Monday, February 6, 2012

Blog 20 2/6/12


So there were some other cool things unveiled at CES that we haven't discussed yet.

How about a refrigerator that is smart enough to tell you not to get that ice cream treat out after dinner? Or smart enough to place an order at the grocery store?

How about a vaccuum cleaner that you can run from a remote location? Can you imagine sitting there in your nice, comfortable living room and all of a sudden your vaccuum cleaner takes off? I would freak out.

So go read this article. I'll play the video. For blog credit this week pick one of the things discussed in this article and give your opinion.

Talk to me . . .


Anonymous said...

The smart fridge is the best idea anybody as come up with instead of you having to remember everything thats in it or what you need to go get its going to do that for you.Now people can really be lazy.
K~Mac, 1st

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i like the smart refrigerator because it can help me eat healthy. and i will know when something is spoiled..

Anonymous said...

i would love to have that frige because im one of those people who hears the little voice telling me not to eat it but do it anyway but it would take some getting use to cause we have never had technology this good ~Miara

Anonymous said...

I like the remote control vaccum, but doesn't it present a security issue? What if someone gains access and controls your vacum. They will be able to see if any one is home, or worse be watching your family.

Michael 1st period

Anonymous said...

i like the smart refrigerator because it can help me eat healthy. and i will know when something is spoiled..

djarius williams-1st

Anonymous said...

I really like the smart fridge, even though the facial recognition is a little creepy. I like that you don't have to make a shopping list, because you can instantly see what you have at the store. Also, knowing the expiration dates would help because then you wouldn't buy too much of something and waste your money.

-Tobin, 1st

Anonymous said...

I like the vacuum cleaner because I can clean the house and be somewhere else all at the same time. The idea that I can use my smart phone to clean my house is awesome. Plus this would definitely freak out my dad when the vacumm automatically comes on an he didn't even touch.


Anonymous said...

The talking frige is a real good idea to me because there will be a lot of skinny people and I think that it would be very funny when your trying to eat something you really want and it would not let you. It would be better if it can't actually get mad and threaten the person if you don't listen to it. That would make eveything better!

Nhi #1

Anonymous said...

Okay seriously they are going to make a talking refridgerator? How cool is that? You do know that there are certain people out there that will find a way to hack it and bypass the sercurity system. On the other hand I will admit that A LOT of people, including teens and children, NEED this. Our over weight population is spiraling out of control and we do need this out ASAP. Trust me I will buy it long after Im dead, and use it to my full potential.

-Justin 1st

Anonymous said...

I like the talking refrigerator, because it will help out the people that “say” they are trying to diet or stop eating so late. It also helps whenever you’re at the grocery store and you do not remember what you have in your refrigerator. I really need that, because whenever I go to the store I pick up items that I already have and I don’t know it until I get home. On the other hand, I would probably break it, because when I want a snack from the refrigerator I WANT IT THEN!! It sort of reminds me of another mother…

Anonymous said...

The talking frige is a real good idea to me because there will be a lot of skinny people and I think that it would be very funny when your trying to eat something you really want and it would not let you. It would be better if it can actually get mad and threaten the person if you don't listen to it. That would make eveything better!

Nhi #1

Anonymous said...

The vacuum cleaner is a very good idea i believe because if you are at outside, in the elavator, or at school and your parents want the carpet vacumed of the kitchen floor sweeped, it is possible to do this choir from another location. Plus being able to see where you vacumm using your i-phone is very benificial. What i would like it to do would be a guard against robbery when we are out or tell the cat not to lay on the couch.
Victor - 1st

Anonymous said...

Okay I think that the Vacuum is creepy and lazy. A vacuum that can run itself and has a camera is already going to far. Your supposed to use a vacuum to clean the floor.

Ale Diaz 4th Period

Anonymous said...

Being able to check on the progress of chores throughout the house without leaving your couch is a terrible idea. People are already lazy enough. It started with the remote control tv and now where will it end???

-Blake 4th

Anonymous said...

OMG!! the frige thing is awesome! tombs up for the frige that can tell whats in it, where is the food and when something is spoiled.

-Paz 4th

Anonymous said...

