Sunday, September 28, 2008

Discussion 4 - 9/29/08

Hi Folks! Thanks for logging in!

After last week's blog you know I love to read. Sadly, I don't really get a lot of time to read for pleasure anymore because I'm working on my Master's degree. For some crazy reason, those professors just keep assigning work that I *actually* have to spend time working on.

(Insert long heavy sigh here)

So I'm for any technology that makes reading for pleasure easier. You know how we've been hearing for years about how books will be delivered in an electronic format? Well, that time is now. Here's a link to the CNET review of Amazon's new KINDLE, which is an amazing gadget really.

It allows you to download books from Amazon (and other sources) for less than it costs to buy the hardcopy version. Using the Kindle you can also subscribe to whatever daily newspapers you like and when you wake up in the morning they are loaded up and waiting for you. It's like magic . . . 'cept it's not. It's wireless.

I'm really thinking hard about this gadget. Would I *really* use it as much as I think I would? Could I possible justify the $300 price tag? If I hold on another year will it be much cheaper / significantly improved? Can I get "lost" in this thing like I can in a book? You know what I mean . . . where the whole world falls away and the characters and stories are the only thing in existence. I just don't know.

So I want you guys to read up on it. Feel free to look at other reviews too. Tell me if it would make you want to read more? Tell me if it's worth the money? Tell me if you think we're going to leave books behind altogether as we move towards this electronic gadgetry?

Talk to me . . .

P.S. Maybe one day one of these bad boys will appear in the form of a Mother's Day prezzie or something. Beth . . . honey . . . are you reading Mommy's blog this week? LOLOL


chanelectronic said...

WOAH. Thats pretty spiffy! So here goes:

Uhm More or less, you're asking if its worth the price? Yes and No. I mean you wouldn't have to buy EVER single document you wanted to read that is on Amazon.. but it's not internet friendly, and what if Amazon doesn't have the said book, periodical that you would wanted? (but what book doesn Amazon have? Futhermore, isn't that a copy right law or something to not pay royalites to that printing company?)
But it is a definent movement in increasing literature for the nation. Maybe they will post these in education enviroments, rather than the expenses of buying multiple copies of books (that could be damaged, or stolen) for the libraries. And the fact that it's like a smaller read-only computer, would make it more fun and accepting to children to read.

I personally couldn't get lost in books unless they are formatted in a electronic version. Who knows- maybe in a year, they will have added a backlight.

Cole,R-1 said...

I agree this is the future for books, but This wouldn't make me want to read more. I already love to read, and as much as would enjoy actually owning one. The reality is that I probably would end up grabbing the actually copy of the book over the electronic version. There is a since of accomplishment in holding a book and feeling the pages in your right hand decrease as the pages in your left hand increase.

I heard about the Kindle, a few weeks before it was released, and my first reaction was "I must have one", but then I thought about it and decided I still wouldn't mind owning one, but for now I'm sticking with an actually hardback copy of a book.

As Chanel said, I would love to see this used in an educational type of environment, but how that would be implemented would be hard. What if some one broke the kindle they were using that's a $300 replacement cost unless it could be repaired for less.

The day we move to electronic literature is the day, I miss the printed literature.

mcgown,a-1 said...

Honestly it will he a while before books will be absolutely obsloete. Even though in todays world an electronic device is practical for such matters. i dont think there is not a 100% possibility of this happening for a while due to the fact that there are so many books that are not electronically stored. As far as using this device to read things such as the daily paper or to store and read newer books I dont think it would be a bad idea. It may be an good thing to buy, especially for avid readers who have a thing for electronic devices.

och,s-4 said...

This is an interesting gadget. I saw it advertised on the home page of Amazon one day when I was looking for stuff and I thought it was pretty interesting. However, I am almost getting tired of electronics taking over every aspect of our lives. I love love love to read. I am always sad when I don't have enough time to start a book or finish one that I have already started. And even though it may seem like you are toting around too much stuff, I like having a book in hand. I guess I'm just weird like that. I don't think it is a necessary item. It is quite expensive and I'm not going to buy something that will further submerge me into the technological world - anymore than I already am.

murillo, j - 1 said...

