Monday, January 25, 2010

Blog 19 - 1/25/10

Hola Peeps! Thanks for logging in!

In preparation of switching topics, this week let's look at sparkly new technology again. Yall already know my favorite site for this:

Please don't stop on Page 1. Dig back a few pages and pick something cool. Preferably something that has something to do with technology.

Talk to me . . .


Baker,M-1 said...

I just want to remind everybody of the "Inspire Me" button at the bottom of Yanko's page that takes you to a random page in the site.

Baker,M-1 said...

First i want to talk about the Digital Pot. It for all of us people who definately do not have a green thumb. The pot actually tells you when it is time to water your plant. And when you over watter your plant, it will automatically drain off the excess water. So now even the most incompetent gardener can keep their plant alive.

Yanko died so ima post this.

Brookshire, B-1 said...

I think the flat pencil is kool.I like that the flat shape makes it to were the pencil doesnt roll off the desk every time you set your pencil down.The flat shape also makes the pencil easier to hold as well.

Rigsby,D-1 said...

Hey Ray did you see Heores Monday.......... O hey Mrs. L Lol

Lanham said...

Monika . . . I so need that plant thing. Just ask Mr. L.

DDDDDD!!!!!!!! What up homie? How've you been? I hope everything is going well for you. None of that Heroes talk on here, buddy. lol

Lanham said...

OK, so after Monika reminded me I could push the "Inspire Me" button (thanks, btw) I landed on a page that showed a food label that slowly changes colors the older it gets. That way no grocer could lie to you about the freshness of your meat products. I thought that was pretty cool.

Morrison,K-1 said...

There's this dialogue Carpet that looks reallt fun and interesting. I mean, who wouldn't want to play with it! Soft and cuddly! The food necklace also caught my attention. That could e really useful. Store food in a fashionable necklace to nom nom upon later.

bushiey, k - 4 said...

I think the deaf phone is really neat, because deaf people can't use normal technology like we can, like an ipod or something, but i think the deaf phone is really neat because you don't have to text, all you have to do is talk and it converts your voice into text so that the person can understand it.

Unger, B - 6 said...

Okay, for one the "hybrid cycle" is cool, yet I dont think I really want to be seen driving (really peddling)one on the way to school. The one thing that i though was really cool was the new small iron. The mat that turns into the storage case for the iron itself was really cool. This would be great for when I travel and actually want my clothes to look presentable (not like they've been in a suitcase for the past 5 days. lol)

Morrison,K-1 said...

I'm back with more comment! Last post, I ran out of time, but I went home and found a modernized Weeble Wobble, those things are awsome! I wouldn't mind getting one of those. Spending countless minutes or hours getting rid of stress, or doing it just for fun. Either way it's a blast.

Ray Cole said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ray Cole said...

Darrius...i think we should leave Heroes talk to Twitter.

I really tried to go past the first page, well I did go past the first page looked, but I couldn't stop thinking about this:

probably because it had the word coffee in it, then I wanted coffee.

Mrs. L get some of these and then I can come see them in action.

jeffress,r-1 said...

The Deaf Phone is so cool because the design is AMAZING!!! Also it allows those with impairment to have as normal of a conversation as is capable. This is made possible by converting the deaf's text to voice and other person's voice to text. :) The fan keyboard is sick because you can use it anywhere. Latly I can use it better than a normal keyboard.

Culbertson, D-1 said...

The Deaf Phone really is awesome, converting talk into text, and vise versa has been done before, but the WAY it's done.....Epic....
The design of the phone looks like it came straight out of a science fiction movie, pulling the screen out like a scroll, for a floppy flat/thin screen display, JUST COOLNESS!!!

Patton,A-1 said...

the deaf phone is awesome. this is a good invention for the hearing impaired people to have a phone for them. plus the phone looks awesome too. its a really good thought and invention

Anonymous said...

I couldn't get to YankoDesign of I decided to blogged about Ipad, here's the link:

Barefielde/ Charnae said...