I would like EVERYTHING that was said in the video... i'm not lazy.. i just know how to conserve energy and this is a great way to do it!! if i don't have to get up to vaccuum would be great!! and maybe next the refrigerator won't just talk to you, it'll go get the things you need for you!!!!:)
Gavin 4th

Anonymous said...

the fridge thing is a little weird. i dont like that my fridge could possibly tell me what i have in it and i would hate for an electronic ran thing to try and tell me what i can and cant eat. it would really make me mad and irritated hearing that ive had to much sweets or sugar or anything. so i dont like the fridge.
curly 4th

Birdie said...

The smart fridge is super awesome. It's something that as a yungsta I never thought about. Like when we was young we all thought about the super fast cars, flying cars and everything. I never thought about a human refrigerator.

D'Ante Riggins-4th

Anonymous said...

The smart fridge is a good thing to have in your house because I know im not the only one that always opens the fridge expecting something new to be there everytime I open it and when something new is finally in there, the fridge would tell you.

Jeron G. 4th Pd.

Anonymous said...

Well, the talking fridge is cool and all, but I think scanning fifty things before you put it in the fridge every time you go to the store would get old pretty fast. Plus, I don't really want a text message informing me that the pack of weenies we forgot to use is about to expire. Or has expired. Or is still expired, please take it out. I do not want a nagging refrigerator. "No more brownies for you! By the way, you are out of brownies. Shall I add it to the grocery list?"

-Brittany Wells. 4th

Anonymous said...

A smart fridge is one of the best idea's for dieters, especdially if it keeps track of the foods you eat and whats in your fridge. It would allow you to make better choices and stick with your diet sucessfully.
-Ashley 4th

Anonymous said...

The smart refregirator is cool. I like the way they say it knows how much food is in the fridge. And how you can access your food information from your phone if you were out shpping. Ohhh and how the fridge can cool your drink in a few minutes is awsome. Its something id would like to have at my house.

Bonifilio Soto 4th

Anonymous said...

i really like the smart refrigerator because it will tell me what is healthy and what has expired and spoiled.

Osman 5th

Anonymous said...

a talking fridge?! HOLLERRRR that would be way helpful when you forget the list at home. and it knows all the experation dates. but the vaccum thing is kinda lazy. like really you cant vaccum for ten minutes?? come on...

elizabeth turner 5th

Anonymous said...

my best friend is probally the fridge and what it holds, so to have a fridge talk to me, it'd be awesome. I'm cool with a fridge telling me that I have everything I need for my mom to make me something. sounds good :D

-The Boss; David Radnitzer

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of the talking fridge. I think its nice to know what is in your fridge, and when it will expire without having to get up. Also it will help people stick to their diet yay :D.
-Ivette F. P5

Anonymous said...

I like the vaccume because I HATE to vaccume my house. I would love to have the house all vaccumed and clean when I get off work so it is one less thing to be worried about.
Wonderful idea.


Anonymous said...

I think the fridge is really cool. I really like how it talks because it could tell me what is healthy to eat and what is not. It would also help to keep me from eating too much. I would definitely buy this.
-Meleah 5th

Anonymous said...

Well i like the smart fridge, I think its super cool and conveniant that you can go to your phone and see what is in your fridge so that you will know what to get at the store. Also its nice that the fridge will tell you when something is about to expire/expired. The smart fridge is good for when your going to the store and forget to put milk on the grocery list, you can just look in the fridge right from your phone.
Ellen Ash-5th

Anonymous said...

were all going to end up looking like walle's cartoon people...i mean i dont like to clean and the vaccum seems like a good concept but it just seems a little too much for me...the grocery thing is nice
sometimes forget to get some grocerys from the store...and ive tried a "list" doesnt maybe if my phone reminds me ill remember
-norma 5th

Anonymous said...

i would hate to have that new vacuume cleaner. if that thing came in my room and started talking to me i would flip out. i would not like to have to control it like some remote control car. the fridge, on the other hand is sweeeeeet. i would love to have that and it would keep me accountable.
Caroline Kingham 5

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of the smart fridge because it will be really helpful for those who have a hard time sticking to a diet, or are too lazy to get up and check how much food is in it before they go grocery shopping. Inventions like this show how much our society is evolving, and in a few years I see it being in every household. It's a very creative idea. I'd buy it.

