Sunday, April 25, 2010

Blog 31 - 4/29/10

Hola Peeps!

Before we get done with movie technology I want to look at special effects. There's a lot of cool stuff in this topic.

Sometimes I'm surprised by things I *think* are effects which actually turn out to have really been filmed. A perfect example of this is Transformers. I thought all the action sequences where the cars turn into their alter egos were probably special effects. Nope. They actually built full-size models with moving parts to film close-ups of. This is why it pays to sometimes watch the "extras" on the DVDs.

My favorite movie special effects comes from my favorite movie of all time . . . The Abyss. The movie is about this underwater drilling and exploration team that encounters an alien life form that is made of water. The aliens look so real, like drops of water that have come together. I'm telling you, if you haven't watched this old-school movie you have no idea what you're missing. Hey Beth . . . wanna watch it with me?

PLEASE, for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT click anywhere it asks you to play a video. I would like to avoid spending next week in Mr. Chaddick's office. LOL

So take a look at these effects links. To get credit for this week: 1) please comment on at least one effect OR 2) tell us about YOUR favorite movie special effect. MY FAVORITE!!!


Brookshire, B-1 said...

My favorite special effect out of all the movies was the Hannibal Lecture ate that dudes brain. To be able 2 make that guys head look like he had no scalpe was amazing and kindy sick at the same time,lol.

robinson,s-1 said...

Looking at the Top 50 movie special effects page, i saw a couple of effects that i remember watching and wondering to myself how they pulled the shot off. The one from Hannibal, is probably one of the more disturbing ones that ive seen, but at the same time its pretty cool how they shot it.

Avatar was a movie everyone was all hyped up about because of the special effects. And to be honest, the effects were pretty awesome. Practically everything in the movie was CGI, but my favorite were all the different creatures. It was like taking a childs drawing of an imaginary animal (one that combines like 3 differnt animals all into one) and bringing it to life on the screen. Pretty cool stuff.

Szu-yung said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patton,A-1 said...

my favorite special effect is the matrix and how he leaned back and dogded the bullets. they actually hang them from a wire and send the bullets on at a time instead of all at once and the i like how they rotated around the character

villanueva, manuel, N. 1 said...

well....I really have two special effects that I really liked and they were the hanibal where they made it seem like he ate the brain. And the other one is the matrix one when he bends his back and dodges the bullets.

jeffress,r-1 said...

I have always loved watching movies, especially new ones, and getting to see all the spectacular special effects. It is amazing to see how a camera can rotate around an actor and make them seem frozen. The way it is accomplished is by firing the cameras around the person sequintially and as slow as possible. Also I love the slow speed chases because you see everything going on and get all the action out of it. The motion blur makes the chase seem realistic!!!

Padilla, J - 3 said...

I guess my favorite movie special effect is in Star Wars specifically revenge of the sith. The scene when anakin/darth vader and obi wan were fighting around the lava must have been really tricky to shoot. The background looked so real. Oh, and I just have to say, I hated 2001: A Space Odyssey. I just didn't get it, it was sooo boring!and what was up with the random cube surrounded by monkeys in the begining?

Sampietro, M-3 said...

I am big Star Trek fan. Yeah, I'm a nerd...So what? Anyway, for as many times as the special effects are riduculously gooberish and unbelievable, some of the effects are REALLY cool. Not so much in the older episodes, but come on, that was in the 60s when TV was first developing, and the effects were pretty good for that day and age. Anyway, I would have to say that in pretty much all of the newer movies (made in the later
80s and 90s) the effects always impress me. I have to say that my favorite is the borgs in "First Contact." Those ain't no special effects people. Those are real people in extremely impressive costumes! Each borg is different and all the parts are handmade. They never cease to terrify me! Also, the ships on the Star Trek movies always impress me. They are so lifelike, but they are just small models that are used to look like gigantic space ships! Mrs. L, if you are not a Star Trek fan, I recommend that we watch some Star Trek together sometime. lol

Wiley, C - 3 said...

My favorite special effect out the movive The Matrix is when he dodge the bullet.

