Friday, November 11, 2011

EXTRA!!! For November 14, 2011


Speak Up Tomorrow is a survey that Congress uses to determine how much you guys (as teenagers) are using / relating to Technology. They then use the results to figure out how to divide up money to schools to advance technology usage.

Let me say that again: Congress makes money decisions based on the Speak Up Tomorrow surveys!!!

Please go to:

Speak Up 2011

Click Students

Choose Texas

Type in Nacogdoche (the S won't fit)

Choose Nacogdoches High School

Choose 9 - 12

Secret word is: technology

Please, please, please complete this survey thoroughly and seriously. It's anonymous, so you can be as honest as possible.



Anonymous said...

That banner/link doesn't work, Mrs. L. It leads to show that the 2010 survey has been closed. I found a link that goes to the current survey though.

-Ashley 7th

Miaraaa said...

so many questions @.@ head spining!!
-Miara 1st

Anonymous said...

Done! So many check-boxes -_-