Anonymous said...

I think fridge is cool idea because maybe my step dad will lose weight with something talking to him but to be to argue though.

david b. 5th

Anonymous said...

I love the fridge idea cause it tells you when your food is going to expire and how much for ex: milk you have in the jug.

Darian B 5th

Anonymous said...

I dont know if i would want my refrigerator talking to me but it is a cool idea and probably a great thing to have but ill feel more confortbable with making my own decisions on what to get out of the refrigerator without putting in information abotu my weight.(:
-AMBRIA NICOLE CURL <3. -5th per.

Anonymous said...

I like how it has a camera inside so you can have a good view of whats inside so you know what you would need to buy.

Raul 7th

Anonymous said...

While the refrigerator is really cool, I have to say the the vaccum would be hysterical to have. Being the awful person that I am, I would sit on the couch and chase various pets around the house with previously mentioned vaccum. Muahaha. Not to mention all those small children who think the vaccum is going to eat them. It'll be a childs version of Stephan Kings "Christine"


Anonymous said...

Dude I'm loving the vacum cleaner. It would be so convienient to be able to vacum the house from any where, but I like it the best because you can use it to go around the house and even talk to people with it!

Nicholas Morin - 7th period

Anonymous said...

I really like the smart fridge a lot. it would help a lot because i forget what i need to get at the store a lot and come back home with stuff missing. being able to tell you when you are running low on something would also help a lot.

Shaq - 7th

Anonymous said...

I think the fridge would be helpful to remember what you have and how much you have of it left. This would help in overloading on the groceries you don't need & spend the money on something else.

Eric M-7th

Anonymous said...

while i think that the whole fridge idea is going to make a lot of money, i would never use one myself cause i eat constantly,i would find it inconvenent to have my own fridge yelling at me to stop

matt c,7th

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of the smart fridge, it would be so cool because you can know what's on your fridge when you're at the store shopping. The vaccuum would be scary if out of nowhere it started to talk to someone.
-Diana 7th pd.

Anonymous said...

I want the fridge! At my house we can never remember what's in our fridge nor when stuff goes bad. That would be a really useful feature to have, also I like that it can suggest recipes. Hopefully the recipes that it would suggest would only be of ingredients that are actually in there cause it's always rather frustrating when you want to cook something and then have to go buy forty dollars worth of ingredients specifically for one recipe, just sayin'.

-Ashley 7th

Anonymous said...

WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE????? Are you so lazy that you cant get up off of your butt to vacume for like a min.?? you have to sit down prop your feet up and controle the vaccum via i-phone!!! Apple is going to rule the world!!! this is so rediculous! if i ever got one of those for christmas or something id throw it at the person who gave it to me!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i Believe that the smart fridge is a briliant idea specially in the U.S were we suffer from obesity. This would control the way we eat and would improve our lifestyles.

M.huesca 7th

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of the dieting fridge thing! I'm pretty sure it's the mots amazing idea ever
But it seems like only a few handful of people would actually get this kind of fridge. I mean, there aren't thaaat many health concious people out there. And people who start "dieting" may buy this thinking it will help but end up dissapointed when they realllly wanted that ice cream. You know?
I'd like it though :) it's pretty nifty.

-Katherine :) 7th

Anonymous said...

I admit that have a fridge that keeps stock of its own contents all on its own is impressive and also a very useful appliance. However, I would not want this fridge if all it did is tell me what to eat. I'll be honest here and say that I'm not the healthiest eater, but I don't need a stupid refridgerator telling me everytime I go to get icecream!

Gage Green-7

Anonymous said...

This fridge is hardcore!!!!
my only concern is that if you make does the fridge know when it goes bad or how bad it is for a just sayin, if you need a fridge like that......sorry boutcha
-luke 7th

Anonymous said...

The SMART Fridge is a pretty cool idea. It tells you what needs to be checked. The only problem I have is the corporation that it is with. SMART technology uses tracking microchips to find where people are. Never really liked that thought.