Pina, R-2 said...

My favorite movie special effect of all time is when, in the OLD Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy Krueger pulls this dude into his bed and blood starts shooting out of the bed and onto the ceiling... EPIC!!

Garza, G-4 said...

I really liked how the water on "The Day After Tomorrow" really looks real and admire the creator's smarts because it must have been extremely difficult to create fake water in manhattan.

Spruiell, S - 4 said... everyone knows that back in the '60s when technology was just starting to poke its head into motion pictures in the form of special effects, yea, they were a little hokey. It is, for this very reason, that i am more impressed with the older movies that made the Top 50 Special Effects list. "Jason and the Argonauts," interestingly enough, holds the place of number 33 with Jason's battle with the skeleton/warriors. I remember seeing this, and since the movie came out in '63, yea the animation was a little wonky, but i remain impressed.

One that i really like that's a little more modern is Spielberg's "War of The Worlds" (2005), the ILM shot where the bridge collapses. I think this one was pretty well-done; and i like that the "guy holding the camera" didn't use that super-shaky, annoying thing that they do in scary movies. That pretty much just makes me dizzy...anyways, this was a pretty good use of modern CGI technology to create a pretty rad special effect, at least to me. (Btw, its number 16 on the Top 50 list)

Morones, C - 4 said...

if i were asked what my favorite effect in movies was .... i don't know. sorry. it's so hard to pick. there's effects in Avatar that grab me and Transformers as well.
but the first thing that comes to my head right now is stop animation in Wallace and Gromit and Tim Burton works and the Star Trek series.

bushiey, k - 4 said...

One of my faveorite movies with special effects would be Terminator 3. Arnold Schwarzenegger
has half robot and half normal face. The lighting and textures make this look so real.

Tate, T - 6 said...

I know that it was one of the first effects that were listed, but afeter reading about some others, this one seemed to stick out the most. I liked the explanation of how they shoot the matrix scenes in the movie. I would have never thought that when they rotate around the character, it is really just about 30 still cameras that just "fire at once."
It is actually something that I think I could recreate on my own with alot of work. The whole idea is pretty simple, it is just the process of putting it all together.

Unger, B - 6 said...

Okay, I'm going to comment on the scene from "back to the future" with the flying car. I think the technology was great for the time period, I mean look what people have done today with Avatar. To me the flying car is very realastic, and they did it in a very believeable way (even though the site I visited said in the "fake" car theres no headlights shineing on the road, but while the "real" car hits the ground there is now a reflection of the headlights on the road). I just really love that movie.

A recent movie that I enjoyed that had amazing special effects was Avatar. Though it was mainly animated, it seemed as though it wasn't, which to me is truely amazing. Animation technology is becoming more and more realistic - its fascinating.

lyles,m-6 said...

I was looking at the Top 50 movie special effects,and in the list,i saw a movie that i used to watch ALLLL the time,but it never really looked like it had any special effects anywhere in it.This movie would be forrest gump.I had no idea that lt.dan's lower legs where really just thru two holes in the bed.they made this look so real,i never even noticed it, even make it look like one of his nubs moved across the sheet.thats really weirdddd.

Padilla, E - 6 said...

i think the matrix is pretty kool how he was hanged from a wire and how they rotate around the character and instead of sending all the nullets at once they send one at a time...

Lanham said...

Ummm . . . Hannibal Lecter? Ugh. LOL

Ryan-o . . . the sequentially firing cameras in the Matrix shot is very cool. A long time ago I saw a documentary on how they developed that technique.

Mia . . . I'm so not a Star Trek fan! LOL. I do remember watching some of those older episodes and thinking how those special effects must have been the bomb, ya know, back in the day.

Miranda . . . think about the scene where Lt. Dan jumps off the side of the shrimp boat and swims away. Remember him swinging his stumps over the side of the boat?

Bethany . . .LOL @ the flying car. That one was from *my* day, and we were very impressed with those effects. And even more so with the effects in the second one(?) where he rides the flying skateboard. It might have been the third one, or fourth one, or . . .

Clark,A-7 said...