Technology is used when you are using devices like cd players cell phones, and computers. Technology can be used by listening to music playing games on the computer and talking to your friends.

Ashley Manis said...

To me, I'd rather stick witht the book. It sounds like its still got a long way to go. The webrowsing isn't free and its in black and white (not fun). It also has no black light, so your basically paying $300 for a thing to store your books on to read it where you would read your books.

My upmost favorite thing about this device is that you can upload your stories and such for purchase on amazons site. Thats a stupendous feature and its great for upcoming artist who want/need to be published.

For now, I'd rather stick with the old fashioned book. When they add a blacklight and some color, I'll consider getting one. But hey, its whatever you want. If your willing to pay all that money and its whats easiest for you, go ahead and get it... I want to see one :P

martines,j-1 said...

i think that its a good idea to have an electronic reader, but not every is able to afford it. So for now most people would be happy with a book, maybe some time in the future when the prices go down books will be a thing of the past,there are just too many books, and it will be a while before books arnt being copied on paper anymore

lathan,l-1 said...

Yes if you wnat to pay the price for it. I would get it but that me if you realy want to use it and if its worth the money, why know from what I saw it looks realy nice. It looks very nice and very very good use so what i say if you realy wnat it get. i'm looking for me one but the one i use now it works realy well. So take a chance and make your self happy because i know i would get it.I bet you it hold up save things for a long time to but yea you should get it.

McCorvey,T-1 said...

I think that books are great to read to feed your mind on education that you will need throughout life,but i don't think people will start using books for electronic devices,Because their are too many technology devices like the Internet to tell us about the world today.

Calderon,A-1 said...

Those electronic readers seems good because you can carry hundreds of books in just one piece of equipment, but at the same time is bad because they are really expensive and you will be really upset if you lose it. i love books but in this case i will be stuck if i have to choose a book or "electronic book" because i want to read all those books but i do not want to lose hundreds of dollars if i lose that electronic reader.

Tri-Edge said...
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Tri-Edge said...

whoa selling digital copies of books whats next? I don't think this is a good idea because its just one less reason to go out side. Think about it, our lives are getting more dependent on technology and the more that happens the more likely we will cut off the need for meeting people at a specific place.

Next thing that will probably be invented is a device that can warp in food directly to your stomech that was bought online just seconds ago.

Pretty soon we will have robot lovers and then hummanity will nolong need each other as it slowly dies out leaving the omish people to live and take over the world and destroy our technilogical devices because they would see them as satan's devices.

ok I got a little off topic but still soon we will lose all reason to leave the safety and comfort of our homes if technology keeps advancing the way it is. 1st hundreds if not thousands of books in the palm of your hand then we will have food delivered right to our stomechs in forms of a pill.

Gilbreath,J-1 said...

A computer the size of a paperback novel that allows you to download, for a price, and read just about any book, if you can find the book...I don't really read 'normal' books anymore. Nowadays, I just go to a site that lets me read Japanese comics called 'manga', for free.

However, if I had to get a KINDEL, I think it best to wait a few years, so it grows cheaper, and so that the company who makes it can give it upgrades if needed. Definitely wait a few years, Mrs. L. Then get one. Until then, just buy the actual book, if ya can find it.

Baker,M-1 said...
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Baker,M-1 said...
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Driver,K- 2 said...

I agree that these that these electric books should be the books of the future. I believe that the Kindle book probably would make students want to read more. Its a good idea and a differnt way to read. I heard different schools are moving to the Kindle 4 books and i think we should also. I don't know why i just think we should

Baker,M-1 said...

So basically its a mp3p player but for books? Awesome. I wouldn't waste 300 dollars unless I have 3000 books (which could happensoon -_-;) It seems like a bit of a waste of money. And what if you lose it. The thats 300 dollars plus downloads down the drain instead of like $20.

reed, k - 2 said...

