method of how it gets done so no i dont think it is fantasy

Trikosko, M-1 said...

We will never be able to control something as big as a hurricane, at least not in my lifetime. Most of those ideas would cost too much, just let the hurricane come and spend the money on repairs instead. Maybe some day, but not today.

Morgan,R-7 said...

well, those are intersting about how to stop the hurricanes, yes i think it would be control the hurricanes in the furture. but the hurricanes are no good at all but it mostly bad weather much as bad than others weather on planet. But the Hurricanes Ike pretty bad more becasue those got sound angry that is 3 in 1 hurricane that what i heard about but it is so HUGE HURRICANE cause the many trees dowm but it destoryed my barn and the tree fell on my house electric line, it is so bad oh well but i hope they can controlling the hurricanes!!!!

cano,ruben-7 said...

I think that the methods mentioned in the article might not work or that they are not to safe.

-maybe in some near future we might be able to stop or even prevent hurricanes-

arnold,t/7th said...

The hurricans ike was bad because it made the trees drop & the lights were off.

And i dont think that we can control the hurrican because it might get more harm then it was before.

Lopez, M-1~☺ said...

I don't see why these people are creating these crackpot ideas. We will probably never be able to control nature in our life time here. It's a big possibility in the near future, but just not now.

-I think they are trying to destroy the world.

McCorvey,T-1 said...

Well,i think that all the articles of how we can stop hurricanes is out of the question.Because God is the only person who can control everyday life.

taylor, Q - 6 said...

there goals sound a lil more dangerous than the hurricane...and insane there looney

tutt,matthew said...

We should not use destructive ways,like nuclear wepons, to control weather, but find ways to avert disaster from happening

villanueva, manuel, N. 1 said...

I think the methods are crazy.And no, i do not think these methods would work.And I have not heard of any other methods, and yes I think in future we will be able to control the weather, but not in my lifetime.

Anonymous said...

A couple facts so far:
1. We have not been able to prevent rain, just create it (We have been doing that for years).
2. Superman died... sorry to bust y'all's bubble.

The bomb idea would be interesting, but uhhhh… why does it have to be a nuclear bomb? Let’s try a regular bomb first. One that goes boom.

The fan might just fuel the hurricane if not put at the proper angle.

And the slick on the water would just make an oily hurricane, I think.

These ideas that were given are all just ideas that were probably thought of while brainstorming. This just shows that our scientists and developers HAVE been trying to find a better way to prevent hurricanes or control damage. Steps have already been taken to control damage. Some of their ideas sound like what I would come up with in 5th grade when my friends and I were making stuff up saying “what if, what if, what if”. I doubt that without a whole lot of effort or a revised idea that any of the given ideas would work. Future technologies will eventually aide us in defending our self against Mother Nature.

allensworth, d4 said...

the use of spider silk never ceases to amaze me.... ive heard of it being used for body armour and even one day being used for structures in place of steel, but never to replace bones.... i hate spiders but apparently they are pretty amazing in what they do...