Knowing that the fridge can make healthy choices for the user is nice. I just hope they don't modify it.If the fridge will not open because it did a bio scan on what needed to be ate, I would absolutely hate that fridge. Otherwise it would be fine. I would take the Voice recognition software and engineer it in my car. Thumbs up for creativity. ^_^

But fridges that could talk to you is pretty interesting. It almost sounds Biblical.
The Beast will be able to breathe life into the statue and make it speak. (Rev.13:14-16).
Smart fridges are definately BEAST MODE.

~Matthew DeWard Period 7

Anonymous said...

I like the smart fridge because i look in it constantly, and the ability to look in my fridge without having to get off the couch to see if we have anything good would be great.

Anonymous said...

The fridge has got to be one of the most exiting inventions i have seen in a looooong time. Despite the slight creepiness aspect of having a talking fridge that can refuse you, it is an amazing idea to use techknology to help with diet. The scanning system really surprised me. I didnt think that was possible. I could deffinately see this invention emmerge as the new standard for fridges around the world.
ross c. - 7

Anonymous said...

The smart fridge is a very awesome idea.I like how it can keep your diet and inventory organized. I like how you can have a different profiles for each family member making it more customized to eat persons eating plan.
Savannah -8th

Anonymous said...

I think the smart fridge is an awesome idea! I think it'd be a great thing for the fridge to encourage people to eat less fats and more healthy foods. I think this idea could possibly help decrease obesity in America.
Kacy 8th

Anonymous said...

The smart fridge is a good idea but at the same time a bit weird. Smart because it would really help alot when your at the grocery and have no clue what your doing at the grocery store. But in my opinion it would be akward to receive a text message from your fridge.

Anonymous said...

I think that the LG refrigerator camera is really cool because you wouldn't have to be at home to check on the things that you'd need to buy. You could just go to the store and see what's in your refrigerator from home.

Trenton Birdwell - 8th

Anonymous said...

The smart fridge is a good idea but at the same time a bit weird. Smart because it would really help alot when your at the grocery and have no clue what your doing at the grocery store. But in my opinion it would be akward to receive a text message from your fridge.
-Juanita 8th

Anonymous said...

The smart fridge is pretty legit. I do not really care about dieting so really th talking and telling me not to get something out of it would kind of creep me out/tick me off. Like it should tell me not to get the stuff in the first place ya know? But, everything else about it is awesome and super covenient. I know when my mom goes shopping she will at least forget five things that she needed and being able to look inside all the way from the super market is nice. Plus i wouldnt have to worry about eating something that has gone bad with the notifications on expiration dates.
Sam 8

Anonymous said...

i think that this new idea of a fridge is cool and all, but ultimatly it is too complicated. Simply looking in your fidge before you go to the store is a far more afordable and simpler way of managing your grocery list.
@ReidPerry 8th

Anonymous said...

The smart fridge i just think its too much... Its good in a way beacuse that way u can remeber everything you need wen you go to the store.. but it just going to make you lazy and dependent on a computer.

Anonymous said...

I really like the idea of the talking fridge because it will tell you what not to eat when your in a diet and it will remind you what to get in a grocery store.
-Andrew 8th

Anonymous said...

I think that the smart fridge is a good idea. It could be very helpful and be put to good use when you don't know what you need from the store.

Miranda Day said...

The ThinQ Smart refrigerator is seriously amazing. Dieting is full of tips and tricks, but ultimately it comes down to serious self-control. This fridge even takes THAT out of the equation. The freezing capabilities are also impressive, but I am most wowed by the automatic inventory. Scanning food items might seem like a pain, but if I had this fridge I really wouldn't mind that much because it would keep me WAY more organized. I hope that they are able to add the food-ordering capability without much trouble: this would just make the whole system complete. Grocery shopping would just become another obsolete activity, making way for more important (and less boring) things. I only wish that there was also some type of pantry/cabinet as part of it, so that we could store room temperature foods in the same way.

Anonymous said...

The Smart Fridge is a really great idea to manage your you time, and conviently knowing whats in your fridge without the trouble of hunting for it. Overall its pretty good but its kinda lazy.
-GaryB, 8th

Anonymous said...

that fridge vioce controlled for and drive carzy for text cool. why cool is good idea for carzy future lucasjardon

Anonymous said...

The smart fridge is pretty sweet. I always want a person to be there and say you can't have that, or that's bad for you, or whatnot. America could be a lot better off if we all had this smart fridge...Everyone would eat so much healthier! And it's awesome that you can make a shopping list and make an order for the grocery store. It would make life quite a bit easier.
-Ellen 1st

Anonymous said...