I think that the egg shower is pretty cool. Like when you step inside of it, it actually coccoons you inside of it like an egg. It has all the amazing features of a Jacuzzi and Hot Tub and Relaxing Shower and so much more. It sounds so amazing and I wish I had one. Instead I have a shower that is just a shower.

Trikosko, M-1 said...

The beach trashcan that digs itself into the gound seemes pretty cool, if you want to go somewhere and have a trashcan with you just pick it up and push it in the sand somewhere else. But since it is so easy to move it must be easy to steal too...

Lopez, M-1~☺ said...

Yanko isn't working with me!!! So I shall rave over the new iPad thingy!!! IT's just a big iPhone, so they say but it looks cool!!!! It's like a phone, but it's a pad xD Basically, it's a computer phone. Interesting, no? But pricey.

Abother object that seems interestingly creepy is the glass-encapsulated microchips that are beginnging to appear in people. I'd say it's an invasion of provacy, but then again, some people these days can't make good decisions by themselves.

robinson,s-1 said...

Ok. so i went to this site, gizmag, and found something crazy. Here's the description:

"Engineers from Princeton University have developed power-generating rubber films that could be used to harness natural body movements such as breathing or walking in order to power electronic devices such as pacemakers or mobile phones."

These little rubber sheets are able to harness enery from normal body movements and power the technology we use everyday. Revolutionary.

Gonzalez, C-1 said...

Anyone hear that the ps3 was hacked. Apparently someone in the U.S. managed to and is now selling the methods for cracking it and running ps2 games as well as pirated programs. Doesn't that violate like some kind of law or something?

Gonzalez, C-1 said...

Anyone hear that the ps3 was hacked. Apparently someone in the U.S. managed to and is now selling the methods for cracking it and running ps2 games as well as pirated programs. Doesn't that violate like some kind of law or something?

brooks.hobie said...

iv been waiting for some new news on this. iv been watching this one for the last year in a half, but i dont think it will be worth it atthis point. the ipad, but still no flash. you might as well have a gaint ipod touch.

Abernathy, J-2 said...

So there is this minefield thing called the virtual minefield or Metal Storm, and instead of planting bombs underground it has its own sensors and then it will shoot out bombs. It is beneficial because troops are able to turn it off and on at their own will so that they are not at risk. I'm not really educated in the whole war and weapons stuff but that looked pretty cool.

Szu-yung said...

I think Steve Job is a very smart man. The Ipad seems really awesome and it's releasing in March 2010 :D.

Goff,R-2 said...

due to the fact that the Yanko site would not let me continue onto the next page. i will blog about items on page one.
i found the shower cocoon and was blow away. i would love to have a shower that was also a bathtub that was also a jacuzzi. im not sure that i would like the rain-like shower head, because i dont like to have water running down my face the entire time im in the shower, it would seem ver inconvienient.
the egg shell shape would seem like it was more water and energy saving for some reason, i dont know why...but if its not then oh well, none of the showers are these days anyway.
i wish i could read more about it but the page would not load, so i have to trust that there are no defaults or bugs in the systems as of right now >.<

Parkhurst, M-2 said...

The bioloid humaniod robot sounds unbelievable and looks like something out of star wars, but we are making some real progress with this little guy. He is able to walk, without anyone controlling him and also able to climb walls with his own coordination, although we all have to subconsiously this a good thing or bad thing? I guess we will see in the near future.

Hernandez, J - 2 said...

Dude this past week I found an article that was talking about how some things wont need batteries that they would power them selfs this is so neat check it out.

anderson a-2 said...

i googled something new and i found this awsome machine called a kick-bot, it has some cooreletion with soccer but the most awsomess part wat that it can kick a ball up to speeds of 128MPH. just think of the damage i could do with that lol.

this is where i found it:

Anonymous said...

Mmk so like, the Emcycle is absolutely beast. It's like a bike, but a miniture car. It's got windshields and everything, powered by electricity (in case you're lazy), has places for your mp3 player, airbags, seatbelts, enough room for six shopping bags - and it looks freaking cool. I've always liked scooters and vespas, so why not?