My favorite special effect is the lightsabers in the starwars movies. i was saddened when i found out that they just used poles andsticks instead of actual lightsabers during the making of the last (actually the first made) three movies. it ruined my childhood...

Tutt, S - 7 said...

Geeezzzzzzzz... I've got a lot of favorite special effect most of them would come from all of the star wars movie like Darth Vadors force choke or force lighning. I love the movie Wallie it was excellent. Where THe Wild Things Are was an amazing movie.

Small,K-6 said...

I've never seen Hannibal Lecter, but I have seen a Japanese movie with a scene similar to when Hannibal cut off the guy's scalp. I can't recall the name of it, but it was about a retired actress who was a mad scientist and planned to transplant her brain into her daughter's 'perfect body'. The movie showed the whole process, including the cutting of the scalp, the drilling of the skull, and the removal and switching of the brains. It was mega cool, and gross at the same time.

Vinther,T-2 said...

I'm surprised the movie 2012 hasn't been mentioned yet. Although overdone, the special effects in this movie were amazing from start to finish; Each disaster in this movie seemed unbelievably realistic.

Fedun, M-7 said...

So I never realized how much time and effort was put into some of these effects. The panoramic view of the frozen or slow motion is really cool. I never thought of how to do it until they said using lots of cameras all around him. This sounds really precise and hard to do. I now have a new respect for some of these special effects are made and the effort put into them.

Baker,M-1 said...

Mrs. L i have to say, I LOVE action scenes. Its not worth watching unless something get blown up. So i have 2 fav special effects. 1 is from Transformers- the (entire) fight scene. Some of which is robots, most of which is CGI.

My second fav is the super-speed thing from the Superman series that used to run. Its so much better than Twilight "Oh looks i was there now im here" thing. They actually show the movements (in really awesome blur XD)

Culbertson, D-1 said...

One of my all time favorite special effects would have to be in Avatar, when the entire planet's animal population comes to attack the humans when Ai'Wa calls them. It was insane, lol..

Nealy,J/1 said...


brooks.hobie said...

Mrs.L id have to agree with u on that Abyss has my favorite movie xf.

Parkhurst, M-2 said...

I think its really cool how they can make an object seem frozen or be moving in slow motion, just by positioning a TON of cameras around the object or actor in motion and taking shots from different angles. The fact that they can do all of that just by order and precision is just amazing.

Abernathy, J-2 said...

I like the terminators so im gonna have to say the special effects in all four of those movies is pretty cool. Just all the robots/humans and action scenes with them all is just amazing.

anderson a-2 said...

One of the special effects that i like would be the stop-motion animation. it is used in a wide variety of movies but i like it because it give you a sense of 3d (kinda) for example in the matrix when neo had to fight Mr. Anderson (clones) all the slow-motion in the air moments were stop-motion of some of them were.

villanueva,f-2 said...

my favorite special effect is when Manhattan gets flooded in the Day After Tomorrow the fluid simulation work in the flood sequences

Szu-yung said...

My favourite special effect of all movies is when Hannibal the Cannibal cut that dude's scalp off and ate his brain. It's the most disturbing scene I've ever seen in my entire life. I fast forward it through that part =D

gonzalez, c-2 said...

i like the transformers things they way the put those robots in when the cars are crashing its awsome.. i really like the special effects in avatar aswell but i think that alice in wonderland went a bit harder the avatar only in the special effects.. but avatar went harder as a movie than alice in wonderland but transformers went even harder than both of them.

Anonymous said...

I believe Avatar was really pretty and done very well, but I think that it's kind of expected...I mean, our technology is really advanced. I think we should be more of so questioning why Navis aren't literally jumping out into the theater next to us.

So I'm going to have to say my favorite seen in a movie was the realistic look of the T-rex from Jurassic Park. It just looked so real, honestly! I used to be super scared watching it as a kid. :) The only other movie with realistic looking dinosaurs in it was Dinosaur (the one from disney in 2000), but that was all pretty much CGI. It's just different when there are real people standing next to the T-rex, you know?

perry, w - 3 said...

my favorite movie effect would be the transformers i just love that movie i just like to sit and watch the movie a lot. my favorite effect of the movie would be when robots start to come to life and when they begin to start to fight

reichert, s-3 said...