I find the vacuum cleaner that can be controlled from a remote location, send messages, video monitor, and obviously vacuum to be most interesting. I think that it would be used very often in a household like mine. Most especially when no one is home.
Brittany Diaz 1st period

Anonymous said...

The smart fridge is kinda scary. Like at night if i go to the kitchen to grab some from the fridge then aoutnowhere the fridge starts talking i would be like "whhaatt in the woorrlldd". But it is kool that i talks and knows what you input and output.
1st period HM

Anonymous said...

I like the refrigerator that tells you what food you already have in it and when it will expire. I think its a nice thing to have because what if you want to eat something and the stuff that you need is already nasty and that woulnt be nice because then you are going to have to stop doing what you have started and go to the store and get it and that wouldnt be fun at all.
:) yoana 4th period

Anonymous said...

The smart fridge is awesome its grat for dieters healty eating in greral and is just all around helpful. I never know what is in my messy fridge but the fridge will and it is just really cool Emily 4th

Anonymous said...

That smart fridge by LG is a great idea. The idea of losing weight is now possible for some people who just can't. I am also alittle scared because this new frigde like any thing could mess up and lock you out.

Anonymous said...

so that smart refrigerator thing sounds really cool, but it seems like such a waste of money. i dont really see the point in having a refrigerator that can tell you where your food is. i know where my food is, its in the fridge.
L. Meza-4th

Anonymous said...

The whole fridge thing is alittle weird but kinda cool at the same time, i wouldnt want the fridge to text me when there is something that is about to expire, but then its kinda cool because it will suggest meals for you, and its also kinda cool because its a fridge that will tell you whats in it.
Samantha- 4th

Anonymous said...

Okay, not gona lie. A talking fridge kinda scares me! what if you want something as in a bowl of ice cream and the fridge says no. whats it gona do!! questions are forming in my head at 20 mph. but anyways. its a good invention to have because it does have the ability to tell you what you need when your at the store so you dont forget anything. (it wont be in my house though. lol)

Meagan McG-4th

Anonymous said...

The smart fridge is a good idea but the vaccum seems much better because theres some things you might not need a the store to get and might take it back and the vaccum is doing something that people dont feel like doing.


Anonymous said...

OKAY! The smart fridge. I think I need this fridge... I am a boy, and I need food. BUT! I end up splurging on some food. This fridge would help me control my diet, and it would help me eating healthier. It's pretty cool that it can give you recipes because these recipes can be delicious and healty. TWO BENEFITS! Also, an expiration date notification can be useful because I wouldn't want to be eating anything old and utterly disgusting. This fridge shows very good benefits for society, espicially the American society...

- Neil Baquiran 7th

Devin Bruton said...

i think the smart fridge is a good idea because it helps people maintain their diet that they are trying to follow and gives really good advice for healthy eating

Anonymous said...

the talking fridge is a great idea but im wondering how its going to make sure you dont get into food while your on your diet? will it annoy you to death or will it lock the fridge from the inside? i think the diet thing would be utterly pointless if all it can do is yell at you. the vacum thing seems awesome. jasmine 7th

Anonymous said...

to be honest a smart fridge would scare me. it telling me what to eat and my diet and also when food go spoil...ill take the food spoiling thing but none of the rest. i think they should use this type of technology for something useful as in bettering the world and not some fridge. we have enough of smart fridges i mean come on the one that make and give ice? the one with buttons? yea exactly.

Anonymous said...

I think the smart fridge is kind of going too far with the technology. I mean I like the grocery store idea but the fridge being able to pick a meal for somebody. Or what if it reads a spoiled food wrong, tells a person the food is excellent and the person eats it and well gets really sick.
-8th Destiny C.

Anonymous said...

the smart fridge is good but i dont know i wouldnt buy one cause its just more stuff for us to be lazy .! i mean we need the exercise to the fridge may not be a lot but it is something


Anonymous said...

I honestly think that a "smart" fridge really isnt such of a great idea. Like why would a fridge tell you what you can and cant eat it makes no sense.what is the world coming to. nelis 8th... :)