$2500-$4500 once it hits the market in a year. I want one so bad. You pedal the back tire while electricty takes hold of the two front tires (which are filled with foam by the way). It can go up to 40mph. I think this would be better for us lazy Americans, since we're lazy and whatnot. I like bicycles and wish we would use them for transportation like some other countries do.

Cortines,m-2 said...

Well the obvious new thing in technology is the Apple iPad. I guess it's a big iPhone/Touch. While the price is nice, I've already heard a lot of negative things about it. Apparently, inferior to the iPhone, it doesn't even have a camera. It's pretty big, but with all the other "cool stuff," I think they could have fit that in. Also, it seems kinda un-ideal for a computer. The onscreen keyboard would be annoying anyway, but it doesn't even have a disc drive or USB port!!! Oh no! OH! And NO MULTITASKING!!!! :( Once again, no apple for me...

villanueva,f-2 said...

The Orange Solar Powered Tent. I never thought of camping being fun and hated it when i was forced to go!!! The tent will ensures that all my electronics work. The tent uses a photovoltaic fabric to receive the maximum amount of energy directly from the sun throughout the day.

Lanham said...

Sarah . . . too cool! Thank you for the link.

Ray!!!!! I miss you! Yeah, I could buy the expensive coffee thingy. Or, ya know, you could just stopped by and have some regular brewed coffee like normal folk. lol

Szu-Yung, thanks for the Ipad link. I think we're gonna blog about that / Apple products in the coming weeks.

I too dig the deaf phone. I LURVE that it rolls out like a scroll. Having taught deaf students in the past, I know texting is very important to them. This would make it so much easier.

Charnae, I agree with the egg shower thingy.

Cesar . . . . I said GIVE ME A LINK!!!

Weatherford, R-3 said...

I'm liking the folding bike thing. Pretty nifty for camping trips, because I hate having to fit five bikes in the back of my dad's truck. The question is though, is it gonna try and fold while I'm riding it? That would suck going down a mountain and my bike going all foldy and everything. Not cool.

Wiley, C - 3 said...

I think apple ipad is cool, but its just a bigger version of an ipod and i kinda think its no point. Its cool though.

Padilla, J - 3 said...

Even though it has a pretty awkward name (iPad really?), I love the sleek design it has just like any other apple product. I understand that it's supposed to be like a giant Iphone/ smaller Mac, but I would rather have a phone and a laptop. I think this new technology is going to sell, but for now, I'm not really sold on the idea. Oh, and typing on the touch screen would irritate the heck out of me!

perry, w - 3 said...

the new sparkly web site is very cool i like the new sparkle computer. the computer is different from the old models the computer have new models and it look very different from .

Yarbrough, V - 3 said...

This is an apple ipad it seem more handy than a regular laptop and u dont have to open and close is also no actual keyboard touch screen sensitive

Flynn,R-3 said...

YankoDesign is being gay. So how 'bout the Ipad. I think its quite possibly THE MOST convenient way to browse the internet. From what the creators of the Ipad state; theres no right way to hold the pad, its super light-weight and thin, and its suppose to personalize itself and its apps to meet the consumer's needs. Enough said.

zavala,P -3 said...

the ux840 lg tritan looks cool.
is touch screen and slider phone. seems cool and fun too.

Sampietro, M-3 said...

I am reluctantly writing about the iPad. I guess it's pretty cool. I think it's awesome how technolgy keeps getting smaller, but I think I'l just stick with a regualr old laptop. It's just as portable, but the smaller technolgy gets, the less you can do with it. I personally like origainls more than new ideas, because it's what I have learned to use and as a technologiaclly imparied individual, it would take me WAY to long to get used to the gadget known as the ipad.

reichert, s-3 said...

this one goes into the category of sparkly POINTLESS technology. Why in the world would you want to use this other than to make you hungry for chocolate?.....oddly enough i DO want it...

