Sunday, February 15, 2009

Discussion 22 - 2/16/09

Hola! Thanks for logging in!

Mr. L and I went this past weekend to see the King Tut exhibit in Dallas. It was crazy cool. There are all these artifacts from the 1400's that weren't discovered until 1922. The gold in the exhibit was insane. Did you know that King Tut was buried with over 150 pieces of gold jewelry on his body? Talk about bling! Anyway, these last room of the exhibit shows how they've taken CT scans of this old mummy to try and understand why he died at the young age of 19. There were huge pictures of the CT scans, and one of the projected onto this low table so you could see exactly where each piece of jewelry was found. It was cool beans.

Then I came home and found this article on about how archaeologists are using CT scans more and more in their work. I found it interesting:

For your blog post this week please share an opinion about this use of CT scans. Where can you see this going next? And what on earth will people think of our old bodies when they're scanned 1,000 years from now? Weird to think about, huh?

Talk to me . . .


Copeland, Juston7 said...

i can see it used for perserving artifacts because you never have to open them but to be able to know that she didnt have a single cavity in her mouth and not opening the casket is amazing a 1000 years from now i think they will be able to tell how we died

arriola,brett-1 said...

Its amazing what they can tell without even opening the casket with the scanner like how they could tell she didnt have a single cavity!! and her facial features! soon we will be able to tell what people looked like just using scanners!

Thompson,O-1 said...

Maby we will be able to CT scan large areas to map caves and find hidden relics like in israle and greece, and all that good stuf.

Calderon,A-1 said...

it looks that is a great idea because they can "see" how we looked like. so my great, great, great great great great great grand kids could see my GRANDMOTHER (haha) and maybe we can use that to study the dinosaurs and we can see how they looked like. but this is a great idea for the study and technology.

rodriguez,stephen-1 said...

Its cool that we are able to look into something with out breaking it open and will be useful in the future as it advances. When they discover my body buried near taco bell in a 1000 years, they'll carfully lift my coffin and find that its made out of a giant cheesy gorita!(I love those!). By a 1000 yrs, it would be unbreakable. So, they'll have to CT Scan to see my body and when they do, they'll find an aged but perfect body of a taco bell lover.

rodriguez,stephen-1 said...
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Ashley Manis said...

I think it’s pretty fascinating that archeologists can use CT scans to see into the sarcophaguses of the mummies. I mean, you could open that sucker up, not only destroy it, but also release some old disease and kill EVERYONE. I don’t think that it matters if she had cavities or not. Evidently they know that sugar wasn’t prominent in their diet, so why would she have cavities and why would they be astonished??
As for using the CT scans on other things, it might be accommodating. It could prove a bunch of things false. AND MAYBE, just maybe our world would be a little different.

lathan,l-1 said...

I think is cool, to find a fummy but I dont agree about diging up the body. But it was cool that she a verry verry good teeth. That most of us dont have today. but from the looks of it she was i nice lady that loved to stay healthy. From yhe looks of things she looks like she had gotten along with everyone. I wonder how would we look 5000 years form now!

murillo, j - 1 said...

Researchers had long wanted to know more about the looks of the mummy locked in the coffin. But opening the coffin was not an option. Teeter had looked at the mummy's coffin nearly every day over the past 19 years. Many of the mummies had been taken out of their casket for scanning.

Liles, T-1 said...

As much as i would love to follow the link to the page with the video of new tech giving the woman a face, ill just wait to get home cuz its not worth getting in trouble here for it. But yeah using the CT scan on a long since mummified body was a genious idea to get a look at a life we no little about and havn't seen in thousands of years. I wonder if they will ever be able to get a look at her vocal chords and digitally recreate her voice so we can hear what she sounded like and hear her sing, that would be really really amazing.

Broadway,M-1 said...

It amazing what they do now not even opening the casket and being able to see her image. and another thing they found she did have the same diet as we do but she does not have one cavity.

Hollingsworth,C-1 said...

I actually read this article on Friday. It’s really cool how they didn’t have to open the coffin to see what was inside it. The CT scans seem to be expanding its horizons. I think that it is a good thing that they have the option of not damaging artifacts but still seeing what is in side of them because bunches of years after I die, I don’t want people opening my coffin only to find nasty bones and stuff...I don't plan to be mummified so they wouldn't find much else.

Gilbreath,J-1 said...
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Gilbreath,J-1 said...

I have no idea where all this "CT' scanning is going, but oh well...

I can imagine that 1000 years from now, some random scientists will use even better scans on our bodies and determine how we lived, died, and even what our particular hobbies and jobs were based on the structure of parts of our bodies, such as how a carpenter will have hard hands, or a clay sculptor will have soft ones.