Special effects have alwayse interested me. from computers to special make up it's all pretty cool. It's hard to say what exactley my favorite is. I love in Sean Of The Dead and Zombie Land how they made the zombies and blood and gore to look soooo real yet somehow commical.

payton, j - 3 said...

One of my favorite special effects comes from the new movie twilight New Moon when the boy transformed to a wolf it was so cool not very realistic but alot of fanatasy movies are...

Deckard, D-3 said...

The T-rex on both jurrasic parks were great, for years i was scared of that movie and could finish it till i was like 13. But my favorite would have to be the effects in the Transformers movie. Those were geat and made watching the movie feel so real and a great experience.

Harper, T - 3 said...

I liked the Persistence of vision it allows images ti seem persist for a brief moment of once you close your eyes you still see it. but my favorite special effect movie is Avatar that is a really good movie with lots of kool things. like the Robots and the different looking planes

Flynn,R-3 said...

Watching amazing speacial effects in movies is pretty entertaining, but what's more awesome and [time-consuming] than creating speacial effects yourself. I used to take speacial effect tutorials on for my internship, and there was one particular lesson that consisted of an actor getting brutally hit by a car.-this project was suprisingly fairly simple [with the right equipment]... Anyways, speacial effects...

Flynn,R-3 said...

Watching amazing speacial effects in movies is pretty entertaining, but what's more awesome and [time-consuming] than creating speacial effects yourself. I used to take speacial effect tutorials on for my internship, and there was one particular lesson that consisted of an actor getting brutally hit by a car.-this project was suprisingly fairly simple [with the right equipment]... Anyways, speacial effects...

Yarbrough, V - 3 said...

my favorite effect was the rushing water in the Day After Tommorrow it looked so real I was every shocked and surprise that it was tweened into the movie and didn't know tweening had so much power anyways i look forward to seeing and talking about more things that may concern the subjects that we have been taught

alvarado, m-4 said...

my favorite movie effect was in the movie transformers, the part when bumblebee first transforms

Willis, A - 4 said...

*My favorite effects in scary movies like when they kill someone and make it look so real when it isnt. I think thats really neat.*

Cole, S - 4 said...

One of my favorite effects is the one from The Fearless Vampire Killers (#37 out of the top 50).The one where there in a ballroom and only the 'infiltrators' could be seen in the mirror so they got doubles to stand in the mirror and copy what the real ones did!

Pixley, J-4 said...

Im kinda stuck between 2 movies, its either the road chase scene in Transformers where Bonecrusher is chasing Optimus where he crashes through cars and the bridge or in Terminator II (the 3D version) we saw it at disney world, the evil guy (the one that can regenerate himself, and looks like melted lead) his face pops out of the screen and there were swirls everywhere that connected his head to his body while he was RIGHT in your face talking to you. lol i remember i got so scurd (i was little then)

shepherd, a - 4 said...

on The Fearless Vampire Killers instead of having an acctual mirror and having to remove all but the "human" guests, there were doubles standing behind a frame to make it seem like all the vampires' reflections aren't there...also i like Transformers because they used actual models to figure out how the robots would seem realistic...they acctually fold up into cars!!! how cool is that?!! if only they could make that into real robots!

Wilson, J - 6 said...

My favorite special effects were the TRANSFORMERS 2 movie. Its amazing how they turn them from nice cars to robots. It took years to do that. YEARS!! Thats my favorite special effect of all times.

Miller, R - 6 said...

my favorite special effect out of the moveis was The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967) - The party-crashers revealed. i love scary moveis....

Small,K-6 said...

Oops, saw that it only posted about half of my comment. The other half was an explanation of how explosions would have to be my favorite special effect. When I was in middle school, there was a presentation about special effects, and small explosions were one of the things shown to us. It was pretty cool.

chitopina-2 said...