I think the Kindle is worth the price and I think that it would make reading more funer for peolpe who don't care to much about it. The school should start using it maybe people would do better in their english class when it comes time to read.

brittain,w-2 said...

that would be pretty cool, but i doubt i will end up getting one, much less use it since i barely have time to read nowadays

but if they could integrate it into educational uses that would be pretty awesome but the problem is how they would integrate it with educational uses because most of the devices in school are becoming obsolete

mayfield,s-1 said...

I would like to get it just to be getting it or just to find out what else it can store and do. Cause I like high tech stuff. It would be good for people who love to read books.

packard,a-2 said...

i am for the kindle, i am a reader and i spend a bizillion dollars on books. this would also take up more space than all of the books i read!! plus this would be very nifty (yes i said that) in college when your books are $300 a pop! i think im gonna ask for it for my b-day in 18 days (oct.17!!!) so i just wish that the price goes down or my parents see the good of all of this.

Johnson,O-2 said...

I think it's pretty cool but... I hate staring at a screen for a long time, you know? Like when you've been on the computer for hours? You say that the price is expensive but everything is when it first comes out just like VCRs and now their pretty cheap! But...I kinda like having a book so you can just sit there and look at your collection. I would LOVE to have a collection like the one on Beauty and The Beast, I mean WOW! So I'm kinda bias and you can share books too and stuff so yeah I kinda like the book better then the movie ;>

Dietrich,R-3 said...

I think that its a good idea for 10 to 50 $$ but I dont really think it would sell at all because its 300$ but still its a very good idea. I think in the next few years it will be in color and have full internet and more advance stuff in it. Personaly I would never get it because I don't like books... peroid. Books are boring if they are not interesting and most books are not really interesting to me. Bottem line they need to lower the price and make it more advance. Thats the two things that keep the world spinning today.

robles,l-3 said...

to tell you the true i would never buy one. im not a heavy reader. i do belive that its going to be in the futer. the price is a little high for just books. you can just go and buy the books for a less price. but it would be worth it if you use it every day. it is up to you to decide.

Kellerman,R-3 said...

It's an enteresting idea. It will still be a long time before books become obsolete. The electronic book, either SONY or AMAZON would make reading a lot easier. One of my friends is taking nothing but Pre-AP and AP classes, with a textbook for each that she has to haul around. If the schools would get electronic books, then each student could have one electronic book, with all the schools textbooks available for them. It would really help my friend, who has a ton of books.
It depends on the person, weither or not they would read more or not. If the person has no enjoyment or understanding of books, then they still wont in this newer version of reading. But if you do read a lot, and enjoy it, then having only one compact "book" to carry around and that you can access all the books on it just about anywhere, then it might make them more likely to read when they wouldn't if it were a book book.

allensworth, d4 said...

im not going to lie and say that its not cool, cause being able to dowload a book is pretty neat....but i dont think that it will be the same as reading a normal, hardback book....just downloading a new release doesnt have the same affect as waiting in line for 3hours for the midnight release....the feeling of FINALLY being able to turn the page and continue with the story wont be available.....a story is the same whether you have a book or a Kindle but the experience of reading that story just wont be the same

edwards, a - 4 said...

Phenomenal. I did not know you can download books from the internet! Do you have to pay a small fee for them? Eh, probably so. The Kindle looks cool though. The good thing about it is I don't have to worry about your books being damaged because I spilled milk over it. I wanna buy it but I bet it's pretty expensive. SO I'll stick with the paperback books.

borerw-4 said...

This sounds so cool, but i'm a book nut. The good thing about it is that you can get any book from it. but i like regular books to, but sometimes i can't find certin ones and thats the cool thing about the KINDLE. The 400$ is alot but it would be worth it.

Campbell,A-4 said...

It is pretty neat for colloge and Highschool students and even Schools should invest into the Kindle because it will pay for itself. Though there are some drawbacks due to the Price color problems and no flashplayer. But I think it will pay for its self in due time

garrett,k-4 said...


Brice, R-4 said...