But that's just me.

martines,j-1 said...

by using the ct scan the mummy will remain preserved in the casket because it will not be exposed to modern bacteria and other harmfull things.and all the information still gets to the reaserchers with out having to open the casket.

allensworth, z-2 said...

the thought of people scanning my dead body to find out what was wrong with me, thousands of years from now, is kinda creepy but cool at the same time i don't understand at all how we're able to do this kinda stuff, or what the potentials are but it is neat

Davis,J-2 said...

Its a great idea to use that kind of scanner becaue they dont have to do all that digging to do it when they can use their idea of the scanner

brittain,w-2 said...

i think CT scans will be used more and more for bigger and better things. i think we will use CT Scans for almost anything in the near future instead of trying to get blueprints/infrareds

mayfield,s-1 said...

I think the CT scanner will go far..and I think its cool to see how someone looked like years ago..and u dont have to break anything open or go through so much test to get the image.

reed, k - 2 said...

That was a little weird to read. It is fasinating at what they can find out about a body that is thousands of years old. People can see what the their family looked like in there time. I would like to know what may great grands looked like.

villanueva, manuel, N. 1 said...

I think the scanner is pretty cool,its crazy to know that, that women didnt have a single cavity. And from a 1000 years from now they will know how we all died.

Dietrich,R-3 said...

I thought it was kinda cool.... but i never realy got why they are looking at a dead body. i just dont get it...

Dietrich,R-3 said...

I thought it was kinda cool.... but i never realy got why they are looking at a dead body. i just dont get it...

Hernandez, Ruben 3rd said...

i think there nice thinks to look at the life of dead people..but the people in the future should not looked at us because we havent discovered something nice like in the ancient century..

Gonzalez, C-1 said...

Thats pretty impressive and resourcful. We used to crack open tombs and caskets and completely demolish 1000 years of history and in a single raiding. Now we don't even have to use explosives to blow open a tomb or crowbar for coffins. I'm still marveling at the fact that they could be able to tell that she did not have a single cavity, let alone know how she looked. Its wicked.

tutt,matthew said...

CT scans are, in my opinion, the future in CSI and Archeology. The ability to see the human body layer for layer is a very good advancement in medical tech.

robles,l-3 said...

well its cool how they can see artifacts with out even opening the casket. but i would never want poeple to look at me when im dead. this ct scanner is a usefull thing to use in caves were humans cannot go in or even look under big cities to see the underground roads. so the military can use it.

Brice, R-4 said...

CT Scans are crazy. To think that we can get an exact replica of someone from 3,000 years ago is crazy. As for people scannin our bodies 1,000 years ago i dont know. We dont preserve our bodies like the egyptians did so our bodies might not even last that long.

allensworth, d4 said...

that is freakin awsome! i never thought that x-ray vision was even remotley real but i guess i was wrong....if only i had that kinda use it to find the buttons under my sofa cushion =D

taylor, Q - 6 said...

The ct scanner is a great idea from technology.It is so interesting that they were able to notice the things they noticed w/o even opening it.they should definately use it for more things.

Auxier, Emily - 4 said...

its really cool to know that somebody from the future can find outeverything about you just by the Ct scanner... without talking to somebody who knows you or even seeing your face. They will continue to figure out more ways to find out more info

Abdul-786 said...

i think the ct scanner technology is pretty cool i think archeologists should keep using this kind of cool technology and its cool that it helps them find the age.

Meredith,B-6 said...

I think it's pretty cool because we can preserve the history of the coffin and the women because we can use it to see and research everything i mean we could see every detail of her bones there is no telling what they will be using to look at us in 500-1000 years from now

Sauceda, Maria=]- 6 said...

It impressed me that this people managed to use the "CT scanner" to see the mummy without opening the coffin!!.. It did give out descriptive and detailed image of the singer mummy. They also use this with living people. Well its good they are using this scanners to analyze things without destroying them.=]

Sauceda, Maria=]- 6 said...
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Sauceda, Maria=]- 6 said...
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Bixler,T-6 said...

I think using those scans are cool, the can seee everything before they can open it. I can see that it will lead to many great discoveries in this life time. It would be freaky for someone to look at my old body. It could also be very cool though to see how I died or anything like that.

Cuarenta,A-6 said...

well the whole thing about digging up the dead... I'm not all for that because its like they are distrurbing the dead!! However i understand that its done for historic needs... its amazing how technology is improving so much..

lee, s - 7 said...

Wow! 30,000 year old I never seen before I think it is really legend or maybe not. its amazing what they can tell without even opening the casket. Who keep it very long. I dont know who the person keep in 1000 or 30000 year old.

cano,ruben-7 said...

This Ct scanner is really cool it can tell you so much about dead people from centuries ago with out even opening the casket...and one thing that it was cool is that they could know that she didnt had a single cavity in her mouth!!!

Lopez, M-1~☺ said...