Harper, T - 3 said...

i went to Newest gadgets and they had some really kool things. i really liked the Vmail Email voice recorder. it makes the emailing faster without every typing a thing and i hate typing so that was really neat.

Asquith,C-3 said...

The PodXtreme is a tiny device/accessory for any ipod, that packs a powerful punch. It's an extreme bass booster.The PodXtreme draws its power from a built-in Lithium battery that you can recharge via your USB port or plug it into the wall. The best part is it's so small, and easily hidden. You can now surprise your friends with extreme bass coming from your puny ihome.

Deckard, D-3 said...

Well really couldn't find anything interesting i wanted to blog about, i guess i'll talk about everyones favorite phone, the iPhone. They should call it the living phone because it is constantly evolving and always has something new. I just got the FML apt and its awesome. They are supposed to be dropping a new updated version pretty soon so i think im going to copt that one when it hits the streets.

cortes, j - 3 said...

the appliance called Happy Feet, has a solution for cleaning and sanitizing shoes. i really think this device could help with sanitizing your shoes

Cole, S - 4 said...

I like the Kaleidoscope For My Time watch because it is really cool and pretty! Its also really cool because most peoples watches stay the same but if you had this watch then every second your watch would look different!!! I would totally buy this!!!

alvarado, m-4 said...

i like the deaf phone is really cool. because you can convert talking into texting. like for example if you cant text as fast as you wish you could, you can just talk and the phone will text for you.

Pixley, J-4 said...

Looks amazing, but really? its just one big iphone, i mean u can use it as a laptop but come on. There are also some big risks in having this, like, the screen cracking, thats a whole lota screen to mess up.

Miller, J - 2 said...

i am raely digging the toilet scribbles i mean drawing and writing all your ideas on a piece of toilert paper instead of jumping up and running to some paper and ultimetly embarresing yourself (dont laugh at my spelling) or just sit there and forget your idea, and also i realy like the kaleidoscope watch who wouldnt like a watch that changes colors every second!!! i mean if your OCD or ADD this is not for you but i whant one of these bad boys

Jones, C - 4 said...

Go check these nuclear batteries out. They're talking about these things replacing all of the old ones that we use today. They'll keep devices (cell phones, mp3's, ect...) charged for several months!! Yeah, MONTHS!!
These things use liquid semiconducters instead of solid semiconducters and have the potential to produce a far greater amount of electricity.

shepherd, a - 4 said...

ok so i was having trouble getting yanko to come up so i went to and found some interesting stuff...i had no idea that you could get your dog to twitter!!! it's like a thingy you put on their collar...also some of these solar hybrid cell phones look kind of cute. i wonder how effective they are?

Howard, Z - 4 said...

Well since i couldnt get past page 1, I'll talk about the most awesome shower eva, The frubulous egg shower! (was frubulous neccesary there? then again is talking about an egg shower even neccesary?...This shower is an atonement to all that is living, it inspires all to wake from there dreams and cleanse in the morning, i dare not doubt nor question this magical, awe inspiring device, i just simply want to know, how many people can fit in there? ;)

Morones, C - 4 said...

okay...i'm not so sure where it lands but i kinda liked the roses heart thing. A SORT OF QUESTION: was that thing portable and in the same size as a box'o'chocolates?
mmmmmm...chocolate.....i'm not a huge fan of the stuff but i just feel rather hungry this second.
i might be just hungry for hands.

my stomach is making the rumblies..

...that only hands could satisfy^-^

Spruiell, S - 4 said...

Ok, so this week I dont have a piece of equipment technology, but it is sparkly and really cool. Scientists doing research at Stanford University have finally been able to induce mature skin cells to convert into neurons (nerve cells). They first convert the skin cells to stem cells and then regrow them as neuron cells. This is pretty nerdy, but I think this is so rad. This is a benchmark for scientific researchers striving towards the curing of paralysis and many other neurological disorders. The new nerve cells have even been able to form synapse connections with the other newly converted cells. Whoa buddy, that's neat. Also, instead of using embryonic stem cells (which people seem to really have a problem with...) they are able to use adult stem cells and convert them directly.