This idea is pretty interesting. However i could only see this being used by hardcore readers. I don't know about most people but I only read a few series and buying a 300$ gadget would be way to much for me. If you like to read a lot of books then i suppose this device is good for you. However i do agree with epps c-1 when they say it won't be as much as a sense of accomplishment

Auxier, Emily - 4 said...

Now that I think of it - your right. The time for this creation is near. Everything gets more and more high-tech every second. I dont know how much I would use it. none of us do really until we actually use it. The price? It will go down in time. It always does. Im not much of a reader. But maybe this will change my mind =)

morrow,k-4 said...

Well it surely isn't the worlds prettiest little device but hey it's pretty friggin cool at the same time. The size and weight of books are a totale pain so making it more compact deffinately makes it choice.

As for not being able to get caught up in an elctronic book the same way as a hardback copy, well whats it matter if it's in a different format? The words still look the same and still read out the exact same imformation.

I would love to see it used in schools but with the way alot of people are would it really be a good idea? I mean ipods and cell phones are frquently stolen from kids in schools. Thats probably the only time the heavy weight of the book has a positive side because lazy people like me wouldn't want to bother to lift the heavy things.

Like any other elctronic device with time comes less price and vass improvements. A backlight would be just awsome too!

Meredith,B-6 said...

Well it's a really interesting idea but it has its pro's and con's a pro is like for example one of my friend has to haul a bunch of textbooks around all the time but if she had this electronic book itd be a lot easier for her...but also it takes away the good old fashion liturater like book like books would all be on memory cards instead of ink and paper.....but like i said its a interesting idea

Abdul-786 said...

i don't think it would make me reak any more than i read now. the design of the book is ok i don't think a lot of people will buy it becuase of the cost its pretty expensive. younger people might leave the paper books behind but older people migh not.

wallace,c-6 said...

well, thats pretty sweet, but i belive that nothing will make me enjoy reading more, i dont care what the words are on, its still reading to me. but it may inspire some people to read more who knows. say i did happen to like reading though, that would be a serious handy device, and probably a good way to save money for in the future.

Cuarenta,A-6 said...

well it sounds cool if you really do like to read for pleasure but if you dont just stick to the public library!
and then you would have to pay $359!!!???????
all am sayin is that it best have a like 10 year warranty because i would not want to pay any more for repairs!!!
on the other hand you wouldnt have to carry all those textbooks around...and they would be cheaper...hmmmm and college is not tooo far offf.....

Bixler,T-6 said...

Thats pretty darn cool
I think it would been a lot easier to read for fun and easier for collages to they only have to download the books and dont have to carry all those books around

Sauceda, Maria=]- 6 said...

HMM!!.. Reading is something I rarely do for fun. If i did read ALOT i would consider buying it because it would save me money in books and the features it has. The thing i really like is that you would only have to carry one thing instead of tons of heavy books. I'll just have to see if i really need it but for now I'm doing good without it. OH yeah!! We would be saving trees!!

Maness, J-6 said...

It depends on the person whether a Kindle would be more or less expensive in the long run. The kindle costs about $400 and if each book at a store costs, lets say, about $24, and the cost of the book on a Kindle is about $10, a person would have to buy over 29 books for the Kindle to be less expensive then buying books directly. I myself don't read a whole lot, so a Kindle is useless to me, but for a person who plans on reading over 29 books, a Kindle is well worth the money

Morgan,R-7 said...

umm those are worth the price but those are cool but you dont have to pay anythid but they can be possiable be good educational for you that what i did thinking about while i reading those but if Amazon didnt said about the book why shoul we buying or have it for what and thre no helping you or do reading the newspaper whatever you wanna to!! I really like read this i think it is intresting =)

lee, s - 7 said...

I do! I want to learn from my uncle. I want to buy to my new computer. what kind of computer do I want? but i want to learn and how do that differnt kind from my uncle. I really learn that $300 is much money. I think it will different.

Lopez, M-1~☺ said...