The best special effects would have to go to the Transformers. Its so amazing to see these huge robots destroy the city and watch them transform and see all the parts move around and hear all those cool noises!

liber,k-6 said...

I like how in transformers they dont seem that out of place they actually seem like they belong in the shot how real its looks.

Esparza,J-7 said...

Um. What about Saw. All the special effects are awesome there. Like the girl in the sixth movie that chops of her arm, or the girl from like the fourth movie that gets hit in the face with like ten nails that go into her face. Or the guy that cuts his foot off in the first one, the girl who's head gets blown off in the third, the guy who is crushed in the fifth, the guy who gets filled with acid and then he starts like melting from the inside out, or any of the other different effects to make Saw 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and the seventh coming out in 3D this October.

Rodriguez,A-2 said...

well i would have never known that they actually built robots for transformers i like the movie and the special effects on it..but my favorite is the new fast and the in the beggining of the movie that theyre tryina steal the in think is gas from that truck that catches on fire and rolls right on top of them and then blows up..yea i like that one

Gonzalez, M - 6 said...

transformers, transformers, transformers. hahahaha duude, still think is a mad cool movie. all that they use, makes it all come seem so realistic, such as the motion blur. pretty neat!

Long, W - 7 said...

okay so i been watching avatar in my art class and sweet holy moly it is sooo awesome the special effect is amazing it looks sooo cool but the matrix is pretty awesome too when he dodges the bullets and spiderman movies also are really cool with the web swinging special effects

Crenshaw, K - 7 said...

wow i didnt kno that the scene in forrest gump was special effects i was just watching forrest gump yesterday and was wondering if it was special effects or did he really lose his legs but now i know

Cole, V - 7 said...

So an actor jumps into the air, seems to stop, as the camera goes around him, before the actor comes smashing down some form of weapon into his enemey's head.

The use of several cameras that all go off at once, and then are played back one at a time in order to achieve this effects. I'm not going to lie, I've always kinda wondered how they've done this. And now I know.

(Btw, The Matrixs is one of my favorite movies.)

Cole, V - 7 said...

So an actor jumps into the air, seems to stop, as the camera goes around him, before the actor comes smashing down some form of weapon into his enemey's head.

The use of several cameras that all go off at once, and then are played back one at a time in order to achieve this effects. I'm not going to lie, I've always kinda wondered how they've done this. And now I know.

(Btw, The Matrixs is one of my favorite movies.)

Baker,M-1 said...

OH! I totally forgot about the matrix bullets XD.

Dodgimg bulltes must be hard, especially when they aren't there XP

Baker,M-1 said...

@Colleen- you know sometimes the dinos in the movies are really life size robots.

Trikosko, M-1 said...

I really haven't thought about what special effect I like the most is, but I did like the metal-liquidy thing in Terminator 2 that shape shifted into other people, that was cool.

Gonzalez, C-1 said...

I've always wondered about the interchangable models of the robots on transformers. I still can't wrap my head about them being actually real on certain scenes. Also, some of the scenes got me, like when Optimus I think was tackled by or tackled that bulldozer guy, knocked off a portion of the bridge and fell infront of the car with the kid. That was pretty amazing and I still question it. Plus, I still don't believe it a little because I have not seen it and want to super bad. I can't imagine how much work was put into that, moving and transforming, so I've been told. We've really made some pushes in the entertainment businesses and are really making some strides. One can only wait to see whats next.

Hawkins, M - 3 said...

The movie I liked most about uts speacial effects was 2010...I liked how al the roadsand building were crashing down and apart...that made it look so real...kinda scary tho...

Asquith,C-3 said...

I've always enjoyed scary movies, so of course i'm going to comment on Hannibal. Whoever thought this up, MUST be a little sick in the head, because that was insane, discusting, and cool all at the same time...reading about the special effects put into the making of this scene was very interesting..the only thing they could have improved on was the dark background behind the man's head. This made it look kinda unrealistic at times, but for the most part no one will notice, because they are too freaked!

Jones, C - 4 said...