Here's the link...

Sydney Purser said...

Soooo, considering Yanko is being Waco, I have decided to take this opportunity (excuse) to fangirl about tablets, and to do that, what better than Wacom?

Moved firmly into the "more money than I can afford to use on it right now" is my favorite, the Cintiqu 21UX. This has a large work space, a /highly/ sensative pen, has programmable buttons, and a zoom touch strip. AND the display is on the work pad, so no 'watch the screen, touch the pad' translation issues. *w* At $2000 dollars roughly, I have to get very large piggy bank for this one.

More reasonable comes the Bamboo. No display on the pad, less sensative, and personally I think it's just not as cool, but it is more in my price range at least. $100 range. :3

Sydney Purser said...

For the Bamboo ^^

Garza, G-4 said...

French researchers have found a way to make Hydrogen-powered phones. they have nearly succeeded in commercially developing a hydrogen fuel cell for use as a backup power source for cells. Each cartridge gives the equivalent of three to five recharges of the traditional battery.
AWESOME! No more charging constantly!

Miller, R - 6 said...

i think thePrison Diary Online is pretty cool... it's made to keep prisoners in the “right frame of mind” and creative writing can be a good outlet.

liber,k-6 said...

I like the deaf phone because now you can have a conversation i mean you could with texting but somthing stuff just needs to be said not texted because you get sick of saying everything you wanna sayy by texting it gets annoying with long messages.

Small,K-6 said...

The iPad was released... yesterday, I think it was...? Anyways, while it looks like just a bigger iPhone, it supposedly is better for reading books (like a Kindle), playing games and watching videos. Not just better than the iPhone, but better than laptops as well, according to this website.

chitopina-2 said...

everyday i have to check, thats my source of whats going on in the world today. And for the last week there has been this big deal over the iPad. When i first saw it i was like ok just another crazy invention by apple,but after looking closer and actually reading some of the stuff it sounds pretty cool, its like a laptop with a lot more "swagg" with all these awesome features, so its definately worth checking out

Wilson, J - 6 said...

At apple just created an ipad. it is basically an ipod but bigger it looks awesome!

Small,K-6 said...

Also: Criiiiiis! What is WRONG with you?!?

*imitating Cris's voice*
Uh, well, I kill people and eat hands. That's two things

XD Llamas with hats XD

Castellanos, A - 6 said...

So the new ipad is about to put youre kindle out of business Ms. L. It has all the apps an iphone has, games, movies, books, documents, etc. Theres not really a lot of things that doesnt have a technological trace to it. This just enables us to have more resources at hand when needed, but then also making us more dependent on technology by the day.

Tate, T - 6 said...

I liked ther waste paper recycle trash bin. I thought it was cool because you could put in regular already used paper and the trash bin would take it in and create this nifty dual purpose mechanism.
It would make a paper machee trashcan that can double as a stool! how cool it that. Plus you could throw away the trashcan after it getts full!. No more plastic bags! Any way, that was what i picked from

lyles,m-6 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rodriguez,A-2 said...

i found something that i think is really cool! its called "the color picker" and it is a pen that lets you point to a color and then lets you write with the color you just scanned. i saw found this in

Esparza,J-7 said...

you wanted sparkly new technology? well how about $25,000 dollars worth of it shows a cellphone that ONLY has 6 diamonds, 1 emerald, 1 sapphire, and 1 ruby. So not that much huh?

Unger, B - 6 said...

Okay, I also liked the whole water purification with visible light instead of UV light. This could be very important becasue 1/6th of the world doesn't have a clean water supply. To me this is a major problem and needs to get fixed.

Also, the "scratchbot" is amazing, truely amazing. It can go in tight dark places where humans can't and help out (such as in Haiti when they are trying to find bodies left under the rubble of fallen homes??). This could be really helpfull, plus the idea that it "sees" because of "whiskers" is really cool.