In the future, these CT scans will obviously go far in science. For all the uses that they can be used for are amazing. Really, be able to scan a mummy that is still preserved like that? It's amazing to see what science can do now a days.

Trikosko, M-1 said...

How cool would a portable CT scanner be. Imagine being able to place it against a wall and see what is going on in the next room. I don't know how CT scanners work but this is most likely imposible.

Anonymous said...

My question to you is will humans even be around in 1000 years? Day of apocalypse? Day of reckoning? Who knows. But if humans are still alive, they themselves and the technology they use will be far advanced unless there is a setback due to an unknown right now such as shortage of material or some kind of disease that can set the human race back a couple thousand years. But let's just say that we do survive and continue on our Tech path upwards, they would look at our bodies and wonder how we lived and what wierd things we did. They would laugh because our eyes would be wierd or our head would be shaped wierd.

As for CT scans, maybe they can become higher powered and be able to search deeper into the earth or into outer space.

Rigsby,D-1 said...

why would we want to do anything like that? I can see us making something that could be such good but why? I dont think there is anything that we have found that would do anyone in this year any good. Yes it is good to find people like this but why?

mcgown,a-1 said...

I think it is really cool that they are using the CT for more than just medical purposes. Im realatively sure that it will be used for other archeology advancements, and is very practical. Also, it is much easier to preserve the artifacts using this method because it means that the archeologist are handling the artifacts less. Handling the artifacts deminishes their "priceless" value.

McCorvey,T-1 said...

Well, i think that it is very intresting to discover dead bodies by using scanners without opening the cakset.I think that we should just leave, the bodies rest in peace.

Baker,M-1 said...

Firstly, this blog seems kinda morbid to me. I think this will mainly be used in histroy class (in the future) I can't really see past the dead bodies *shivers*

Johnson,O-2 said...

Well for one thing it would help some people be put to rest properly like the people whos bodies are put in to coffins with other people. And maybe we can find Jimmy Hoffa

Adams,B-2 said...

i think its cool.....that you can look through the casket...with the scanner....and it can tell that the women doesnt have a single cavity

packard,a-2 said...

this is cool because you can preserve the casket and you can also see what is under it because before that would be impossible and you would only get to stare at the casket. this is deffinatly a great piece of technology. i love it.

Patton,A-1 said...

i see us getting old bodies if people that died of unknown cause and finding out how they died.this is going to come to good use in the future

anderson,p-3 said...

i can see them using this more in getting a better look at artifacts while better preserving them. years from now they will probably be able to tell more about the way we lived and how we died.

otis,j-3 said...

I had no idea how powerful the CT scan is. You can see through a thick sealed casing and determine most of the features of someone on the other side. The person doesn't have to be alive and also can be several thousand years old. I can see CT technology advancing to the point where a single scan could make a high quality image with color,CSI could definitely use that!

cruz,raymond,a-class3 said...

i think that the ct scan is pretty cool. when i die and i have family that doesnt know what i looked like, they can always go scan me but i dont know why they would want to. but i think the ct scan is really cool.

och,s-4 said...

I think it's really cool that a way to see the mummy without destroying the coffin was found. It would have been terrible for them to lose such a cool artifact, but seeing the person inside needed to be done (the mystery of it would have driven me nuts). Also, all of the information that can be found out through the CT scan is amazing.

I can't imagine people 1,000 years from now finiding our bodies. They will be so much more technologically advanced that I wonder what new ways will have been discovered to find out about our lives.

GARRETT,K-4 said...

i find the fact that the body is over 3000 years ago and they can tell what she looks like with a scanner pretty cool. i woulda neva thought that that would be a possible thing.

borerw-4 said...

i can see it being used for every thing from mummys to crimes. like unsolved or cold cases. thats what i would use it for.

edwards, a - 4 said...

I think CT scans are kinda great because ya get to see all of the features of a 3000 year old mummy without guessing (just looking at the well-crafted casket isn't good enough). And about people scanning our bodies a thousand years into the future, I really think that's cool but I'm not sure they're not going to use CT scans anymore. They'll probably use something more potent than that.

Byrd,N-6 said...

I like the ct scanning because i believe in presserving artifacts from the past and i think they're on the right track with this.I cant wait to see the new technology that scientist use to examine corpses and artifacts.

Maness, J-6 said...

that seems very handy when it comes to preserving artifacts since it can do it without having to disturb the artifact. In the future this could be used for more complicated x-rays, or just stay for using as artifact studying. If people are still inhabiting earth 1,000 years from now, I imagine that they will be slightly more evolved and will think we look weird. i guess. yea.

Jones-C-1 said...

The Ct scanners are going to make learning about artifacts alot easier. And they wont have to open up things that they normally would to see whats inside. I think that they should try and use CT scanners for others things and see what happens

arnold,t.7 said...

i like it and its really cool to scanner without open the casket. how could you tell what people looked like just using scanners.