The KINDLE does seem tempting to some people but I think we should just stay with books for the moment. Really people, technology is controling our minds and will continue to draw us further into our own little world. Secluded and alone. Besides, I think Amazon just wants to show off what they can do like what Sony has done, but better. Sorry, but they kind of failed to me. Either way, sticking to the books we have now is fine, but the KINDLE could be used for old textbooks and stuff like that.

Trikosko, M-1 said...

This might be good if you have to buy lots of books, but right now the technology is to expenisve. I don't read a lot so I wouldn't buy one, but if you're a nerd like Mrs. L then maybe you want it. At first I was saying that I prefer reading off of paper because screens can hurt my eyes after a while, but it seems to be easy on the eyes.

Copeland, Juston7 said...

yes i think it would make me read more but the cost of the kindle and the books is still too much well in the case of e-books and regular books i dont think there is much a difference. to me its just like reading off of the computer but i do like how it is kind of like an mp3 player and has wireless internet but if you could surf the internet or play games on it then i think it would be worth what it is. but in the end i dont think i will leave books behind

allensworth, z-2 said...

i will have to agree with my brother on this one (even though the boy barely even knows how to read!!).........reading a screen, no matter how cleverly designed, is not the same as reading a real book, and though it could be useful for text books and what not, i would personally never even consider wasting my time or money on a any device like this

ferrell, a-4 said...

see at first, I was like "MAN, what about the pop-up books", but thinking about it more its geared towards people who don’t necessarily use pop-up books. So the Kindle for children I would not recommend, but for say middle school and up it would be great. Especially for school, being a student all the books just get to be this annoying weight to carry around. But I don’t like the fact that if these started to go into mass production, its like the world would turn into Fahrenheit 451 and the government could start dictating what we’re exposed to. So I see a few sides of the story..

tutt,matthew said...

It Would not make me want to read more. It personaly would not be worth the money to me because it would need to be fixed every once and a while. It might not replace books as we know them because it is not user freindly and internet compatable.

Rigsby,D-1 said...

Taking the place of books. Idk if thats ever going to work will. Will it make me read more? I dont really think so. Cuz i like ray love the fact of turning the page, and to have the book in your hand. I think it will be a hit yes but will it take the place of going out and buying the book? No i just cant see that happen.

Thompson,O-1 said...

Uh it sounds like a bad idea. then the world would be one step closer to worlds in the book Farenhight 450, and like that one episode on the twilite zone where books were "obsolete".

so it sounds cool but, i hate reading. and they would make more money if they made more books into movies! in my opinion Electronic books = DVD movie,just more boring.

Broadway,M-1 said...

I think the kindle sounds realy cool. It's probly worth the $300, but for the some they probly want a book that hand rather then a gadget.

Hollingsworth,C-1 said...

I think it would be cool if you could download textbooks.Who wants so carry around those?Normal books arn't that clunky so I would probably stick with good 'ole fashioned paper on those.But I think the Kindel still has some evolving to do before the masses think of buy one.

Lanham said...

Olivia . . . that's a really good point about the book sharing. There won't really be a market for "used" Kindle files.

Dylan . . . I liked what you said about the feeling of anticipation of finally turning the page on a book that came out at midnight and you drove straight to the store to get. I'm not sure that feeling would *ever* exist electronically.

Angela . . . spilled milk made me *snort* but only because I've done that. Or how about dropping a book in the bathtub, 'cuz I've done that one too!

Kristi . . . you are not kidding about this things being kinda ugly. Why on earth didn't they make some rounded corners, or something?

Ray . . . you brought up the point of the feeling of accomplishment as the stack of pages leave your right hand and grow in your left hand. I hadn't thought of that either.

Good points, yall. Keep 'em coming!