Padilla, E - 6 said...

the link is

is this new touch screen tablet from apple... it looks so cool is thin not as small as a notebook but along those lines but i think i like the tablet better than notebooks. its pretty cool....

Vinther,T-2 said...

As Yanko isn't working, I recently found out about apples new iPad which is a large Multi-Touch screen that enables you to browse the internet, check your email, photos, videos, download music, and a lot more. Sounds to me like a much larger version of the iPod Touch. I found the Touch's small screen to be very annoying when using the internet as you would have to constantly move around the page just to see it.

lyles,m-6 said...

I was looking around on the interweb,since yanko just wont work for me,and a few other people,and i found this new gadget from apple called the Ipad.It seems extremely intresting,something we could all use,and something apple could make a good bit of money off of.

Vinther,T-2 said...

Forgot to post link -

Jim Taylor said...

This thing is literally sparkly.
Its got 6 diamonds, an emerald and other shiny stuff on it.
oh and its a phone.

Hughes, T - 7 said...

I found this thin on physicists designing "superman vision". It only works with translucent things though like eggshells and teeth. Because translucent objects let some light through, they are able the reconstruct the scattered light to see the image behind the object. There wasnt a product or name for the tecnology, but the link is

Clark,A-7 said...

hi yall

there is this real ugly pod/car/failure at life except for crazy gas milage!!! its the DIY Motorcycle and it gets 214 mpg @ 55mph
check it out at
seriously yall, start a petition for nap time instead of an advisory

Tutt, S - 7 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tutt, S - 7 said...

Theres a new samsung 3D tv and it comes with some awesome 3D glasses that are really cool. The tv refreshes the screen 120 times a second

Goad, G - 7 said...

The Taxedermied mouse USB stick is prolly the strangest yet most awesome thing ive seen in awhile, its eyes even light up when u make a file transfer, sign me up!

Cole, V - 7 said...

You know those cool little spy watches that all the secret agents have? Well know you can have one!

This watch can call pre-programmed numbers, and has a speaker phone. :D
Not to mention its worn on your wrist, just like all the secret agents.

Now you too, can be one of the secret operatives.

Long, W - 7 said...
the blinking reminder is really lame but its a good idea i mean have you ever been on the comp. for a loong time and your eyes dry out cuz you dont blind often enough well this fixs that it helps you blink

Fedun, M-7 said...

This virtual minefield is pretty amazing!!! it would decrease fatalities after the war is over for people not involved at all. it is much more precise and is a great inovation.

Crenshaw, K - 7 said...

i like the air new zeland with usb, ipod connector, power sockets, and couches are awesome even though ive nerver flew it would be nice i think

Hoffman, C - 7 said...

I think the J.J. Abrams board game would be cool. I just hope I don't land on "polar bear attack" too often. But if the board game tells me to do something then maybe I might blindly activate my Terry O'quinn alternate personality, but only if im bored.

brooks.hobie said...

iv been waiting for some new news on this. iv been watching this one for the last year in a half, but i dont think it will be worth it atthis point. the ipad, but still no flash. you might as well have a gaint ipod touch.

ok i fixxed it

Ray Cole said...

The iPad (bad name in my opinion) isn't the only tablet that is being worked on.

It's just the only one with Apple in it's name

The iPad announcement was just slightly disappointing to me.

Anyway Gizmodo compares a few below:

villanueva, manuel, N. 1 said...

The thing I think is really cool is the deaf phone...I have some deaf people in my family...and i really think they would enjoy a phone...They wouldnt even have to push buttons to talk, all they would have to do is talk and the phone would translate it into words...

mayfield,s-1 said...

The one sharp black lambo is interesting and the waterfall sink is pretty neat it would be a nice thing to have in your house.

Nealy,J/1 said...




payton, j - 3 said...

I think the 10 unusual shapes for phones are cool especially the Nokia 888 mobile,The Brix,Mobile Script,Wearless Mobile,and the Moto Concept and if i could drive my car would definitally be the cvs