Saving Private Ryan: Bullets passing through the water effect was pretty awesome. It would have to be an extemely stressful moment to know that you're underwater, can't breath, you have a friend on your back, and people are shooting at you (Bullets wont actually pass through water like that but it was a cool effect despite the physical imposibility).
I loved the effects in the movie Armageddon. That movie is a real tear jerker. One of my favorites. The visual effects add to creating the drama in the movie.

Morrison,K-1 said...

Okay, you can call me lame if you want, but I remember Pete's Dragon from Disney! That was a pretty good movie considering when it was made. I mean a fire breathing dragon. It was made in 1977! Also I remember Waterworld (Am I the only likes it?). The explosions, under water scenes and everything. But yeah that's all for now.

Lanham said...


Hoffman, C - 7 said...

There are two scene's in particular from one movie that I consider two of my favorites. That movie is John Carpenters The Thing, his remake of the 50's horror sci-fi movie The Thing from Another World and an adaptation of a short story called Who Goes There?. The two scene's in particular are the operation scene and my personal favorite of the movie the infamous blood test scene, where they are trying to find out who's the thing by taking a sample of each of their blood and burning it with a piece of hot wire. I consider it to be one of the most convincing and greatest looking effects scene's of all time due to the fact that it is practical, and made so well that it doesn't look fake.

mayfield,s-1 said...

Avatar has alot of special effects that I like .when he first got into the avatar body and at the end when they were fighting the humans. Men In Black has nice special effects and Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.

Goff,R-2 said...

My favorite movie effect was in the greatest movie made! AVATAR. I loved how almost 3/4 of the movie was animated, and it looked so real, not to mention how the 3D made it literally seem like I was flying with the Navii.
The world that was created is full of light up plants and flourescent animals, I mean how BEAST is that?! Although many of my friends tell me this is nothing but pocahantas with smurfs, I believe it is because they could not appreciate the greatness of the design and effects!

T-Williams said...

I want to comment on the SFX in Forrest Gump. I think its really funny how they just put his legs through the little holes in the bed but it still look so real. You see people in movies all the time that have no limbs and wonder how they make it look so real, when in fact, its just a little bit of making holes in a bed frame or something of that sort.

zavala,P -3 said...

my special movie effect would be matrix, when the guy bend his back and dudges the bullet. another movie would be avatar. i really enjoyed those movies.

Howard, Z - 4 said...

CGI is a great special effect. It really helps let your imagination become real life and actually makes it look believable! its great, and 2 movies that pull it off quite well would be transformers and avatar

Miller, R - 6 said...

i know im going to fail this class... neontay
im the best u eva had... rynesha miller
only 2 restroom passes per 6 wks... mr .L

Jim Taylor said...

My favorite effect was the whole island in King Kong. it was actually a miniature island three-six feet tall. I have a picture of it in my major grade project thingy.

Cortines,m-2 said...

OO movie effects!!! This is a tough one for me to pick a favorite!!! Of course, the one that still gives me a great adrenaline rush after however many years it's been since I started watching it is JURASSIC PARK! I love this movie so much! And (even before I read that little effect countdown) I have ALWAYS thought it was the most amazing effect in any movie! The dinosaurs still look so real to me! And the animation has really held up over the years. The quality in Jurassic Park far surpasses all the effects I've seen in recent movies with "computer-animated" effects. "Clever girl....."

Cortines,m-2 said...

Oh I forgot to say that I still love my Star Trek, Star Wars, and Hannibal effects as well. But nothing holds a candle to Jurassic Park...

perry, w - 3 said...

has your heat stop beating when you workinng in photoshop and adobe illustratio or macromedia 8 yes my heart feel like that and ill just call ms. lanham and say this computer tripping lol yeah ill miss that alot

cortes, j - 3 said...

I say that the best special effects are in the original StarWars trilogy, at the time the effects were way ahead of what anyone thought was possible.
Lightsaber. Flying in space. Lasers. and Sith Lightning

Goad, G - 7 said...

ya so the main reason i like transformers was the sweet special effects, and meagan fox of course, but really it was a whole new ball game when tranformers came out, the only thing that has come close to it since then was avatar, but sformers is still better