Mrs. L

rodriguez,stephen-1 said...

im feeling a little 50/50 on this one. Yes a CNET is pretty cool and useful.Like you're going on a trip but you need to read section in a history book and study up while your there. But you dont want to take the heaviest book(in the world)or risk losing it. So this would helpful there.
The bad part in this is that you never know how well its going to work. You know how many xbox's, ipod's and other new technology fried up when they were first put on the shelf. Even months later I hear that the same things happening. but I have to realize the CNET would be in mrs.L's hands of care and IN MRS.L I TRUST!!! lol .So i shouldn't be really worried. Plus if it screwed up i know that Mrs.L would march up there and DEMAND it replaced with no extra cost!And if they dont face the wrath of Mrs.L!

Gonzalez, C-1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edlin said...

Well I think that in the future we wont even have to be reading books anymore that all the information is going to be in the internet: but i think that it will be bad like for people that love reading books. For me well i rather stick to like books than paying for other stuff.

payne, j - 3 said...

Personally, I dont think its worth the price. Dont get me wrong. I love reading. But I like reading the old fashioned way. It also depends on how much you read. In the long run, it would be cheaper, but if dont have the extra money, Ill stay with the books. I breaks down like this. If you get the device, itll cost you like this:

$300 + $9.99*X, where X = # of books bought.

If you go to the store, on an average hardcover popular book, itll be


So, if you have to buy new books constanlty and you have extra money for the device, in the long run, itll save you money, but I think the reading experience will be dumbed down a bit.

Hernandez, Ruben 3rd said...

i think its a good thing that books are coming in technoly devices but it would not make read more. I think that is not the same as reading a book thata why i wouldn't buy it.

Gonzalez, C-1 said...

The Kindle is actually quite impressive. Its really innovative and handy non-the less but the real problem is the price along with some other factors. If you managed to get your hands on one and seeing as how its tech, which is fragile, you break it. Every bit of memory you had saved on there...gone. As well as the fact that you would have to spend like $300 or $400 to get another one. The fact that you get your information from the internet is not one of the most reliable because it can be altered in numerous ways. I personally would like to stick to the standard ink and paper because its not as expensive and with the Kindle, you don't have access to the internet in some locations. I would also have to agree with the fact that we are taking too much pride in our innovativness in gadgetry. Eventually its going to be our downfall because its not one of the most secure means of aquiring information. I really hope they leave it as it is. Also, I never knew that they had more than one of thoes things already. I'm pretty sure that sony would come up with something better, seeing as how it always does.

Byrd,N-6 said...

I dont think that this is worth the price at all. The problem with this is that its trying to do away with actually books which i believe will never happen. Also personally i couldnt read a book on a computer screen becausealready if i try to read a long blog my eyes begin to no i dont think that it is worth the price or will do away with books.

taylor, Q - 6 said...

i would love to have one of would come in handy for college the price is really nothing compared to the price of all your im all for just not sure about what i would do if it got stolen or broken...oh gosh

cano,ruben-7 said...

I think that its a great thing to have books in an electronic device. Although not everybody could afford it. Having and electric reader could have its adventages but it can also have disadventages.

arnold.t,7 said...

i wouls want to stick with the book because the are worth less than other things and some people like to read book like me cuase it get u a good education for anybody.

cruz,raymond,a-class3 said...

I think that this device is pretty cool,but i dont even like to read books,so i mean i dont think id ever use it unless it had games on it but other then that i think its use less. I think this device wont really be used till the future when we get rid of old books.

Lanham said...


ibarra,j-4 said...

Yes, it will make me want to read more because it will make it for me easier. It is expensive but if you think about it, it is for a good use so i will get one going in college. And about the books i think they are going to be left behind because every new technology that comes out every one wants to buy it, and more because you wouldnt be carrying heavy books anymore,,..

villanueva, manuel, N. 1 said...

to me I think it is a good idea to have a electronic reader, but what about the people who cant afford it, I think if the prices were lower a lot people would get it. But since its so high, most people will just be happy with the book.

Liles, T-1 said...

This is innovative kinda in a new way, but why spend all that money on a piece of technology that has only one or two main functions, when you can spend just as much on lets say a "black berry" phone which is: a phone, an Mp3 player, a camera, a flash light, a game boy, and there is a program for it that you can download that allows you to read e-books on it.